Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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Rape is unfortunately not 100% avoidable.

Who said it was?

Why can't you be honest?
So a woman gets raped, finds out shes pregnant a few weeks later
I call bullshit.

If you gave half a damn, you'd have made Plan B available immediately so this wouldn't have happened at all.

You just want to exploit rape victims for your own purposes.

Also, please explain how your right to your life is dependent on the relationship between your parents.

Who said it was? Soggy in NOLA who said:

"Pregnancy is probably the one and only medical condition that is 100% avoidable."

Why can't you be honest?


Definition of RAPE

: an act or instance of robbing or despoiling or carrying away a person by force

: unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent — compare sexual assault, statutory rape

: an outrageous violation

First Known Use of RAPE

14th century


noun \ˈpreg-nən(t)-sē\
plural preg·nan·cies
Definition of PREGNANCY

: the quality of being pregnant (as in meaning)

: the condition of being pregnant : gestation

: an instance of being pregnant

See pregnancy defined for English-language learners »

See pregnancy defined for kids »

Examples of PREGNANCY

  1. <an elephant's pregnancy can last almost a year>

First Known Use of PREGNANCY

15th century
Yes of course, because you necessarily have access to Plan B within 24-72 hours of being raped

Whenever a rape kit is performed, Plan B should be offered, imo.
. Is that provided by the person that rapes you? Should woman carry a Plan B "just in case"?

Why is it that Democrats can't find a pharmacy, yet they can find someone to kill their baby?
A ParaGard IUD can also be used as backup birth control if inserted within 120 hours — five days — after unprotected intercourse. It is 99.9 percent effective.

From the same place you people send girls to get their babies killed

Planned Parenthood Locations and Health Centers
I will tell you how your right to your life is dependent on the relationship between your parents.

- No parents? No life

So orphans should be executed by the State?
- One of the parent can't procreate? No life

Really? You're going to claim that non-existent entities can have or be denied any rights at all?
- Your mom dies while you are pregnant? No life

Not necessarily. Then again, you don't seem all that interest in reality and biology seems a foreign concept to you.
- Mom refuses for her body to be used to sustain a portion of her body? No life

Baby formula. And we put people in prison for starving their children.
Until you are born, or nearly born, you are dependent on some other body for your existence.

You always are. Without your gut flora, you die. Without plants, we all die. The entire ecosystem of earth is interconnected. What's your point?
Just deal with it.

Take your own advice.
The better option would of course be to reduce the risk of pregnancies (birth control, sex education, etc.)

Sex ed and birth control have been available for some time now. Abortions- including repeat customers- are more popular than ever.
combined with a better support for children, mother and families

WIC, SNAP, and numerous other programs have only encouraged those who can't provide for their children to continue to reproduce because they can get on the gov't teat.
to reduce the need for abortions (access to health care, access to housing, etc).

To reduce the need for abortions, you tell people to stop fucking- and especially stop having unprotected sex- if they're not ready to be be responsible for their children.

But of course it's much more fun to vilify women getting abortions.

Nobody's done any such thing. Why can't you be honest?
This is just amazing. You read these boards and you get the feeling that being pregnant is like having to carry your driver license or reading your mail every day: no biggie! Maybe we should pass a law preventing the waste of sperm to see if we would get a different reaction. After all, that's half a life right there.
A sperm is a gamete, a cell of the man's body.

A zygote is a distinct human organism- a human being.

This is biology 101.
Anyone else notice the pro-abortionists keep repeating the same bullshit lies time and again after they've already been refuted time and again?

Just goes to show: abortionism is a religion.

Arthur Koestler said:
Once the renunciation has been made, the mind, instead of operating freely, becomes the servant of a higher and unquestioned purpose. To deny the truth is an act of service...Any genuine intellectual contact which you have with him involves a challenge to his fundamental faith, a struggle for his soul.
What are you, crazy? Do you think she's EVER going to forget she was raped? You think an abortion is going to make it all better, let her la-di-da on with her life as though it never happened? Be serious. Apparently, you seem to think killing babies is a quick cure for rape trauma.

And what kind of sick bastard thinks of a BABY this way, anyway? I don't even want to comment on how repulsively twisted and depraved your mind must be.

As YOU should know, rape almost never results in pregnancy, anyway. And I for one am goddamned sick and tired of trying to talk about the MONSTROUS fact of a million dead babies every year, and disingenuous fucks like you running straight to hide behind the skirts of rape victims. How about this? You agree to stop all abortions NOT resulting from rape, and we'll call it square. Are you willing to compromise on that?

My guess is no. Because some pregnancies could occur do to rape, we should kill all children at will.

Like I said earlier in the thread, they aren't honest with what they want because they would lose the argument.
Anyone else notice the pro-abortionists keep repeating the same bullshit lies time and again after they've already been refuted time and again?

Just goes to show: abortionism is a religion.

Arthur Koestler said:
Once the renunciation has been made, the mind, instead of operating freely, becomes the servant of a higher and unquestioned purpose. To deny the truth is an act of service...Any genuine intellectual contact which you have with him involves a challenge to his fundamental faith, a struggle for his soul.

Actually, it's not a religion, It's just the sacrament to their religion.
I used the rape argument to illustrate that pregnancies are not a medical condition 100% avoidable.

Or, if you go by the logic that pregnancies can't happen by magic (as opposed to a disease like cancer that we can't yet accurately predict the future existence of), I suppose breaking your leg is also a medical condition that is 100% avoidable. Your leg won't just break by itself.

My original problem is that the 100% argument is an empty argument. It's not true, and it doesn't mean anything. Just because something can be avoided doesn't mean our whole logic should be based on that being the case. It reminds me of the pro-abstinence crowd that says that abstinence is the only technique that gives 100% results. Yes when you actually use that technique. When you stop using it, for whatever reason, your 100% protection becomes WAY lower. Better stick with the condom that will constantly give you good results.

As for the Plan B argument, the person being raped might not be able, for physical or mental reasons, to get to a pharmacy or a place that provides plan B. I agree it should be provided, but I am not going to impose a 72 or 120 hour time limit on somebody being raped to start acting rationally again.

My point with respect to the mother's body is that the relationship between a mother and a fetus is one that I am really worried about getting into. If it was my body, then I hope I would make the best decisions. But it isn't. At one point, you have to let go and realize that it's not your body. You can't force someone to go through a pregnancy. Or at least, you shouldn't be able to.

I'm not willing to compromise on only rape, incest and life of the mother. I think it should be a decision made by women, and I am convinced it's not a decision most women takes lightly. I much rather have society work on reducing the odds unwanted pregnancies happen or by increasing support for women/people that don't see how they can make it with a baby.

The sad thing in this debate is that everyone is one the same side. No one gets a blast out of women having abortions: not the women, not you and not me.
At what age did what fundamental thing change that made killing you in cold blood go from being an okay thing to being a not-okay thing?

It's a good question. I don't know the answer. I don't think it's 6 weeks, but I do have a problem with an abortion in the 9th month. Somewhere in between.

Would you prevent pregnant women from smoking or drinking?
I used the rape argument to illustrate that pregnancies are not a medical condition 100% avoidable.

Or, if you go by the logic that pregnancies can't happen by magic (as opposed to a disease like cancer that we can't yet accurately predict the future existence of), I suppose breaking your leg is also a medical condition that is 100% avoidable. Your leg won't just break by itself.

My original problem is that the 100% argument is an empty argument. It's not true, and it doesn't mean anything. Just because something can be avoided doesn't mean our whole logic should be based on that being the case. It reminds me of the pro-abstinence crowd that says that abstinence is the only technique that gives 100% results. Yes when you actually use that technique. When you stop using it, for whatever reason, your 100% protection becomes WAY lower. Better stick with the condom that will constantly give you good results.

As for the Plan B argument, the person being raped might not be able, for physical or mental reasons, to get to a pharmacy or a place that provides plan B. I agree it should be provided, but I am not going to impose a 72 or 120 hour time limit on somebody being raped to start acting rationally again.

My point with respect to the mother's body is that the relationship between a mother and a fetus is one that I am really worried about getting into. If it was my body, then I hope I would make the best decisions. But it isn't. At one point, you have to let go and realize that it's not your body. You can't force someone to go through a pregnancy. Or at least, you shouldn't be able to.

I'm not willing to compromise on only rape, incest and life of the mother. I think it should be a decision made by women, and I am convinced it's not a decision most women takes lightly. I much rather have society work on reducing the odds unwanted pregnancies happen or by increasing support for women/people that don't see how they can make it with a baby.

The sad thing in this debate is that everyone is one the same side. No one gets a blast out of women having abortions: not the women, not you and not me.

Your entire post is based on hypothetical knee jerk emotional responses in an attempt to justify your position on abortion.

Its quite clear you never thought about the issue and are doing nothing more than regurgitating a notion that was programmed into your melon.

Its almost like you're blocking out what people are trying to tell you by reassuring yourself what you believe is right..
Your entire post is based on hypothetical knee jerk emotional responses in an attempt to justify your position on abortion.

Its quite clear you never thought about the issue and are doing nothing more than regurgitating a notion that was programmed into your melon.

Its almost like you're blocking out what people are trying to tell you by reassuring yourself what you believe is right..

My position is that at the end of the day, I don't want to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. Even if the effect of that leads to an abortion. But this right fades over time, and if a fetus is 40 weeks, I don't think an abortion should be performed.
At what age did what fundamental thing change that made killing you in cold blood go from being an okay thing to being a not-okay thing?

It's a good question. I don't know the answer. I don't think it's 6 weeks, but I do have a problem with an abortion in the 9th month. Somewhere in between.

Would you prevent pregnant women from smoking or drinking?

You fucking serious?

The "9th month" is when you have a problem with it???

You may as well not have a problem with putting those that are early in a blender then.

Hell, I was three weeks early - I suppose according to your logic aborting me would have been fine a week after I was actually born.
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Your entire post is based on hypothetical knee jerk emotional responses in an attempt to justify your position on abortion.

Its quite clear you never thought about the issue and are doing nothing more than regurgitating a notion that was programmed into your melon.

Its almost like you're blocking out what people are trying to tell you by reassuring yourself what you believe is right..

My position is that at the end of the day, I don't want to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. Even if the effect of that leads to an abortion. But this right fades over time, and if a fetus is 40 weeks, I don't think an abortion should be performed.

The mother or potential mother is nothing more than a host for a PERSON WITH A BODY...

She has no right to take the life of another individual that has A BODY.

Its like a pandoras box - you understand that?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You're so worried about the mothers "body" but you never even bothered to think about the fetuses body and the fetuses right to live.

Sorry to tell you that fetuses have the right to be born and live and grow into adults just like anyone else. The mother has ZERO right to say "its my body" because its NOT her body anymore its two bodies, two separate individuals - the mother and the fetus.

So its not her body anymore - its THEIR bodies....

Geez I almost feel like Lenard Nemoi from Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), "his body, her body"
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At what age did what fundamental thing change that made killing you in cold blood go from being an okay thing to being a not-okay thing?

It's a good question. I don't know the answer. I don't think it's 6 weeks, but I do have a problem with an abortion in the 9th month. Somewhere in between.

Would you prevent pregnant women from smoking or drinking?

You fucking serious?

The "9th month" is when you have a problem with it???

You may as well not have a problem with putting those that are early in a blender then.

Hell, I was three weeks early - I suppose according to your logic aborting me would have been fine a week after I was actually born.

Like I said, somewhere in between. Apparently your conclusion is that my magic number is 37 weeks.

And I don't think any abortion is 'fine'.
It's a good question. I don't know the answer. I don't think it's 6 weeks, but I do have a problem with an abortion in the 9th month. Somewhere in between.

Would you prevent pregnant women from smoking or drinking?

You fucking serious?

The "9th month" is when you have a problem with it???

You may as well not have a problem with putting those that are early in a blender then.

Hell, I was three weeks early - I suppose according to your logic aborting me would have been fine a week after I was actually born.

Like I said, somewhere in between. Apparently your conclusion is that my magic number is 37 weeks.

And I don't think any abortion is 'fine'.

so you have a problem with it at any time. you just contradicted what you said above.
Your entire post is based on hypothetical knee jerk emotional responses in an attempt to justify your position on abortion.

Its quite clear you never thought about the issue and are doing nothing more than regurgitating a notion that was programmed into your melon.

Its almost like you're blocking out what people are trying to tell you by reassuring yourself what you believe is right..

My position is that at the end of the day, I don't want to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. Even if the effect of that leads to an abortion. But this right fades over time, and if a fetus is 40 weeks, I don't think an abortion should be performed.

The mother or potential mother is nothing more than a host for a PERSON WITH A BODY...

She has no right to take the life of another individual that has A BODY.

Its like a pandoras box - you understand that?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You're so worried about the mothers "body" but you never even bothered to think about the fetuses body and the fetuses right to live.

Sorry to tell you that fetuses have the right to be born and live and grow into adults just like anyone else. The mother has ZERO right to say "its my body" because its NOT her body anymore its two bodies, two separate individuals - the mother and the fetus.

So its not her body anymore - its THEIR bodies....

Geez I almost feel like Lenard Nemoi from Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), "his body, her body"

Really? Because if I check correctly, after 6 weeks, the mother can live without the fetus while the reverse isn't true. So it's not their bodies.

I mentioned earlier that I think a 40 week old fetus has rights. So I'm not sure how you conclude that I have not even bothered to think about that.
My position is that at the end of the day, I don't want to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body.

Agreed. Nobody's saying she can't get a tattoo or masturbate.

As for rape and suicide bombings, though... well, you tell me: does my right to do with.to my own body extend to acts which cause direct physical harm to another person?
Even if the effect of that leads to an abortion. But this right fades over time, and if a fetus is 40 weeks, I don't think an abortion should be performed.

Why? What changed?
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