Why Can't The So-Called Pro-Life Crowd Be Honest?

Anti-abortion supporters are only concerned with imposing their moral agenda. If they were actually concerned about the well being of these children you would see them adopting these unwanted children left and right to ensure they have the upbringing they deserve.

Gosh, that's original. We've sure as shit never heard that particular idiocy before.
well there is a bit of truth in what he posts

well except for the last part - i mean no matter how much they care about "babies" most wont do a thing simply because the harlots should be punished for having sex

oh an edit to add
most wont do it either because the harlot needs to be punished with raising a child or the kid wil be fine because someone else will take care of him or her ...

oh look, another piece of shit who views women as sluts and children as punishment.

BTW, don't project.
What are the unborn? Are you the undead?


That was an unanswer.

I really don't care that much about semantics though you can't deny that resorting to sleazy buzzwords is a sign of desperation.

If "unborn" equals "fetus" then yes, I do so out of respect and compassion for the future human that the fetus might develop into and for humankind.

So many people think that bringing a child into the world is some kind of heroic act. It's not heroic, it's selfish. We have no lack of children in this world. But we do have an enormous lack of available resources for them. The earth is not getting any bigger. One day we could over populate ourselves into oblivion. Of course most people only think of the immediate future and their own desires to have a family. That's quite understandable. But selfish all the same.

Your staged offense at phony "buzzwords" along with fantasy respect for the future denied betray you
Anguille wants fewer children in the world. That's the long and short of it.

What are the unborn? Are you the undead?


That was an unanswer.

I really don't care that much about semantics though you can't deny that resorting to sleazy buzzwords is a sign of desperation.

If "unborn" equals "fetus" then yes, I do so out of respect and compassion for the future human that the fetus might develop into and for humankind.

So many people think that bringing a child into the world is some kind of heroic act. It's not heroic, it's selfish. We have no lack of children in this world. But we do have an enormous lack of available resources for them. The earth is not getting any bigger. One day we could over populate ourselves into oblivion. Of course most people only think of the immediate future and their own desires to have a family. That's quite understandable. But selfish all the same.

Your staged offense at phony "buzzwords" along with fantasy respect for the future denied betray you
Gosh, that's original. We've sure as shit never heard that particular idiocy before.
well there is a bit of truth in what he posts

well except for the last part - i mean no matter how much they care about "babies" most wont do a thing simply because the harlots should be punished for having sex

oh an edit to add
most wont do it either because the harlot needs to be punished with raising a child or the kid wil be fine because someone else will take care of him or her ...

oh look, another piece of shit who views women as sluts and children as punishment.

BTW, don't project.

i dont view them as sluts - but lets face it the right does - you dont see a bunch of permissive leftys calling women sluts for sleeping around or getting pregnant outside of marriage

and mind you its always the right to lifers who insist SOMOENE else will raise a child if the parents dont want to raise it

so much for being the party of responsibility....
well there is a bit of truth in what he posts

well except for the last part - i mean no matter how much they care about "babies" most wont do a thing simply because the harlots should be punished for having sex

oh an edit to add
most wont do it either because the harlot needs to be punished with raising a child or the kid wil be fine because someone else will take care of him or her ...

oh look, another piece of shit who views women as sluts and children as punishment.

BTW, don't project.

i dont view them as sluts - but lets face it the right does - you dont see a bunch of permissive leftys calling women sluts for sleeping around or getting pregnant outside of marriage

and mind you its always the right to lifers who insist SOMOENE else will raise a child if the parents dont want to raise it

so much for being the party of responsibility....

Actually every time I see a word like "harlot" or "******" thrown around, it's by the left. They can't wait for someone on the right to say it, so they go ahead and (they think) say it FOR them!

The right doesn't view women as harlots or babies as chattel. Obviously you do, if you view them as "punishment".

Your argument is nothing but a faulty premise, and ad hominem. An argument based on what you project the other side "thinks
is worthless and proves nothing.
Anti-abortion supporters are only concerned with imposing their moral agenda. If they were actually concerned about the well being of these children you would see them adopting these unwanted children left and right to ensure they have the upbringing they deserve.

Gosh, that's original. We've sure as shit never heard that particular idiocy before.
well there is a bit of truth in what he posts

well except for the last part - i mean no matter how much they care about "babies" most wont do a thing simply because the harlots should be punished for having sex

oh an edit to add
most wont do it either because the harlot needs to be punished with raising a child or the kid wil be fine because someone else will take care of him or her ...

So you're saying your existence was a cruel punishment for your mother?
Ravi, just because you think that creationism and science are non-compatible doesn't mean there aren't those of us who love science and see it as God's map of life. I'm certainly not scared of science, though I think most of the head-in-the-sand anti-creationists are definitely afraid of faith...and of a lot of science, too, when it doesn't fit their concept of the way things ought to be.

If I recall correctly, Ravi was actually chiming in to support the human-dog hybrid argument. In fact, it's possible it even WAS Ravi. That may be why I originally put her idiotic butt on ignore.
It was originally raised by JD_2B, who either left or changed handles after that thread

Can't blame her for either, after THAT public humiliation.
Gosh, that's original. We've sure as shit never heard that particular idiocy before.
well there is a bit of truth in what he posts

well except for the last part - i mean no matter how much they care about "babies" most wont do a thing simply because the harlots should be punished for having sex

oh an edit to add
most wont do it either because the harlot needs to be punished with raising a child or the kid wil be fine because someone else will take care of him or her ...

oh look, another piece of shit who views women as sluts and children as punishment.

BTW, don't project.

How many unwanted babies have you adopted?

That was an unanswer.

I really don't care that much about semantics though you can't deny that resorting to sleazy buzzwords is a sign of desperation.

If "unborn" equals "fetus" then yes, I do so out of respect and compassion for the future human that the fetus might develop into and for humankind.

So many people think that bringing a child into the world is some kind of heroic act. It's not heroic, it's selfish. We have no lack of children in this world. But we do have an enormous lack of available resources for them. The earth is not getting any bigger. One day we could over populate ourselves into oblivion. Of course most people only think of the immediate future and their own desires to have a family. That's quite understandable. But selfish all the same.

Anyone else not surprised to hear the pro-abortionists turning to Malthusian rhetoric?

Well, as I said to someone else, that line has been used many times by many people throughout human history, and I don't think anyone wants to associate himself with them.
is that really fair to limit the joy of becoming a mother to those who can afford it?
Is it fair to condemn a child to poverty and hunger?

As opposed to cutting him into pieces and throwing him in the garbage?
As opposed to not reproducing if you can't provide and care for a child.

Perhaps we should start making available for certain demographics a program by which they receive a sizable monetary gift if they opt for a sterilization to ensure they don't have any unwanted children.
Anti-abortion supporters are only concerned with imposing their moral agenda. If they were actually concerned about the well being of these children you would see them adopting these unwanted children left and right to ensure they have the upbringing they deserve.

Gosh, that's original. We've sure as shit never heard that particular idiocy before.
well there is a bit of truth in what he posts

well except for the last part - i mean no matter how much they care about "babies" most wont do a thing simply because the harlots should be punished for having sex

oh an edit to add
most wont do it either because the harlot needs to be punished with raising a child or the kid wil be fine because someone else will take care of him or her ...

Unfortunately for your self-satisfied little projection, it's not OUR side that views children as "punishment". Nor is it OUR side who is fixated on the woman to the exclusion of all else. I'm sure it helps you to sleep at night to erase the baby from all permutations, be it the ones that allow you to support killing him or the ones that allow you dismiss your opponents as hateful Puritans, but I'm here to tell you now that yours is the ONLY side deliberately forgetting the helpless infant involved here.
well there is a bit of truth in what he posts

well except for the last part - i mean no matter how much they care about "babies" most wont do a thing simply because the harlots should be punished for having sex

oh an edit to add
most wont do it either because the harlot needs to be punished with raising a child or the kid wil be fine because someone else will take care of him or her ...

oh look, another piece of shit who views women as sluts and children as punishment.

BTW, don't project.

i dont view them as sluts - but lets face it the right does - you dont see a bunch of permissive leftys calling women sluts for sleeping around or getting pregnant outside of marriage

and mind you its always the right to lifers who insist SOMOENE else will raise a child if the parents dont want to raise it

so much for being the party of responsibility....

Let's face it: YOU are the one the words came from. It's all very well and good to say, "I'm only saying what the other side thinks", but unless you're Miss Cleo, you have no way of knowing what others think unless they say it.

And someone else DOES raise the child if the parents don't want to, unless I've somehow missed the news story about mass graves of unwanted children out in the desert somewhere.

When the other side stops trying to KILL their problems, THEN they can lay some claim to being the party of responsibility.
Actually every time I see a word like "harlot" or "******" thrown around, it's by the left. They can't wait for someone on the right to say it, so they go ahead and (they think) say it FOR them!

The right doesn't view women as harlots or babies as chattel. Obviously you do, if you view them as "punishment".

Your argument is nothing but a faulty premise, and ad hominem. An argument based on what you project the other side "thinks
is worthless and proves nothing.

oh please - where are right to lifers pushing to expand child care or expand services for women who cant afford the kids they have already ?? please ...

such a bunch of hypocrites its not funny- when right to lifers start putting their energies into actually DOING something for the babies already here maybe you might have a point but frankly right to lifers concern ends once a women gives birth - start getting into their pocket and they are as stingy and penny pinching as any cheapskate.

its exactly as the OP suggested - RTlers are only concerned that their sensibilities and belief system isnt countered - they could give a damn about a baby born
She wants to kill them because she LOVES them!
is there some other way to stop a pregnancy before birth occurs that doesnt result in a death??

we are all ears

You don't get pregnant in the first place.

If you're looking for sympathy for the position of "I can't think of any other way to get this inconvenient person to stop existing besides killing him! Those damned babies are FORCING us to do it! Waaaaah!!!" then you're whining to the wrong people.
Gosh, that's original. We've sure as shit never heard that particular idiocy before.
well there is a bit of truth in what he posts

well except for the last part - i mean no matter how much they care about "babies" most wont do a thing simply because the harlots should be punished for having sex

oh an edit to add
most wont do it either because the harlot needs to be punished with raising a child or the kid wil be fine because someone else will take care of him or her ...

So you're saying your existence was a cruel punishment for your mother?

Sounds like something he needs to take up with his therapist, not us.

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