Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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I would also like your clone Cecille to SHOW A LINK where I EVER said JB called people who killed abortion doctors a hero. PROVE I SAID IT.

I swear to god, I have never met such blatant LIARS on any board on the net in all these years as you two.
It is...but many who have been raised with the pro abortion ideals of society, may not be aware of the roots of abortion and the founder of PP

What is it that they say?...Knowledge is power

Margaret Sanger's biography, in truth has been disappearing from the internet slowly.
This is constitutionally and legally irrelevant – this is pertinent only for those contemplating abortion in the context of the right to privacy.

Right to privacy has nothing to do with mutilating babies while in utero or not.

How easy it is for some to forget what they already have.

Right to life
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Yes, because I'm sure medical ethics committees are horrified - HORRIFIED, I tell you - by the idea of people assuming that babies with any sort of problems at all in life are better off dead and discarded like so much trash.

I assume some medical professionals fall on both sides of that one.

You DO realize that my own obstetrician, who is hardly a fan of abortion himself, wanted to know why I wanted to bother having an amnio at all, since he knew there was no chance I would ever consider an abortion.

Maybe he's an idiot. I assume you wanted to know whether to plan ahead for any special circumstances resulting from medical abnormality. I mean, isn't that why we do sonograms?
It's simply beyond the standard thinking of today that a parent might value the life of a less-than-perfect child (assuming one accepts the idea that any baby is less than perfect).

That is by design. Unfortunately, some choose the wickeder of paths to change the world.

I think I mentioned on the board before that I had to agree to "genetic counseling" in order to have an amniocentesis with my last child. All it really amounted to was the woman lecturing me and my husband in EXCRUCIATING detail about all the horrible things that could POSSIBLY be wrong with my baby, and how he'd be better off dead if they found any of them, before giving me the test and then sending me home to worry for two weeks until the results came in.
See the above. I question her impartiality and professionalism.[/quote]

That's just the norm nowadays, so much so that many people don't even question it.

Doesn't change the fact that it's a disgrace.
Hi, you have received -229 reputation points from JBeukema.
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For supporting rape and murder like the piece of shit you are


I support rape and murder? Really???? Show a link where I state that, nutjob.
It is...but many who have been raised with the pro abortion ideals of society, may not be aware of the roots of abortion and the founder of PP

What is it that they say?...Knowledge is power

Margaret Sanger's biography, in truth has been disappearing from the internet slowly.
This is constitutionally and legally irrelevant – this is pertinent only for those contemplating abortion in the context of the right to privacy.

Right to privacy has nothing to do with mutilating babies while in utero or not.

How easy it is for some to forget what they already have.

Right to life

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Hi, you have received -229 reputation points from JBeukema.
Reputation was given for this post.

For supporting rape and murder like the piece of shit you are

I support rape and murder? Really???? Show a link where I state that, nutjob.
Time and again you've refused to say my right to do as I wish with/to my body does not extend to acts which cause direct physical harm to another.

Are you going to say it now?

Say it. Say 'my right to do as I wish with/to my body does not extend to acts which cause direct physical harm to another.'

Why can't you say rape and suicide bombing aren't okay?

Hi, you have received -229 reputation points from JBeukema.
Reputation was given for this post.

For supporting rape and murder like the piece of shit you are

I support rape and murder? Really???? Show a link where I state that, nutjob.
Time and again you've refused to say my right to do as I wish with/to my body does not extend to acts which cause direct physical harm to another.

Are you going to say it now?

Say it. Say 'my right to do as I wish with/to my body does not extend to acts which cause direct physical harm to another.'

Why can't you say rape and suicide bombing aren't okay?


Yeah? Well, fucktard? That isn't showing me saying I think abortion doctors are heroes. Nor does it show a link where I support rape victims and murder.

Still waiting. Oh. I know. You CAN'T show it because I never said it. Which makes you BOTH liars spreading vicious gossip. You, I'm not surprised at. Cecile, I am surprised at. She's a bitch, but I didn't know she was a LYING bitch.
So you still refuse to say rape and murder are not-okay?

My right to do as I wish with/to my body does not extend to acts which cause direct physical harm to another.

Why can't you say that? I can and have. Why can't you? Why can't you say rape and murder are not okay?
Right to privacy has nothing to do with mutilating babies while in utero or not.

How easy it is for some to forget what they already have.

Right to life

The right to privacy protects against the government interfering with decisions which should be made by the individual and family. The government has no authority to dictate morality or codify religious dogma.

The courts have wisely left this matter to science and the individual to determine when life begins; science has made no determination, and the individual’s determination is relevant only to that person, not society as a whole.

As the Supreme Court noted in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey (1992):
If the right of privacy means anything, it is the right of the individual, married or single, to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget a child.

FindLaw | Cases and Codes
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At another place, in another part of the vast internet, there are some really evil people I had the misfortune to meet. You both remind me of them.

A woman that was the member of a board for many years and felt comfortable there, shared something really painful. Something along the lines of someone here who said they were in a very dark place and was contemplating suicide. This person got support and hands held out to lift up.

But at the board where the evil people are, this woman shared something and had no clue as to the results of that sharing. Like Cecille berated me for saying too much, nobody was there to berate this other gal. She shared that she was raped by her own father. She used her pic as her avi for years because she thought she was amongst human beings. When she told about her ordeal and the years it took seeing shrinks to deal with what happened to her and how many times she contemplated suicide, these evil beings decided she would be the soup de jour of the day. They said she was so ugly, nobody BUT her father would fuck her. They had great sport with her, for months. And they always made sure to add extra's to the tale. Oh, it was such fun for them. They were evil. She left that place and went to a support group and her mission from then on was to teach other victims that there is a light ahead. That they can be helped. That it was not their fault they were abused. She withstood, and learned from her previous mistake to not trust anyone online. And NO, this woman was not me. But I felt her pain at what was being done to her, said on a message board, on the net, for all to see. Her picture posted and filthy things said and lots of smilies and cacklings and joy at her pain.

But that's not the point. The point is, Cecille and JB both....you are evil to the core. Evil.
I will no longer give you my energy, nor my power. Both of you can rot in hell.
I would also like your clone Cecille to SHOW A LINK where I EVER said JB called people who killed abortion doctors a hero. PROVE I SAID IT.

I swear to god, I have never met such blatant LIARS on any board on the net in all these years as you two.

I never said you did, you stupid, self-absorbed twat. I realize you think the entire universe revolves around your sorry, over-emotional, self-pitying ass, and that every remark ever made on this board is made directly to or about you, but . . . try to stay with me here through your haze of me-monkey conceit . . . I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU!

While I know that retracing this for you is a complete waste of valuable time, I'm feeling mildly charitable, so I will explain how it is that you came to the erroneous conclusion that anyone was addressing you or, indeed, gave a tin shit whether you showed up and contributed your usual nothing or not.

Sinister - not you - responded in #1619 to JB's opening post thusly:

funny how you think people that are for a women's rights of her own body are cowards ,yet anti -abortionist murder , blow up building , stay anonymous are heroes so your definition of coward is distorted . badly .woman's body are not public domain .

You do, I hope, have at least enough brain wattage to note the highlighted passage.

I responded in #1734 - to Sinister, not you - in this fashion:

Could you please point me to the occasion when JB EVER said that people who kill abortion doctors are heroes? If not, could you please keep your fucking delusions about what other people think and believe OUT of the discussion? I realize it would be a lot easier for you to debate against the voices in your head, rather than against real people, but I don't think anyone appreciates having your filth projected onto them.

Please notice that, despite your apparent delusion that the sun shines out of your belly button, I never once mentioned you, alluded to you, or - I can assure you - thought of you. You were, as in so many things, utterly irrelevant at that moment.

Contrary to that painfully obvious fact of life, YOU then burst into the conversation unsolicited in #1744, with THIS little waste of electricity:

Delusions of what other people think. Ok. How's this? I believe I am the only one that stated I had an abortion, and why. I don't appreciate having JB's filth projected unto me no matter what thread I happen to start, or post in. Does that count too?

Upon being informed that you are too pig-ignorant and mentally unstable to be of any value to me, you promptly took the entire conversation on yourself.

I won't wait for an apology, since that would take an intelligent, principled adult to deliver.
Right to privacy has nothing to do with mutilating babies while in utero or not.

How easy it is for some to forget what they already have.

Right to life
The right to privacy protects against the government interfering with decisions which should be made by the individual and family.

We're not talking about choosing a Roth IRA here. We're talking about killing another human being.
The government has no authority to dictate morality or codify religious dogma.

So... rape, theft, murder.... shouldn't be illegal? :confused:
The courts have wisely left this matter to science
and the individual to determine when life begins;

Individuals decide whether Earth is flat. The life of a human organism begins with the creation of the zygote. That is the scientifically verified reality. It is no more up for debate than whether Earth orbits Sol.
science has made no determination

Um, yes it has. Have you never heard of biology?

Or are you just another pro-abortionist incapable of honesty?
, and the individual’s determination is relevant only to that person, not society as a whole.

So... if I say life begins at 18 and I only kill minors?
As the Supreme Court noted

SCOTUS? As in the same government that handed down Dred Scott? They legislate reality now? :cuckoo:
Cecille and JB both....you are evil to the core. Evil.
I will no longer give you my energy, nor my power. Both of you can rot in hell.
Of the two of us (you and myself) only I have declared rape to be not okay.

You're the one who's cool with it.

Want to see evil? Find a mirror.
At another place, in another part of the vast internet, there are some really evil people I had the misfortune to meet. You both remind me of them.

A woman that was the member of a board for many years and felt comfortable there, shared something really painful. Something along the lines of someone here who said they were in a very dark place and was contemplating suicide. This person got support and hands held out to lift up.

But at the board where the evil people are, this woman shared something and had no clue as to the results of that sharing. Like Cecille berated me for saying too much, nobody was there to berate this other gal. She shared that she was raped by her own father. She used her pic as her avi for years because she thought she was amongst human beings. When she told about her ordeal and the years it took seeing shrinks to deal with what happened to her and how many times she contemplated suicide, these evil beings decided she would be the soup de jour of the day. They said she was so ugly, nobody BUT her father would fuck her. They had great sport with her, for months. And they always made sure to add extra's to the tale. Oh, it was such fun for them. They were evil. She left that place and went to a support group and her mission from then on was to teach other victims that there is a light ahead. That they can be helped. That it was not their fault they were abused. She withstood, and learned from her previous mistake to not trust anyone online. And NO, this woman was not me. But I felt her pain at what was being done to her, said on a message board, on the net, for all to see. Her picture posted and filthy things said and lots of smilies and cacklings and joy at her pain.

But that's not the point. The point is, Cecille and JB both....you are evil to the core. Evil.
I will no longer give you my energy, nor my power. Both of you can rot in hell.

Now you're vomiting OTHER people's personal garbage all over us. Christ, woman, do you ever do anything but watch "Oprah" and Lifetime for Women? The world is not a giant talk show.

And I'd rather be viewed as evil by a deranged, self-absorbed me-monkey like you than actually BE a deranged, self-absorbed me-monkey like you.

Go enjoy your hyperdramatic, adolescent flounce offstage . . . for the whole week or two that it'll take before you're back here, eagerly telling us shit we don't want to hear, didn't ask for, and don't give a shit about and incoherently shrieking about how we "lied" when we said things about you that we never said.
Someone here believes she is the venter of the universe

That someone needs therapy

They say some people, when they receive a trauma, simply stop developing emotionally and mentally at that point, and never mature past it. I guess our little drama queen is the living proof.

Personally, I think she needs a good, swift kick in the ass a lot more.
It makes me angry when people justify killing the weak and vulnerable.

It makes me even angrier that they have been taught that it's not murder.
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