Why can't I download pics from my camera?

go sign up for a photobucket account....that will be enough for you today.....i dont wanna overload ya ...we will work on moving the pic tomorrow
dont start jb...for some reason...i understand allie...and normally can help her with her computer problems....
I actually have a photobucket account, but I've only used it for e-mailed images.

So now I'm trying to e-mail myself images so I can put them on photobucket. I only chose 13 pics and it's taking FOREVER to attach.
o laudie....okay we got to do this tonight....stop the d/l you are doing....did you select the bulk downloader?
it shouldnt take forever with the bulk upload option.....i swear its like talking to a fucking wall....
In time, I'll learn how to make it bigger. Maybe I can do it now...nope, it will interrupt the download, which was interrupted earlier by my daughter when she closed everything down.

That's my son, his significant other, and her sister holding the baby (my g-baby).

I'd love to show pics of my two younger kids, but there are pervs on this site.
fine looking bunch....i had to crash last night....east coast time and all....okay....we got a few things to work on....you should be able to post the image right to here.....you just need to find the right one to copy....i am stuck here all day....no car....so we can work on it when you get here.....once you get to photobucket its all down hill pretty easy really...ding me when you get here....
I'm here, but I'll be in and out. Finally got the uber upload to work, after letting it upload the slow way all night. I had 541 pics on that camera, so I feel pretty good about getting them both on my computer (again, have no idea how, probably will never be able to do it again) and online. I'd rather post from online anyway.

Check out my neon pic...that's me, freaky, huh? Tie die head. I look like an image from a tarot card.

wild pic....

okay...let me get you started...you didnt tell us you were d/l 500 pics....

okay photobucket.....page where you hit ...bulk d/l...there is another box...asking what size...i bet your ass d/l all these pic at the huge ass size of your monitor....bet hell i know your ass did...

set that to large...large is all you need...

then do the bulk d/l thing....and the pics will be imported at that size...makes it all faster

okay i dont name my pics or cap them...that allows them to pop up when people do searches..keep that in mind....you can by pass that step altogether...check the right box ....

now when you click on the pic...you get some options..go to more....then click on the box a damn..its down towards the bottom...the one below it says thumbnail...you want the box right above it...sharing pics....then will make more sense when you are there....click on that box and you can paste it in here and like magic the pic is there..not the link....
So you pick the size of the pics before you download.

I still don't understand how to make it bigger, I have them at 100 percent, or at least make them that way when I go in to link them.

I'll try the share thing...do I have to do that when I acutally put them on the site or can I do it later?

I'll check.

Ok, on individual pics it only gives me the option of sharing the album. Does that mean anyone who clicks on a link can see the whole album? I don't want that.

Testing testing...here goes...
nope, that didn't work....

trying again

<a href="http://s174.photobucket.com/albums/w89/AllieBaba2007/?action=view&current=286-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w89/AllieBaba2007/286-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
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okay i am at photobucket: click on your name...welcome allie...click on that....page now has the bulk uploader...right above that is a reduce pictures to: resizing....you need to put that on large...

do the pics you want to upload and finish that step...now to post on here:

go to pic and click on it....a box comes up...share img...go to get link code...3 rd from bottom...

img for bullentins and forums....

top one under that....

says full size...click on that and copy...

paste on here:

no i can only see the one photo in red there....but if you do it this way you just have the image and not the link....
i think the pic is small for you cause you used the thumbnail option on photobucket...to copy and paste....do the full size one...of the neon you
if i dont post for a while...the hubby will be home for lunch...but we have plenty of time...
I went to the image, clicked on sharing, chose more options, it gave me a bunch of buttons where I can automatically post somewhere like facebook, and at the bottom the link which says if you're having trouble, use this. So that is what I used. And it just gave me a link.

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