Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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...The sad thing in this debate is that everyone is one the same side. No one gets a blast out of women having abortions: not the women, not you and not me.

I beg to differ. You and I are not on the same side of this argument.

I am pro-life and that means I fully buy-into the proposition that ALL men are CREATED equal.

And you don’t because, otherwise, you would be on this thread advocating for the unalienable rights of ALL people (including those created but not yet born).

And we're right back to what I say, the reason why people want pro-life legislation is so they can shove their religion down everyone elses throats.

Religion? Where did I mention religion? Are you taking about the word “created”?

If you are, you are the one bringing religion into the debate.

The words I chose were from Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and I chose them because they speak directly to the civil rights issue surrounding treating people as property to be disposed of at the whim of somebody else.

As far as religion goes, I have a personal rule about posting on an abortion thread and that is I will not bring religion or religious views into the argument.

So I will thank you in advance to stick to the human rights, scientific and medical arguments when debating me on this topic and to please keep your religious views (and your views about religious people) out of it.
So I will thank you in advance to stick to the human rights, scientific and medical arguments when debating me on this topic and to please keep your religious views (and your views about religious people) out of it.

So you want us to leave out the best argument at all because you lose on it?
So I will thank you in advance to stick to the human rights, scientific and medical arguments when debating me on this topic and to please keep your religious views (and your views about religious people) out of it.

So you want us to leave out the best argument at all because you lose on it?

Uh, Avatar, Mr. R's arguing on OUR side of the debate. And if YOU want to discuss religion vis a vis abortion with some pigheaded pro-abort, I'm sure he won't mind. He's just saying that HE - like me, for that matter - refuses to debate abortion with the pro-aborts on religious grounds.
So I will thank you in advance to stick to the human rights, scientific and medical arguments when debating me on this topic and to please keep your religious views (and your views about religious people) out of it.

So you want us to leave out the best argument at all because you lose on it?

Uh, Avatar, Mr. R's arguing on OUR side of the debate. And if YOU want to discuss religion vis a vis abortion with some pigheaded pro-abort, I'm sure he won't mind. He's just saying that HE - like me, for that matter - refuses to debate abortion with the pro-aborts on religious grounds.

ah my bad. i need to follow more closely sometimes. Been in too many threads today
So you want us to leave out the best argument at all because you lose on it?

Uh, Avatar, Mr. R's arguing on OUR side of the debate. And if YOU want to discuss religion vis a vis abortion with some pigheaded pro-abort, I'm sure he won't mind. He's just saying that HE - like me, for that matter - refuses to debate abortion with the pro-aborts on religious grounds.

ah my bad. i need to follow more closely sometimes. Been in too many threads today

No problem. That's what friends are for. :)
So I will thank you in advance to stick to the human rights, scientific and medical arguments when debating me on this topic and to please keep your religious views (and your views about religious people) out of it.

So you want us to leave out the best argument at all because you lose on it?

I tend to think this debate will never be won on religious terms so I see little benefit in bringing it into what I think is a civil rights issue. However, that said, I have no problem with people being pro-life because of their religious views.

I simply choose to leave that out of my debate.
Pro-life legislation has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with murder. Pure and simple. The pro-life faction believes murder is always wrong. The pro-abortion crowd thinks it's okay to kill off the vulnerable and weak.

So the Founders, those you claim founded this nation on Christian principles, favored by a majority that abortion was legal.
Accordingly, the Founders believed that murder was okayand were pro abortion.
And that abortion was a Christian principle.
You are not very smart Allie.
Prosecutions and even executions go back 800 years in England, establishing law that carried over to colonial America.
CAP - Dispelling the Myths of Abortion History
Pro-life legislation has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with murder. Pure and simple. The pro-life faction believes murder is always wrong. The pro-abortion crowd thinks it's okay to kill off the vulnerable and weak.

You folks are about as stupid and dumb as a box of rocks. You do not even know shit about how the law works in your own state the fools you are.
Ok, what pro life legislation do you advocate? Make abortion as murder in your state? Ok, let me educate you once again as to how the law works on criminal cases and the criminal code.
You claim abortion is murder so that is A STATE LAW LEGISLATED BY THE STATES
Is that too confusing for you so far? Your state, and every state, makes the laws on murder in their criminal code and all of the criminal code.
News flash to the uninformed dumasses here: Criminal code varies by state as to proof, motive, jury selection, sentencing and almost everything else.
And if each state makes their own criminal code on murder as it is now, WELL DUH, then this is WHAT YOU WILL HAVE IF ROE WAS OVERTURNED TODAY:
Some states will ban it outright. If you are raped tough shit. You have to have the baby. That is their right to do that as, DUH, state legislatures ALWAYS write their criminal code.
WELL DUH. Only a dumb ass doesn't know that.
Some states will ban it with some allowances for rape, 13 year olds getting pregnant, whatever. That is their right to do it as, DUH, state legislatures ALWAYS WRITE their criminal code.
WELL DUH. Only a dumb ass doesn't know that.
Some states will allow it with some restrictions. That is their right to do it.
Some states will allow it AT WILL. I oppose that but that IS A STATES' RIGHT TO WRITE THEIR OWN CRIMINAL CODE. If you did not know that then you are a DUMB ASS.
All of your posts do not address any of this.
So what do we end up with ROE being over turned today?
Each state writes their OWN CRIMINAL CODE on abortion.
If they have $$ and live in a state that BANS it out right then they simply get in their car or book a flight and fly to a state where it is LEGAL ON DEMAND, as I have once again schooled you fools on THE LAW OF STATES' RIGHT TO WRITE THEIR OWN CRIMINAL CODE, they get their abortion LEGALLY in the state that allows it.
If they have NO $$ and live in a state that bans it out right and they can not leave the state then they have the baby that THEY DO NOT WANT AND DO NOT KNOW HOW TO CARE FOR.
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More incoherent rambling by arguably one of the most ignorant posters on this site.

Tell me where I am wrong?
Tell me how murder is legislated differently than the facts I post.
You can't and you know it. That is why you offer nothing.
You know all you have are words,no facts.
If you do not know that the state legislatures write their own criminal code then you are ignorant.
But we already know that.
Tell me where I am wrong on any of the law.
I do this for a living.
Allie is just mad because she chicken shitted out of a bet.
Chicken Shit.
And more.
So where in that jumble did you establish that we were attempting to legislate religion?


It's just the usual disjointed and angry garbage from a loser.
Gadawg supports killing Mormons

After all, every state gets to make their own laws and COTUS should never intervene to protect the lives of those the member States fail to protect

People who promote the butchery of children generally aren't squeamish when it comes to killing anyone who stands in their way or poses an obstacle to their immediate desires.
And more.
So where in that jumble did you establish that we were attempting to legislate religion?


It's just the usual disjointed and angry garbage from a loser.

Where did I ever claim that?

Well I assumed since you QUOTED that question, you were actually responding to it.

I should have known you were just on an incoherent spiel apropos of nothing.
And more.
So where in that jumble did you establish that we were attempting to legislate religion?


It's just the usual disjointed and angry garbage from a loser.

Lol there's those superb debating techniques again!

I think we all know what created implies.
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