Why can't Public Assistance increase?

I've posted it five times at least. It's disappeared, dupe.

The only dupe is the one that makes the claim you made, says there is evidence to support the claim, then can't provide thinking that saying you did is believable. IOW, no evidence, no proof. Your claim is dismissed.
Yup, only bs claims from the RW propaganda machine, repeated endlessly on hundreds of bought off websites, are correct. 47% pay no taxes blah blah blah....

How is it propaganda to expect you to post proof of your claim and then call you a liar when you can't?

47% don't pay income taxes and that's the truth. If you don't believe it, you're just another dumb son of a bitch.
No, they don't pay FEDERAL income taxes. So it's YOU. AGAIN.

Many of them don't mind being freeloaders and taking handouts funded by the very taxes they don't pay. It is about me. I'm one of those paying too much so some piece of shit freeloader can pay nothing.
Like Big Oil, big health, Big Pharma, and much of the 1%...those freeloaders, unless they are disabled, have to apply to 10 jobs a week and prove it, and work at minimum wage for benefits. They are NOT the problem. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I'm sick of proving your stupid propaganda wrong for the fifth time. and it's hard going thru 10 google pages of bs to MAYBE finding a rebuttal. We don't have a ridiculous propaganda service, shyttehead.

If you can't find a valid rebuttal, you haven't proven anything wrong.
I've posted it five times at least. It's disappeared, dupe.

The only dupe is the one that makes the claim you made, says there is evidence to support the claim, then can't provide thinking that saying you did is believable. IOW, no evidence, no proof. Your claim is dismissed.
Yup, only bs claims from the RW propaganda machine, repeated endlessly on hundreds of bought off websites, are correct. 47% pay no taxes blah blah blah....

How is it propaganda to expect you to post proof of your claim and then call you a liar when you can't?

47% don't pay income taxes and that's the truth. If you don't believe it, you're just another dumb son of a bitch.
I've had threads about this with links. Our stats disappear after a while. Your bought-off-by-billionaire bs propaganda never dies..
The only dupe is the one that makes the claim you made, says there is evidence to support the claim, then can't provide thinking that saying you did is believable. IOW, no evidence, no proof. Your claim is dismissed.
Yup, only bs claims from the RW propaganda machine, repeated endlessly on hundreds of bought off websites, are correct. 47% pay no taxes blah blah blah....

How is it propaganda to expect you to post proof of your claim and then call you a liar when you can't?

47% don't pay income taxes and that's the truth. If you don't believe it, you're just another dumb son of a bitch.
No, they don't pay FEDERAL income taxes. So it's YOU. AGAIN.

Many of them don't mind being freeloaders and taking handouts funded by the very taxes they don't pay. It is about me. I'm one of those paying too much so some piece of shit freeloader can pay nothing.
Like Big Oil, big health, Big Pharma, and much of the 1%...those freeloaders, unless they are disabled, have to apply to 10 jobs a week and prove it, and work at minimum wage for benefits. They are NOT the problem. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

I thought you'd use that excuse.
If you can't find a valid rebuttal, you haven't proven anything wrong.
I've posted it five times at least. It's disappeared, dupe.

The only dupe is the one that makes the claim you made, says there is evidence to support the claim, then can't provide thinking that saying you did is believable. IOW, no evidence, no proof. Your claim is dismissed.
Yup, only bs claims from the RW propaganda machine, repeated endlessly on hundreds of bought off websites, are correct. 47% pay no taxes blah blah blah....

How is it propaganda to expect you to post proof of your claim and then call you a liar when you can't?

47% don't pay income taxes and that's the truth. If you don't believe it, you're just another dumb son of a bitch.
I've had threads about this with links. Our stats disappear after a while. Your bought-off-by-billionaire bs propaganda never dies..

Still more excuses. What it boils down to is you say you had things but have no proof of it. That means it doesn't exist despite how many times you say so.
I've posted it five times at least. It's disappeared, dupe.

The only dupe is the one that makes the claim you made, says there is evidence to support the claim, then can't provide thinking that saying you did is believable. IOW, no evidence, no proof. Your claim is dismissed.
Yup, only bs claims from the RW propaganda machine, repeated endlessly on hundreds of bought off websites, are correct. 47% pay no taxes blah blah blah....

How is it propaganda to expect you to post proof of your claim and then call you a liar when you can't?

47% don't pay income taxes and that's the truth. If you don't believe it, you're just another dumb son of a bitch.
I've had threads about this with links. Our stats disappear after a while. Your bought-off-by-billionaire bs propaganda never dies..

Still more excuses. What it boils down to is you say you had things but have no proof of it. That means it doesn't exist despite how many times you say so.
Didn't I used to be able to search my threads?
The only dupe is the one that makes the claim you made, says there is evidence to support the claim, then can't provide thinking that saying you did is believable. IOW, no evidence, no proof. Your claim is dismissed.
Yup, only bs claims from the RW propaganda machine, repeated endlessly on hundreds of bought off websites, are correct. 47% pay no taxes blah blah blah....

How is it propaganda to expect you to post proof of your claim and then call you a liar when you can't?

47% don't pay income taxes and that's the truth. If you don't believe it, you're just another dumb son of a bitch.
I've had threads about this with links. Our stats disappear after a while. Your bought-off-by-billionaire bs propaganda never dies..

Still more excuses. What it boils down to is you say you had things but have no proof of it. That means it doesn't exist despite how many times you say so.
Didn't I used to be able to search my threads?

All that matters is you made a claim but have yet to prove it. Nothing else on this issue matters.
Yup, only bs claims from the RW propaganda machine, repeated endlessly on hundreds of bought off websites, are correct. 47% pay no taxes blah blah blah....

How is it propaganda to expect you to post proof of your claim and then call you a liar when you can't?

47% don't pay income taxes and that's the truth. If you don't believe it, you're just another dumb son of a bitch.
I've had threads about this with links. Our stats disappear after a while. Your bought-off-by-billionaire bs propaganda never dies..

Still more excuses. What it boils down to is you say you had things but have no proof of it. That means it doesn't exist despite how many times you say so.
Didn't I used to be able to search my threads?

All that matters is you made a claim but have yet to prove it. Nothing else on this issue matters.
You don't care about the truth, party first dupe. lol
How is it propaganda to expect you to post proof of your claim and then call you a liar when you can't?

47% don't pay income taxes and that's the truth. If you don't believe it, you're just another dumb son of a bitch.
I've had threads about this with links. Our stats disappear after a while. Your bought-off-by-billionaire bs propaganda never dies..

Still more excuses. What it boils down to is you say you had things but have no proof of it. That means it doesn't exist despite how many times you say so.
Didn't I used to be able to search my threads?

All that matters is you made a claim but have yet to prove it. Nothing else on this issue matters.
You don't care about the truth, party first dupe. lol

I do care about the truth. That's why I asked to prove your claim. That you won't prove what you say is the truth shows you lied.
Like Big Oil, big health, Big Pharma, and much of the 1%...those freeloaders, unless they are disabled, have to apply to 10 jobs a week and prove it, and work at minimum wage for benefits. They are NOT the problem. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

You need to get over your hate for and jealousy of wealthy people. They are who provide many of the jobs and the investment capital to make the economy go. Without their wealth, you'd be working for $1 a day and a bowl of rice. Without their investments in capitalism you'd be living in a third-world shithole like North Korea.
Here you go scheiskobf...
The one tax graph you really need to know

Like Big Oil, big health, Big Pharma, and much of the 1%...those freeloaders, unless they are disabled, have to apply to 10 jobs a week and prove it, and work at minimum wage for benefits. They are NOT the problem. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

You need to get over your hate for and jealousy of wealthy people. They are who provide many of the jobs and the investment capital to make the economy go. Without their wealth, you'd be working for $1 a day and a bowl of rice. Without their investments in capitalism you'd be living in a third-world shithole like North Korea.
I just want them to pay their their fair share- so do a lot of them, the good ones, the Dems, dupe.

You'll also notice I don't call you liars, just brainwashed functional morons. Dems aren't liars and are right MUCH more often than lying Pubs and silly dupes like you. Will you ever learn?


Again... What you continue to do is to drag state and local taxes into an argument over Federal taxation. I can't do one thing in the world over what people in NY decide regarding their taxes... that's entirely up to them. You can't do anything about what Alabama people do with their taxes.... No law that we can ever pass at the Federal level is going to change how states handle their own taxes or municipalities, etc.

So why do you want to muddy the argument with something that has nothing to do with Federal taxation? Surely, you must understand (if you're not a retard) that we can't "make up for" what states do at the federal level. Your state may have extremely high state and local sales taxes, property taxes, etc. My state may have no such taxes... so why should I be forced to pay more Federal tax to offset what your state does? If I have no political power to tell your state not to have high taxes but you want to tax me at the federal level because of that... this is called "taxation without representation" and it's unconstitutional.
EVERYONE pays 20-30% in all taxes and fees, and the 1% ends up with 99% of new wealth, dupes.


Now stfu.

You lied. the 0 - 20 total is 17.3 if you add federal and state. That's not 20 - 30%. You said EVERYONE and that's not everyone. Your own source contracts what you said.

What will be your excuse now? Whine, bitch, and say stuff? Tell you what, when you have the ability to shut me up, step up to the plate. You already had your ass kicked figuratively.

Again... What you continue to do is to drag state and local taxes into an argument over Federal taxation. I can't do one thing in the world over what people in NY decide regarding their taxes... that's entirely up to them. You can't do anything about what Alabama people do with their taxes.... No law that we can ever pass at the Federal level is going to change how states handle their own taxes or municipalities, etc.

So why do you want to muddy the argument with something that has nothing to do with Federal taxation? Surely, you must understand (if you're not a retard) that we can't "make up for" what states do at the federal level. Your state may have extremely high state and local sales taxes, property taxes, etc. My state may have no such taxes... so why should I be forced to pay more Federal tax to offset what your state does? If I have no political power to tell your state not to have high taxes but you want to tax me at the federal level because of that... this is called "taxation without representation" and it's unconstitutional.

I didn't bring that up but using state taxes as part of the argument when every state's different makes his argument invalid.

By the way, did you notice that he said EVERYONE paid between 20 - 30% yet the 0 - 20 group (far left) totals only 17.3%. He demand I stfu now. Wonder what his excuse will be after pointing out his error.
I just want them to pay their their fair share- so do a lot of them, the good ones, the Dems, dupe.

The people who aren't "paying their fair share" of Federal income tax are the ones who pay NO income tax. Most of the people earning high incomes are not "wealthy" people, they are small business owners who, as a matter of federal law, file taxes as individuals. We have a lot of "wealthy" who earn dividends from investments and they pay taxes on it. It's taxed at a lower rate than earned income because we need to encourage investment. These "wealthy" people don't need to earn incomes... they are already wealthy. So we can either encourage them to use their wealth to invest in new businesses and such, or we can jack their tax rates on dividends up and watch them hoard their wealth or put it into municipal bonds which are tax free. If you want to tax investment in municipal bonds then you'll have to deal with entire cities collapsing due to lack of capital.

What you need to do is stop hating rich people... no poor person ever became wealthy by punishing wealthy people. That is simply a recipe for failure. And you also need to comprehend that we don't tax wealth in this country. People can be rich as shit and not pay one dime in taxes because they don't earn income. They've already paid their taxes when they earned their wealth. People who DO earn a lot of income are already being taxed at the highest rate while millions upon millions pay no federal income taxes.

Again... What you continue to do is to drag state and local taxes into an argument over Federal taxation. I can't do one thing in the world over what people in NY decide regarding their taxes... that's entirely up to them. You can't do anything about what Alabama people do with their taxes.... No law that we can ever pass at the Federal level is going to change how states handle their own taxes or municipalities, etc.

So why do you want to muddy the argument with something that has nothing to do with Federal taxation? Surely, you must understand (if you're not a retard) that we can't "make up for" what states do at the federal level. Your state may have extremely high state and local sales taxes, property taxes, etc. My state may have no such taxes... so why should I be forced to pay more Federal tax to offset what your state does? If I have no political power to tell your state not to have high taxes but you want to tax me at the federal level because of that... this is called "taxation without representation" and it's unconstitutional.

I didn't bring that up but using state taxes as part of the argument when every state's different makes his argument invalid.

By the way, did you notice that he said EVERYONE paid between 20 - 30% yet the 0 - 20 group (far left) totals only 17.3%. He demand I stfu now. Wonder what his excuse will be after pointing out his error.
Add all gov't fees and it'll be close. Your blind allegiance to the greedy idiot rich is touching, dupe.

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