Why Can't the Major Parties Produce Good Candidates? Why Can't We Elect Good Candidates?

Have you EVER actually voted for libertarian?

I didn't think so.

You raise being wrong to an art.

Harry Browne - twice
Badnarik - once
Gary Johnson - once

I never said i always vote for them, again, I'm not a Libertarian. This is just you playing with yourself, it has nothing to do with what I'm arguing. I have no doubt you've voted Libertarian and there's nothing wrong with how much you hate Republicans, they suck.

What's creepy is how as much as you viscerally hate Republicans you have zero anger or hatred of the Democrats and you can't be honest with yourself or anyone else.

With how much you hate Republicans and bash them and jump into discussions blasting them, you can't be unaware you have none of that vitriol at all for Democrats. You don't insult them and only occasionally mention disagreement with them.

You're not a rocket scientist, but you're not a moron either. you can't be as unaware as you claim about your complete different views of them, not possible.
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You raise being wrong to an art.

Harry Browne - twice
Badnarik - once
Gary Johnson - once
So why didn't you answer?
With how much you hate Republicans ...
It really, really bothers you when I criticize Republicans. I can't care. I criticize Democrats too, and of course they all think I'm a Trumpster. But not going to fuck around trying to prove it to a deluded nitwit like you. Get a life.
So why didn't you answer?

Um ... what?

It really, really bothers you when I criticize Republicans. I can't care. I criticize Democrats too, and of course they all think I'm a Trumpster. But not going to fuck around trying to prove it to a deluded nitwit like you. Get a life.

I take back that you're of moderate intelligence, that was WAY overrating you.

Yeah, dumb ass, I keep saying you hate Republicans is perfectly reasonable but your love of Democrats is inexplicable and you come back with that? Sometimes I wonder if you're six or maybe you are just stupid. I made the mistake of saying you're not, and you just have a visceral need to prove whatever I say wrong. Well done, I concede your deep rooted stupidity
Um ... what?

I take back that you're of moderate intelligence, that was WAY overrating you.

Yeah, dumb ass, I keep saying you hate Republicans is perfectly fine but your love of Democrats is inexplicable and you come back with that? Sometimes I wonder if you're six
Again I say this, we need to return to the idea of citizen servants. Bring people in from the private sector, they serve one to two terms, max, and then return. Trump had the right idea, as did the Founders.
Trump had several right ideas. Just not enough to overcome all the unhinged garbage.

We need, now more than ever, leadership that unites us. Neither party seems capable or, or even interested in, nominating such a candidate.
Trump had several right ideas. Just not enough to overcome all the unhinged garbage.

We need, now more than ever, leadership that unites us. Neither party seems capable or, or even interested in, nominating such a candidate.

And yet Trump as terrible as his policies were was at least on our side, not that you'd ever notice your boy Joey B isn't.

Awww, and dblack's crying again, buck up, little girl
And yet Trump as terrible as his policies were was at least on our side, not that you'd ever notice your boy Joey B isn't.

Awww, and dblack's crying again, buck up, little girl

I can send you autographed picture if it would help with your little fixation.
I am NOT interested in uniting with DemocRATs. I want to destroy them.
I know. They're the same way. Neither side will win. Neither will succeed in destroying the other. But they'll destroy our country pretending they can.
I know most people are here for the two-party food fight, so this thread likely won't get much traction, but it seems we have a real problem with our election system. Neither party seems capable of, or interested in, nominating someone who will be a good leader for the country as a whole. And voters can't seem to break out of the habit of voting for Ds or Rs no matter how bad the candidates are. Why is that? And how can we fix it?

In my view, strategic voting (lesser-of-two-evils) is the biggest culprit. It tells us that we need to vote for bad candidates because the "other guy" is even worse. Fear is an easy sell, so the parties lean heavily on this strategy, spending most of their time demonizing the opponent rather than holding up the virtues of their candidate (which are virtually non-existent). Ranked choice would eliminate lesser-of-two-evils voting and finally allow voters to vote "against" candidates they find unacceptable (by ranking them last). This would discourage divisive partisan fear mongering and make it more likely that consensus seeking candidates are elected.

There other problems, of course, and I'm curious what you all think they are. Although, to be clear, I'm not talking about corruption or "stolen" elections. I'm talking about the systemic problems with the way we're doing elections that make it seemingly impossible for good leaders to get elected.
Why Can't the Major Parties Produce Good Candidates? Why Can't We Elect Good Candidates?

Because they're all on here busy claiming to be political experts.
Trump had several right ideas. Just not enough to overcome all the unhinged garbage.

We need, now more than ever, leadership that unites us. Neither party seems capable or, or even interested in, nominating such a candidate.
Yeah, you can "unite" with the party of Joe Biden. I'm happy opposing everything he stands for
I know most people are here for the two-party food fight, so this thread likely won't get much traction, but it seems we have a real problem with our election system. Neither party seems capable of, or interested in, nominating someone who will be a good leader for the country as a whole. And voters can't seem to break out of the habit of voting for Ds or Rs no matter how bad the candidates are. Why is that? And how can we fix it?

In my view, strategic voting (lesser-of-two-evils) is the biggest culprit. It tells us that we need to vote for bad candidates because the "other guy" is even worse. Fear is an easy sell, so the parties lean heavily on this strategy, spending most of their time demonizing the opponent rather than holding up the virtues of their candidate (which are virtually non-existent). Ranked choice would eliminate lesser-of-two-evils voting and finally allow voters to vote "against" candidates they find unacceptable (by ranking them last). This would discourage divisive partisan fear mongering and make it more likely that consensus seeking candidates are elected.

There other problems, of course, and I'm curious what you all think they are. Although, to be clear, I'm not talking about corruption or "stolen" elections. I'm talking about the systemic problems with the way we're doing elections that make it seemingly impossible for good leaders to get elected.
Our best and brightest run from political office...and, in truth, even if they ran, they cannot get elected unless they play the game.

smart, talented people would rather get rich...and avoid the pool of shit and vomit that politics is today, in America.
Because that's what every fucking Liberal wants. The GOP to completely cave in.
Listen. The fear mongering has driven you into hysterics. Most Democrats aren't communists. And most Republicans aren't fascists. But plenty of them are, and we've let them take over the political parties that are supposed to represent us.

You can't just destroy your neighbors when you have a disagreement. If we're going to save our nation, we have to grow up and approach our problems as adults.

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