Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Wage disparity is caused by keeping employee pay artificially low while employer profits increase.

Here's a hard question for you; How much do you pay the people (employees) that make you all of your money?

The least you can without decreasing or losing your workforce.

And what do you mean by "artificially low?" WTF is that anyway.
A flat tax would create a tax increase for the majority of individuals and ALL business.

That's why we need to repeal the 16th Amendment and do away with income taxes entirely --move to a consumer tax instead. We're a consumer-driven nation and it makes better sense than ever now. The wealthy are the biggest consumer spenders of all, so they would continue to pay the bulk of the taxes and we could implement pre-bates to the poor to offset basic costs of living. There have been several well-thought-out plans for this and it would completely end this silly and stupid class warfare argument forever.
The best thing about a consumer tax is that it would finally cause all of those criminals to pay their fair share. People who engage in organized crime, the drug trade, sex trafficking, etc. do not report income or pay taxes on it. However....they absolutely consume. They purchase soap, toothpaste, clothes, homes, automobiles, etc. A consumption tax would equally hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes that have been avoided by criminals since Abraham Lincoln implemented taxes.

Which of course is one of many reasons why Dumbocrats don't want it. The criminal population is almost exclusively made up of Dumbocrats. From Congress all the way down to the sex trafficker (who supplies the Dumbocrats in Congress with the underage sex slaves).
Wage disparity is caused by keeping employee pay artificially low while employer profits increase.

Nope, it has been explained to you but you're a hard head. Wage disparity and wealth disparity is the result of any free market capitalist system. We are all free to participate in the free market system. There is no limitation on how much pay you can receive or wealth you can acquire in our system, therefore, we constantly have disparity. Some people's talents, skills and expertise is worth more than others but it's always a voluntary exchange in a free society. If you don't like your condition as "a worker" then be a BOSS!

Now... wages at the bottom are often kept low because they are baselined on the artificial government guideline known as the minimum wage. If you're looking for a person to blame for that, it's FDR. The MW effectively removes the individual's right to negotiate based on their value and gives the corporation the convenient excuse to baseline their pay according to current minimum wage.
I believe that a business owner has a moral obligation to pay their employees (that make them all of their monies) high enough where the employee doesn't become a burden on society.

So if somebody is a burden on society, it's the employers fault and not the individual that is working for that employer?

That's like saying it's the banks fault for getting robbed because the bank had a lot of money and the robber had little.

If we make everybody's life better by forcing industry to overpay a worker, how do you expect the worker to ever want to better themselves?

My first full-time job was at a car wash. It was an idiots job. I took money from customers, put them on the line, and hit a button to send the car through the wash.

Imagine if back then, we did things the way liberals want to do it now! I may have spent my life at that car wash, or wasted a lot of my life working there until I finally decided to do something better with my time on this earth.

Minimum wage employees in our country make up about 3% of our workforce. You are not going to have wage disparity because of that 3%. And within a years time, most of those in that 3% end up making more than minimum wage. So your logic is flawed.
Here's a hard question for you; How much do you pay the people (employees) that make you all of your money?

Your argument has already been defeated several pages ago. You're simply repeating a failed argument. "Workers" are not who makes ALL your money. They are an essential component but hardly responsible for the myriad of things which contribute to profits. They don't buy the equipment, the infrastructure, materials... they don't pay the insurance bills, power bills, transportation costs, advertising costs, maintenance fees, regulatory and licensing fees, or have any responsibility for corporate liability whatsoever. ALL of those things factor into the bottom line, Mr. Big Shot CEO.... you should know that.
One of the workers doing so, Justine Decker, indicated that working full time instead of part time would cause her to make enough to a point where it would affect her housing and daycare subsidies. I thought the argument was that making more meant they could now provide for themselves. Seems they simply wanted to be as the same bottom line only having to work fewer hours for the same pay while still receiving the same amount of benefits. IOW, they really didn't want to support themselves and were more concerned about losing freebies.

That's it exactly.

Our government programs rob people of their ambition. They are given goodies to keep their government stipend and that keeps them in poverty forever; or as long as they wish to be in poverty.

Okay, so what's wrong with that? After all, if you can work 20 hours a week and get government subsidies to make your income the same as working 40 hours a week, then what's the problem?

The problem is you can't advance yourself on any job working 20 hours a week. You'll never seek ways to increase your income be it by raises from your employer or taking what you learned on your job to another employer paying higher wages. You'll never accept any overtime offered to you and increase your income. You will be mired in the same place as when you started that job.
The best thing about a consumer tax is that it would finally cause all of those criminals to pay their fair share. People who engage in organized crime, the drug trade, sex trafficking, etc. do not report income or pay taxes on it. However....they absolutely consume. They purchase soap, toothpaste, clothes, homes, automobiles, etc. A consumption tax would equally hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes that have been avoided by criminals since Abraham Lincoln implemented taxes.

Which of course is one of many reasons why Dumbocrats don't want it. The criminal population is almost exclusively made up of Dumbocrats. From Congress all the way down to the sex trafficker (who supplies the Dumbocrats in Congress with the underage sex slaves).

It's not just the criminals, it's the good guys as well.

As most of us know, nearly half of our population pays no federal income tax at all........zero.

Maybe more people would pay attention to government spending if they had to pay the bill. But as it is now, that 20 trillion (if it's ever repaid at all) will be the burden of well-to-do people even though we all benefit from what income taxes buy. If you don't pay income taxes at all, WTF should you care what our government wastes money on?

To solve the problem of the poor paying the same share of this burden as the rich, we should have a progressive consumption income tax.

Necessities such as food, clothing, water, things like that have a 2% consumption tax.

Things we don't really have to have like cable television, cell phones, internet service, perhaps a 4% tax.

More luxurious items such as a swimming pool, a big screen television, SUV's and other expensive vehicles, jewelry, a 10% tax.

Upper end items such as a large boat, a vacation home, luxury cars, expensive furs and clothing perhaps a 25% tax.

We would still have people that would complain about the tax, but many less people if it were a progressive tax instead of a flat tax.
The best thing about a consumer tax is that it would finally cause all of those criminals to pay their fair share. People who engage in organized crime, the drug trade, sex trafficking, etc. do not report income or pay taxes on it. However....they absolutely consume. They purchase soap, toothpaste, clothes, homes, automobiles, etc. A consumption tax would equally hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes that have been avoided by criminals since Abraham Lincoln implemented taxes.

Which of course is one of many reasons why Dumbocrats don't want it. The criminal population is almost exclusively made up of Dumbocrats. From Congress all the way down to the sex trafficker (who supplies the Dumbocrats in Congress with the underage sex slaves).

It's not just the criminals, it's the good guys as well.

As most of us know, nearly half of our population pays no federal income tax at all........zero.

Maybe more people would pay attention to government spending if they had to pay the bill. But as it is now, that 20 trillion (if it's ever repaid at all) will be the burden of well-to-do people even though we all benefit from what income taxes buy. If you don't pay income taxes at all, WTF should you care what our government wastes money on?

To solve the problem of the poor paying the same share of this burden as the rich, we should have a progressive consumption income tax.

Necessities such as food, clothing, water, things like that have a 2% consumption tax.

Things we don't really have to have like cable television, cell phones, internet service, perhaps a 4% tax.

More luxurious items such as a swimming pool, a big screen television, SUV's and other expensive vehicles, jewelry, a 10% tax.

Upper end items such as a large boat, a vacation home, luxury cars, expensive furs and clothing perhaps a 25% tax.

We would still have people that would complain about the tax, but many less people if it were a progressive tax instead of a flat tax.
We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget.

Indisputable proof that you are a liar....
  1. “The Air Force is short 4,000 maintainers and more than 700 pilots today.” It doesn’t matter how many planes the Air Force has, or how modern they may be, if they can’t fly. Without qualified mechanics to maintain the aircraft and properly train pilots to fly them, the Air Force will struggle to accomplish its mission.
  2. “In 2015 the Navy had a backlog of 11 planes in depot, next year in [20]17 they are going to have a backlog of 278.” Readiness levels for the entire fleet have fallen as the Navy’s maintenance crews are being asked to work longer hours with less funding. More planes in maintenance mean fewer are available to meet mission requirements.
  3. “Less than one-third of the Army is ready to meet the requirements of the Defense Strategic Guidance—it’s supposed to be no less than two-thirds.” The Army is already at a historically small level, and much of what remains of the service is not ready for combat. If a major war were to break out, the U.S. Army simply isn’t ready.
  4. “Marine Corps aviation requires on average 10 hours of flight time a month and they are getting about four.” Like any skill, practice is essential. Pilots without practice make more mistakes, which become deadly when flying complex aircraft, especially when in combat. The lives of Marines are at greater risk because of these funding cuts.
  5. “Less than half of the Air Force combat forces are ready to face a peer competitor such as China and Russia.” While the U.S. military faces this readiness crisis, America’s potential adversaries are increasing defense spending and modernization efforts as U.S. spending declines.
Here's Why the U.S. Military is in Trouble
Your personal expenses are NOT company expenses. Sure, you can write off a few things, autos, computers, that kind of thing. But not your personal expenses. Your trust cannot pay your personal bills for you and not report it as income. You are such an awful liar, according to you, you're committing major tax fraud on that Nevada isn't going to report you.

No CPA, attorney or trustee would do for you what you claim because they would go to jail too and no one is going to jail for you. According to your own story, you're in jail, that's why you don't work.

You are so full of shit, it's comic.

If I believe your story, you're a criminal tax cheat. Your professional staff are breaching their code of ethics. You're able to put all your expenses in your life on credit and debit cards. And it's all based on that Nevada doesn't report tax cheats to the feds so you're in the clear. Yeah. You're getting skinned alive. There's a point you just need to say you give, we're at that point

Yet you haven't shown how a trust managed by a corporation is cheating. The IRS rule is if you touch the trust monies you owe taxes. I never touch trust funds.

The corporation does pay federal tax, $180,000.00 on $4.5M, or 4%. Which is why the rich and wealthy ALWAYS funnel monies through corporations.

You're the one who said a corporation owned by a trust is cheating, dumb ass. Why would I want to show that? I don't think anything is wrong with it.

You're going in circles. The question was how you live. You said you write off all your costs of living as corporate expenses. Which again shows what a liar you are. You can't do that and no professional lawyers, accountants and trust managers are letting you. We covered this, liar

You're the one who said a corporation owned by a trust is cheating, dumb ass.

Where did I write that?

I see, you write your crap, you don't read it, huh?

I said nothing is wrong with trusts, I just said you're not a CEO, which obviously you're not. All you've shown so far is you're a tax fraud who has your company pay your living expenses as business expenses. You're lucky you're lying or you'd be going to jail

How am I a tax fraud? Show me the law I'm breaking.

I've NEVER written a corporation owned by a trust is cheating.

I've explained it what, 10 times? You said you don't pay taxes, you charge your living on your credit and debit cards which your companies pay for. You can't do that with your personal expenses, it's tax fraud.

You also said you don't pay taxes, which again is impossible since again you have to remove money from your trust to live and if you remove money from your trust, bam, you have to pay taxes on it.

You're a terrible liar and you don't even understand corporations or trusts. Trusts can delay taxes, they can't avoid them. The rubber hits the road when you have to live. And according to you, you make $4.5 million and live on zero other than expenses you write off in your company.

Tax fraud, pure and simple. Republicans didn't OK that, no one did. You're either a liar or you're writing this from a jail cell. No tax attorney, CPA or trustee is going to sign off on your committing tax fraud. They'll end up in the next cell.

Of course you're not in jail, you made the whole thing up. You're a terrible liar. MS-NBC filled you with vague ideas without context or completeness of what CEOs do and you ran to the nearest messageboard and made up that is what you do.

No, it's not. No one does. Stop listening to leftist mouthpieces, they are lying to you
Over the last 45 years EVERY tax loophole that has benefited the rich/wealthy was from a Republican administration or majority in Congress.
You spent a few hours watching MS-NBC to get revved up again?
Since he lives off of government welfare - he has that luxury!

I don't receive a welfare check.

How do you live then? Under a bridge?

I've already explained that.

Yes, you commit tax fraud and your tax attorney, accountant and the trustee cover it up because they love you and are willing to go to jail for you.

It was rejected as the crap that it is
We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget.

Indisputable proof that you are a liar....
  1. “The Air Force is short 4,000 maintainers and more than 700 pilots today.” It doesn’t matter how many planes the Air Force has, or how modern they may be, if they can’t fly. Without qualified mechanics to maintain the aircraft and properly train pilots to fly them, the Air Force will struggle to accomplish its mission.
  2. “In 2015 the Navy had a backlog of 11 planes in depot, next year in [20]17 they are going to have a backlog of 278.” Readiness levels for the entire fleet have fallen as the Navy’s maintenance crews are being asked to work longer hours with less funding. More planes in maintenance mean fewer are available to meet mission requirements.
  3. “Less than one-third of the Army is ready to meet the requirements of the Defense Strategic Guidance—it’s supposed to be no less than two-thirds.” The Army is already at a historically small level, and much of what remains of the service is not ready for combat. If a major war were to break out, the U.S. Army simply isn’t ready.
  4. “Marine Corps aviation requires on average 10 hours of flight time a month and they are getting about four.” Like any skill, practice is essential. Pilots without practice make more mistakes, which become deadly when flying complex aircraft, especially when in combat. The lives of Marines are at greater risk because of these funding cuts.
  5. “Less than half of the Air Force combat forces are ready to face a peer competitor such as China and Russia.” While the U.S. military faces this readiness crisis, America’s potential adversaries are increasing defense spending and modernization efforts as U.S. spending declines.
Here's Why the U.S. Military is in Trouble
The Daily Signal is a FOS GOP propaganda rag. I recognize half of that as old discredited bs...
The best thing about a consumer tax is that it would finally cause all of those criminals to pay their fair share. People who engage in organized crime, the drug trade, sex trafficking, etc. do not report income or pay taxes on it. However....they absolutely consume. They purchase soap, toothpaste, clothes, homes, automobiles, etc. A consumption tax would equally hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes that have been avoided by criminals since Abraham Lincoln implemented taxes.

Which of course is one of many reasons why Dumbocrats don't want it. The criminal population is almost exclusively made up of Dumbocrats. From Congress all the way down to the sex trafficker (who supplies the Dumbocrats in Congress with the underage sex slaves).

It's not just the criminals, it's the good guys as well.

As most of us know, nearly half of our population pays no federal income tax at all........zero.

Maybe more people would pay attention to government spending if they had to pay the bill. But as it is now, that 20 trillion (if it's ever repaid at all) will be the burden of well-to-do people even though we all benefit from what income taxes buy. If you don't pay income taxes at all, WTF should you care what our government wastes money on?
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.
To solve the problem of the poor paying the same share of this burden as the rich, we should have a progressive consumption income tax.

Necessities such as food, clothing, water, things like that have a 2% consumption tax.

Things we don't really have to have like cable television, cell phones, internet service, perhaps a 4% tax.

More luxurious items such as a swimming pool, a big screen television, SUV's and other expensive vehicles, jewelry, a 10% tax.

Upper end items such as a large boat, a vacation home, luxury cars, expensive furs and clothing perhaps a 25% tax.

We would still have people that would complain about the tax, but many less people if it were a progressive tax instead of a flat tax.
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.
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One of the workers doing so, Justine Decker, indicated that working full time instead of part time would cause her to make enough to a point where it would affect her housing and daycare subsidies. I thought the argument was that making more meant they could now provide for themselves. Seems they simply wanted to be as the same bottom line only having to work fewer hours for the same pay while still receiving the same amount of benefits. IOW, they really didn't want to support themselves and were more concerned about losing freebies.

That's it exactly.

Our government programs rob people of their ambition. They are given goodies to keep their government stipend and that keeps them in poverty forever; or as long as they wish to be in poverty.

Okay, so what's wrong with that? After all, if you can work 20 hours a week and get government subsidies to make your income the same as working 40 hours a week, then what's the problem?

The problem is you can't advance yourself on any job working 20 hours a week. You'll never seek ways to increase your income be it by raises from your employer or taking what you learned on your job to another employer paying higher wages. You'll never accept any overtime offered to you and increase your income. You will be mired in the same place as when you started that job.

Those in Seattle like freeloader Justine Decker had no desire to have a higher bottom line. They only wanted to keep their handouts. In the end, all that happened is they continued to be freeloader and were unwilling to work to better themselves.

They have no desire to advance. They want nothing more than to be taken care of and whine to be handed more.
We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget.

Indisputable proof that you are a liar....
  1. “The Air Force is short 4,000 maintainers and more than 700 pilots today.” It doesn’t matter how many planes the Air Force has, or how modern they may be, if they can’t fly. Without qualified mechanics to maintain the aircraft and properly train pilots to fly them, the Air Force will struggle to accomplish its mission.
  2. “In 2015 the Navy had a backlog of 11 planes in depot, next year in [20]17 they are going to have a backlog of 278.” Readiness levels for the entire fleet have fallen as the Navy’s maintenance crews are being asked to work longer hours with less funding. More planes in maintenance mean fewer are available to meet mission requirements.
  3. “Less than one-third of the Army is ready to meet the requirements of the Defense Strategic Guidance—it’s supposed to be no less than two-thirds.” The Army is already at a historically small level, and much of what remains of the service is not ready for combat. If a major war were to break out, the U.S. Army simply isn’t ready.
  4. “Marine Corps aviation requires on average 10 hours of flight time a month and they are getting about four.” Like any skill, practice is essential. Pilots without practice make more mistakes, which become deadly when flying complex aircraft, especially when in combat. The lives of Marines are at greater risk because of these funding cuts.
  5. “Less than half of the Air Force combat forces are ready to face a peer competitor such as China and Russia.” While the U.S. military faces this readiness crisis, America’s potential adversaries are increasing defense spending and modernization efforts as U.S. spending declines.
Here's Why the U.S. Military is in Trouble
The Daily Signal is a FOS GOP propaganda rag. I recognize half of that as old discredited bs...

Yet you did nothing to prove your claim that it is false but say so. Doesn't count, fool.
The best thing about a consumer tax is that it would finally cause all of those criminals to pay their fair share. People who engage in organized crime, the drug trade, sex trafficking, etc. do not report income or pay taxes on it. However....they absolutely consume. They purchase soap, toothpaste, clothes, homes, automobiles, etc. A consumption tax would equally hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes that have been avoided by criminals since Abraham Lincoln implemented taxes.

Which of course is one of many reasons why Dumbocrats don't want it. The criminal population is almost exclusively made up of Dumbocrats. From Congress all the way down to the sex trafficker (who supplies the Dumbocrats in Congress with the underage sex slaves).

It's not just the criminals, it's the good guys as well.

As most of us know, nearly half of our population pays no federal income tax at all........zero.

Maybe more people would pay attention to government spending if they had to pay the bill. But as it is now, that 20 trillion (if it's ever repaid at all) will be the burden of well-to-do people even though we all benefit from what income taxes buy. If you don't pay income taxes at all, WTF should you care what our government wastes money on?
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.
To solve the problem of the poor paying the same share of this burden as the rich, we should have a progressive consumption income tax.

Necessities such as food, clothing, water, things like that have a 2% consumption tax.

Things we don't really have to have like cable television, cell phones, internet service, perhaps a 4% tax.

More luxurious items such as a swimming pool, a big screen television, SUV's and other expensive vehicles, jewelry, a 10% tax.

Upper end items such as a large boat, a vacation home, luxury cars, expensive furs and clothing perhaps a 25% tax.

We would still have people that would complain about the tax, but many less people if it were a progressive tax instead of a flat tax.
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.

Again, you make claims you don't prove.
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.

As I explained repeatedly, those taxes that you refer to are payroll taxes which you get (and then some) back when you retire.

You will likely get more back out of Medicare than you and your employer contributed. You will likely get back more Social Security money than you and your employer put in. FICA is just a fancy name for more Social Security, again, that you get back when you retire.

In realty, many people pay no tax in the end outside of local taxes, which I'm sure you get something back from those taxes as well.
Everyone in all income quintiles on average pay 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. But thanks for the irrelevant GOP bs propaganda, dupe.

As I explained repeatedly, those taxes that you refer to are payroll taxes which you get (and then some) back when you retire.

You will likely get more back out of Medicare than you and your employer contributed. You will likely get back more Social Security money than you and your employer put in. FICA is just a fancy name for more Social Security, again, that you get back when you retire.

In realty, many people pay no tax in the end outside of local taxes, which I'm sure you get something back from those taxes as well.
State, Local taxes and fees kill the nonrich and have doubled under Reaganism.

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