Why can't Public Assistance increase?

We don't have a bs propaganda machine, dupe. The truth is overwhelmed by your greedy idiot rich's propaganda. Congrats.

In other words I am correct. Of course you are so dense you don't even realize you backed up my assertion.
Can you people quote completely by any chance?
Franco lost what little credibility he had with me. He kept saying everyone paid between 20 - 30% in taxes. He even claimed he had a source proving it. I asked several times for him to provide it and when he finally did, one of the categories only added up to just over 17% with federal and state/local combined. I addressed that his source didn't show what he claimed. Rather than being a honorable person and admitting error, he said when you add in fees, it's ALMOST 20 for that group then made some comment about how he thought I showed blind allegiance to the rich. Not very honorable on his part.

He claims to have been a teacher. No wonder some of the students coming out of the public schools today can't do basic skills. With people like him, I'm not surprised.

Franko says a lot of things (like being a teacher) that are more than likely another lie. How smart do you have to be to be a teacher when you constantly blame a President that left office almost three decades ago for the problems we are experiencing today?

I've paid taxes my entire working life. My taxes are more complicated now because I have to file a long form and it takes my tax preparer almost an hour to complete, and I do all the addition, separation, and gathering of numbers for her. So I know quite well what taxes are. But WTF are fees? Is that something other states have that we don't? Fees for what???

By Franco including state/local taxes in his claim, he's comparing apples and oranges since no two states does thing exactly alike.
Of course it's an average. Include fees, which are huge for the poor, and you can get to 20% in many cases.

According to YOU, the source you provided indicated EVERYONE paid between 20-30%. Your original claim didn't include fees and fees aren't a part of it. Fees come about due to a choice one makes to do something. Fees, by definition, are a charge paid for a privilege. Don't count.

What it boils down to is you made a claim about a source you had and when you finally provided the source, the source itself refuted the claim you made. Instead of being honorable and admitting you were wrong, you tried to bring other things not part of your claim into it.

Sorry, you lose.
Always said fees, dupe. Even with my hate of typing. Stupid small minded argument, the rich pay less than much of the middle class, and when 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% it's a corupt GOP system, dupe. D'OH!!

You went back and edited it AFTER being called out for lying. I checked. The post where you made the claim has been edited. Can't worm your way out of that liar.
What I got Franco on was that he claimed EVERYONE saying he had a source to prove it. After asking numerous times for him to post it, he did. It took about 2 seconds to find where one group, when the federal and state/local were added together, it was just over 17%. I addressed it and rather than saying he was in error, he said something about fees then said almost to 20 - 30%.

What's funny is that the source he kept saying proved his point is the one that discredited his claim .

Just about anybody can find some whacko site to backup what they say, but that doesn't mean the site is legit.

After people call out Franko for his bogus statistics, he panics and begins to scour the internet to find some site.......any site that may give his false claim credibility.

When he finds one, he doesn't bother reading or trying to figure it out. In desperation, he frantically posts it and hopes nobody else will figure it out for him.

He also forgets that there are people like myself that were around during the Reagan years. Reagan did increase SS, but that's because his calculations revealed the problems we are going to have in the near future with SS, but Reagan did not "double" payroll taxes for every working American. The SS increase was back in 1983.

But no President could ever double payroll taxes for every American and get away with it, and that includes Ronald Reagan. While I may have been just a young working man during the Reagan years and not caring about politics, I think I would have passed out if my payroll taxes doubled and questioned my employer about it.

But perhaps that's the problem. Franko is not some retired school teacher, but a welfare recipient who wasn't old enough to be an adult during the Reagan years.
I'm 65. lol. He also killedthe self employed with new SS regulations. In effect it was a doubling of payroll taxes for the nonrich. Prove me wrong. I'm sick of educating you tiny minded, brainwashed twits.

I don't need to prove you wrong. You're good enough at proving your own self wrong.

However, YOU made the claim. It's not my place to prove you wrong. It's your to prove what you say is correct.

You couldn't teach a fish to swim.
We don't have a bs propaganda machine, dupe. The truth is overwhelmed by your greedy idiot rich's propaganda. Congrats.

In other words I am correct. Of course you are so dense you don't even realize you backed up my assertion.
Can you people quote completely by any chance?
Franko says a lot of things (like being a teacher) that are more than likely another lie. How smart do you have to be to be a teacher when you constantly blame a President that left office almost three decades ago for the problems we are experiencing today?

I've paid taxes my entire working life. My taxes are more complicated now because I have to file a long form and it takes my tax preparer almost an hour to complete, and I do all the addition, separation, and gathering of numbers for her. So I know quite well what taxes are. But WTF are fees? Is that something other states have that we don't? Fees for what???

By Franco including state/local taxes in his claim, he's comparing apples and oranges since no two states does thing exactly alike.
Of course it's an average. Include fees, which are huge for the poor, and you can get to 20% in many cases.

According to YOU, the source you provided indicated EVERYONE paid between 20-30%. Your original claim didn't include fees and fees aren't a part of it. Fees come about due to a choice one makes to do something. Fees, by definition, are a charge paid for a privilege. Don't count.

What it boils down to is you made a claim about a source you had and when you finally provided the source, the source itself refuted the claim you made. Instead of being honorable and admitting you were wrong, you tried to bring other things not part of your claim into it.

Sorry, you lose.
Always said fees, dupe. Even with my hate of typing. Stupid small minded argument, the rich pay less than much of the middle class, and when 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% it's a corupt GOP system, dupe. D'OH!!

No you didn't, liar. You said nothing of fee until I prove your claim wrong. Funny part is I used your own source to do it.

How about be honorable and admit you made a mistake. Either that are be considered a lying piece of shit. Your choice.
I've been talking about this for a year or more and always included fees, dingbat dupe. Just for you teeny minded twits.

the rich pay less than much of the middle class, and when 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% it's a corrupt GOP system, dupe. D'OH!![/QUOTE]
We don't have a bs propaganda machine, dupe. The truth is overwhelmed by your greedy idiot rich's propaganda. Congrats.

In other words I am correct. Of course you are so dense you don't even realize you backed up my assertion.
Can you people quote completely by any chance?
Franko says a lot of things (like being a teacher) that are more than likely another lie. How smart do you have to be to be a teacher when you constantly blame a President that left office almost three decades ago for the problems we are experiencing today?

I've paid taxes my entire working life. My taxes are more complicated now because I have to file a long form and it takes my tax preparer almost an hour to complete, and I do all the addition, separation, and gathering of numbers for her. So I know quite well what taxes are. But WTF are fees? Is that something other states have that we don't? Fees for what???

By Franco including state/local taxes in his claim, he's comparing apples and oranges since no two states does thing exactly alike.
Of course it's an average. Include fees, which are huge for the poor, and you can get to 20% in many cases.

According to YOU, the source you provided indicated EVERYONE paid between 20-30%. Your original claim didn't include fees and fees aren't a part of it. Fees come about due to a choice one makes to do something. Fees, by definition, are a charge paid for a privilege. Don't count.

What it boils down to is you made a claim about a source you had and when you finally provided the source, the source itself refuted the claim you made. Instead of being honorable and admitting you were wrong, you tried to bring other things not part of your claim into it.

Sorry, you lose.
Always said fees, dupe. Even with my hate of typing. Stupid small minded argument, the rich pay less than much of the middle class, and when 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% it's a corupt GOP system, dupe. D'OH!!

You went back and edited it AFTER being called out for lying. I checked. The post where you made the claim has been edited. Can't worm your way out of that liar.
Link? WTH lol...Dupes are ALWAYS calling people liars lol. It's a CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!! Idiot.

the rich pay less than much of the middle class, and when 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% it's a corrupt GOP system, dupe. D'OH!![/QUOTE] Now you people are obsessed with our unfortunate and miss the point as usual.

the rich pay less than much of the middle class, and when 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% it's a corupt GOP system, dupe. D'OH!![/QUOTE]
Add fees and I submit the poorest also often pay 20%. I looked for that graph for an hour, and have now bookmarked it. Your bs propaganda about how much the rich pay is everywhere, but the truth is hard to find, dupe. My point that we basically have a flat tax system is proven, and your GOP bs discredited as always...I always added fees to the equation...just shows how little the poor earn these days. Your argument shows how brainwashed you are about the malevolence of the poor, I suspect with a racist component. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Everyone pay 20-30% in all taxes and fees, and 99% the new wealth stays with the 1%. Your lying, thieving GOP heroes doing a great job...

They are? Well where do you get your information from? Oh, that's right, lying liberaterds:

I'm 65. lol. He also killedthe self employed with new SS regulations. In effect it was a doubling of payroll taxes for the nonrich. Prove me wrong. I'm sick of educating you tiny minded, brainwashed twits.

You made the claim and got called out for it. YOU prove you were right.

Reagan did not double payroll taxes. That would mean he doubled Medicare taxes, he doubled SS taxes, he doubled FICA taxes. It's a bold face lie and even you know that.
What I got Franco on was that he claimed EVERYONE saying he had a source to prove it. After asking numerous times for him to post it, he did. It took about 2 seconds to find where one group, when the federal and state/local were added together, it was just over 17%. I addressed it and rather than saying he was in error, he said something about fees then said almost to 20 - 30%.

What's funny is that the source he kept saying proved his point is the one that discredited his claim .

Just about anybody can find some whacko site to backup what they say, but that doesn't mean the site is legit.

After people call out Franko for his bogus statistics, he panics and begins to scour the internet to find some site.......any site that may give his false claim credibility.

When he finds one, he doesn't bother reading or trying to figure it out. In desperation, he frantically posts it and hopes nobody else will figure it out for him.

He also forgets that there are people like myself that were around during the Reagan years. Reagan did increase SS, but that's because his calculations revealed the problems we are going to have in the near future with SS, but Reagan did not "double" payroll taxes for every working American. The SS increase was back in 1983.

But no President could ever double payroll taxes for every American and get away with it, and that includes Ronald Reagan. While I may have been just a young working man during the Reagan years and not caring about politics, I think I would have passed out if my payroll taxes doubled and questioned my employer about it.

But perhaps that's the problem. Franko is not some retired school teacher, but a welfare recipient who wasn't old enough to be an adult during the Reagan years.
I'm 65. lol. He also killedthe self employed with new SS regulations. In effect it was a doubling of payroll taxes for the nonrich. Prove me wrong. I'm sick of educating you tiny minded, brainwashed twits.
I don't need to prove you wrong, it's your job to back up your claims, moron! Where the fuck do you think we are, some libtard wet dream? No one has ever doubled payroll taxes... except for, maybe FDR!

Brainwashed? You're the idiot who keeps spewing propaganda you can't back up and challenging people to prove you wrong... you need to go look in the mirror bud!

Sent from my SD4930UR using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Add fees and I submit the poorest also often pay 20%. I looked for that graph for an hour, and have now bookmarked it. Your bs propaganda about how much the rich pay is everywhere, but the truth is hard to find, dupe. My point that we basically have a flat tax system is proven, and your GOP bs discredited as always...I always added fees to the equation...just shows how little the poor earn these days. Your argument shows how brainwashed you are about the malevolence of the poor, I suspect with a racist component. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Everyone pay 20-30% in all taxes and fees, and 99% the new wealth stays with the 1%. Your lying, thieving GOP heroes doing a great job...

They are? Well where do you get your information from? Oh, that's right, lying liberaterds:

Only 58% goes to the 1%. Still too much. That is the lowest % I've seen. Politifact is also a lying libertard outlet according to many GOPers. And the rest of the world lol outside the bought off GOP propaganda bubble.
We don't have a bs propaganda machine, dupe. The truth is overwhelmed by your greedy idiot rich's propaganda. Congrats.

In other words I am correct. Of course you are so dense you don't even realize you backed up my assertion.
Can you people quote completely by any chance?
Franko says a lot of things (like being a teacher) that are more than likely another lie. How smart do you have to be to be a teacher when you constantly blame a President that left office almost three decades ago for the problems we are experiencing today?

I've paid taxes my entire working life. My taxes are more complicated now because I have to file a long form and it takes my tax preparer almost an hour to complete, and I do all the addition, separation, and gathering of numbers for her. So I know quite well what taxes are. But WTF are fees? Is that something other states have that we don't? Fees for what???

By Franco including state/local taxes in his claim, he's comparing apples and oranges since no two states does thing exactly alike.
Of course it's an average. Include fees, which are huge for the poor, and you can get to 20% in many cases.

According to YOU, the source you provided indicated EVERYONE paid between 20-30%. Your original claim didn't include fees and fees aren't a part of it. Fees come about due to a choice one makes to do something. Fees, by definition, are a charge paid for a privilege. Don't count.

What it boils down to is you made a claim about a source you had and when you finally provided the source, the source itself refuted the claim you made. Instead of being honorable and admitting you were wrong, you tried to bring other things not part of your claim into it.

Sorry, you lose.
Always said fees, dupe. Even with my hate of typing. Stupid small minded argument, the rich pay less than much of the middle class, and when 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% it's a corupt GOP system, dupe. D'OH!!

You went back and edited it AFTER being called out for lying. I checked. The post where you made the claim has been edited. Can't worm your way out of that liar.
The hell I did, dingbat.
Add fees and I submit the poorest also often pay 20%. I looked for that graph for an hour, and have now bookmarked it. Your bs propaganda about how much the rich pay is everywhere, but the truth is hard to find, dupe. My point that we basically have a flat tax system is proven, and your GOP bs discredited as always...I always added fees to the equation...just shows how little the poor earn these days. Your argument shows how brainwashed you are about the malevolence of the poor, I suspect with a racist component. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Everyone pay 20-30% in all taxes and fees, and 99% the new wealth stays with the 1%. Your lying, thieving GOP heroes doing a great job...

They are? Well where do you get your information from? Oh, that's right, lying liberaterds:

Looks like the percentage has gone down since 2012.
The 1 Percent Have Gotten All The Income Gains From The Recovery
Only 58% goes to the 1%. Still too much. That is the lowest % I've seen. Politifact is also a lying libertard outlet according to many GOPers. And the rest of the world lol outside the bought off GOP propaganda bubble.

Which is why I use liberal statistics to make my point. I don't have to listen to you leftists cry it's a right-wing propaganda piece.

The problem when discussing financial issues is that you libs believe we live in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. So when one has too much, thats the reason others have too little.

There is no truth to that because money is endless in this country. There is no share of the pie because there is no pie. Whether the top 1% has 99% of the money or 12%, it doesn't help your financial situation one bit. Your financial plight is based on what you can make--not what others are making.

The most annoying thing about you wealth enviers is that you've never made an investment in your life perhaps outside of a home or maybe a managed retirement account. You never risked your money so you never made great wealth. You never sacrificed, you just used your money to buy unnecessary things. And because you never took any risks in your life, you can't appreciate the success of those that did.
In other words I am correct. Of course you are so dense you don't even realize you backed up my assertion.
Can you people quote completely by any chance?
By Franco including state/local taxes in his claim, he's comparing apples and oranges since no two states does thing exactly alike.
Of course it's an average. Include fees, which are huge for the poor, and you can get to 20% in many cases.

According to YOU, the source you provided indicated EVERYONE paid between 20-30%. Your original claim didn't include fees and fees aren't a part of it. Fees come about due to a choice one makes to do something. Fees, by definition, are a charge paid for a privilege. Don't count.

What it boils down to is you made a claim about a source you had and when you finally provided the source, the source itself refuted the claim you made. Instead of being honorable and admitting you were wrong, you tried to bring other things not part of your claim into it.

Sorry, you lose.
Always said fees, dupe. Even with my hate of typing. Stupid small minded argument, the rich pay less than much of the middle class, and when 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% it's a corupt GOP system, dupe. D'OH!!

You went back and edited it AFTER being called out for lying. I checked. The post where you made the claim has been edited. Can't worm your way out of that liar.
Link? WTH lol...Dupes are ALWAYS calling people liars lol. It's a CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!! Idiot.

the rich pay less than much of the middle class, and when 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% it's a corrupt GOP system, dupe. D'OH!!
Now you people are obsessed with our unfortunate and miss the point as usual.

the rich pay less than much of the middle class, and when 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% it's a corupt GOP system, dupe. D'OH!![/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

I called you a liar because you LIED.

Half the people in this country don't pay a dime in income taxes and your complaint is that those who do pay don't pay enough. When the half that don't pay a dime start contributing to the society from which they TAKE, get back to me about the rest of us paying more.
What I got Franco on was that he claimed EVERYONE saying he had a source to prove it. After asking numerous times for him to post it, he did. It took about 2 seconds to find where one group, when the federal and state/local were added together, it was just over 17%. I addressed it and rather than saying he was in error, he said something about fees then said almost to 20 - 30%.

What's funny is that the source he kept saying proved his point is the one that discredited his claim .

Just about anybody can find some whacko site to backup what they say, but that doesn't mean the site is legit.

After people call out Franko for his bogus statistics, he panics and begins to scour the internet to find some site.......any site that may give his false claim credibility.

When he finds one, he doesn't bother reading or trying to figure it out. In desperation, he frantically posts it and hopes nobody else will figure it out for him.

He also forgets that there are people like myself that were around during the Reagan years. Reagan did increase SS, but that's because his calculations revealed the problems we are going to have in the near future with SS, but Reagan did not "double" payroll taxes for every working American. The SS increase was back in 1983.

But no President could ever double payroll taxes for every American and get away with it, and that includes Ronald Reagan. While I may have been just a young working man during the Reagan years and not caring about politics, I think I would have passed out if my payroll taxes doubled and questioned my employer about it.

But perhaps that's the problem. Franko is not some retired school teacher, but a welfare recipient who wasn't old enough to be an adult during the Reagan years.
I'm 65. lol. He also killedthe self employed with new SS regulations. In effect it was a doubling of payroll taxes for the nonrich. Prove me wrong. I'm sick of educating you tiny minded, brainwashed twits.
I don't need to prove you wrong, it's your job to back up your claims, moron! Where the fuck do you think we are, some libtard wet dream? No one has ever doubled payroll taxes... except for, maybe FDR!

Brainwashed? You're the idiot who keeps spewing propaganda you can't back up and challenging people to prove you wrong... you need to go look in the mirror bud!

Sent from my SD4930UR using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Franco made a claim about taxes stating he had a source that proved it. What was funny when it finally did was that his own source disproved his claim. He tried to add in things after that cover for his stupidity to the point of editing a previous post where he claimed he included what he now said was part of it.
In other words I am correct. Of course you are so dense you don't even realize you backed up my assertion.
Can you people quote completely by any chance?
By Franco including state/local taxes in his claim, he's comparing apples and oranges since no two states does thing exactly alike.
Of course it's an average. Include fees, which are huge for the poor, and you can get to 20% in many cases.

According to YOU, the source you provided indicated EVERYONE paid between 20-30%. Your original claim didn't include fees and fees aren't a part of it. Fees come about due to a choice one makes to do something. Fees, by definition, are a charge paid for a privilege. Don't count.

What it boils down to is you made a claim about a source you had and when you finally provided the source, the source itself refuted the claim you made. Instead of being honorable and admitting you were wrong, you tried to bring other things not part of your claim into it.

Sorry, you lose.
Always said fees, dupe. Even with my hate of typing. Stupid small minded argument, the rich pay less than much of the middle class, and when 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% it's a corupt GOP system, dupe. D'OH!!

You went back and edited it AFTER being called out for lying. I checked. The post where you made the claim has been edited. Can't worm your way out of that liar.
The hell I did, dingbat.

The post itself shows an edit.
Why can't PRIVATE assistance increase? Family, friends, etc?

Why does the federal gvt oppose chaities, churches, etc stepping in and helping and instead insists it is the govt that has to be the primary source of 'charity'?
Give me free bread and wine, I don't want it. I want to buy my own bread and wine from the sweat off my brow.
Last edited:
It can be done. Help the struggling warriors in the trenches. Share the love. We'll all benefit from it.


You and I have widget companies. We are competitors. With your company, you share the love. With my company, I pay the workers what they are worth and get the best and the brightest to run the major operations in the company.

How long do you suppose it would take before I put your company out of business?

That's all fear my friend. Just like when the Minimum Wage is increased, all businesses are supposed to 'fold immediately.' But it never happens. Sadly, you've fallen for the greedy white Republican dude Bullshit.
Boy, I'm glad no one is saying that kind of stuff. That sounds exaggerated and totally fake.

Greedy white Republican dude says that kind of stuff all the time. When Minimum Wages are increased, the sky doesn't fall. They'll say it will, but then it doesn't. In fact, Minimum Wages have increased lately, and our Unemployment Rate is still one of the lowest in the world. Never trust greedy folks. They'll say anything to justify treating fellow Americans like shit.
Last edited:
Greedy white Republican dude says that kind of stuff all the time. When Minimum Wages are increased, the sky doesn't fall. They'll say it will, but then it doesn't. In fact, Minimum Wages have increased lately, and our Unemployment Rate is still one of the lowest in the world. Never trust greedy folks. They'll say anything to justify treating fellow Americans like shit.

Our unemployment is the lowest because we don't count people not looking for work as unemployed. Over 1/3 of our population of working age is not working nor looking for work. Must be those greedy white Republicans, huh?
Greedy white Republican dude says that kind of stuff all the time. When Minimum Wages are increased, the sky doesn't fall. They'll say it will, but then it doesn't. In fact, Minimum Wages have increased lately, and our Unemployment Rate is still one of the lowest in the world. Never trust greedy folks. They'll say anything to justify treating fellow Americans like shit.

Our unemployment is the lowest because we don't count people not looking for work as unemployed. Over 1/3 of our population of working age is not working nor looking for work. Must be those greedy white Republicans, huh?

Just more fear mongering. Y'all will say anything to justify paying Americans shite wages.
Just more fear mongering. Y'all will say anything to justify paying Americans shite wages.

Where in my comment do you see fear mongering? What I'm telling you is the truth. I'll provide charts if you like. 93 million Americans are not working nor looking for work. We have a population in the US of about 315 million people. Remove the children and people too old to work and you have more than 1/3 of our working population not working.

As for wages, the individual decides on how much they are worth to an employer. If you don't provide worth, you don't get paid very well. If you can provide a service that others cannot, your worth to an employer is much greater and pay will reflect that.

How much you make is your decision; not societies, not employers, but yourself. If you decide you don't want to do anything that makes you worth something, that's a decision you made--nobody else.

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