Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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Posting pictures of the unborn simply is an appeal to emotion. Appeals to emotion are stupid when considering laws.

Bullshit. If it evokes an emotion in YOU that's one thing. But alternative uses of illustration of the growth of the fetus aren't emotion-laden.

There's more than one use for the pictures, just admit that.

Who gets emotional over purely scientific medical pictures? Hell, photographic evidence is routinely admissible in court, even. I guess the professional idiots around here get very emotional over evidence that they're morons, but that's not anyone else's problem.
So are fingernail clippings. That is a "biological fact".

But really, nothing I say is going to affect your hyperbolic statements, so there's no point.

It's a biological fact that fingernail clippings are what? Organisms? Where did YOU go to school?

Oh, and one more thing, learn to fucking read the statement before making stupid assed posts like this.

"The new organism is human."

"So are fingernail clippings."

Obviously, this indicates that the fingernail clippings are "human" not "an organism".

Grammar 101.


So instead of making the ignorant remark that fingernail clippings are organisms, you instead made the ignorantly INANE remark that fingernail clippings are human in origin, which is utterly irrelevant to the topic of organisms.

And the difference here makes you feel justified in calling someone ELSE "stupid ass" because why?

Reading 101: Recognizing the Topic.

At least your last word was an accurate description of you.
Posting pictures of the unborn simply is an appeal to emotion. Appeals to emotion are stupid when considering laws.

Bullshit. If it evokes an emotion in YOU that's one thing. But alternative uses of illustration of the growth of the fetus aren't emotion-laden.

There's more than one use for the pictures, just admit that.

Of course there is more than one reason that someone might use a photo like those posted in this thread. Or even use photos of aborted fetus. But don't try to pretend that they aren't used in this thread as a last ditch lame appeal to emotion. To do so would be dishonest.

Wnen forced birthers or anti abortionists use those kinds of photos they show just how pathetic and desperate they've become in trying to convince others they are right.

It doesn't accomplish what they think it will. It just makes people look down on them with disgust. Those kinds of obvious appeals to emotion are recognized as attempted manipulation by anyone with half a brain.

No one with any class would pimp photos of fetuses.
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Instead, you get a bunch of hysterical, idealogical clowns with mantras like "sex educaton promotes promiscuity and STD's" and the like over the decades.

So now you expect us to believe that the majority of schools are teaching abstinence-only?

No stupid, I stated EXACTLY what was being bullhorned by various individuals over the years. If I had wanted to make specific statements about schools and abstinence-only courses in public schools, I would have said so. Get your act together and stop lying, JB.

And all you little Democrats who teach your kids where to get abortions don't teach them to not sleep around without protection why?
If they can find their way to PP for an abortion, there's no reason they can't find their way there to get some condoms

WTF are you babbling about, JB?

Bottom line: you don't like what your neighbor is doing in their bedroom or with their doctor, THEN MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS

Nobody cares what you and your partner do behind closed doors with your own bodies.

Good to know, because the in the last 25 years you've had Catholic Pope's stating that ANY contraception is a sin along with abortion.
An unborn child's not your body.

Oh really? And pray tell us all JB, who has "SUPERCEDING CLAIM" to what is growing inside a woman's body aside from the pregnant woman herself? Her husband? The State? The Church? A bunch of self righteous, pious assholes who claim absolute communion with the Word of God? And where's the legal precedent for this fantastic claim or yours?
Try a new spiel.

You should take your own advice, JB.....as this exchange so painfully demonstrates.
If you want to know the numbers and where they come from, learn to use Google.

Translation: JB is like every other BS artist who is long on slogans and short on facts, so he tries to bluff.
Even Planned Parenthood states that 93% of abortions are done for simple convenience.

Prove it, JB....YOU make a statement in a debate/discussion, the burden of proof is on YOU. That's how it works in the real world, just ask any high school english teacher. I'll accept facts, NOT JB supposition and conjecture.
It grows. Abortion stops it growing.
It is a human from beginning to end. It hasnt harmed anyone.
Abortion stops a human from living. A human that is innocent of all crimes.
Therefore...abortion stops an innocent human from living without justifiable cause.
Therefore...abortion is murder.

A fetus inhabiting the womb of a body that does not want it there is violating her body. Same as the penis of a rapist.
It makes no difference how the fetus got there, it has no right to be there without her permission.

Anguille, you have lost your mind.
Instead, you get a bunch of hysterical, idealogical clowns with mantras like "sex educaton promotes promiscuity and STD's" and the like over the decades.
So now you expect us to believe that the majority of schools are teaching abstinence-only?

No stupid, I stated EXACTLY what was being bullhorned by various individuals over the years. If I had wanted to make specific statements about schools and abstinence-only courses in public schools, I would have said so. Get your act together and stop lying, JB.

And all you little Democrats who teach your kids where to get abortions don't teach them to not sleep around without protection why?
If they can find their way to PP for an abortion, there's no reason they can't find their way there to get some condoms

WTF are you babbling about, JB?

Bottom line: you don't like what your neighbor is doing in their bedroom or with their doctor, THEN MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS

Nobody cares what you and your partner do behind closed doors with your own bodies.

Good to know, because the in the last 25 years you've had Catholic Pope's stating that ANY contraception is a sin along with abortion.
An unborn child's not your body.

Oh really? And pray tell us all JB, who has "SUPERCEDING CLAIM" to what is growing inside a woman's body aside from the pregnant woman herself? Her husband? The State? The Church? A bunch of self righteous, pious assholes who claim absolute communion with the Word of God? And where's the legal precedent for this fantastic claim or yours?
Try a new spiel.

You should take your own advice, JB.....as this exchange so painfully demonstrates.
If you want to know the numbers and where they come from, learn to use Google.

Translation: JB is like every other BS artist who is long on slogans and short on facts, so he tries to bluff.
Even Planned Parenthood states that 93% of abortions are done for simple convenience.

Prove it, JB....YOU make a statement in a debate/discussion, the burden of proof is on YOU. That's how it works in the real world, just ask any high school english teacher. I'll accept facts, NOT JB supposition and conjecture.

Fucktard, it's already been proven. In this thread. The links are here.
1) One of the recent Catholic Popes described using ANY type of birth control device as a sin. So I hope you're not religious.

There's no point dragging your religion into this.
Not my religion, JB...and said Pope's made their statements public for their followers with no urging from me. And since the vast majority of the anti-abortion folks that wail on the media are either touting their religion or using spiritual references, I just thought I covered the bases.
2) Abortion is NOT "birth control"

It is used as such in 93% of cases
You keep saying that, but you have yet to produce the Planned Parenthood(similar state/federal organization) stat/quote to verify this. So until you do, you're just blowing smoke.
3) Your analogy of taking drugs has to do with folk who have decided to have the baby and bring it to full term....that is NOT the case with abortion cases.

His analogy has to do with acts that harm the unborn. Most people would consider killing someone to be causing harm.

Most people aren't stupid enough to confuse some idiot who boozes or drugs while WANTING to have a baby with someone who decides to go to a doctor to have an abortion.

4) Abortion foes railed against use of the "morning after" pill. What's your stance on that?
How 'bout focusing on what he's said and not on what you want him to have said?

I responded accordingly....if you're too dim to understand JB, then get an adult to explain it to you. If you don't like the responses because your little anti-abortion slogans and mantras don't hack it, that's not my problem.
By that reasoning, big cities full of free condoms should have no abortions

That's not the reality

1/3 of abortions are repeat business

Your premise is bullshit

The reality is that YOU edited out what you didn't want to hear. For those interested in an HONEST discussion:

If the anti-abortion folk would work to mandate sex education and birth control availabilty in our society the way we do sports trivia and automobile ownership, then abortion would indeed be a rarity that would STILL be a private choice by the individual.

Instead, you get a bunch of hysterical, idealogical clowns with mantras like "sex educaton promotes promiscuity and STD's" and the like over the decades.
Bottom line: you don't like what your neighbor is doing in their bedroom or with their doctor, THEN MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS....because all the racial, class, religious and social prejudices will be waiting for all those new borns who no one wanted or want to know about as they grow up.

Just because "big cities" are "full of condoms" that doesn't mean that they are being sold to minors, does it genius?

Where did you get this "1/3 of abortions are repeat business" from? Did they tell you the percentage of abortions that are done by adult women? Married women? Teenagers?

The "reality" JB, is that your long on half assed propaganda, and short on logic based in reality....similar to what I previously described.

This is supposed to be the *honest* discussion?



And there you have a prime example of the intellectually bankrupt anti-abortion wonks. Thanks, AB.
It grows. Abortion stops it growing.
It is a human from beginning to end. It hasnt harmed anyone.
Abortion stops a human from living. A human that is innocent of all crimes.
Therefore...abortion stops an innocent human from living without justifiable cause.
Therefore...abortion is murder.

A fetus inhabiting the womb of a body that does not want it there is violating her body. Same as the penis of a rapist.
It makes no difference how the fetus got there, it has no right to be there without her permission.

Anguille, you have lost your mind.

Are you making an emotional appeal, Bubblehead? :lol:
The reality is that YOU edited out what you didn't want to hear. For those interested in an HONEST discussion:

If the anti-abortion folk would work to mandate sex education and birth control availabilty in our society the way we do sports trivia and automobile ownership, then abortion would indeed be a rarity that would STILL be a private choice by the individual.

Instead, you get a bunch of hysterical, idealogical clowns with mantras like "sex educaton promotes promiscuity and STD's" and the like over the decades.
Bottom line: you don't like what your neighbor is doing in their bedroom or with their doctor, THEN MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS....because all the racial, class, religious and social prejudices will be waiting for all those new borns who no one wanted or want to know about as they grow up.

Just because "big cities" are "full of condoms" that doesn't mean that they are being sold to minors, does it genius?

Where did you get this "1/3 of abortions are repeat business" from? Did they tell you the percentage of abortions that are done by adult women? Married women? Teenagers?

The "reality" JB, is that your long on half assed propaganda, and short on logic based in reality....similar to what I previously described.

This is supposed to be the *honest* discussion?



And there you have a prime example of the intellectually bankrupt anti-abortion wonks. Thanks, AB.

Please! Bubbles is quite proud of all the buzzwords she picked up from her University of Phoenix online logic course.

This is supposed to be the *honest* discussion?



And there you have a prime example of the intellectually bankrupt anti-abortion wonks. Thanks, AB.

Please! Bubbles is quite proud of all the buzzwords she picked up from her University of Phoenix online logic course.

Speaking of hating people... :eusa_whistle: I suppose "Bubblehead" is a term of endearment...?

The more I read some of their posts, the more I am convinced they just plain hate people.
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And there you have a prime example of the intellectually bankrupt anti-abortion wonks. Thanks, AB.

Please! Bubbles is quite proud of all the buzzwords she picked up from her University of Phoenix online logic course.

Speaking of hating people... :eusa_whistle: I suppose "Bubblehead" is a term of endearment...?

The more I read some of their posts, the more I am convinced they just plain hate people.
I do love Bubbles. She is my favorite USMB clown.

I'd even let her wear my clown shoes. ;)
I have always promoted sexual education and support pregnancy prevention. I don't think you should be able to use abortion as birth control. That is what their doing. Is it right to take drugs while pregnant? No, Because it can harm the baby. If it is morally wrong to harm the baby at any point during development, then it is wrong to kill it.

1) One of the recent Catholic Popes described using ANY type of birth control device as a sin. So I hope you're not religious.

2) Abortion is NOT "birth control", as birth control has been to prevent conception. An abortion is a medical procedure of a different nature as to say, the implanting of an IUD.

3) Your analogy of taking drugs has to do with folk who have decided to have the baby and bring it to full term....that is NOT the case with abortion cases.

4) Abortion foes railed against use of the "morning after" pill. What's your stance on that?

Your argument that an even more detailed sex education and handing out contraceptives to more public school children who are not yet mature enough to deal with the consequences of sex will somehow improve both their decision making skills and our abortion rate is LUDICROUS on its face and a totally specious argument. But it IS the typical fallback position of pro-abortion extremists who insist on re-writing all known information to suit themselves instead. You think it plays better to PRETEND that the people getting abortions are all those pathetic, scared and ignorant teenagers who just haven't been given enough information about how to "properly" have sex while avoiding getting pregnant. Or an STD apparently since that rate is sky high too. Yeah, its all because our public schools aren't acting like a birth control clinic instead of an institution of education! Of course!

You blather on based on your erroneous interpretation. I'll dumb it down for you......children are taught at levels they can understand, right? You don't read RBI stats to your 1st grader or have them strip down a car engine, do you? No, you take them through pre-school, grammer, etc. So you adjust sex education accordingly. As for your supposition and conjecture ridden rant....spare us all, will ya?
The only problem for you is REALITY. Something liberals don't deal with very well anyway. There are roughly 1.2 million abortions every year and half of those getting them are 25 years or older. Teenagers aren't even the second most common age group and represent only 17% of all abortions. In case you can't figure that one out it means 83% of all abortions are NOT teenage girls. Another poster said 1/3 were repeaters but actually 45% of all abortions were repeats in 1995 and it is still rising - the majority of all abortions are expected to be repeat abortions by 2015. Incredibly more than a quarter of all repeaters have had more than two. Clearly not people with any compunction about paying someone to destroy their own offspring and clearly not encouraged to have any respect for the very existence of a human life at all. So maybe you can argue women in general are just too stupid to figure out how to avoid unwanted pregnancy. A disproportionate percent of all women who have an abortion are black or Hispanic. Are you going to suggest that even a woman in her 20s still can't be expected to figure out how to avoid unwanted pregnancy? Or is it just black and Hispanic women or what? Because the face people like you like to pretend represents those most likely to get an abortion is NOT the teen face you like to stick on it -but an older, more mature, certainly more knowledgeable and worldly woman who not only knows how to avoid pregnancy -but a shocking percentage of whom obviously choose NOT to avoid it, continue on until they get pregnant AGAIN and then simply hire someone to kill their child AGAIN instead of acting responsibly and avoiding creating another human life in the first place. Obviously led to believe that having another one of their children killed is of no more importance than the bowel movement they had that morning.

More supposition and conjecture laced with STATS that have NO source documentation. Your propaganda impresses no one.

So in light of your comment about all the people you claim don't care and never would care about any of the aborted children if they lived -are you suggesting that it really is primarily black children who need to die and get off our planet because in your mind it is somehow more "humane" to just kill them than have to deal with them alive? What is your explanation about why there is such a disproportionate percent of black babies being aborted and how do you REALLY defend that given the fact the biggest supporters and defenders of abortion are white men? The ONLY people whose opinion counts about whether they are better off dead or not are the very people you want to make sure will never express that opinion in the first place! NOT YOUR CALL to make for ANYONE else.

Amazing how you put words into my keyboard and then ramble on as if it were true. Stop braying like an as, Frazzled. You're not responding to what I actually stated, you're just parroting the SOS that fits into your mantra.

The majority of all women oppose abortion on demand and the overwhelming majority of women who have had a baby oppose it. Hard for them to keep pretending it might be a guppy in there when its a person who comes out, huh. In reality it is people like YOU who are in the minority and the EXTREMISTS. Sorry if you convinced yourself that finding it acceptable to kill the youngest of humans for the "crime" of making mommy unhappy about their very existence makes you the reasonable one here. Guess again.

Again, more blathering supposition and conjecture without any valid documentation. You're a pitiful propagandist, Frazz.

Given the we are NOT dealing with adolescents getting abortions after all that just PERHAPS instead of teaching kids how to have sex that if we taught them the harsh realities of single parenthood for teens; the number of doors that slam shut and possibly forever; the true expense of raising a child; explicit information about the true nature of STDs and the impact the incurable ones will have on them for the rest of their lives and possibly that of any child they may have; the responsibilities a parent has and the legal consequences they may face for failing to live up to them; the value of human life and the importance of respecting human life; who has the real right to decide the value of a human life - whether it is the owner of that life or someone who finds the existence of that life objectionable for any reason; what a fetus looks like, its stage of development and what happens to it during an abortion both early in pregnancy and in a late term abortion. If you really feel like teens lack INFORMATION then just MAYBE its THAT kind of explicit information which is typically handled in a single hour IF AT ALL in most sex ed classes but may well have a bigger impact on reducing the irresponsible sexual activity of teens and on our abortion rates overall, huh? And give them that important information BEFORE they find themselves dealing with the unwanted consequences of early sexual activity. Because teaching them how to have sex, where to get contraceptives and how to use them has NOT worked at all. Oh NO, people like you ridicule and scoff at that idea and believe an approach entirely devoid of any value judgment regardless of how serious the possible consequences can be for more than just one person, a method that is now provably nothing but giving implicit permission and even encouragement to kids to engage in adult behavior before they are actually adults is preferable and gets "better" results! You have got to be kidding given the fact statistics are screaming YOU ARE WRONG! Given the REALITY of the skyrocket increase in the out-of-wedlock pregnancy from 15.5% in 1973 to 36% now and the same kind of sharp rise in STD transmission rates it is blatantly obvious that the already incredibly explicit sex instructions hasn't been working out so good after all, has it? There is nothing in REALITY to back up your delusion that teenagers with their adolescent brains will actually start making mature, adult decisions if they just have more INFORMATION about how to have sex like an adult but without the brain of one! In fact, it has PROVABLY turned out to be the exact opposite! We have MORE teens engaged in sex and the more who engage in it, the more UNWANTED CONSEQUENCES result from that! Which means we have even MORE kids who lack the emotional maturity to handle the consequences being faced with them anyway! THAT is what happens when teens are not actively discouraged to postpone sexual behavior until a time they have developed the mental and emotional skills to deal with the potential consequences which can be life altering and life threatening! Giving them more explicit instructions and a free condom will still never impart the MATURITY to deal with those consequences. I have NO problem educating children about how their bodies work and reproduction-THAT is the proper function of sex ed. Even if people like you want to keep blinders on about what your FAILED policies you keep pushing have done -and now insist the "solution" is to double down on them! What do you really need to see before it will cause you to re-evaluate your own position and realize that maybe, just MAYBE you were WRONG? How like a typical liberal you are to just refuse to even consider that you might be wrong given the fact that rates of unwanted pregnancy and disease have more than DOUBLED since undergoing the radical change in the way we educate our kids about how sex and reproduction! Wow, talk about being totally OBTUSE!

Wow, you sure spew a lot of bullshit, Frazz. As anyone who can read will see in the chronology of the posts, I haven't stated a third of what you're babbling about. Like all anti-abortion wonks, you seem to think that your pre-scripted mantras and propaganda just supplants any rational question or observation. Sadly, it doesn't.

It should be pretty plain to people with even a rudimentary level of intelligence that the extremists like YOU got it wrong because everything got worse when we all pretended we can't possibly expect children to refrain from engaging in an adult activity before they are emotionally mature enough to deal with the consequences. Saying we need abortion on demand AND even MORE explicit sex ed while handing out contraceptives is in reality encouraging and rewarding even more promiscuous, irresponsible and IMMATURE decisions from teenagers in the provably wrong and stupid belief that it will help protect them from the unwanted consequences of their own poor decisions. Poor decisions we are actually encouraging and giving our approval and permission to make instead of discouraging it and has provably resulted in MORE of them making that poor decision and the more who are engaged in it, the higher the rate of unwanted consequences! All the while people like you insist we must still pursue a provably failed policy and agenda that will continue to keep encouraging and rewarding children for making poor decisions in the first place and insisting we aren't doing it enough yet -this is the circular argument of a liberal. And we all know liberals are short on critical thinking skills and rational thinking in the first place. You couldn't have highlighted that any better for us, thank you.

Frazzle sure describes how your brain works....because you're still operating on what YOU think, and NOT what I said.

BTW -I don't give a shit what kind of sex acts two consenting adults may do in the privacy of their bedroom. But like millions and millions of others in this country I absolutely draw the line at pretending killing their unwanted child is part of someone's sex life. That you think of it as part of someone's sex life is weird, extremist and utterly revolting frankly.

More bullshit from an idealogue who hasn't a clue as to how the real world works. Newsflash, Frazz....in a free society, YOU don't decide who has what medical procedure, unless YOU are going to take of that child, pay that woman's FULL medical bills for 9 months and delivery, etc., etc.

You need to stop LYING about what I and others who differ from your ideology write, Frazz...the chronology of the post will always show how foolish you are.
She and cecille are the screeching virago twins.

ricochet [ˈrɪkəˌʃeɪ ˈrɪkəˌʃɛt]
vb -chets, -cheting [-ˌʃeɪɪŋ] -cheted [-ˌʃeɪd], -chets -chetting [-ˌʃɛtɪŋ] -chetted [-ˌʃɛtɪd]
(Military / Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) (intr) (esp of a bullet) to rebound from a surface or surfaces, usually with a characteristic whining or zipping sound
Posting pictures of the unborn simply is an appeal to emotion. Appeals to emotion are stupid when considering laws.

Bullshit. If it evokes an emotion in YOU that's one thing. But alternative uses of illustration of the growth of the fetus aren't emotion-laden.

There's more than one use for the pictures, just admit that.

Of course there are but the inane types aren't capable of realizing this and run around screaming 'emotion!' whenever a pic is posted as a reference. I wonder if they're born that stupid or if it develops over time? :dunno:
Please! Bubbles is quite proud of all the buzzwords she picked up from her University of Phoenix online logic course.

Speaking of hating people... :eusa_whistle: I suppose "Bubblehead" is a term of endearment...?

The more I read some of their posts, the more I am convinced they just plain hate people.
I do love Bubbles. She is my favorite USMB clown.

I'd even let her wear my clown shoes. ;)

I've never been compelled to purchase them for myself; I knew I could count on you!

And stop dissing da alma mater! That's just wrong!

I'm thinking seriously about picking up a UoP sweatshirt to go with the clown shoes...
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