Why can’t the Left Wingers think of something new and original?

Looking at your signature line there is a link to this:

The Horseshoe Theory Says Right And Left Wing Are More ...

I've heard this argument before and have written about what nonsense it is.

Looking at the legislation passed and the words said, Republicans are clearly racist. Right out of their own mouths. They still spout birther nonsense.
The GOP is 90% white.
Their policies give tax cuts to billionaires and corporations.
There is nothing about this party that is similar to Democrats.

Democrats are everyone else the GOP hates.
They are pro education.
They want Americans to have healthcare.
Al Franken was kicked out of the party, Roy Moore was almost elected.
Trump was just given a half billion by the Chinese and Republicans are totally fine with that at the cost of American technology and jobs.

No conspiracies here. Why bother. Republicans are the Conspiracy party.

A conspiracy is Obama was born in Kenya or Obama had Trump's phone tapped.

Facts are Trump saying some Mexicans don't rape and a Mexican can't be a judge.

See? Any similarities are imaginary. Just some writer trying to be cool. Oh look at me, I don't take a side. Well, I'm not on the side of lies and conspiracies.
I can certainly understand why someone like you wouldn't want to be compared in any way to those you so loathe.

Not my problem. You people are what you hate. That's why you act the way you do.
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’

"Why can't the left think"

Because they are very low in IQ, and dropping each year as they continue their importation of the 3rd world almost sub-human IQ populace project.
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’
The truth is, Republicans are racist.
The problem with this flavor of Republican is that they lie about everything all the time. The truth is a novelty to them.
The snowflakes must know they are going to lose this upcomming election because they are playing the race card full bore. The truth is that leftwingers are all sleazy lying shit-for-brains douchebags. White supremecy originated in the Democrat party, and that's where it still resides. Dims don't give a shit about black people or Hispanics, they use them to gain power.
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’
When it's not true anymore we will change.
It's never been true, you lying piece of shit.
Yeah, uh-huh, sure. "You lying piece of shit".
Immitation is the finest form of flattery. It's also an admission that you can't come up with anything on your own.
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’

"Why can't the left think"

Because they are very low in IQ, and dropping each year as they continue their importation of the 3rd world almost sub-human IQ populace project.
Yep. the average IQ in Syria where all those so-called "refugees" coming from is 85.

Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’

"Why can't the left think"

Because they are very low in IQ, and dropping each year as they continue their importation of the 3rd world almost sub-human IQ populace project.
Yep. the average IQ in Syria where all those so-called "refugees" coming from is 85.


Even worse, IQ is approximated to be 80% genetic.

It took us thousands and thousands of years to get rid of this genetic dead weight. Millions had to die in the cold hard process...

And now we are reversing it all in few short years, because the dumb party needs some votes. Greatest crime against civilization committed.
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’

"Why can't the left think"

Because they are very low in IQ, and dropping each year as they continue their importation of the 3rd world almost sub-human IQ populace project.
Yep. the average IQ in Syria where all those so-called "refugees" coming from is 85.


Even worse, IQ is approximated to be 80% genetic.

It took us thousands and thousands of years to get rid of this genetic dead weight. Millions had to die in the cold hard process...

And now we are reversing it all in few short years, because the dumb party needs some votes. Greatest crime against civilization committed.
That map is a startling indictment of the claim that "diversity" is something good.
Notice that every day the Liberals are calling people racist. Like: NYT columnist Charles Blow said that it is a “settled fact” at this point that President Donald Trump “is a racist and white supremacist.”, and “this man is a weasel.”

New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’

Ecause all the folks who tell them what to hunk are getting old and dieing or getting bounced for sexual herassment and rape so they got to stick with the old script.
If you're one degree right of centrist you're a racist to an idiot leftist
Correction... if you don't think and talk like a Leftist, then you are (ultimately) a racist... and racists are to be silenced.

( a.k.a. left-wing bull$hit )

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