Why can't Public Assistance increase?

The best thing about a consumer tax is that it would finally cause all of those criminals to pay their fair share. People who engage in organized crime, the drug trade, sex trafficking, etc. do not report income or pay taxes on it. However....they absolutely consume. They purchase soap, toothpaste, clothes, homes, automobiles, etc. A consumption tax would equally hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes that have been avoided by criminals since Abraham Lincoln implemented taxes.

Which of course is one of many reasons why Dumbocrats don't want it. The criminal population is almost exclusively made up of Dumbocrats. From Congress all the way down to the sex trafficker (who supplies the Dumbocrats in Congress with the underage sex slaves).

It's not just the criminals, it's the good guys as well.

As most of us know, nearly half of our population pays no federal income tax at all........zero.

Maybe more people would pay attention to government spending if they had to pay the bill. But as it is now, that 20 trillion (if it's ever repaid at all) will be the burden of well-to-do people even though we all benefit from what income taxes buy. If you don't pay income taxes at all, WTF should you care what our government wastes money on?
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.
To solve the problem of the poor paying the same share of this burden as the rich, we should have a progressive consumption income tax.

Necessities such as food, clothing, water, things like that have a 2% consumption tax.

Things we don't really have to have like cable television, cell phones, internet service, perhaps a 4% tax.

More luxurious items such as a swimming pool, a big screen television, SUV's and other expensive vehicles, jewelry, a 10% tax.

Upper end items such as a large boat, a vacation home, luxury cars, expensive furs and clothing perhaps a 25% tax.

We would still have people that would complain about the tax, but many less people if it were a progressive tax instead of a flat tax.
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.

Again, you make claims you don't prove.
I'm sick of proving your stupid propaganda wrong for the fifth time. and it's hard going thru 10 google pages of bs to MAYBE finding a rebuttal. We don't have a ridiculous propaganda service, shyttehead.
Who Pays? 5th Edition | The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP)

• Virtually every state tax system is fundamentally unfair, taking a much greater share of income from low- and middle-income families than from wealthy families. The absence of a graduated personal income tax and overreliance on consumption taxes exacerbate this problem.

• The lower one’s income, the higher one’s overall effective state and local tax rate. Combining all state and local income, property, sales and excise taxes that Americans pay, the nationwide average effective state and local tax rates by income group are 10.9 percent for the poorest 20 percent of individuals and families, 9.4 percent for the middle 20 percent and 5.4 percent for the top 1 percent.

• In the 10 states with the most regressive tax structures (the Terrible 10) the bottom 20 percent pay up to seven times as much of their income in taxes as their wealthy counterparts. Washington State is the most regressive, followed by Florida, Texas, South Dakota, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Arizona, Kansas, and Indiana.

• Heavy reliance on sales and excise taxes are characteristics of the most regressive state tax systems. Six of the 10 most regressive states derive roughly half to two-thirds of their tax revenue from sales and excise taxes, compared to a national average of roughly one-third . Five of these states do not levy a broad-based personal income tax (four do not have any taxes on personal income and one state only applies its personal income tax to interest and dividends) while four have a personal income tax rate structure that is flat or virtually flat.
Can't find it, but the tax foundation found the following paid in ALL taxes: lowest 20%- 17.4%, middle 20%- 24%, 2nd highest 29%, highest 28%. Add fees and I figure all pay 20-30%. That survey has moved on...

You're so lucky to have a totally FOS propaganda service to repeat endlessly your bs about fed income taxes, dupes....
Last edited:
When he cuts federal aid to the states he does...and it's REAGANISM NOW, he's still dead.

WTF does money to states have to do with it? That doesn't mean states automatically raise their taxes. That's besides the fact the President doesn't cut anything--Congress cuts or increases money to states.

You losers show your desperation every time you post. Blaming a guy who's been out of office for almost 30 years for the failures of your people today. And you think people are buying it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The best thing about a consumer tax is that it would finally cause all of those criminals to pay their fair share. People who engage in organized crime, the drug trade, sex trafficking, etc. do not report income or pay taxes on it. However....they absolutely consume. They purchase soap, toothpaste, clothes, homes, automobiles, etc. A consumption tax would equally hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes that have been avoided by criminals since Abraham Lincoln implemented taxes.

Which of course is one of many reasons why Dumbocrats don't want it. The criminal population is almost exclusively made up of Dumbocrats. From Congress all the way down to the sex trafficker (who supplies the Dumbocrats in Congress with the underage sex slaves).

It's not just the criminals, it's the good guys as well.

As most of us know, nearly half of our population pays no federal income tax at all........zero.

Maybe more people would pay attention to government spending if they had to pay the bill. But as it is now, that 20 trillion (if it's ever repaid at all) will be the burden of well-to-do people even though we all benefit from what income taxes buy. If you don't pay income taxes at all, WTF should you care what our government wastes money on?
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.
To solve the problem of the poor paying the same share of this burden as the rich, we should have a progressive consumption income tax.

Necessities such as food, clothing, water, things like that have a 2% consumption tax.

Things we don't really have to have like cable television, cell phones, internet service, perhaps a 4% tax.

More luxurious items such as a swimming pool, a big screen television, SUV's and other expensive vehicles, jewelry, a 10% tax.

Upper end items such as a large boat, a vacation home, luxury cars, expensive furs and clothing perhaps a 25% tax.

We would still have people that would complain about the tax, but many less people if it were a progressive tax instead of a flat tax.
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.

Again, you make claims you don't prove.
I'm sick of proving your stupid propaganda wrong for the fifth time. and it's hard going thru 10 google pages of bs to MAYBE finding a rebuttal. We don't have a ridiculous propaganda service, shyttehead.

If you can't find a valid rebuttal, you haven't proven anything wrong.
When he cuts federal aid to the states he does...and it's REAGANISM NOW, he's still dead.

WTF does money to states have to do with it? That doesn't mean states automatically raise their taxes. That's besides the fact the President doesn't cut anything--Congress cuts or increases money to states.

You losers show your desperation every time you post. Blaming a guy who's been out of office for almost 30 years for the failures of your people today. And you think people are buying it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Also, money spent by the States may not be perfect, but it's a lot more accountable to the people than money spent by the Federal government is to the people
I do not have to prove that there are not sextillions of dollars in investments. The entire world is worth hundreds of trillions of dollars, not anywhere close to sextillions. The fact that you are unclear about that tells me you know diddly squat about business, money, or much of anything else. You are quite safely mocked and ignored.

Here ya go.

Here’s all the money in the world, in one chart
From your link: "There is $1.2 quadrillion invested in derivatives alone." I don't know where you took math, but in my world, quadrillions is nowhere close to "billions of trillions".

Derivatives are only one investment. Doesn't really matter as I've made my point.
Which is that you use emotional, not precise, language when talking about something with which you should be extremely familiar.

Derivatives ARE only one investment.
Okay, so where are the billions of trillions you said were in investments? You're supposed to know money, yet you use emotional language when talking about it. I know databases, so I use precise language when talking about them. I don't say there are billions of trillions of bytes in a database when there are gigabytes. Your language tells me you don't know as much as you're claiming you do.
When he cuts federal aid to the states he does...and it's REAGANISM NOW, he's still dead.

WTF does money to states have to do with it? That doesn't mean states automatically raise their taxes. That's besides the fact the President doesn't cut anything--Congress cuts or increases money to states.

You losers show your desperation every time you post. Blaming a guy who's been out of office for almost 30 years for the failures of your people today. And you think people are buying it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
For the fortieth time, it's Reaganism, stupid. Defended to the death, that Reagan himself wouldn't support anymore.
The best thing about a consumer tax is that it would finally cause all of those criminals to pay their fair share. People who engage in organized crime, the drug trade, sex trafficking, etc. do not report income or pay taxes on it. However....they absolutely consume. They purchase soap, toothpaste, clothes, homes, automobiles, etc. A consumption tax would equally hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes that have been avoided by criminals since Abraham Lincoln implemented taxes.

Which of course is one of many reasons why Dumbocrats don't want it. The criminal population is almost exclusively made up of Dumbocrats. From Congress all the way down to the sex trafficker (who supplies the Dumbocrats in Congress with the underage sex slaves).

It's not just the criminals, it's the good guys as well.

As most of us know, nearly half of our population pays no federal income tax at all........zero.

Maybe more people would pay attention to government spending if they had to pay the bill. But as it is now, that 20 trillion (if it's ever repaid at all) will be the burden of well-to-do people even though we all benefit from what income taxes buy. If you don't pay income taxes at all, WTF should you care what our government wastes money on?
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.
To solve the problem of the poor paying the same share of this burden as the rich, we should have a progressive consumption income tax.

Necessities such as food, clothing, water, things like that have a 2% consumption tax.

Things we don't really have to have like cable television, cell phones, internet service, perhaps a 4% tax.

More luxurious items such as a swimming pool, a big screen television, SUV's and other expensive vehicles, jewelry, a 10% tax.

Upper end items such as a large boat, a vacation home, luxury cars, expensive furs and clothing perhaps a 25% tax.

We would still have people that would complain about the tax, but many less people if it were a progressive tax instead of a flat tax.
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.

Again, you make claims you don't prove.
I'm sick of proving your stupid propaganda wrong for the fifth time. and it's hard going thru 10 google pages of bs to MAYBE finding a rebuttal. We don't have a ridiculous propaganda service, shyttehead.

If you can't find a valid rebuttal, you haven't proven anything wrong.
I've posted it five times at least. It's disappeared, dupe.
It's not just the criminals, it's the good guys as well.

As most of us know, nearly half of our population pays no federal income tax at all........zero.

Maybe more people would pay attention to government spending if they had to pay the bill. But as it is now, that 20 trillion (if it's ever repaid at all) will be the burden of well-to-do people even though we all benefit from what income taxes buy. If you don't pay income taxes at all, WTF should you care what our government wastes money on?
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.
To solve the problem of the poor paying the same share of this burden as the rich, we should have a progressive consumption income tax.

Necessities such as food, clothing, water, things like that have a 2% consumption tax.

Things we don't really have to have like cable television, cell phones, internet service, perhaps a 4% tax.

More luxurious items such as a swimming pool, a big screen television, SUV's and other expensive vehicles, jewelry, a 10% tax.

Upper end items such as a large boat, a vacation home, luxury cars, expensive furs and clothing perhaps a 25% tax.

We would still have people that would complain about the tax, but many less people if it were a progressive tax instead of a flat tax.
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.

Again, you make claims you don't prove.
I'm sick of proving your stupid propaganda wrong for the fifth time. and it's hard going thru 10 google pages of bs to MAYBE finding a rebuttal. We don't have a ridiculous propaganda service, shyttehead.

If you can't find a valid rebuttal, you haven't proven anything wrong.
I've posted it five times at least. It's disappeared, dupe.

The only dupe is the one that makes the claim you made, says there is evidence to support the claim, then can't provide thinking that saying you did is believable. IOW, no evidence, no proof. Your claim is dismissed.
Also, money spent by the States may not be perfect, but it's a lot more accountable to the people than money spent by the Federal government is to the people

Exactly. Just like your city government is more accountable than the state.

The smaller the group of people, the more likely they will make change if unhappy.
  • Thanks
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Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.

Again, you make claims you don't prove.
I'm sick of proving your stupid propaganda wrong for the fifth time. and it's hard going thru 10 google pages of bs to MAYBE finding a rebuttal. We don't have a ridiculous propaganda service, shyttehead.

If you can't find a valid rebuttal, you haven't proven anything wrong.
I've posted it five times at least. It's disappeared, dupe.

The only dupe is the one that makes the claim you made, says there is evidence to support the claim, then can't provide thinking that saying you did is believable. IOW, no evidence, no proof. Your claim is dismissed.
Yup, only bs claims from the RW propaganda machine, repeated endlessly on hundreds of bought off websites, are correct. 47% pay no taxes blah blah blah....
Can't find it, but the tax foundation found the following paid in ALL taxes: lowest 20%- 17.4%, middle 20%- 24%, 2nd highest 29%, highest 28%. Add fees and I figure all pay 20-30%. That survey has moved on...

You're so lucky to have a totally FOS propaganda service to repeat endlessly your bs about fed income taxes, dupes....
Add payroll taxes and income taxes to this and if you can think you'll get the idea...

Who Pays? 5th Edition | The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP)

• Virtually every state tax system is fundamentally unfair, taking a much greater share of income from low- and middle-income families than from wealthy families. The absence of a graduated personal income tax and overreliance on consumption taxes exacerbate this problem.

• The lower one’s income, the higher one’s overall effective state and local tax rate. Combining all state and local income, property, sales and excise taxes that Americans pay, the nationwide average effective state and local tax rates by income group are 10.9 percent for the poorest 20 percent of individuals and families, 9.4 percent for the middle 20 percent and 5.4 percent for the top 1 percent.

• In the 10 states with the most regressive tax structures (the Terrible 10) the bottom 20 percent pay up to seven times as much of their income in taxes as their wealthy counterparts. Washington State is the most regressive, followed by Florida, Texas, South Dakota, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Arizona, Kansas, and Indiana.

• Heavy reliance on sales and excise taxes are characteristics of the most regressive state tax systems. Six of the 10 most regressive states derive roughly half to two-thirds of their tax revenue from sales and excise taxes, compared to a national average of roughly one-third . Five of these states do not levy a broad-based personal income tax (four do not have any taxes on personal income and one state only applies its personal income tax to interest and dividends) while four have a personal income tax rate structure that is flat or virtually flat.
Yup, only bs claims from the RW propaganda machine, repeated endlessly on hundreds of bought off websites, are correct. 47% pay no taxes blah blah blah....

You seem confused. A fact is not propaganda.

• Virtually every state tax system is fundamentally unfair, taking a much greater share of income from low- and middle-income families than from wealthy families. The absence of a graduated personal income tax and overreliance on consumption taxes exacerbate this problem.

• The lower one’s income, the higher one’s overall effective state and local tax rate. Combining all state and local income, property, sales and excise taxes that Americans pay, the nationwide average effective state and local tax rates by income group are 10.9 percent for the poorest 20 percent of individuals and families, 9.4 percent for the middle 20 percent and 5.4 percent for the top 1 percent.

THIS is propaganda.

First, it is predicated entirely on the false notion that we tax based on wealth. We don't and never have. We tax earned and dividend incomes. Mixing in what various states decide with regard to taxation has nothing to with a debate on federal taxation. This is how all propaganda works. Blur distinctions, predicate on false narratives, formulate statistics that have nothing to do with the debate in order to win the argument.

The "Top 1%" don't earn incomes... they pay tax on dividends from investments. Raise those taxes and they will stop investing. The most fair and impartial means of taxation is consumption tax. That's why we have state and local sales taxes.
I think it's time for me to quit my job. Move into Sec 8 housing, get me an ebt card, some welfare cash, an obamaphone, and kick back for awhile. This work shit sucks. Time for somebody else to pay my way.
Again, you make claims you don't prove.
I'm sick of proving your stupid propaganda wrong for the fifth time. and it's hard going thru 10 google pages of bs to MAYBE finding a rebuttal. We don't have a ridiculous propaganda service, shyttehead.

If you can't find a valid rebuttal, you haven't proven anything wrong.
I've posted it five times at least. It's disappeared, dupe.

The only dupe is the one that makes the claim you made, says there is evidence to support the claim, then can't provide thinking that saying you did is believable. IOW, no evidence, no proof. Your claim is dismissed.
Yup, only bs claims from the RW propaganda machine, repeated endlessly on hundreds of bought off websites, are correct. 47% pay no taxes blah blah blah....

How is it propaganda to expect you to post proof of your claim and then call you a liar when you can't?

47% don't pay income taxes and that's the truth. If you don't believe it, you're just another dumb son of a bitch.
I'm sick of proving your stupid propaganda wrong for the fifth time. and it's hard going thru 10 google pages of bs to MAYBE finding a rebuttal. We don't have a ridiculous propaganda service, shyttehead.

If you can't find a valid rebuttal, you haven't proven anything wrong.
I've posted it five times at least. It's disappeared, dupe.

The only dupe is the one that makes the claim you made, says there is evidence to support the claim, then can't provide thinking that saying you did is believable. IOW, no evidence, no proof. Your claim is dismissed.
Yup, only bs claims from the RW propaganda machine, repeated endlessly on hundreds of bought off websites, are correct. 47% pay no taxes blah blah blah....

How is it propaganda to expect you to post proof of your claim and then call you a liar when you can't?

47% don't pay income taxes and that's the truth. If you don't believe it, you're just another dumb son of a bitch.
No, they don't pay FEDERAL income taxes. So it's YOU. AGAIN.
If you can't find a valid rebuttal, you haven't proven anything wrong.
I've posted it five times at least. It's disappeared, dupe.

The only dupe is the one that makes the claim you made, says there is evidence to support the claim, then can't provide thinking that saying you did is believable. IOW, no evidence, no proof. Your claim is dismissed.
Yup, only bs claims from the RW propaganda machine, repeated endlessly on hundreds of bought off websites, are correct. 47% pay no taxes blah blah blah....

How is it propaganda to expect you to post proof of your claim and then call you a liar when you can't?

47% don't pay income taxes and that's the truth. If you don't believe it, you're just another dumb son of a bitch.
No, they don't pay FEDERAL income taxes. So it's YOU. AGAIN.

Many of them don't mind being freeloaders and taking handouts funded by the very taxes they don't pay. It is about me. I'm one of those paying too much so some piece of shit freeloader can pay nothing.

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