Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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I think it's time to change the avie...


Okay, anyone want to start a pool on how long Pepsi lasts?

Midnight Eastern time.

Anguille was trying to hurt my feelings, lol. I'm in a UoP online program; I live in the middle of nowhere and want my flipping degree. For my purposes so long as it's accredited, it doesn't matter where it comes from

Tho I have to say I've been pleasantly surprised by the experience. One year so far, a little more than a year left, sigh.
Anguille was trying to hurt my feelings, lol. I'm in a UoP online program; I live in the middle of nowhere and want my flipping degree. For my purposes so long as it's accredited, it doesn't matter where it comes from

Tho I have to say I've been pleasantly surprised by the experience. One year so far, a little more than a year left, sigh.


If ever I saw one!!!
It grows. Abortion stops it growing.
It is a human from beginning to end. It hasnt harmed anyone.
Abortion stops a human from living. A human that is innocent of all crimes.
Therefore...abortion stops an innocent human from living without justifiable cause.
Therefore...abortion is murder.

A fetus inhabiting the womb of a body that does not want it there is violating her body. Same as the penis of a rapist.
It makes no difference how the fetus got there, it has no right to be there without her permission.

Anguille, you have lost your mind.

His what?!
She and cecille are the screeching virago twins.

ricochet [ˈrɪkəˌʃeɪ ˈrɪkəˌʃɛt]
vb -chets, -cheting [-ˌʃeɪɪŋ] -cheted [-ˌʃeɪd], -chets -chetting [-ˌʃɛtɪŋ] -chetted [-ˌʃɛtɪd]
(Military / Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) (intr) (esp of a bullet) to rebound from a surface or surfaces, usually with a characteristic whining or zipping sound

Wow. Coming from little Miss "I'm a victim and the world is my therapy group", that really means . . . even less than it would coming from any of these other twits.

Call me when you can come up with an insult that actually MEANS something, Mensa Girl, instead of mindlessly parroting what's said about you and thinking you're clever. I think you've spent so long whining and moaning about your personal trauma that you've forgotten how to talk about anything else.
Posting pictures of the unborn simply is an appeal to emotion. Appeals to emotion are stupid when considering laws.

Bullshit. If it evokes an emotion in YOU that's one thing. But alternative uses of illustration of the growth of the fetus aren't emotion-laden.

There's more than one use for the pictures, just admit that.

Of course there are but the inane types aren't capable of realizing this and run around screaming 'emotion!' whenever a pic is posted as a reference. I wonder if they're born that stupid or if it develops over time? :dunno:

Generally speaking, when leftists scream about "emotional appeals", what they mean is "Damn it, you've presented evidence I can't answer OR ignore!" It's not like they actually OBJECT to emotional appeals per se, since God knows, they have nothing else. Have you heard even ONE of them, in all these pages, present a single argument that had any science to back it up? No, of course not. Everything they have to say is built around the language of religion: "I feel" and "my belief is".
She and cecille are the screeching virago twins.

ricochet [ˈrɪkəˌʃeɪ ˈrɪkəˌʃɛt]
vb -chets, -cheting [-ˌʃeɪɪŋ] -cheted [-ˌʃeɪd], -chets -chetting [-ˌʃɛtɪŋ] -chetted [-ˌʃɛtɪd]
(Military / Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) (intr) (esp of a bullet) to rebound from a surface or surfaces, usually with a characteristic whining or zipping sound

Wow. Coming from little Miss "I'm a victim and the world is my therapy group", that really means . . . even less than it would coming from any of these other twits.

Call me when you can come up with an insult that actually MEANS something, Mensa Girl, instead of mindlessly parroting what's said about you and thinking you're clever. I think you've spent so long whining and moaning about your personal trauma that you've forgotten how to talk about anything else.
Cecilie and her description:


Furious Typer’s combat strategy is to drown her adversary in a tsunami of angry verbiage. She is absolutely immune to subtlty and ignores all but the barest essentials of any argument. After breifly appraising the gist of her opponent’s counter attack she puts her head down and rapidly fires off long rambling messages replete with grammitical and factual errors. The typical Furious Typer lacks endurance, however, and if the other combatants can weather the initial assault she will quickly exhaust herself and retire from the field.
Or..this one:


Issues has an issue and she won't rest until it becomes your issue, too. Even when she's not talking about her issue it's clear she would rather be talking about her issue. Something of a secular evangelist, he religion, her raison d'etre, her abiding passion is....well, her issue. Not exclusive to any ideological orientation, her issue could be the environment, abortion rights, raw foods, breast feeding, whatever. Her obsession, however, provides the key to defeating her in battle; she can't tolerate indifference, so if her thrusts are simply ignored she will rage, accuse, condemn, plead and finally, go away.
Posting pictures of the unborn simply is an appeal to emotion. Appeals to emotion are stupid when considering laws.

Bullshit. If it evokes an emotion in YOU that's one thing. But alternative uses of illustration of the growth of the fetus aren't emotion-laden.

There's more than one use for the pictures, just admit that.

Of course there are but the inane types aren't capable of realizing this and run around screaming 'emotion!' whenever a pic is posted as a reference. I wonder if they're born that stupid or if it develops over time? :dunno:
:cuckoo: Pointing out the use of appeals to emotion is not running around and screaming emotion, silly.
Bullshit. If it evokes an emotion in YOU that's one thing. But alternative uses of illustration of the growth of the fetus aren't emotion-laden.

There's more than one use for the pictures, just admit that.

Of course there are but the inane types aren't capable of realizing this and run around screaming 'emotion!' whenever a pic is posted as a reference. I wonder if they're born that stupid or if it develops over time? :dunno:

Generally speaking, when leftists scream about "emotional appeals", what they mean is "Damn it, you've presented evidence I can't answer OR ignore!" It's not like they actually OBJECT to emotional appeals per se, since God knows, they have nothing else. Have you heard even ONE of them, in all these pages, present a single argument that had any science to back it up? No, of course not. Everything they have to say is built around the language of religion: "I feel" and "my belief is".
Why would one need science to back up the fact that a woman's body is hers to do with what she pleases?
Bullshit. If it evokes an emotion in YOU that's one thing. But alternative uses of illustration of the growth of the fetus aren't emotion-laden.

There's more than one use for the pictures, just admit that.

Of course there are but the inane types aren't capable of realizing this and run around screaming 'emotion!' whenever a pic is posted as a reference. I wonder if they're born that stupid or if it develops over time? :dunno:
:cuckoo: Pointing out the use of appeals to emotion is not running around and screaming emotion, silly.

Just a guess . . . born that way?
Bullshit. If it evokes an emotion in YOU that's one thing. But alternative uses of illustration of the growth of the fetus aren't emotion-laden.

There's more than one use for the pictures, just admit that.

Of course there are but the inane types aren't capable of realizing this and run around screaming 'emotion!' whenever a pic is posted as a reference. I wonder if they're born that stupid or if it develops over time? :dunno:

Generally speaking, when leftists scream about "emotional appeals", what they mean is "Damn it, you've presented evidence I can't answer OR ignore!" It's not like they actually OBJECT to emotional appeals per se, since God knows, they have nothing else. Have you heard even ONE of them, in all these pages, present a single argument that had any science to back it up? No, of course not. Everything they have to say is built around the language of religion: "I feel" and "my belief is".

Have you presented any scientific evidence that a fertilized human egg has any resemblance to a born human being whatsoever, other than its DNA content?

You want to justify making it illegal to abort a human zygote/embryo/fetus from the moment of conception,

on the grounds that it's a 'human being', and yet you can present no evidence whatsoever that it is a human being, a person, other than its 46 chromosomes which are nothing more than the plans for a human being.

You can no more claim a fertilized egg is a human than you can claim the blueprint for a house is a house.
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