Why Can't the Major Parties Produce Good Candidates? Why Can't We Elect Good Candidates?

My primary criterium, especially regarding the Presidency, is someone who is ready, willing and able to represent the entire country, and not merely the culture warriors in their party.

Look to the 5th party candidate baby.
While the Democratic Party hasn't devolved into a socio-political cult like the GQP, it's far from attractive, that's for sure. I can't get a good bead on what the party really thinks of Biden, though it's starting to sound like they're looking for a Plan B. I don't know who would take Biden's place, even if he DID step aside. Whitmer?
The Democratic Party is 81% behind Biden they love his policies but ageism is bad in the United States plus you have the right wing propaganda going on and on and on about it and imaginary CORRUPTION and of course he is totally obstructed really so far. I pray for a landslide in 2024 so we could get some real reform in this country after 40 years pure giveaway to the rich GOP crap and worse, garbage. L o l. Total disaster for 40 years. how is Reagan's Pal Saddam doing OMG?
Here's the reality. I'm not playing your stupid fucking game. If the best sales pitch you have is "we're not as bad as the Republicans", you lose. I'm not wasting my vote on a shitty candidate just to block some other shitty candidate.
There is nothing crappy about Biden except your garbage Anti American BS propaganda against him. Meanwhile Trump wants to give Ukraine away and be a Russian oligarch ho Ho.... the Democrats are great if they ever get the chance, and the Republicans absolutely suck d U H H H. I never said the Democrats were bad at all. Everything you hold against them is imaginary B S.
That is what you have now, too bad you're obsessed with how old he is and imaginary corruption and his poor old son that is left to him....
I'm not obsessed with any of that. It's all irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. I oppose Biden on matters of policy and ideology. But also because he can't inspire consensus. We need a President who most people can look at and respect, even if they don't agree with their agenda. Someone who can say "Uh, no. We're not going to ban abortion nationwide. And no, we're not going to socialize health care and no, we're not going force a sex change on your child and no, we're not going to wall off the borders and no, we're not going to force everyone to get vaxxed --

instead, we're going to focus on the things we CAN agree on. We're going to secure the borders, and keep out the dangerous elements, but we're going to make it easier for honest immigrants to come here and earn a living. We're going to fight, harder than ever, for equal rights. But we're going to back off on the "equity" stuff. We're going to take on climate change seriously, but we're not going to use it as a smokescreen for socialism."
The Democratic Party is 81% behind Biden they love his policies but ageism is bad in the United States plus you have the right wing propaganda going on and on and on about it and imaginary CORRUPTION and of course he is totally obstructed really so far. I pray for a landslide in 2024 so we could get some real reform in this country after 40 years pure giveaway to the rich GOP crap and worse, garbage. L o l. Total disaster for 40 years. how is Reagan's Pal Saddam doing OMG?

Insanity, super duper.
You should already know the answer. THE PRAVDA MEDIA is the reason there are no good candidates.

1.). Any R will be falsely attacked & destroyed. See what they did to President Trump. Before during & after. Almost any good R is not willing to end his life (and his families too) to help America. Trump was the last.

2.). D (communists) are left alone or assisted. Bu none are good anymore. Clinton did OK as long as given free beaver.

you brilliant Indies who are better than all others should know all of this.
While the Democratic Party hasn't devolved into a socio-political cult like the GQP, it's far from attractive, that's for sure. I can't get a good bead on what the party really thinks of Biden, though it's starting to sound like they're looking for a Plan B. I don't know who would take Biden's place, even if he DID step aside. Whitmer?
Dumb as bag of dirt as always you cheese-dic‘d clown.
secure the borders, and keep out the dangerous elements, but we're going to make it easier for honest immigrants to come here and earn a living. We're going to fight, harder than ever, for equal rights. But we're going to back off on the "equity" stuff. We're going to take on climate change seriously, but we're not going to use it as a smokescreen for socialism."

All was happening under Trump policy yet you clowns pushed to install Obiden 2.0 using Election Fraud.

You and your clan make little sense you dumb OX.
All was happening under Trump policy yet you clowns pushed to install Obiden 2.0 using Election Fraud.

You and your clan make little sense you dumb OX.
My clan? Oh, that's right. You're one of them partisan drones. Rawk on
right. Other than the FilthyBlackGatermac supporting every single Obiden event and or crazy Libstain post….Neutral eh? I can’t tell?

Honestly I think that he leans right.
He thinks that not being involved makes him superior.
You elitists sure do insult a lot. I wonder what that is covering.
The funny thing is the back-to-back posts from the drones. Franco's sure I'm Trumpster, and the Trumpsters are sure I'm a Democrat. They literally can't (or won't) think outside their two party shitshow.
The funny thing is the back-to-back posts from the drones. Franco's sure I'm Trumpster, and the Trumpsters are sure I'm a Democrat. They literally can't (or won't) think outside their two party shitshow.
You can only be one or the other. That's it.

It's just getting worse, too.
You can only be one or the other. That's it.

It's just getting worse, too.
It's weird. They're not even disagreeing with me. If I say "both parties suck", it would make sense for Republicans (or Democrats) to say, "No, my party doesn't suck, it's good because ...."

But that's not how they respond. The real hardcare drones can't even accept the idea someone isn't playing their little game. And they attack me for not playing the game. They hate non-partisans more than they hate the "other side". At least the "other side" is validating their worldview.
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They hate non-partisans more than they hate the "other side". At least the "other side" is validating their worldview.
Yes, exactly. A winger's biggest enemy isn't another winger from the other tribe. They're easy.

Their biggest enemy is the person who chooses to think for themselves.
The funny thing is the back-to-back posts from the drones. Franco's sure I'm Trumpster, and the Trumpsters are sure I'm a Democrat. They literally can't (or won't) think outside their two party shitshow.

False of course.

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