Why can't Public Assistance increase?


You proved you are wrong

1) You didn't know that you need to pay taxes on the money you take out of your trust to live on or invest in your own portfolio

2) Oh, then you're committing fraud and paying all your bills including mortgage, property and other taxes from your trust using "debit and credit cards" because Nevada doesn't tell the feds

4) You don't think the CEO needs to care what the strategic direction of growing the company is, it's just a report done by grunt workers

5) You don't think your company needs management at all actually, just good workers

6) Good workers who do what to you is grunt work

7) You don't think the CEO needs to interact with customers, vendors, partners or even his own senior staff, just send e-mails and read reports

You don't know shit about companies, I proved that in spades just by keeping you talking. I'd write a strongly worded letter to MS-NBC how they set you up like a bitch

1) You didn't know that you need to pay taxes on the money you take out of your trust to live on or invest in your own portfolio

It didn't come out of a portfolio. It's a corporate expense.

2) Oh, then you're committing fraud and paying all your bills including mortgage, property and other taxes from your trust using "debit and credit cards" because Nevada doesn't tell the feds

The business of the corporation is to manage the trust. The corporation pays the taxes since the corporation actually touches the monies, not me.

3) You thought your trust needed to pay you a $1 salary to not take money out. You're mixing corporations and trusts because you don't understand them

I'm paid $1.00/yr by my company which qualifies me for benefits.

4) You don't think the CEO needs to care what the strategic direction of growing the company is, it's just a report done by grunt workers

I never wrote that. I stated that the information gathered is done by others, NOT the CEO.

5) You don't think your company needs management at all actually, just good workers

I never write that.

6) Good workers who do what to you is grunt work


7) You don't think the CEO needs to interact with customers, vendors, partners or even his own senior staff, just send e-mails and read reports

I never wrote I don't interact. I travel about two weeks per month. I don't tend to day-to-day operations, that's why I have a COO/CFO, besides, it's 2016, every Monday morning at 7:00am we have a Skype conference.

Your personal expenses are NOT company expenses. Sure, you can write off a few things, autos, computers, that kind of thing. But not your personal expenses. Your trust cannot pay your personal bills for you and not report it as income. You are such an awful liar, according to you, you're committing major tax fraud on that Nevada isn't going to report you.

No CPA, attorney or trustee would do for you what you claim because they would go to jail too and no one is going to jail for you. According to your own story, you're in jail, that's why you don't work.

You are so full of shit, it's comic.

If I believe your story, you're a criminal tax cheat. Your professional staff are breaching their code of ethics. You're able to put all your expenses in your life on credit and debit cards. And it's all based on that Nevada doesn't report tax cheats to the feds so you're in the clear. Yeah. You're getting skinned alive. There's a point you just need to say you give, we're at that point

Yet you haven't shown how a trust managed by a corporation is cheating. The IRS rule is if you touch the trust monies you owe taxes. I never touch trust funds.

The corporation does pay federal tax, $180,000.00 on $4.5M, or 4%. Which is why the rich and wealthy ALWAYS funnel monies through corporations.

You're the one who said a corporation owned by a trust is cheating, dumb ass. Why would I want to show that? I don't think anything is wrong with it.

You're going in circles. The question was how you live. You said you write off all your costs of living as corporate expenses. Which again shows what a liar you are. You can't do that and no professional lawyers, accountants and trust managers are letting you. We covered this, liar

You're the one who said a corporation owned by a trust is cheating, dumb ass.

Where did I write that?

I see, you write your crap, you don't read it, huh?

I said nothing is wrong with trusts, I just said you're not a CEO, which obviously you're not. All you've shown so far is you're a tax fraud who has your company pay your living expenses as business expenses. You're lucky you're lying or you'd be going to jail
Over the last 45 years EVERY tax loophole that has benefited the rich/wealthy was from a Republican administration or majority in Congress.

Hey genius - Republican's have proposed a slew of tax reforms and it is the Dumbocrats who have blocked them all. The best proposal by conservatives is the Flat Tax - a simple percentage across the board and the elimination of all tax deductions.

So why wouldn't Dumbocrats agree to that? Because they need an extremely complicated tax code as it allows them to hide additional taxes. And greedy Dumbocrats are all about additional taxes.

A flat tax would create a tax increase for the majority of individuals and ALL business.
How many employers that hire illegal aliens has Sheriff Joe arrested?
Quite a few. But that's not his job. That's the responsibility of ICE. You know - the federal agency under Obama that has been instructed not to arrest and deport anyone.

An employer in Sheriff Joe's county that is breaking the law ISN'T his responsibility? That's stupid thinking.
You're wrong. Greedy CEO's are the reason we need public assistance AND are the reason we have wage disparity.

We don't "need" public assistance, we have public assistance. Big difference.

Wage disparity is due to more Americans finding their dream. We make a new millionaire every day in this country just with lotteries alone. With more things to buy than ever before, those who provide goods and services deserve what they earned.

CEO's have control over the company they work for and not society. CEO's don't provide social programs--Democrats provide social programs.

Since wages haven't kept par with costs, the NEED for public assistance has increased.

Wage disparity is due to Americans finding their dream and wanting more than their dream is worth. During the Visa card economy of W., investors received record returns which they still want to receive, but the Visa card is maxed out, so companies take the easy way out and off-shore to slave workers.

I believe that CEO's have a responsibility to their companies and society and a whole. I talk-the-talk AND walk-the-walk by staring my employees at $23.50/hr plus benefits. None of my employees are a burden to society. Can Walmart say the same?

Since the skills to do minimum wage jobs today are the same as they were 50 years ago, wages don't go up when skills don't.

Wage disparity is due to a disparity in skills. If someone spends thousands of hours bettering themselves, they should receive thousands of time more than someone doing a job that requires the skills most 8 year old children do as part of their chores at home.

Prove that you start your employees at $23.50 hour plus benefits.

Many places start their employees at $23/50/hour or more when the skills being offered are worth it.

Walmart isn't a burden on society. Those working there that offer skills a monkey can be trained to do are because they offer low skills.

Wage disparity is caused by keeping employee pay artificially low while employer profits increase.

Here's a hard question for you; How much do you pay the people (employees) that make you all of your money?
He's doing a real bang up job. Would you like to try a new lie?

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency in 2015 decided not to deport but release 19,723 criminal illegal immigrants, including 208 convicted of murder, over 900 convicted of sex crimes and 12,307 of drunk driving, according to new government numbers.

ICE releases 19,723 criminal illegals, 208 convicted of murder, 900 of sex crimes

That's scary.
Just look at poor Kathryn Steinle - shot and killed in broad daylight while walking the boardwalk with her father by an illegal alien with a criminal record released by Obama. My heartbreaks for her and her family. She was so young (31 if I remember correctly) and it was completely preventable. It was the result of desperate Dumbocrats trying to win elections the dirty way.

That's so sad. Why do so many support illegal immigration? I mean i want immigrants coming here, it's what our country is all about. But we need to get back to legal immigration. That's how i feel anyway.
We have 300+ million already. WHY do we need ANY immigration? Perhaps allow in the highly educated since they could actually offer something to the nation and maybe family of other citizens BUT why do we need to keep letting in anyone who wants to come? We don't need the tired, the weary. The railroads, highways and other national projects that required masses of "dumb" labor are a thing of the past.
I tend to agree with you GMU. I've said what the U.S. should start doing is assisting other nations in building new America's. Start with Mexico. Root out corruption, the drug cartels, etc. so that the citizens of these nations don't need to come here.

As far as the cost - we can bill them later when they get on their feet.

Where does the money come from to do that?
The US has the 16th lowest effective corporate tax rates.

We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. It's simply a fact junior.

By the way - do you have any idea how stupid you sound when you say "the 16th lowest". If you're #16 - the terms "lowest" or "highest" do not apply. What a desperate and pathetic spin.
That would be Sheriff Joe not arresting employers because they fund his election campaigns. Obama has deported more illegals than any President, EVER, so your point is a lie.

Since when does stopping them at the border mean deportation?

The deportations are from illegals arrested on US soil.

Care to comment on the failure of Sheriff Joe?

The DHS admitted that those being claimed by the Obama administration as deportations were really apprehensions at the border that would not have been counted as deportations under other Presidents.

You continue to believe a lie because you want to believe it.

They were caught on US soil? Thank you.

Still not a deportation. Different process.

An illegal is caught on US soil, sent back, and that's not deportation?
You're wrong. Greedy CEO's are the reason we need public assistance AND are the reason we have wage disparity.

We don't "need" public assistance, we have public assistance. Big difference.

Wage disparity is due to more Americans finding their dream. We make a new millionaire every day in this country just with lotteries alone. With more things to buy than ever before, those who provide goods and services deserve what they earned.

CEO's have control over the company they work for and not society. CEO's don't provide social programs--Democrats provide social programs.

Since wages haven't kept par with costs, the NEED for public assistance has increased.

Wage disparity is due to Americans finding their dream and wanting more than their dream is worth. During the Visa card economy of W., investors received record returns which they still want to receive, but the Visa card is maxed out, so companies take the easy way out and off-shore to slave workers.

I believe that CEO's have a responsibility to their companies and society and a whole. I talk-the-talk AND walk-the-walk by staring my employees at $23.50/hr plus benefits. None of my employees are a burden to society. Can Walmart say the same?

Since the skills to do minimum wage jobs today are the same as they were 50 years ago, wages don't go up when skills don't.

Wage disparity is due to a disparity in skills. If someone spends thousands of hours bettering themselves, they should receive thousands of time more than someone doing a job that requires the skills most 8 year old children do as part of their chores at home.

Prove that you start your employees at $23.50 hour plus benefits.

Many places start their employees at $23/50/hour or more when the skills being offered are worth it.

Walmart isn't a burden on society. Those working there that offer skills a monkey can be trained to do are because they offer low skills.

Wage disparity is caused by keeping employee pay artificially low while employer profits increase.

Here's a hard question for you; How much do you pay the people (employees) that make you all of your money?

If someone has skills worth $8/hour and they get paid $8/hour, there's nothing artificial about that. The responsibility of the owner is to pay workers what their skills are worth. The responsibility of the owner to himself, and investors if there are any, is to make profit.

What they're worth?
It didn't come out of a portfolio. It's a corporate expense.

The business of the corporation is to manage the trust. The corporation pays the taxes since the corporation actually touches the monies, not me.

I'm paid $1.00/yr by my company which qualifies me for benefits.

I never wrote that. I stated that the information gathered is done by others, NOT the CEO.

I never write that.


I never wrote I don't interact. I travel about two weeks per month. I don't tend to day-to-day operations, that's why I have a COO/CFO, besides, it's 2016, every Monday morning at 7:00am we have a Skype conference.

Your personal expenses are NOT company expenses. Sure, you can write off a few things, autos, computers, that kind of thing. But not your personal expenses. Your trust cannot pay your personal bills for you and not report it as income. You are such an awful liar, according to you, you're committing major tax fraud on that Nevada isn't going to report you.

No CPA, attorney or trustee would do for you what you claim because they would go to jail too and no one is going to jail for you. According to your own story, you're in jail, that's why you don't work.

You are so full of shit, it's comic.

If I believe your story, you're a criminal tax cheat. Your professional staff are breaching their code of ethics. You're able to put all your expenses in your life on credit and debit cards. And it's all based on that Nevada doesn't report tax cheats to the feds so you're in the clear. Yeah. You're getting skinned alive. There's a point you just need to say you give, we're at that point

Yet you haven't shown how a trust managed by a corporation is cheating. The IRS rule is if you touch the trust monies you owe taxes. I never touch trust funds.

The corporation does pay federal tax, $180,000.00 on $4.5M, or 4%. Which is why the rich and wealthy ALWAYS funnel monies through corporations.

You're the one who said a corporation owned by a trust is cheating, dumb ass. Why would I want to show that? I don't think anything is wrong with it.

You're going in circles. The question was how you live. You said you write off all your costs of living as corporate expenses. Which again shows what a liar you are. You can't do that and no professional lawyers, accountants and trust managers are letting you. We covered this, liar

You're the one who said a corporation owned by a trust is cheating, dumb ass.

Where did I write that?

I see, you write your crap, you don't read it, huh?

I said nothing is wrong with trusts, I just said you're not a CEO, which obviously you're not. All you've shown so far is you're a tax fraud who has your company pay your living expenses as business expenses. You're lucky you're lying or you'd be going to jail

How am I a tax fraud? Show me the law I'm breaking.

I've NEVER written a corporation owned by a trust is cheating.
Over the last 45 years EVERY tax loophole that has benefited the rich/wealthy was from a Republican administration or majority in Congress.
You spent a few hours watching MS-NBC to get revved up again?
Since he lives off of government welfare - he has that luxury!

I don't receive a welfare check.

How do you live then? Under a bridge?

I've already explained that.
Since when does stopping them at the border mean deportation?

The deportations are from illegals arrested on US soil.

Care to comment on the failure of Sheriff Joe?

The DHS admitted that those being claimed by the Obama administration as deportations were really apprehensions at the border that would not have been counted as deportations under other Presidents.

You continue to believe a lie because you want to believe it.

They were caught on US soil? Thank you.

Still not a deportation. Different process.

An illegal is caught on US soil, sent back, and that's not deportation?

Even the Secretary of DHS says the numbers were inflated and those that are being counted as deportations by the Obama administration weren't counted that way under any other President.
The US has the 16th lowest effective corporate tax rates.

We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. It's simply a fact junior.

By the way - do you have any idea how stupid you sound when you say "the 16th lowest". If you're #16 - the terms "lowest" or "highest" do not apply. What a desperate and pathetic spin.

LOL! You're either the number one stupid person in the world or a Koch whore.
The deportations are from illegals arrested on US soil.

Care to comment on the failure of Sheriff Joe?

The DHS admitted that those being claimed by the Obama administration as deportations were really apprehensions at the border that would not have been counted as deportations under other Presidents.

You continue to believe a lie because you want to believe it.

They were caught on US soil? Thank you.

Still not a deportation. Different process.

An illegal is caught on US soil, sent back, and that's not deportation?

Even the Secretary of DHS says the numbers were inflated and those that are being counted as deportations by the Obama administration weren't counted that way under any other President.

Because people turned around at the border AREN'T being deported?
The DHS admitted that those being claimed by the Obama administration as deportations were really apprehensions at the border that would not have been counted as deportations under other Presidents.

You continue to believe a lie because you want to believe it.

They were caught on US soil? Thank you.

Still not a deportation. Different process.

An illegal is caught on US soil, sent back, and that's not deportation?

Even the Secretary of DHS says the numbers were inflated and those that are being counted as deportations by the Obama administration weren't counted that way under any other President.

Because people turned around at the border AREN'T being deported?

That's not what deported means. Even the DHS Secretary says that.
Not raising the minimum wage is keeping workers wages low.

Not blocking inversion is keeping workers wages low.

We've raised the MW. For 82 years, since FDR first promised that the MW would provide a "decent living wage" to all Americans. Obviously, the scheme hasn't worked. Inversion is happening because you keep attacking Capitalism. If you'd back off the regulations and mandates, you might change that dynamic. But you keep wanting to bite the hand that feeds you like a bunch of morons. No one can talk to you or reason with you... for 82 years, we've been having this same debate.

Your silly ass should know that you're never going to block capitalists... they are two steps ahead of you at all times. All you ever succeed at doing is driving them away along with the jobs they provide. It's liberal insanity and you just keep on repeating it.
The US has the 16th lowest effective corporate tax rates.

No... the US has the HIGHEST corporate tax rates of any industrialized nation. If we eliminated corporate taxation, with our consumer base, it would draw thousands of new global corporations to America along with millions of new jobs. We would experience an economic boon the likes of which we've never seen before. Each one of those millions of jobs would be a new taxpayer and our tax revenues would explode.
A flat tax would create a tax increase for the majority of individuals and ALL business.

That's why we need to repeal the 16th Amendment and do away with income taxes entirely --move to a consumer tax instead. We're a consumer-driven nation and it makes better sense than ever now. The wealthy are the biggest consumer spenders of all, so they would continue to pay the bulk of the taxes and we could implement pre-bates to the poor to offset basic costs of living. There have been several well-thought-out plans for this and it would completely end this silly and stupid class warfare argument forever.
The US has the 16th lowest effective corporate tax rates.

We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. It's simply a fact junior.

By the way - do you have any idea how stupid you sound when you say "the 16th lowest". If you're #16 - the terms "lowest" or "highest" do not apply. What a desperate and pathetic spin.

LOL! You're either the number one stupid person in the world or a Koch whore.
Says the welfare queen who fellates George Soros around the clock... You can't argue anything I've said and you know it. You're on the wrong side of the facts junior.
Over the last 45 years EVERY tax loophole that has benefited the rich/wealthy was from a Republican administration or majority in Congress.

Hey genius - Republican's have proposed a slew of tax reforms and it is the Dumbocrats who have blocked them all. The best proposal by conservatives is the Flat Tax - a simple percentage across the board and the elimination of all tax deductions.

So why wouldn't Dumbocrats agree to that? Because they need an extremely complicated tax code as it allows them to hide additional taxes. And greedy Dumbocrats are all about additional taxes.

A flat tax would create a tax increase for the majority of individuals and ALL business.
I love how you immediately turn to outrageous lies when someone proves that the Dumbocrats have impeded great policy. A 10% flat tax would be a major decrease for businesses and individuals. So would a 20% tax. Hell, so would a 25% tax.

Just admit that you're making up lies with each post to defend the Dumbocrats because they throw welfare money at you.

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