Why can't pro-life conservatives emphasize that first part more than the second?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Yes, libs, we already know every answer you're going to give to the question not addressed to you. "They're really liberals deep down but they're just greedy and hate women so obviously they don't support pulling apart little girls to harvest their livers." "[Insert irrelevant meme here.]" "Fukk dem dey stoopit." We get it. No further explanation of your take on it is necessary - not that you won't end up dominating and hijacking the thread with your bullshit, childish antics anyway... -.-

Now, to the actual intended audience: I don't really get it. Approximately half of the nation consider themselves pro-life, but that almost always takes a back seat to social and economic ideology for the conservatives who use the label. How can someone count themselves as one of us when they defend the death penalty? How can they support policies that directly cause many of the factors that make it so easy for libs to talk women into paying them for this? I mean, you say you want to eliminate abortion, but you vote to keep sex ed out of schools and contraception out of the hands of the same groups most vulnerable to this industry? Just... How can someone justify that to themselves? We're losing for this exact reason. It's like we never miss an opportunity to throw out our most core beliefs for a party line and shoot ourselves in the foot.

Let's be honest with ourselves. We have a pretty shitty name right now between the dumbass politicians we choose to represent us and all of the major news networks but Fox (the laughing stock of network television) against us. We're not making it any better when we support policies that actively work against our own reforms. We need to get our priorities right if we're going to turn this around and stop their latest attempt to murder our children's generation.
Republicans and conservatives seem to only care for the unborn. Why don't they care equally for the born? We know all the examples. A right winger saying "It has a right to be born" and then saying "but it's not my fault and I shouldn't have to help take care of it". And yet, you made that woman have it?

And you think we don't "get it".
Republicans and conservatives seem to only care for the unborn. Why don't they care equally for the born? We know all the examples. A right winger saying "It has a right to be born" and then saying "but it's not my fault and I shouldn't have to help take care of it". And yet, you made that woman have it?

And you think we don't "get it".

How many have you adopted? Do you volunteer your time and money to help the poor and children?
What do you say? Let's put our highest ideals first and worry about what's less important later. We're getting nowhere being the only side to fight this battle fairly. Let's start adopting liberal strategy. We need to organize. We need to put our money where our mouth is on this. Vote for taxpayer funded contraception and healthcare. Vote to kick the abortion lobby put of medicine. Hell, let's pool our money for the anti-lifers' birth control. If it's a step we can take then we have a moral obligation to take it. Otherwise we're no better than them and their "I wouldn't kill my child but feel free to scrap your own for parts" bullshit. We really aren't unless we step up and fight for the clear right.
Yes, libs, we already know every answer you're going to give to the question not addressed to you. "They're really liberals deep down but they're just greedy and hate women so obviously they don't support pulling apart little girls to harvest their livers." "[Insert irrelevant meme here.]" "Fukk dem dey stoopit." We get it. No further explanation of your take on it is necessary - not that you won't end up dominating and hijacking the thread with your bullshit, childish antics anyway... -.-

Now, to the actual intended audience: I don't really get it. Approximately half of the nation consider themselves pro-life, but that almost always takes a back seat to social and economic ideology for the conservatives who use the label. How can someone count themselves as one of us when they defend the death penalty? How can they support policies that directly cause many of the factors that make it so easy for libs to talk women into paying them for this? I mean, you say you want to eliminate abortion, but you vote to keep sex ed out of schools and contraception out of the hands of the same groups most vulnerable to this industry? Just... How can someone justify that to themselves? We're losing for this exact reason. It's like we never miss an opportunity to throw out our most core beliefs for a party line and shoot ourselves in the foot.

Let's be honest with ourselves. We have a pretty shitty name right now between the dumbass politicians we choose to represent us and all of the major news networks but Fox (the laughing stock of network television) against us. We're not making it any better when we support policies that actively work against our own reforms. We need to get our priorities right if we're going to turn this around and stop their latest attempt to murder our children's generation.

The abortion issue, by the actions of the liberals, have been taken away from legislators and put in the hands of the courts.

Republican presidents have been trying to appoint judges who will repeal Roe v Wade, but they keep going soft on us once they get sucked into the Washington elite lifestyle.

NOt sure what more you want.

You think more lib appointees will help you? They wouldn't rule against an abortion if it took place when the kid was shaving.;)
The abortion issue, by the actions of the liberals, have been taken away from legislators and put in the hands of the courts.

Republican presidents have been trying to appoint judges who will repeal Roe v Wade, but they keep going soft on us once they get sucked into the Washington elite lifestyle.

NOt sure what more you want.

You think more lib appointees will help you? They wouldn't rule against an abortion if it took place when the kid was shaving.;)
That's not enough. We can't stick to relying on our (often toxic) political "leadership". The only way we can do this is with the liberal playbook. It's not designed to be fair or use the democratic system. It's designed to win, and that's exactly what it does. We need to be organizing at the personal and national levels. We need to be actively engaged in the political process. We need to be bold in our defense of our and our children's cause. We need to be willing to sacrifice for this. If you're not willing to put your money where your mouth is and pay for the kinds of programs that lead to the goal of ending this then you are part of the problem.
Pedro, most of us are not Pro-Life. We're Anti-Abortion. We see unborn children as Innocent Lives who have done nothing to deserve death. They are PEOPLE. On the other hand criminals are not Innocent Lives. Especially those who have killed, maimed, raped, etc.... They have given up their right to life by disregarding the Social Contract and Laws of our nation.
Pedro, most of us are not Pro-Life. We're Anti-Abortion. We see unborn children as Innocent Lives who have done nothing to deserve death. They are PEOPLE. On the other hand criminals are not Innocent Lives. Especially those who have killed, maimed, raped, etc.... They have given up their right to life by disregarding the Social Contract and Laws of our nation.
Then why call yourself pro-life if you ultimately think the value of a person is yours to decide?
The abortion issue, by the actions of the liberals, have been taken away from legislators and put in the hands of the courts.

Republican presidents have been trying to appoint judges who will repeal Roe v Wade, but they keep going soft on us once they get sucked into the Washington elite lifestyle.

NOt sure what more you want.

You think more lib appointees will help you? They wouldn't rule against an abortion if it took place when the kid was shaving.;)
That's not enough. We can't stick to relying on our (often toxic) political "leadership". The only way we can do this is with the liberal playbook. It's not designed to be fair or use the democratic system. It's designed to win, and that's exactly what it does. We need to be organizing at the personal and national levels. We need to be actively engaged in the political process. We need to be bold in our defense of our and our children's cause. We need to be willing to sacrifice for this. If you're not willing to put your money where your mouth is and pay for the kinds of programs that lead to the goal of ending this then you are part of the problem.

Errr, what?
Pedro, most of us are not Pro-Life. We're Anti-Abortion. We see unborn children as Innocent Lives who have done nothing to deserve death. They are PEOPLE. On the other hand criminals are not Innocent Lives. Especially those who have killed, maimed, raped, etc.... They have given up their right to life by disregarding the Social Contract and Laws of our nation.
Then why call yourself pro-life if you ultimately think the value of a person is yours to decide?

Criminals decide the value of their lives, by their actions.
Yes, you anti-rights extremists do need a sanity check as per the OP.

Yes, you should be supporting sex ed and contraception, especially long acting contraceptives.

And most importantly of all you need to step up to the plate and support health care for children across the board.
Pedro, most of us are not Pro-Life. We're Anti-Abortion. We see unborn children as Innocent Lives who have done nothing to deserve death. They are PEOPLE. On the other hand criminals are not Innocent Lives. Especially those who have killed, maimed, raped, etc.... They have given up their right to life by disregarding the Social Contract and Laws of our nation.
Then why call yourself pro-life if you ultimately think the value of a person is yours to decide?
If you can't see the difference between an unborn innocent child, and a person who chose to end someone else's life, then how do you expect anyone to help you?
Then why call yourself pro-life if you ultimately think the value of a person is yours to decide?

I don't call myself pro-life. Never have. The reason most people who want to claim to be Conservatives say Pro-Life us because it's more politically correct.
Yes, you anti-rights extremists do need a sanity check as per the OP.

Yes, you should be supporting sex ed and contraception, especially long acting contraceptives.

And most importantly of all you need to step up to the plate and support health care for children across the board.
I do support contraceptives, though not long acting ones, as my daughter has had a bad experience with an IUD, put in wrong by a doctor.

And all children should have healthcare, I don't even mind being forced to have healthcare, I just don't believe criminals should have free healthcare, period.

Why should I pay 100 bucks a week for healthcare with a 5 grand deductible, when I actually contribute to society, while they sit there and get free healthcare for being a thief, or rapist, child molester or murderer?
Yes, libs, we already know every answer you're going to give to the question not addressed to you. "They're really liberals deep down but they're just greedy and hate women so obviously they don't support pulling apart little girls to harvest their livers." "[Insert irrelevant meme here.]" "Fukk dem dey stoopit." We get it. No further explanation of your take on it is necessary - not that you won't end up dominating and hijacking the thread with your bullshit, childish antics anyway... -.-

Now, to the actual intended audience: I don't really get it. Approximately half of the nation consider themselves pro-life, but that almost always takes a back seat to social and economic ideology for the conservatives who use the label. How can someone count themselves as one of us when they defend the death penalty? How can they support policies that directly cause many of the factors that make it so easy for libs to talk women into paying them for this? I mean, you say you want to eliminate abortion, but you vote to keep sex ed out of schools and contraception out of the hands of the same groups most vulnerable to this industry? Just... How can someone justify that to themselves? We're losing for this exact reason. It's like we never miss an opportunity to throw out our most core beliefs for a party line and shoot ourselves in the foot.

Let's be honest with ourselves. We have a pretty shitty name right now between the dumbass politicians we choose to represent us and all of the major news networks but Fox (the laughing stock of network television) against us. We're not making it any better when we support policies that actively work against our own reforms. We need to get our priorities right if we're going to turn this around and stop their latest attempt to murder our children's generation.

It's a worthy point. You can't call yourself "pro-life" and simultaneously support the death penalty. That's a direct contradiction. It's having it both ways, where the positioner sets himself up as the judge of which set gets to live and which must die.

But the common thread that does make them consistent is a belief in what's generally called "statism" -- the concept of overreaching government making other people's moral decisions. I suggest that's where fruitful examination lies.
Pedro, most of us are not Pro-Life. We're Anti-Abortion. We see unborn children as Innocent Lives who have done nothing to deserve death. They are PEOPLE. On the other hand criminals are not Innocent Lives. Especially those who have killed, maimed, raped, etc.... They have given up their right to life by disregarding the Social Contract and Laws of our nation.
Then why call yourself pro-life if you ultimately think the value of a person is yours to decide?

They are not pro-life because they don't care about the post birth life.

They are anti Constitutional rights.
Republicans and conservatives seem to only care for the unborn. Why don't they care equally for the born? We know all the examples. A right winger saying "It has a right to be born" and then saying "but it's not my fault and I shouldn't have to help take care of it". And yet, you made that woman have it?

And you think we don't "get it".

How many have you adopted? Do you volunteer your time and money to help the poor and children?
I'm not the one trying to make a woman have an unwanted baby, you are. That means that question rightfully belongs to you.
Republicans and conservatives seem to only care for the unborn. Why don't they care equally for the born? We know all the examples. A right winger saying "It has a right to be born" and then saying "but it's not my fault and I shouldn't have to help take care of it". And yet, you made that woman have it?

And you think we don't "get it".

How many have you adopted? Do you volunteer your time and money to help the poor and children?
I'm not the one trying to make a woman have an unwanted baby, you are. That means that question rightfully belongs to you.

We have two adopted children, a boy 9 and a girl 7. We also volunteer our time and donate through our Church to provide for the less fortunate.

It doesn't matter what side of the issue anyone is on, they are children. The difference is we truly care while you see them as pawns in a political game
Yes, libs, we already know every answer you're going to give to the question not addressed to you. "They're really liberals deep down but they're just greedy and hate women so obviously they don't support pulling apart little girls to harvest their livers." "[Insert irrelevant meme here.]" "Fukk dem dey stoopit." We get it. No further explanation of your take on it is necessary - not that you won't end up dominating and hijacking the thread with your bullshit, childish antics anyway... -.-

Now, to the actual intended audience: I don't really get it. Approximately half of the nation consider themselves pro-life, but that almost always takes a back seat to social and economic ideology for the conservatives who use the label. How can someone count themselves as one of us when they defend the death penalty? How can they support policies that directly cause many of the factors that make it so easy for libs to talk women into paying them for this? I mean, you say you want to eliminate abortion, but you vote to keep sex ed out of schools and contraception out of the hands of the same groups most vulnerable to this industry? Just... How can someone justify that to themselves? We're losing for this exact reason. It's like we never miss an opportunity to throw out our most core beliefs for a party line and shoot ourselves in the foot.

Let's be honest with ourselves. We have a pretty shitty name right now between the dumbass politicians we choose to represent us and all of the major news networks but Fox (the laughing stock of network television) against us. We're not making it any better when we support policies that actively work against our own reforms. We need to get our priorities right if we're going to turn this around and stop their latest attempt to murder our children's generation.
Abortion isn’t ‘murder,’ it’s this sort of ignorant demagoguery that renders most on the right ridiculous and devoid of merit.

Everyone is pro-life, everyone wants to bring an end to abortion, the conflict concerns how to go about it, where most on the right seek to ‘ban’ abortion, violating a woman’s right to privacy, and increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

If you have a solution to the problem of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law, you’ll receive one hundred percent support from across the political spectrum.
Abortion isn’t ‘murder,’ it’s this sort of ignorant demagoguery that renders most on the right ridiculous and devoid of merit.

Everyone is pro-life, everyone wants to bring an end to abortion, the conflict concerns how to go about it, where most on the right seek to ‘ban’ abortion, violating a woman’s right to privacy, and increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

If you have a solution to the problem of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law, you’ll receive one hundred percent support from across the political spectrum.
See, this is the reason nobody's reads what you have to say. You ignore everything they say and try to argue what you wish they said - with honesty about your own position being completely optional. I did predict your response, though, which you would already know had you read the OP. :)
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