Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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funny how you think people that are for a women's rights of her own body are cowards ,yet anti -abortionist murder , blow up building , stay anonymous are heroes so your definition of coward is distorted . badly .woman's body are not public domain .

Could you please point me to the occasion when JB EVER said that people who kill abortion doctors are heroes? If not, could you please keep your fucking delusions about what other people think and believe OUT of the discussion? I realize it would be a lot easier for you to debate against the voices in your head, rather than against real people, but I don't think anyone appreciates having your filth projected onto them.

Delusions of what other people think. Ok. How's this? I believe I am the only one that stated I had an abortion, and why. I don't appreciate having JB's filth projected unto me no matter what thread I happen to start, or post in. Does that count too?

Very little of what you say on this thread counts with me, particularly as it regards your obsessive need to take everything ever said about abortion personally and you dragging other people into your personal problems with JB. I don't know what it is with you that you feel compelled to use the rest of us as your therapy group for every issue you have in your life, but I really wish you'd learn some self-control.

Well said TL.

One of the reasons I tried to avoid CS's honesty was because I do believe it is a private decision. I do not like to sound like I am condemning anyone for their choice. I'll argue with them about their viewpoint... but, when CS became honest, then anything and everything I say from that point on begins to sound judgmental. At that point, I seemed to be damned if I do and damned if I don't discuss it.

I have my beliefs about the issue and if I had my choice in the matter, both sides would be working together to make abortion rare. Both sides need to agree to come together and brainstorm on the issue. They need to be willing to work together. Unfortunately, the two parties won't allow that to happen.


In a perfect world, Immy. Which, unfortunately we'll never see. Life is messy. And full of unpopular decisions that should NOT be hampered by some windbag politician or some 'I know better than you so SHUT UP' wanker that has no idea where the reality of the situation lies.

You mean like you, with your "I had an abortion, and YOU don't even have a vagina, so don't comment" rap you were aiming at Immie earlier?

No, like you, butting your unwanted opinion into other peoples' business all the time like your some great seer or oracle, when in fact you don't know your arse from your elbow...
Could you please point me to the occasion when JB EVER said that people who kill abortion doctors are heroes? If not, could you please keep your fucking delusions about what other people think and believe OUT of the discussion? I realize it would be a lot easier for you to debate against the voices in your head, rather than against real people, but I don't think anyone appreciates having your filth projected onto them.

Delusions of what other people think. Ok. How's this? I believe I am the only one that stated I had an abortion, and why. I don't appreciate having JB's filth projected unto me no matter what thread I happen to start, or post in. Does that count too?

Very little of what you say on this thread counts with me, particularly as it regards your obsessive need to take everything ever said about abortion personally and you dragging other people into your personal problems with JB. I don't know what it is with you that you feel compelled to use the rest of us as your therapy group for every issue you have in your life, but I really wish you'd learn some self-control.

Some facts:
I don't obsess over JB. He seems fascinated by me, though.

I don't give a rats ass what you think about me.

I haven't dragged anyone else in this thread. Link, or it didn't happen.

This place is far from a therapy group and I never thought it as such. You are self projecting.

You really should practice what you are preaching about self control.
Of course that's what he means.

He also thinks poor mothers are too stupid to make the choice to give an unwanted child up for adoption.

Don't fucking speak for me, my point is you fucking pro life clowns only care about these kids when their in the womb, when they are out in the world you could give a fuck less.
The ignorance of most of the posters here is incredible as they totally ignore what the law was before Roe, what the law is now and what the law would be if Roe was overturned.
They label anyone and everyone as "pro-abortion" that explains the facts of the law and how the states only regulate their individual criminal codes in each state, murder specifically.
But we all know that ideologues do not care to learn, educate themselves, study and debate facts.
They are interested in rah rah pep rally chants for themselves and their band wagon chirpers only.
Ideology requires no facts.
Of course that's what he means.

He also thinks poor mothers are too stupid to make the choice to give an unwanted child up for adoption.

Don't fucking speak for me, my point is you fucking pro life clowns only care about these kids when their in the womb, when they are out in the world you could give a fuck less.

Isn't that speaking for me?

Anyway, that's one of the more ridiculous arguments (and logical fallacies) going.
The ignorance of most of the posters here is incredible as they totally ignore what the law was before Roe, what the law is now and what the law would be if Roe was overturned.
They label anyone and everyone as "pro-abortion" that explains the facts of the law and how the states only regulate their individual criminal codes in each state, murder specifically.
But we all know that ideologues do not care to learn, educate themselves, study and debate facts.
They are interested in rah rah pep rally chants for themselves and their band wagon chirpers only.
Ideology requires no facts.

No shit. Ironic post of the day, possibly the century.
Of course that's what he means.

He also thinks poor mothers are too stupid to make the choice to give an unwanted child up for adoption.

Don't fucking speak for me, my point is you fucking pro life clowns only care about these kids when their in the womb, when they are out in the world you could give a fuck less.

Isn't that speaking for me?

Anyway, that's one of the more ridiculous arguments (and logical fallacies) going.

Abortion debates always go round and round because they're based on an uncertainty. Pro-abortionists want to convince themselves that the baby is not alive simply because it's microscopic and unseen.

The only question you need answer is this:
Given the possibility that it MIGHT be life at conception...which is the wiser choice?
a) not aborting, therefore saving what could be a life
b) aborting, therefore killing what could be a life

put even more simply, why take a chance that you're wrong?

All the pro-choice gobbledy-gook can't ever get around that question.

You motherfuckers can side-step my question all you want, but until a pro-death/pro-abortion person answers this question...your replies are a fucking joke.
The ignorance of most of the posters here is incredible as they totally ignore what the law was before Roe, what the law is now and what the law would be if Roe was overturned.
They label anyone and everyone as "pro-abortion" that explains the facts of the law and how the states only regulate their individual criminal codes in each state, murder specifically.
But we all know that ideologues do not care to learn, educate themselves, study and debate facts.
They are interested in rah rah pep rally chants for themselves and their band wagon chirpers only.
Ideology requires no facts.

Yeah the whole thread is a lie, never in my life have I met anyone who's pro-abortion.

Everyone I've talked to on both sides of the issue agree that they want the same number of abortions, zero, and most of what I want in law as a pro-choicer is in agreement with the pro-lifers.

But for some reason getting offended, getting emotional outweighs the need to debate the issue logically.
Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of a fetus or embryo from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death"-- Well it simply means that when you tried to end someones life, then you may be considered as a killer. And it is right that when we are talking about "ending a human life" you are dealing with homicide- I absolutely agree with that! But on the other side of the coin, there may be some reasons why a person decided to make some abortion, Who knows?
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