Why Can't the Major Parties Produce Good Candidates? Why Can't We Elect Good Candidates?

Listen. The fear mongering has driven you into hysterics. Most Democrats aren't communists. And most Republicans aren't fascists. But plenty of them are, and we've let them take over the political parties that are supposed to represent us.

You can't just destroy your neighbors when you have a disagreement. If we're going to save our nation, we have to grow up and approach our problems as adults.
Well, while I agree that the current form of politics is toxic to the nation, the character of people in control now want this environment…For too long republicans, thinking they were taking the “high road” allowed progressives to consolidate with Socialist Democrats, and traditional liberals to roll over the constitution and the people…

Bill Clinton told us outright about the ‘politics of personal destruction’ while he partnered with Cloward and Piven to start the decline. Now the only path is to destroy these authoritarian progressives before they destroy us.
I know most people are here for the two-party food fight, so this thread likely won't get much traction, but it seems we have a real problem with our election system. Neither party seems capable of, or interested in, nominating someone who will be a good leader for the country as a whole. And voters can't seem to break out of the habit of voting for Ds or Rs no matter how bad the candidates are. Why is that? And how can we fix it?

The people we are electing are no better or no worse than the rest of us.

The real problem is that people who are in third parties tend to be nuts...

You all remember Ross Perot? That guy was nuts.

Before Trump, the GOP was a sensible party advocating sensible ideas. Now they've turned into a cult.

I can send you autographed picture if it would help with your little fixation.

Well, you're the one who registered as a Democrat so you could vote for them in the primaries, then said that doesn't mean you support them. Admit it, you are going to vote for Biden again. You're full of shit, girly boi
Well, you're the one who registered as a Democrat so you could vote for them in the primaries, then said that doesn't mean you support them.
Quote it, or shut the fuck up.

Lying is all you know how to do. Fuck off, troll.
Quote it, or shut the fuck up.

Lying is all you know how to do. Fuck off, troll.

LOL, thanks Karen. Only a Democrat doesn't recognize when you get back the bull you are doing. You are a Democrat, you just are in every way. What's even funnier is I knew you wouldn't get it before I wrote it. You crack me up, drama queen
LOL, thanks Karen. Only a Democrat doesn't recognize when you get back the bull you are doing. You are a Democrat, you just are in every way. What's even funnier is I knew you wouldn't get it before I wrote it. You crack me up, drama queen
The whacked out mind of the partisan drone. Everyone who disagrees with you is your hated enemy - a Democrat!!!

Keep jerking off until your fantasies seem true, I guess. :rolleyes:
The whacked out mind of the partisan drone. Everyone who disagrees with you is your hated enemy - a Democrat!!!

Keep jerking off until your fantasies seem true, I guess. :rolleyes:

How many Democrats have you voted for President now in your life? Was it six? Biden in 2024 will make seven. And poor little dblack starts crying again, there there little girl
How many Democrats have you voted for President now in your life?
Exactly none. I've stated as much every single time you start this nonsense.

Did they let you vote all those years you were in prison for vehicular homicide?
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Exactly none. I'm stated as much every single time you start this nonsense.

Did they let you vote all those years you were prison for vehicular homicide?

LOL, yeah, you mentioned voting for Democrats doesn't count if you renounce the vote, but it doesn't work that way. You're the one who said Biden is almost Libertarian and that's good enough for you.

You still don't get it, do you? Be honest. It's not a complex insult, you're just stupid and leftist and don't get very much, particularly jokes at your expense. No Democrat ever met anyone you aren't convinced you're smarter than with very little evidence to support that assessment
LOL, yeah, you mentioned voting for Democrats doesn't count if you renounce the vote, but it doesn't work that way. You're the one who said Biden is almost Libertarian and that's good enough for you.
You have an active and disturbed imagination. Probably early onset dementia.

Are you drinking this early? After killing that couple and doing prison time for it, I'd think you'd be ready to stop. Seriously, give it a break.
You have an active and disturbed imagination. Probably early onset dementia.

Are you drinking this early? After killing that couple and doing prison time for it, I'd think you'd be ready to stop. Seriously, give it a break.

LOL, first you don't get it, then you're a dick as you pound that you still don't get it. You are funny. And when I asked who you were voting for in 2024, you said "Biden again." By again did you just mean 2020 or did you vote for Biden other times too?

And chill, Karen, don't get to upset!
You crack me up. You really don't get it, do you Karen?
Yeah, I get it. You know I'm not a Democrat. You know I despise the party. And you know it gets under mine skin to be falsely accused. In other words, you're just a troll, with no real values or goals other than being a twat.
It seems for the most part nobody worth voting for will even run for national office, especially POTUS, due to not being willing to put themselves and the families though the forth coming attacks.

No matter which party you belong to, if you run you will automatically have 1/3 or more of the country instantly hate you and attack everything you do. Your family will be fair game and any mistake you made in your life will be brought to the light of day for the whole world to know about.
Thanks but what can we do about it?
I know most people are here for the two-party food fight, so this thread likely won't get much traction, but it seems we have a real problem with our election system. Neither party seems capable of, or interested in, nominating someone who will be a good leader for the country as a whole. And voters can't seem to break out of the habit of voting for Ds or Rs no matter how bad the candidates are. Why is that? And how can we fix it?

In my view, strategic voting (lesser-of-two-evils) is the biggest culprit. It tells us that we need to vote for bad candidates because the "other guy" is even worse. Fear is an easy sell, so the parties lean heavily on this strategy, spending most of their time demonizing the opponent rather than holding up the virtues of their candidate (which are virtually non-existent). Ranked choice would eliminate lesser-of-two-evils voting and finally allow voters to vote "against" candidates they find unacceptable (by ranking them last). This would discourage divisive partisan fear mongering and make it more likely that consensus seeking candidates are elected.

There other problems, of course, and I'm curious what you all think they are. Although, to be clear, I'm not talking about corruption or "stolen" elections. I'm talking about the systemic problems with the way we're doing elections that make it seemingly impossible for good leaders to get elected.
Any politician that has an allegiance to a political party is immediately a bad candidate. Unfortunately the two party system has locked all other contestants out. I wonder what would happen if a non-party politician actually won the presidential election? Something tells me they'd find a way to disqualify him or her. What we get is a series of people who are the result of a power brokerage system that does not select based on skill and intellect; And my God does it ever show.

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