Why can't humans be good leaders of their countries?

Most countries today are democratic. If elected leaders are perceived to have made bad decisions it's the fault of the people who voted for them. The question is how these people got elected and it usually boils down to the sometimes crooked media that supported them.
If you take an objective view of leadership around the globe, you are left with one undeniable conclusion: All countries to some degree suffer from a failure of leadership. And I am not talking about leaders who honestly make poor decisions. I mean EVERY country including the USA have leaders who purposefully promote policies that hurt their people. And of course every leadership to some degree is corrupted by greed. Why is it so difficult for leaders to do the right thing by their people? Do good people enter politics only to be corrupted by the power and the money? Or is it that politics draws people that are already inherently bad people?
You can’t please everybody in politics. What you consider “the right thing” may not be considered the right thing by somebody else. It’s that simple
You can’t please everybody in politics. What you consider “the right thing” may not be considered the right thing by somebody else. It’s that simple
I am referring to basic honesty, not nuanced political decisions. I don't believe anyone would debate that taking foreign aid money and buying a yacht with it is wrong. Or packing a massive spending bill full of earmarks for foreign countries and pet projects that was intended for American Covid relief.
You can’t please everybody in politics. What you consider “the right thing” may not be considered the right thing by somebody else. It’s that simple
I am referring to basic honesty, not nuanced political decisions. I don't believe anyone would debate that taking foreign aid money and buying a yacht with it is wrong. Or packing a massive spending bill full of earmarks for foreign countries and pet projects that was intended for American Covid relief.
The yacht situation is pure corruption. The omnibus Bill is a different situation. While many of those earmarks and pet projects are I’m sure intended to help in some way, the tactic is a result of poor legislative management and incompetence. Partisan hitshots have become more valuable than compromise and cooperation. It’s a problem from both parties and a result of a massive corruption in our campaign financing system
Perhaps, the problem isn't that humans are leaders. Perhaps, the problem is what do humans expect a leader to do?

We expect to be given everything, We expect to have unlimited freedom for ourselves while imposing massive restrictions on those who disagree with us.

We expect to be protected from everything from criminals to the weather and refuse to take any responsibilities for ourselves.

We expect all this for no cost to ourselves, all the while demanding other "pay their fair share".

We also expect our 'leaders' to be photogenic and free from all human failings.

Is there a human who can live up to our expectations?
You called!

Perhaps, the problem isn't that humans are leaders. Perhaps, the problem is what do humans expect a leader to do?

We expect to be given everything, We expect to have unlimited freedom for ourselves while imposing massive restrictions on those who disagree with us.

We expect to be protected from everything from criminals to the weather and refuse to take any responsibilities for ourselves.

We expect all this for no cost to ourselves, all the while demanding other "pay their fair share".

We also expect our 'leaders' to be photogenic and free from all human failings.

Is there a human who can live up to our expectations?
We honestly believe in a "free lunch". We want honest politicians but insist they raise their own money to campaign. Is it a surprise they go to wealthy individuals and corporations and then do them favors that are not in our best interests?

We also admire strong leaders who tell us how great we are, promise to have all the answers, and can point out who our enemies are. Stalin, Hitler, and Putin are good examples.
If you take an objective view of leadership around the globe, you are left with one undeniable conclusion: All countries to some degree suffer from a failure of leadership. And I am not talking about leaders who honestly make poor decisions. I mean EVERY country including the USA have leaders who purposefully promote policies that hurt their people. And of course every leadership to some degree is corrupted by greed. Why is it so difficult for leaders to do the right thing by their people? Do good people enter politics only to be corrupted by the power and the money? Or is it that politics draws people that are already inherently bad people?

I agree with fnceo that the failure is in the expectations. I am not sure that many people can define it let alone recognize it. The people are "the unwashed masses" and the longer people foam at the mouth and throw tantrums the easier it is to cast them aside and pretend they can't handle "policy". People demand nothing from candidates and they get nothing.

I would like to think that people from all walks of life get involved and sometimes they make a decision over here to obtain support for a decision over there.

In the US, the media conglomerates get to redefine the questions to obtain specific answers. Additionally, for the agencies many people are "appointed" that have zero background in said agency. For example, Ben Carson as Hud Secretary.
Partisan hitshots have become more valuable than compromise and cooperation. It’s a problem from both parties and a result of a massive corruption in our campaign financing system
I fully agree. It takes two to Tango on a disgraceful, deceptive bill like the "Covid Relief" bill. So that might be an example of potentially "good" politicians being drawn into to doing something bad because of a systemic problem with how our Congress operates. But who dictates how our Congress operates? Dishonest people at the top of the party. There is nothing in the Constitution that describes 5500 page bills jammed with pork and pushed through in the final days of the year.
Partisan hitshots have become more valuable than compromise and cooperation. It’s a problem from both parties and a result of a massive corruption in our campaign financing system
I fully agree. It takes two to Tango on a disgraceful, deceptive bill like the "Covid Relief" bill. So that might be an example of potentially "good" politicians being drawn into to doing something bad because of a systemic problem with how our Congress operates. But who dictates how our Congress operates? Dishonest people at the top of the party. There is nothing in the Constitution that describes 5500 page bills jammed with pork and pushed through in the final days of the year.
I agree the tactic is bullshit to start with but seeing them do it during a national crisis is even more pathetic. We need to wipe out leadership from both parties. Get some independents in there and elect people who run on the kind of reforms that are needed. Unfortunately the wingnuts seem to steal the spotlight which isn’t going to help things
If you take an objective view of leadership around the globe, you are left with one undeniable conclusion: All countries to some degree suffer from a failure of leadership. And I am not talking about leaders who honestly make poor decisions. I mean EVERY country including the USA have leaders who purposefully promote policies that hurt their people. And of course every leadership to some degree is corrupted by greed. Why is it so difficult for leaders to do the right thing by their people? Do good people enter politics only to be corrupted by the power and the money? Or is it that politics draws people that are already inherently bad people?
The business world is no different.
If you take an objective view of leadership around the globe, you are left with one undeniable conclusion: All countries to some degree suffer from a failure of leadership. And I am not talking about leaders who honestly make poor decisions. I mean EVERY country including the USA have leaders who purposefully promote policies that hurt their people. And of course every leadership to some degree is corrupted by greed. Why is it so difficult for leaders to do the right thing by their people? Do good people enter politics only to be corrupted by the power and the money? Or is it that politics draws people that are already inherently bad people?
..it's not that simple...look at America----so much divisiveness --it's not like the military where the leader says ''''this is what's going to be done'''......
.....no one can agree on anything--there is always arguing/etc.....the POTUS wants to get something done, then he has to FIGHT with Congress/Senate/etc

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