Why California is failing

If California is so horrible, why does Victor Davis Hanson continue to live here? Why is real estate so expensive if so many California residents are leaving?
California use to be the Golden State. Run mostly by Conservatives the economy boomed and everything was great. It was the place in the US to move to.

But they allowed Illegals to come in. The shitheads came in and the Democrats knew they had a power base to go along with the Negroes, Limousine Libtards and Hippies.

The Illegals, Negroes and Hippies voted their welfare checks and it wasn't long before the Democrats became the dominate party.

Like all Democrats do all the time they fucked everything up, big time.

Now the state is a shithole with the worst schools, most poverty, highest debt, highest taxes, most homelessness, most welfare and tremendous crime. A thousand middle class people are leaving the state every day.

We should use California as a model the Democrats want for the US.

Somebody would have to be a real idiot to ever vote for a Democrat. A real idiot.
Grape farmer. Like so many of CA's farmers they work their butts off with low results. He reminds me of the lazy one who spouts off instead of getting in the real grit.
Do you live in California? I've lived here all my life and I still love it here. I don't plan to leave. :)
California use to be the Golden State. Run mostly by Conservatives the economy boomed and everything was great. It was the place in the US to move to.

But they allowed Illegals to come in. The shitheads came in and the Democrats knew they had a power base to go along with the Negroes, Limousine Libtards and Hippies.

The Illegals, Negroes and Hippies voted their welfare checks and it wasn't long before the Democrats became the dominate party.

Like all Democrats do all the time they fucked everything up, big time.

Now the state is a shithole with the worst schools, most poverty, highest debt, highest taxes, most homelessness, most welfare and tremendous crime. A thousand middle class people are leaving the state every day.

We should use California as a model the Democrats want for the US.

Somebody would have to be a real idiot to ever vote for a Democrat. A real idiot.
No homos in FL? No Blacks in FL? No crime in FL? No bugs in FL? Submerged FL?

I can hear about the peoples exodus from FL with the last one.
No homos in FL? No Blacks in FL? No crime in FL? No bugs in FL? Submerged FL?

I can hear about the peoples exodus from FL with the last one.
No income tax

And no one party lib democrat state in Floria
If California is so horrible, why does Victor Davis Hanson continue to live here? Why is real estate so expensive if so many California residents are leaving?
Approximately 5 million people employed in our trade done at ports including employment associated with it. East Asia manufacturing sending their goods there is massive.

Why California is failing​

Put simply, the reason why California is failing is because the bungholes running the state see it as SUCCEEDING. Just like Joe Biden, they view the running down of their territory in one area worth it to accomplish other more important things elsewhere.
Put simply, the reason why California is failing is because the bungholes running the state see it as SUCCEEDING. Just like Joe Biden, they view the running down of their territory in one area worth it to accomplish other more important things elsewhere.
Well said
Put simply, the reason why California is failing is because the bungholes running the state see it as SUCCEEDING. Just like Joe Biden, they view the running down of their territory in one area worth it to accomplish other more important things elsewhere.
Toobie Bloobie thinks he knows it all.

I still don't see any Ford Taurus's on the road. It's such a rare vehicle not to be crushed. Hah!

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