Why can't humans be good leaders of their countries?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
If you take an objective view of leadership around the globe, you are left with one undeniable conclusion: All countries to some degree suffer from a failure of leadership. And I am not talking about leaders who honestly make poor decisions. I mean EVERY country including the USA have leaders who purposefully promote policies that hurt their people. And of course every leadership to some degree is corrupted by greed. Why is it so difficult for leaders to do the right thing by their people? Do good people enter politics only to be corrupted by the power and the money? Or is it that politics draws people that are already inherently bad people?
If you take an objective view of leadership around the globe, you are left with one undeniable conclusion: All countries to some degree suffer from a failure of leadership. And I am not talking about leaders who honestly make poor decisions. I mean EVERY country including the USA have leaders who purposefully promote policies that hurt their people. And of course every leadership to some degree is corrupted by greed. Why is it so difficult for leaders to do the right thing by their people? Do good people enter politics only to be corrupted by the power and the money? Or is it that politics draws people that are already inherently bad people?

I think a majority of people who choose to get into politics ain't right in the head already. The higher the position, the more psychopathic they are till they reach the level of terrifying.

You won't find many in politics that give a furry rat's ass about people. It's power they care for.
Perhaps, the problem isn't that humans are leaders. Perhaps, the problem is what do humans expect a leader to do?

We expect to be given everything, We expect to have unlimited freedom for ourselves while imposing massive restrictions on those who disagree with us.

We expect to be protected from everything from criminals to the weather and refuse to take any responsibilities for ourselves.

We expect all this for no cost to ourselves, all the while demanding other "pay their fair share".

We also expect our 'leaders' to be photogenic and free from all human failings.

Is there a human who can live up to our expectations?
Perhaps, the problem isn't that humans are leaders. Perhaps, the problem is what do humans expect a leader to do?

We expect to be given everything, We expect to have unlimited freedom for ourselves while imposing massive restrictions on those who disagree with us.

We expect to be protected from everything from criminals to the weather and refuse to take any responsibilities for ourselves.

We expect all this for no cost to ourselves, all the while demanding other "pay their fair share".

We also expect our 'leaders' to be photogenic and free from all human failings.

Is there a human who can live up to our expectations?
I can't speak for everyone's expectations of leaders. I would settle for leaders who don't take bribes or sweetheart deals and work on policies that benefit the people that voted them in.
We have to question the sanity of anyone who wants to be President ...
Skip to the 0'40" spot in this video ... no truer words have ever been spoken:
If you take an objective view of leadership around the globe, you are left with one undeniable conclusion: All countries to some degree suffer from a failure of leadership. And I am not talking about leaders who honestly make poor decisions. I mean EVERY country including the USA have leaders who purposefully promote policies that hurt their people. And of course every leadership to some degree is corrupted by greed. Why is it so difficult for leaders to do the right thing by their people? Do good people enter politics only to be corrupted by the power and the money? Or is it that politics draws people that are already inherently bad people?
I wouldnt call people that need a leader humans they would be called drones,, thats why in america we appoint people to government to handle logistic and daily details needed to run a country and not to lead the people,,

sadly this concept has been destroyed by corrupt people to make drones to follow them,,,
If you take an objective view of leadership around the globe, you are left with one undeniable conclusion: All countries to some degree suffer from a failure of leadership. And I am not talking about leaders who honestly make poor decisions. I mean EVERY country including the USA have leaders who purposefully promote policies that hurt their people. And of course every leadership to some degree is corrupted by greed. Why is it so difficult for leaders to do the right thing by their people? Do good people enter politics only to be corrupted by the power and the money? Or is it that politics draws people that are already inherently bad people?
I wouldnt call people that need a leader humans they would be called drones,, thats why in america we appoint people to government to handle logistic and daily details needed to run a country and not to lead the people,,

sadly this concept has been destroyed by corrupt people to make drones to follow them,,,
I meant "leader" in the context of a lawmaker, as opposed to a "hey guys, follow me" type of leader.
Perhaps, what we need to lead us, isn't human?


What could possibly go wrong?
If you take an objective view of leadership around the globe, you are left with one undeniable conclusion: All countries to some degree suffer from a failure of leadership. And I am not talking about leaders who honestly make poor decisions. I mean EVERY country including the USA have leaders who purposefully promote policies that hurt their people. And of course every leadership to some degree is corrupted by greed. Why is it so difficult for leaders to do the right thing by their people? Do good people enter politics only to be corrupted by the power and the money? Or is it that politics draws people that are already inherently bad people?
If you are so objective and wise - why can't you figure it out? Good people enter politics and have to "negotiate" with the other representatives who are commissioned to fight for their constituents - how is that supposed to work??? What's the "compromise?" Horse trading???

Twenty years ago I thought the similar - why is everything so out of whack? Why is there so much disagreement? I decided that I was going to figure out what causes the problem, what the solution is, and then deliver it to the people. It took several years until I found the root of the problem. Four years testing and developing the corrective formula, and four years developing the most tangible solution, and five years trying to explain it to the brilliant critically thinking people on the Internet.

The direct answer to your question is that the governments are all improperly organized, and that causes the dysfunction of reasonable negotiations, and engagement of proper leadership. The solution is to deploy proper republic government throughout the world.

The overwhelming problem is constitutional dogma.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

— Declaration of Independence, 1776
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It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions. This policy of supplying, by opposite and rival interests, the defect of better motives, might be traced through the whole system of human affairs, private as well as public.
If you take an objective view of leadership around the globe, you are left with one undeniable conclusion: All countries to some degree suffer from a failure of leadership. And I am not talking about leaders who honestly make poor decisions. I mean EVERY country including the USA have leaders who purposefully promote policies that hurt their people. And of course every leadership to some degree is corrupted by greed. Why is it so difficult for leaders to do the right thing by their people? Do good people enter politics only to be corrupted by the power and the money? Or is it that politics draws people that are already inherently bad people?
If you are so objective and wise - why can't you figure it out? Good people enter politics and have to "negotiate" with the other representatives who are commissioned to fight for their constituents - how is that supposed to work??? What's the "compromise?" Horse trading???

Twenty years ago I thought the similar - why is everything so out of whack? Why is there so much disagreement? I decided that I was going to figure out what causes the problem, what the solution is, and then deliver it to the people. It took several years until I found the root of the problem. Four years testing and developing the corrective formula, and four years developing the most tangible solution, and five years trying to explain it to the brilliant critically thinking people on the Internet.

The direct answer to your question is that the governments are all improperly organized, and that causes the dysfunction of reasonable negotiations, and engagement of proper leadership. The solution is to deploy proper republic government throughout the world.

The overwhelming problem is constitutional dogma.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

— Declaration of Independence, 1776
Thank you for a well thought out response. I could see that a different organization might facilitate better negotiations and possibly better written bills and laws. But just like all the reorganizations I went through in my career, very little changed in terms of efficiencies or productivity or communication. That is because the same people were in charge. I still say it is the quality of the people in charge, the "leaders" for lack of a better word, that is the root of the failure not the organization of the government.
If you take an objective view of leadership around the globe, you are left with one undeniable conclusion: All countries to some degree suffer from a failure of leadership. And I am not talking about leaders who honestly make poor decisions. I mean EVERY country including the USA have leaders who purposefully promote policies that hurt their people. And of course every leadership to some degree is corrupted by greed. Why is it so difficult for leaders to do the right thing by their people? Do good people enter politics only to be corrupted by the power and the money? Or is it that politics draws people that are already inherently bad people?

We are designed in the image of God...part of what makes God, God is the ability to create.......for left wingers, that aspect is in the form of a desire to control everything around them, but they simply have tiny brains which are incapable of duplicating what God has done......so it ends in tragedy and tears when they do whatever it takes to take control of things....

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