Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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Of course that's what he means.

He also thinks poor mothers are too stupid to make the choice to give an unwanted child up for adoption.

Don't fucking speak for me, my point is you fucking pro life clowns only care about these kids when their in the womb, when they are out in the world you could give a fuck less.
Utter nonsense. Obviously you're defining "caring" as "happy to let the government create welfare dependency, fraud and waste with our hard-earned tax dollars". It must be easy for you to "care" with other people's hard-earned money.
Pro-abortionists want to see all children genetically engineered, essentially, and raised by the state.

That's their idea of a perfect world.
Pro-abortionists want to see all children genetically engineered, essentially, and raised by the state.

That's their idea of a perfect world.
That's essentially what Planned Parenthood's founder espoused.

It is...but many who have been raised with the pro abortion ideals of society, may not be aware of the roots of abortion and the founder of PP

What is it that they say?...Knowledge is power

Margaret Sanger's biography, in truth has been disappearing from the internet slowly.
Delusions of what other people think. Ok. How's this? I believe I am the only one that stated I had an abortion, and why. I don't appreciate having JB's filth projected unto me no matter what thread I happen to start, or post in. Does that count too?

Very little of what you say on this thread counts with me, particularly as it regards your obsessive need to take everything ever said about abortion personally and you dragging other people into your personal problems with JB. I don't know what it is with you that you feel compelled to use the rest of us as your therapy group for every issue you have in your life, but I really wish you'd learn some self-control.

Some facts:
I don't obsess over JB. He seems fascinated by me, though.

I don't give a rats ass what you think about me.

I haven't dragged anyone else in this thread. Link, or it didn't happen.

This place is far from a therapy group and I never thought it as such. You are self projecting.

You really should practice what you are preaching about self control.

Right, sweetie. That's why 1) you keep talking about him, 2) you felt compelled to take general, abstract statements concerning a social issue as personal attacks, despite the fact that, at the time, none of us knew you had had an abortion, and so couldn't possibly be attacking you personally, 3) your previous post dragged JB into a conversation that had nothing to do with him . . . or YOU, for that matter, since it was directed specifically at someone else, and 4) you felt the need to share with a group of total strangers on the Internet who didn't ask and didn't give a shit (and still DON'T give a shit, just so you know) AAAALLLL about your abortion and how persecuted you feel because people DARE to discuss the subject and NOT think you're a beleaguered champion of womanhood.

You might want to actually learn what "projecting" is, you silly bitch. Amazingly enough, "No, you are!" is only an effective comeback when you're in grade school. I do not make a habit of spilling deep, uncomfortable secrets about my past on message boards in a blatant, defensive, and pathetic attempt to justify myself to myself, or to try to declare myself the winner in a debate I cannot win by facts and logic. You did both. IF I mention my private life at all, it is to illustrate a point (as with explaining earlier how I know that "genetic counseling" and leftist "family planning" are really both just attempts to convince women to abort) or to explain why I'm bringing up a specific topic. I genuinely DON'T give a fuck what other people think, the attitude you'd like to claim for yourself and denied yourself for all time with your "I had an abortion, so everything is about MEEEE!!!" rant a while back.

I think the mention of your painfully embarassing (at least, for those of us forced to watch it and who actually have a sense of shame), multi-page meltdown also settles the question of who does and does not need to learn self-control.
It's essentially what any person I've ever talked to who supports abortion espouses.

It's always scary to talk to people who would view "Brave New World" as a how-to manual . . . if they hadn't been educated in public schools, and therefore had ever actually heard of the book.
Very little of what you say on this thread counts with me, particularly as it regards your obsessive need to take everything ever said about abortion personally and you dragging other people into your personal problems with JB. I don't know what it is with you that you feel compelled to use the rest of us as your therapy group for every issue you have in your life, but I really wish you'd learn some self-control.

Some facts:
I don't obsess over JB. He seems fascinated by me, though.

I don't give a rats ass what you think about me.

I haven't dragged anyone else in this thread. Link, or it didn't happen.

This place is far from a therapy group and I never thought it as such. You are self projecting.

You really should practice what you are preaching about self control.

Right, sweetie. That's why 1) you keep talking about him,
I do? Where. Links or it didnt happen.

2) you felt compelled to take general, abstract statements concerning a social issue as personal attacks, despite the fact that, at the time, none of us knew you had had an abortion, and so couldn't possibly be attacking you personally,
Really? At the beginning of this thread, I stated abortions are never an easy thing to do but sometimes, there is no option the woman has. Then said why.

3) your previous post dragged JB into a conversation that had nothing to do with him . . . or YOU, for that matter, since it was directed specifically at someone else, and
My bad. Perhaps if he would cease going in to threads and doing the same thing to me, I would forget all about his existence. Quid pro quo.

4) you felt the need to share with a group of total strangers on the Internet who didn't ask and didn't give a shit (and still DON'T give a shit, just so you know) AAAALLLL about your abortion and how persecuted you feel because people DARE to discuss the subject and NOT think you're a beleaguered champion of womanhood.
I shared it because I felt like it. Do you speak for all? Some give a shit because they were in the same proverbial boat. I felt persecuted because some schmucks like you kept saying it was an inconvenience to be pregnant when you, that perfect stranger you spoke of, decided you know all about my life and/or what I CHOSE to do. Which I'd do again in a heartbeat.

You might want to actually learn what "projecting" is, you silly bitch. Amazingly enough, "No, you are!" is only an effective comeback when you're in grade school. I do not make a habit of spilling deep, uncomfortable secrets about my past on message boards in a blatant, defensive, and pathetic attempt to justify myself to myself, or to try to declare myself the winner in a debate I cannot win by facts and logic. You did both. IF I mention my private life at all, it is to illustrate a point (as with explaining earlier how I know that "genetic counseling" and leftist "family planning" are really both just attempts to convince women to abort) or to explain why I'm bringing up a specific topic. I genuinely DON'T give a fuck what other people think, the attitude you'd like to claim for yourself and denied yourself for all time with your "I had an abortion, so everything is about MEEEE!!!" rant a while back.
Blah blah blah de blah de blah blah, Blah blah blah de blah de blah blah.

I think the mention of your painfully embarassing (at least, for those of us forced to watch it and who actually have a sense of shame), multi-page meltdown also settles the question of who does and does not need to learn self-control
. Really again? I have no shame on tearing out something I didn't ask for. Don't like it? Tough shit. The only "meltdown" I see going on is your novels you furiously tap out on your keyboard trying to make some kind of point while waggling your finger at me. THAT, sweetcakes, is self projection.
Now hold on there a sec. Having an abortion is not an easy thing to do. It is no picnic, I guarantee you. I dont have to defend myself when it comes to my body. Wanna call me a murderer? Go ahead. Ive called myself much worse when I had it done many many MANY years ago. Its nobodies business why I had it done and I answer to nobody on why I did it.

Say what you will. Unless you are a woman....you have no clue.

I'm sorry to hear that. It's sounds like it was a painful ordeal.
Could you please point me to the occasion when JB EVER said that people who kill abortion doctors are heroes? If not, could you please keep your fucking delusions about what other people think and believe OUT of the discussion? I realize it would be a lot easier for you to debate against the voices in your head, rather than against real people, but I don't think anyone appreciates having your filth projected onto them.

Delusions of what other people think. Ok. How's this? I believe I am the only one that stated I had an abortion, and why. I don't appreciate having JB's filth projected unto me no matter what thread I happen to start, or post in. Does that count too?

Grace JB is a phsycotic who stopped taking his meds and started drinking vodkas of bottle per day, don't worry about what he says he is just a piece of trash anyways.

I am one of the most moral and consistent people on this board and I have consumed a drop of alcohol in months, though a pomegranate martini does sound nice.

Grace is the one who think rape and suicide bombings are okay.

She has refused time and again to say my right to do as I wish with.to my body does not extend to acts which cause direct physical harm to another.
They also deny that choosing to abort because the mother is not ready for a child is birth control. What would you call it if not "birth control"? Oh wait, I know... Family Planning!


I always thought 'family planning' sounded like what you do when you see a genetic counselor.

It is, but not the way you think. See, genetic counseling is basically an attempt for them to scare the shit out of you and try to convince you to have an abortion if there's the slightest thing wrong with the baby at all.

As a eugenicist, I feel I must correct you.

Genetic counseling and related services are geared toward helping you understand potential medical concerns and inform you regarding various methods and options should you wish to take measures to ensure your child the best possible form/life.

If one is encouraging any given choice of action (as opposed to simply providing the information about possible choices and outcomes and letting you make your own decision), it's debatable whether they're doing their job as a medical professional.

That seems like a matter for an ethics committee to decide.
I think I mentioned on the board before that I had to agree to "genetic counseling" in order to have an amniocentesis with my last child. All it really amounted to was the woman lecturing me and my husband in EXCRUCIATING detail about all the horrible things that could POSSIBLY be wrong with my baby, and how he'd be better off dead if they found any of them, before giving me the test and then sending me home to worry for two weeks until the results came in.

See the above. I question her impartiality and professionalism.
Delusions of what other people think. Ok. How's this? I believe I am the only one that stated I had an abortion, and why. I don't appreciate having JB's filth projected unto me no matter what thread I happen to start, or post in. Does that count too?

Grace JB is a phsycotic who stopped taking his meds and started drinking vodkas of bottle per day, don't worry about what he says he is just a piece of trash anyways.

I am one of the most moral and consistent people on this board and I have consumed a drop of alcohol in months, though a pomegranate martini does sound nice.

Grace is the one who think rape and suicide bombings are okay.

She has refused time and again to say my right to do as I wish with.to my body does not extend to acts which cause direct physical harm to another.

Are you fucking INSANE???? Post a link where I EVER claimed any such thing!!!
You are the biggest wack job I have ever had the displeasure of meeting online. You LIE. Flat out lie. Link or it never happened, asshole liar.
It is...but many who have been raised with the pro abortion ideals of society, may not be aware of the roots of abortion and the founder of PP

What is it that they say?...Knowledge is power

Margaret Sanger's biography, in truth has been disappearing from the internet slowly.

This is constitutionally and legally irrelevant – this is pertinent only for those contemplating abortion in the context of the right to privacy.
Grace JB is a phsycotic who stopped taking his meds and started drinking vodkas of bottle per day, don't worry about what he says he is just a piece of trash anyways.

I am one of the most moral and consistent people on this board and I have consumed a drop of alcohol in months, though a pomegranate martini does sound nice.

Grace is the one who think rape and suicide bombings are okay.

She has refused time and again to say my right to do as I wish with.to my body does not extend to acts which cause direct physical harm to another.

Are you fucking INSANE???? Post a link where I EVER claimed any such thing!!!
You are the biggest wack job I have ever had the displeasure of meeting online. You LIE. Flat out lie. Link or it never happened, asshole liar.
Why can't you say that rape and suicide bombings are not okay?

Time and again you've refused to say my right to do as I wish with/to my body does not extend to acts which cause direct physical harm to another.

Are you going to say it now?

Say it. Say 'my right to do as I wish with/to my body does not extend to acts which cause direct physical harm to another.'

Why can't you say rape and suicide bombing aren't okay?
I always thought 'family planning' sounded like what you do when you see a genetic counselor.

It is, but not the way you think. See, genetic counseling is basically an attempt for them to scare the shit out of you and try to convince you to have an abortion if there's the slightest thing wrong with the baby at all.

As a eugenicist, I feel I must correct you.

Genetic counseling and related services are geared toward helping you understand potential medical concerns and inform you regarding various methods and options should you wish to take measures to ensure your child the best possible form/life.

Ahhh, idealism. So refreshingly naive. ;)

If one is encouraging any given choice of action (as opposed to simply providing the information about possible choices and outcomes and letting you make your own decision), it's debatable whether they're doing their job as a medical professional.

That seems like a matter for an ethics committee to decide.

Yes, because I'm sure medical ethics committees are horrified - HORRIFIED, I tell you - by the idea of people assuming that babies with any sort of problems at all in life are better off dead and discarded like so much trash.

You DO realize that my own obstetrician, who is hardly a fan of abortion himself, wanted to know why I wanted to bother having an amnio at all, since he knew there was no chance I would ever consider an abortion. It's simply beyond the standard thinking of today that a parent might value the life of a less-than-perfect child (assuming one accepts the idea that any baby is less than perfect).

I think I mentioned on the board before that I had to agree to "genetic counseling" in order to have an amniocentesis with my last child. All it really amounted to was the woman lecturing me and my husband in EXCRUCIATING detail about all the horrible things that could POSSIBLY be wrong with my baby, and how he'd be better off dead if they found any of them, before giving me the test and then sending me home to worry for two weeks until the results came in.

See the above. I question her impartiality and professionalism.[/QUOTE]

I don't. That's just the norm nowadays, so much so that many people don't even question it.
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