Why Can't Poor People Afford Healthy Food?

The question shouldn't be, Why can't poor people afford healthy food. It should be, Why would anyone want poor people to eat healthy food? If they eat healthy food, that just means they'll be on the public dole longer.
I know many poor people, I have been very, very poor at times in my life. This is basic psychology. It's why poor people are more likely to be obese than a wealthy person. It's why there are riots at the latest NBA signature sneaker release. It's why an immigrant that comes here, even more poor than the poorest American and end up wealthy and successful.

A poor person making a decision on what to have for dinner will chose mac and cheese over vegetable soup because mac and cheese tastes better, it's more expensive but it tastes better and don't they deserve something that at least tastes good? They can't afford a steak, but they can afford a block of cheese.

Really, you were poor and you spent $300 on sneakers? I've been poor, I'm not now and I have NEVER paid $300 on sneakers.

When we were poor, we didn't qualify for food stamps. We had to depend on our friends and family and the food bank to help us through hard times. Oh, yeah, we could have sold our house and had enough to buy food but then where would we have lived?

BTW, vegetable beef soup isn't cheaper, and it does taste a lot better if it's MY vegetable beef soup.

Fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats are very expensive. So is a block of cheese, although the cheese does go further.

You will find though, that at least at our local food bank, you are much more likely to get macaroni and a block of cheese than steak and fresh fruits and vegetables. Even canned vegetables are rare, unless it's corn and that really isn't a vegetable anymore, it's just another starch.

As for immigrants coming here and ending up wealthy and successful, you do know that we have organizations, paid for with our tax dollars to show them how to work our system don't you? (I know this because I tried to get a job with one) We don't have any such organization to help our own citizens. Our government also offers them low interest loans to buy a business and lets them operate it tax free for a period of time, another benefit not afforded our own citizens. Heck, we have subsidized housing built strictly for immigrants that our citizens can't get into..and once they are in, they get to stay, regardless of how much money they make. Of course they are more successful, they get far more help.

I had a friend that lived next door to a Russian (who bought a house while on the dole) and my friend's husband was laid off from his job with no unemployment. Her Russian neighbor says to her "You need help, I'll show you how to get help" and took her down to DSHS. As they walked out of DSHS the Russian lady just shook her head and said "I don't understand a country that doesn't take care of it's own people." Yeah, my friend was turned down, as were we.

Been to your local food bank lately? It's mostly Russians and Hispanics, the poor Americans are lucky if they get anything. My husband was there when a crate of watermelon came in..the Russians surrounded it and passed off the watermelons to other Russians, no Americans got any. I was there when boxes of oranges came in, the only reason our family got any is because I have a friend who works there and she made sure to pull a box off for us before it was put out.

BTW, When I say "Russian" I mean people from the Soviet Union. No offense, but I can't tell them apart.

I don't think you know a single poor person. I give out lunches with my friend every Monday at the church to the needed. Many of those people are homeless. Some of them are families who, after paying rent, don't have enough money left for food. I talk to these people all the time and not one of them has ever spent $100 on a pair of shoes, let alone $300. Heck one of our guys came in one day, during the night, some kid stole his shoes. He walked to the goodwill in his socks and they gave him a pair of shoes and some extra socks. We've had people come into the church with shoes held together by duct tape. We have been fortunate in being able to find shoes that were donated that somewhat fit them.

So you'll just have to forgive me if I don't judge all poor people based on the way you behaved when you were poor.

When is the last time you ventured into an inner city poorer neighborhood? The aggregate value of the footwear one can see in public exceeds the value of the properties in that neighborhood.
I used to be in the satellite tv business. I would go to install a system in a single wide trailer that had a 60" flat panel tv in the family room...The average pay tv bill for these people is over $100 per month. Meanwhile the kids are dressed in rags and the house is filthy. BUT,,,,,they have HBO in High Definition.
Don't tell me there is not a faction of so-called "poor" people who do not have a set of screwed up priorities.

I agree. I see a whole bunch of people using their EBT cards to buy a bunch of unhealthy name brand shit like Kool Aid, sugar cereal, prime cuts of meat, soda, chips, etc.
When is the last time you ventured into an inner city poorer neighborhood? The aggregate value of the footwear one can see in public exceeds the value of the properties in that neighborhood.
I used to be in the satellite tv business. I would go to install a system in a single wide trailer that had a 60" flat panel tv in the family room...The average pay tv bill for these people is over $100 per month. Meanwhile the kids are dressed in rags and the house is filthy. BUT,,,,,they have HBO in High Definition.
Don't tell me there is not a faction of so-called "poor" people who do not have a set of screwed up priorities.

Bears repeating!

The problem is that many of those "poor" are not working 80 + huors of hard manual labor to get those things... its all free .....on our dime.

That...and dont be dissing the high end shoes and clothes... it could get you shot.
Employers are more likely to hire someone without a degree who has been gainfully employed washing dishes than they are to hire a college graduate who hasn't worked in 2 years.

Which makes it all the harder for people to get jobs...how are you suppose to get experience if no one will hire you unless you have experience?

It's always been that way. Your point?
In a seller's market( low unemployment rate) companies are more likely to hire those with less experience. Conversely, when unemployment rates are high it becomes a buyer's market. Experience becomes the priority. Employers can become much more selective.
This goes to prove the idea that labor is indeed a commodity.
Not the people. The labor itself.
Lower the amount they're given; you'll see a different sort of food in their carts. People will economize when they need to.
Which makes it all the harder for people to get jobs...how are you suppose to get experience if no one will hire you unless you have experience?

well, when you're in school, you do internships. when you're not in school? i'm not really sure... other than to pick a field you want to be in and offer to work for free x number of hours a week.

but i'm not sure that works in entry level jobs.

and allie, you're wrong... most jobs that have any value require a degree as a minimum requirement for application. even fedex expects its drivers to have college degrees.

Jobs that have any value?

I don't think you even realize what an obnoxious and elitist statement that is, or how narrow your own reality is.

Can ya see it? The elitism of liberals.
BTW, Jillian is wrong about Fed-Ex. The company does not require a college degree of it's drivers.
Lower the amount they're given; you'll see a different sort of food in their carts. People will economize when they need to.

And or make it mandatory to get no frills types of food. We make good healthy food out of no frills (store brand) items and produce all of the time. I may buy a rib eye here and there, but if I (not my wife, she likes Ribeye) want a steak, I find a cheaper cut. We make pretty good money, but we try to economize when we purchase things.
well, when you're in school, you do internships. when you're not in school? i'm not really sure... other than to pick a field you want to be in and offer to work for free x number of hours a week.

but i'm not sure that works in entry level jobs.

and allie, you're wrong... most jobs that have any value require a degree as a minimum requirement for application. even fedex expects its drivers to have college degrees.

Jobs that have any value?

I don't think you even realize what an obnoxious and elitist statement that is, or how narrow your own reality is.

Can ya see it? The elitism of liberals.
BTW, Jillian is wrong about Fed-Ex. The company does not require a college degree of it's drivers.

I don't know about Fed-Ex but, UPS probably won't hire leftists. They don't make left turns.
Nonsense, they are just too lazy to put in the effort. A bag of flour and some yeast will bake a number of loaves of bread for about 50cents a loaf. Of course it takes a couple hrs to make some up and that's a lot of missed tv time.

Perhaps it's time for school classes to once again teach people how to shop efficiently and put in a little effort to prepare a meal.

How much does that bread maker cost?

why would you need a bread maker to make bread?
You don't.
I enjoy making bread. And it's better and less expensive than store bought.
If you believe water from the tap is free, you are deluded. You pay your water bill, don't you?

water from the tap is far less expensive then bottled.

I have two autistic kids. I drink filtered water now and highly recommend it for everyone. Bottled water is better if you have fluoride in your water because most filters don't filter that out. Yeah, tap water is far less expensive, it also has carcinogens in it and other poisons as well. Several years ago, when the only way federal way got it's water was through underground wells and kept in water towers, some birds got into the towers and there was a sickness that went around. Some children died. I'm big into bottled or filtered water now. You really can't trust the government. They knew for weeks about the birds and did nothing. They also swore up and down that the birds had nothing to do with the sick kids or the ones that died. I have no idea what the outcome of the lawsuit was, I suspect there was gag order and it was settle out of court.

And this has to do with what?..Is it your contention that the water supply of the entire nation is deficient and therefore everyone should be taking bottled water?
And so we have poor people who are forced to take the "dangerous" tap water?
I enjoy it too. I have a big earthenware bowl that I picked up for a couple of bucks at St. Vinnie's. It's probably a $45 mixing bowl..maybe more. I can mix, knead and raise it all in that bowl.
Because its too expensive.

Do you know that it is cheaper to buy a jumbo bag of potato chips and a 2 litre bottle of coke than it is to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of water?

Ever got those catalogues in the mail with the latest specials from your local supermarket? How many times do you see soft drinks, chocolate, chips and cakes discounted, sometimes by up to 50%? Compare that to how many times you see a price reduction on healthy foods, like apples, oranges, bananas, and bottled water.

In KFC the other day, it was cheaper for me to buy a burger, a piece of chicken, three wings, a small popcorn chicken, a regular chips, a regular gravy and a can of Pepsi than it was to buy a salad and a bottle of water. I wanted a salad and a water, but when I compared the prices, I wondered why I should spend more money on a healthy item when I can get the unhealthy food a lot cheaper?

How many other families see this problem? How about no discounts on junk food, and discounts only on healthy foods?

I never used to understand why people claimed they couldn't afford healthy foods, but I understand now, because its true.

I disagree, at least where I am from (Virginia Beach). Bananas are 32 cents a pound, sweet potatoes and white potatoes range from 60 to 89 cents a pound. Broccoli 1.69 for a bunch same with Romaine lettuce, iceberg is a LOT cheaper than that. One can get a package of chicken thighs for under $4, you can buy a 10lb bag of thighs attached to legs for $7.50 @ Walmart. A can of Kidney beans is less than 80 cents, a package of beef liver is $1.69. Frozen spinach and collard greens are .99 cents. A bag of carrots .99 cents. A huge gallon of water in a lastic container can be bought for less than 80 cents.

It's about choices, the other part is an excuse in my opinion.

Bananas for 32 cents a pound? At that price, I should have you ship me some, it'd probably be cheaper.
water from the tap is far less expensive then bottled.

I have two autistic kids. I drink filtered water now and highly recommend it for everyone. Bottled water is better if you have fluoride in your water because most filters don't filter that out. Yeah, tap water is far less expensive, it also has carcinogens in it and other poisons as well. Several years ago, when the only way federal way got it's water was through underground wells and kept in water towers, some birds got into the towers and there was a sickness that went around. Some children died. I'm big into bottled or filtered water now. You really can't trust the government. They knew for weeks about the birds and did nothing. They also swore up and down that the birds had nothing to do with the sick kids or the ones that died. I have no idea what the outcome of the lawsuit was, I suspect there was gag order and it was settle out of court.

And this has to do with what?..Is it your contention that the water supply of the entire nation is deficient and therefore everyone should be taking bottled water?
And so we have poor people who are forced to take the "dangerous" tap water?

If you have the option, go for the bottled water, it may be more expensive, but it's healthier.
You can eat real food economically if you're smart about it.

Well I do know that about a year ago there was a program called "Why the fork?" trying to get people to live on $7.00 a day for food per person. All kinds of celebraties were complaining about how difficult it was. I added the money up and it was more than I spend on each member of my family for a day. We could live real good on $7.00 per person per day. Of course, we have a home and a fridge and a stove. I imagine it is much more difficult for those with no place to live.
It isn't more difficult, it's very simple. You live on canned beans, an apple or banana a day, and rice or bolona sandwiches.

Homeless people, depending on their functionality, generally have a very pared down, simple formula for existence...their choices are limited, so they work within them.
Because its too expensive.

Do you know that it is cheaper to buy a jumbo bag of potato chips and a 2 litre bottle of coke than it is to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of water?

I don't know where the fuck you're shopping but a jumbo bag of chips costs like $3 at least, and a 2 liter Coke is about $1.79

A loaf of bread is about $2 and a bottle of water is .99

It's not more expensive to eat healthy if you shop smart. You get a big bag of long grain rice, broccoli .99/lb here where i live, and a bunch of tilapia filets at $5.99/lb.

You'll spend more taking your family out for value meals at Mcd's, and those groceries will get you more than 1 dinner.
I think poor people can afford healthy food, may be they don't know how to cook it,may be they don't have the time to prepare it.... it's hard to say.
Because its too expensive.

Do you know that it is cheaper to buy a jumbo bag of potato chips and a 2 litre bottle of coke than it is to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of water?Ever got those catalogues in the mail with the latest specials from your local supermarket? How many times do you see soft drinks, chocolate, chips and cakes discounted, sometimes by up to 50%? Compare that to how many times you see a price reduction on healthy foods, like apples, oranges, bananas, and bottled water.

In KFC the other day, it was cheaper for me to buy a burger, a piece of chicken, three wings, a small popcorn chicken, a regular chips, a regular gravy and a can of Pepsi than it was to buy a salad and a bottle of water. I wanted a salad and a water, but when I compared the prices, I wondered why I should spend more money on a healthy item when I can get the unhealthy food a lot cheaper?

How many other families see this problem? How about no discounts on junk food, and discounts only on healthy foods?

I never used to understand why people claimed they couldn't afford healthy foods, but I understand now, because its true.

When the first sentence in your post is a lie, the rest is not worth reading.
#1. Jumbo bag of chips, $3.69-$4.29 depending on brand. Bread $1.19-$3.19, depending on the brand. Bread is cheaper than chips.
#2. Soda-2 liter bottle, .99 to $1.39 depending on brand. 1 gallon of water, which is 1.5 liters more than the 2 liter soda is .98. Water is cheaper than soda.

You leftists suck up the kool aid like a hoover sucks up dirt.
Because its too expensive.

Do you know that it is cheaper to buy a jumbo bag of potato chips and a 2 litre bottle of coke than it is to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of water?

I don't know where the fuck you're shopping but a jumbo bag of chips costs like $3 at least, and a 2 liter Coke is about $1.79

A loaf of bread is about $2 and a bottle of water is .99

It's not more expensive to eat healthy if you shop smart. You get a big bag of long grain rice, broccoli .99/lb here where i live, and a bunch of tilapia filets at $5.99/lb.

You'll spend more taking your family out for value meals at Mcd's, and those groceries will get you more than 1 dinner.

That's it right there...more than 1 meal.

And with at least nominal nutritional value. There's no nutritional value in a mcchicken sandwich and fries, I'm pretty sure.

We eat tilapia pretty frequently...though the other night we ate a big old trout and oysters. My daughter caught the fish....the oysters I did buy, and it was sort of a splurge...$3.99/jar...just enough for everyone who wanted it to get some.

But the fish was free.

I try not to think about where tilapia come from...they use them to clean the bass farm tanks.


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