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Why can't conservatives/GOP learn from history?

i find the title of the op ironic and assanine. THE elephant in the room is lib welfare society for blacks for generationS. It has done nothing but create dependence.

PLEASE keep it up, 91% of blacks voting Dems aren't enough. Can you throw in some Trump meat for Hispanic voters too?
i find the title of the op ironic and assanine. THE elephant in the room is lib welfare society for blacks for generationS. It has done nothing but create dependence.

Gee, anther echo from the right. Do any of these characters think for themselves? I'm inclined to call him a racist, but why post the self evident.

The answer to the question posed in the op is simple, the only history learned by members on the right, is the history revised by the propaganda machine, and that is ever changing.
Is D23 Rdean on acid?

Idiot-gram ^^^

Poor Crusader - who never served - Frank, too dumb to write a rebuttal, he resorts to the genre of the fools. In fact, he who never served, is the archetype for the idiot-gram; a single sentence lacking substance and thought.

Wry, I'm sorry you're ill.I know you're trying to get my attention, you don't have to be a dick about it
Is D23 Rdean on acid?

Idiot-gram ^^^

Poor Crusader - who never served - Frank, too dumb to write a rebuttal, he resorts to the genre of the fools. In fact, he who never served, is the archetype for the idiot-gram; a single sentence lacking substance and thought.

Wry, I'm sorry you're ill.I know you're trying to get my attention, you don't have to be a dick about it

I get my dogs my attention by tossing her a Frisbee, of course she can catch it in her mouth, you, always having your head up your ass, can't be so easily contacted.

Of course my dog is a Border Collie, and thus smarter than the average conservative; idiot-grams are not part of her repertoire.
It's called false consciousness, and it happens when a wealthy elite captures the media and fools people into voting for policies that make their life worse.
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the failures of Castro's Cuba, and China's slow but inexorable movement away from a centrally planned economy toward a market economy, liberals have not learned from history and still believe socialism/marxism works.

Those were all totalitarian dictatorships. Not mixed economies. Socialized capitalism works very well.

There aren't the extremes of wealth and poverty. There are no ghettos of poverty, crime and hopelessness. Vast swathes of their populations are not languishing in prisons. And yet all of their populations have some form of government assistance.

Their populations are among the most affluent, safe and secure countries in the world. Budgets are balanced, as are their economies. They are safe, stable, clean and well run. None of which is true of the U.S. And hasn't been for some time.

They consider investing in education, a wise thing to do, and children in poor neighbours get the same quality of education as children in rich neighbourhoods.
obama lost 5-8% of his Black support in his re-election; along with a reduced support from other key groups that he had the first time

libs are losers who lie to themselves
obama has presided over the largest gains of Republicans in about 70 years

hillary and all the Democrat candidates are pretty much the same as obama

who isnt learning from even recent history?
here's some history the left refuses and denies;

Harding (R) inherted a depression, he cut taxes and Fed spending in 1/2, 18 month later, depression over, Roaring Twentys begin.
fdr (D) inherited a depression, he increased taxes and Fed spending to level unseen, 10 years later and WW2 later, depression over, no economic boom.

now, who did obama copy and why is it taking so long for the economy to really get going?

leftist learned from history that increasing taxes and spending slows the economy and forces more people to rely on the government for basic needs.

so please go fuck yourself you useless sheep
From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China and over 40,000 factories closed. Those jobs are gone and those factories are gone. How do you recover from such a blow to the country? That was what was handed to Obama from the GOP. It's way easier to fix something if it's still there to be fixed. If it's gone, you can't fix it. You need to rebuild from scratch.
It was clinton that moved those jobs with nafta

I'd link it, but you have been given those links before and are still lying about it.

obama didn't build anything, he wasted money, that's all

You mean the best conservative Prez since Ike, BJ Bill agreed with Heritages Foundations NAFTA that Ronnie Reagan announced he was for the day he ran for Prez? Yep

You did not address the fact that much of that job loss occurred under Clinton.

That was dishonest of you.

You mean BJ Bill's 22+ million jobs created was really job losses? Talk about being totally screwed up Bubba!

Yes, Clinton was the best Conservative Prez since Ike, YES BJ Bill got Ronnie's NAFTA passed. Yes 60% of Dems in Congress voted against NAFTA AND every other "free trade" agreement.



For your initial post you were obviously referring to manufacturing jobs, which are the best jobs for upward mobility from working poor to middle class, or even higher.

THe fact that Clinton was lucky enough to come into office at the beginning of an economic upswing does not change the fact that the outsourcing of manufacturing continued unabated though out his administration.

You know, I have readily admitted to Republican blame when it comes to this issue. Your dishonest defense of Clinton makes it seem that your interest here is not the topic, but nothing but a partisan smear.

And what is with the moronic "bubba" repetition?
violent crime and the breakdown of the social fabric in New York City under De Blasio, the most Progressive Mayor since David Dinkins is reminding people of the bad ol days

who isnt learning from history?
You are not thinking. You are attacking because you hate Capitalism.

Sure Bubs, sure. I guess you got that from your crystal ball? Hint, one can believe the "job creators" need to pay more historical EFFECTIVE tax rates they did 1932-1980, that regulators on the beat matters with Gov't policy and the current GOP/Conservatives are trying to destroy Gov't have some type of Ayn Rand fetish than to actually just throw up crap, like you!

Crystal Ball? Fetish? Very simply, your preoccupation with egregious government state is that you hate Capitalism and want it stifled.

YOUR inability to EVER address ANYTHING on topic or to be honest is noted Bubba, and like most conservatives on this forum, your knee jerk reactionary "socialists" Bullsh*t is also noted!

You are in no position to accuse anyone of being Knee Jerk,

and what's with the bubba nonsense?

Good debating skills there Bubba, you must've really meant it when you said that's what you wanted *shaking head*

And you fail to address anything I said. Loser.
It was clinton that moved those jobs with nafta

I'd link it, but you have been given those links before and are still lying about it.

obama didn't build anything, he wasted money, that's all

You mean the best conservative Prez since Ike, BJ Bill agreed with Heritages Foundations NAFTA that Ronnie Reagan announced he was for the day he ran for Prez? Yep

You did not address the fact that much of that job loss occurred under Clinton.

That was dishonest of you.

You mean BJ Bill's 22+ million jobs created was really job losses? Talk about being totally screwed up Bubba!

Yes, Clinton was the best Conservative Prez since Ike, YES BJ Bill got Ronnie's NAFTA passed. Yes 60% of Dems in Congress voted against NAFTA AND every other "free trade" agreement.



arent you the idiot that says the fact that Clinton hiked taxes means "trickle-down" wasnt in effect on h is watch?

now you're saying he was a conservative?

contradicting yourself again


weird how tiny your brain is Bubba. Seriously...

Everyone noticed that you had no answer to his claim.

You aren't fooling anyone.
since Dad23 is a talking-point spewing idiot

what is the Left's economic theory called? dont say Keynesian theory because that is a joke, true adherents of that will say that isnt what the Left espouses

and where is it working?
and in the clinton years you brag about; wasnt that trickle-down economics dummy?

Yeah, Clinton increasing the top rate from 31% to 39.6% and creating 3 new brackets was "supply side" *shaking head*

Middle Class Series: The Failure of Supply-Side Economics

Three Decades of Empirical Economic Data Shows That Supply-Side Economics Doesn’t Work

Adherents of the economic theory known as supply-side economics contend that by cutting taxes on the rich we will unleash an avalanche of new investment that will spur economic growth, and boost job creation, leading to economic improvements for everyone. For most of the past 30 years this idea has dominated the economic debate, resulting in two sustained eras of tax cuts aimed at the wealthy, separated by a brief respite in the 1990s.

Now, as our economy struggles to emerge from the deepest recession in generations—and as we argue over what to do with the expiring Bush-era tax cuts—it is more important than ever to understand one simple fact: When put to the test in the real world, supply-side policies did not deliver as promised. In fact, by every important measure, our nation’s economic performance after the tax increases of 1993 significantly outpaced that of the periods following the tax cuts of the early 1980s and the early 2000s.

The Failure of Supply-Side Economics

Why the GOP Won't Admit Supply-Side Econ Has Failed

The Bush tax cuts were a test of these claims about supply-side economic policies. To justify the tax cuts the nation was, in effect, given a business prospectus from the Republican Party. We were promised that cutting taxes on the wealthy would result in much higher economic growth and broadly shared prosperity. For those who wondered how we would pay for such a large cut to the government’s revenue stream, the Republican prospectus had a remarkable claim. The tax cuts wouldn’t cost us anything. Growth would be so strong that the tax cuts would more than pay for themselves. Even those who admitted that the tax cuts might not be fully self-financing still made strong claims about faster economic growth offsetting much of the lost revenue from the tax cuts.

The reality, of course, has been quite different. There is little evidence that the Bush tax cuts, or any other tax cuts directed at the so-called job creators, have had a noticeable effect on economic growth. And the promise of broadly shared prosperity has not been realized. Most of the gains from economic growth in recent decades have gone to the top of the income distribution while the inflation adjusted wages of the working class have been relatively flat. Furthermore, the tax cuts have not paid for themselves as promised, and it hasn’t even been close. The Bush tax cuts have already cost us trillions in revenue, and if they are extended for high income tax payers, they will cost us roughly another trillion over the next decade.

Why the GOP Won't Admit Supply-Side Econ Has Failed

Gee, a piece from that bastion of left wing lunacy, Center for American Progress.


Come on, usually you're at least good for some nonsensical cartoon!

Good job Bubba, you refuted the data and logic they presented right? Oh wait no, you just did your usual ad hom. Shocking

Cut'n'Paste Boy thinks he debates. Cut, Paste, and call everybody Bubba.

HE seems confused.

Do you have any idea what the Bubba think is all about?
Is D23 Rdean on acid?

Idiot-gram ^^^

Poor Crusader - who never served - Frank, too dumb to write a rebuttal, he resorts to the genre of the fools. In fact, he who never served, is the archetype for the idiot-gram; a single sentence lacking substance and thought.


There does seem to be something off with R23, more so than with most of you lefties.
Is D23 Rdean on acid?

Idiot-gram ^^^

Poor Crusader - who never served - Frank, too dumb to write a rebuttal, he resorts to the genre of the fools. In fact, he who never served, is the archetype for the idiot-gram; a single sentence lacking substance and thought.

Wry, I'm sorry you're ill.I know you're trying to get my attention, you don't have to be a dick about it

I get my dogs my attention by tossing her a Frisbee, of course she can catch it in her mouth, you, always having your head up your ass, can't be so easily contacted.

Of course my dog is a Border Collie, and thus smarter than the average conservative; idiot-grams are not part of her repertoire.

You keep talking about the fact that you served, you're sounding like a grumpy old man left alone on his porch.

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