Why Can't The So-Called Pro-Life Crowd Be Honest?

Let's face it: YOU are the one the words came from. It's all very well and good to say, "I'm only saying what the other side thinks", but unless you're Miss Cleo, you have no way of knowing what others think unless they say it.

And someone else DOES raise the child if the parents don't want to, unless I've somehow missed the news story about mass graves of unwanted children out in the desert somewhere.

When the other side stops trying to KILL their problems, THEN they can lay some claim to being the party of responsibility.

really who is raising kids? there a lot more kids in foster care than being adopted- havent seen any headlines about the massive drop in group homes

and i didnt say that what the right think - what i said was its what they say and exactly how they view women which shows their disdain for chidren let alone their validating their own self intrested viewpoint

but i will put to you the same question as i did earlier

what other way is there to end an unwanted pregnancy? we are all ears .
She wants to kill them because she LOVES them!
is there some other way to stop a pregnancy before birth occurs that doesnt result in a death??

we are all ears

You don't get pregnant in the first place.

If you're looking for sympathy for the position of "I can't think of any other way to get this inconvenient person to stop existing besides killing him! Those damned babies are FORCING us to do it! Waaaaah!!!" then you're whining to the wrong people.

you dont get pregnant in the first place- well thats nto really a solution and certianly not an answer to someone already pregnant

this is the problem with lifers- you lack focus - noones asking for your sympathy or your permission ; so quit acting like you have to give it.

how do you end a pregnancy thats unwanted other than abortion?
Is it fair to condemn a child to poverty and hunger?

As opposed to cutting him into pieces and throwing him in the garbage?
As opposed to not reproducing if you can't provide and care for a child.

Perhaps we should start making available for certain demographics a program by which they receive a sizable monetary gift if they opt for a sterilization to ensure they don't have any unwanted children.

The problem being that countries that live in poverty - REAL poverty, not that faux stuff we call poverty in the US - both are largely unable to prevent reproduction and cannot afford to decimate their birth rates if they ever want to have a hope of getting OUT of poverty.

In OUR society, on the other hand, the idea that children cannot be provided for is ludicrous. Oh, I won't deny that frequently, the people producing the child are among the worst choices to be the ones providing for them, but what we have been doing to our own birthrate so far with legalized abortion and what we WOULD be doing to it under your plan - completely aside from the fact that it's insane to expect society to PAY people to be more responsible for their own lives and actions - are not a solution. They are merely another problem in the making.

If you want people to stop making unwanted pregnancies, simply remove the incentives to do so. That way, if those same people get their shit together and become productive members of society, you haven't eliminated all possibility of them raising OTHER productive members of society. You also have not increased the incentives to REMAIN useless drones forever.
well there is a bit of truth in what he posts

well except for the last part - i mean no matter how much they care about "babies" most wont do a thing simply because the harlots should be punished for having sex

oh an edit to add
most wont do it either because the harlot needs to be punished with raising a child or the kid wil be fine because someone else will take care of him or her ...

oh look, another piece of shit who views women as sluts and children as punishment.

BTW, don't project.

How many unwanted babies have you adopted?
Zero...none of them ever do. They just like to look down on people and say tsk tsk. Another thread on this board is full of people talking about what they basically are calling roach infested whores...single women with kids. :cuckoo:
oh look, another piece of shit who views women as sluts and children as punishment.

BTW, don't project.

How many unwanted babies have you adopted?
Zero...none of them ever do. They just like to look down on people and say tsk tsk. Another thread on this board is full of people talking about what they basically are calling roach infested whores...single women with kids. :cuckoo:

Do you have a link to that thread? I find that pretty disgusting, but have not seen the thread.

Actually every time I see a word like "harlot" or "******" thrown around, it's by the left. They can't wait for someone on the right to say it, so they go ahead and (they think) say it FOR them!

The right doesn't view women as harlots or babies as chattel. Obviously you do, if you view them as "punishment".

Your argument is nothing but a faulty premise, and ad hominem. An argument based on what you project the other side "thinks
is worthless and proves nothing.

oh please - where are right to lifers pushing to expand child care or expand services for women who cant afford the kids they have already ?? please ...

Yes, the only POSSIBLE way to care for children is to push for more goddamned government spending. If you don't want more welfare, you hate babies!!!

Give me a fucking break.

such a bunch of hypocrites its not funny- when right to lifers start putting their energies into actually DOING something for the babies already here maybe you might have a point but frankly right to lifers concern ends once a women gives birth - start getting into their pocket and they are as stingy and penny pinching as any cheapskate.

The definition of "hypocrite" is NOT "someone who holds a different worldview and different priorities than me", so please write that down somewhere and try to remember it in the future.

When YOU can start putting your energies into PROVING that right-to-lifers don't do anything for babies instead of merely making assumptions and flinging insults like a monkey flinging poo, you might have something to say on this subject. But frankly, your knowledge of this topic ends at the tip of your nose.

Once again, anyone whose idea of "responsibility" is to kill a child has NO moral high ground to claim, and certainly not based on his "generosity" in using public monies to create a permanent underclass.

[its exactly as the OP suggested - RTlers are only concerned that their sensibilities and belief system isnt countered - they could give a damn about a baby born

Well, good. If it's "exactly as the OP suggested", then you will have no problem producing PROOF that that is the case, rather than merely asserting it as incontrovertible fact. I'll be waiting, but I won't be holding my breath, since I doubt you'll be any more able to substantiate your "outraged" squawks than any of your comrades have ever done.
Let's face it: YOU are the one the words came from. It's all very well and good to say, "I'm only saying what the other side thinks", but unless you're Miss Cleo, you have no way of knowing what others think unless they say it.

And someone else DOES raise the child if the parents don't want to, unless I've somehow missed the news story about mass graves of unwanted children out in the desert somewhere.

When the other side stops trying to KILL their problems, THEN they can lay some claim to being the party of responsibility.

really who is raising kids? there a lot more kids in foster care than being adopted- havent seen any headlines about the massive drop in group homes .

Umm, then that would mean those kids are being raised by foster parents and the child-care workers in the group homes. Duhhh.

and i didnt say that what the right think - what i said was its what they say and exactly how they view women which shows their disdain for chidren let alone their validating their own self intrested viewpoint.

So what you're saying is that that's their viewpoint, but not what they think? Brilliant. :cuckoo:

but i will put to you the same question as i did earlier

what other way is there to end an unwanted pregnancy? we are all ears .

I already answered your fucking question. I don't personally feel a NEED to end a pregnancy already in progress, other than with the birth of a child. But then, I don't personally view children as "punishment".
Anguille wants fewer children in the world. That's the long and short of it.


Then I for one devoutly hope HE has been sterilized before having a chance to reproduce.

Anguille is a guy?

I don't think so...
Actually every time I see a word like "harlot" or "******" thrown around, it's by the left. They can't wait for someone on the right to say it, so they go ahead and (they think) say it FOR them!

The right doesn't view women as harlots or babies as chattel. Obviously you do, if you view them as "punishment".

Your argument is nothing but a faulty premise, and ad hominem. An argument based on what you project the other side "thinks
is worthless and proves nothing.

oh please - where are right to lifers pushing to expand child care or expand services for women who cant afford the kids they have already ?? please ...

Yes, the only POSSIBLE way to care for children is to push for more goddamned government spending. If you don't want more welfare, you hate babies!!!

Give me a fucking break.

such a bunch of hypocrites its not funny- when right to lifers start putting their energies into actually DOING something for the babies already here maybe you might have a point but frankly right to lifers concern ends once a women gives birth - start getting into their pocket and they are as stingy and penny pinching as any cheapskate.

The definition of "hypocrite" is NOT "someone who holds a different worldview and different priorities than me", so please write that down somewhere and try to remember it in the future.

When YOU can start putting your energies into PROVING that right-to-lifers don't do anything for babies instead of merely making assumptions and flinging insults like a monkey flinging poo, you might have something to say on this subject. But frankly, your knowledge of this topic ends at the tip of your nose.

Once again, anyone whose idea of "responsibility" is to kill a child has NO moral high ground to claim, and certainly not based on his "generosity" in using public monies to create a permanent underclass.

[its exactly as the OP suggested - RTlers are only concerned that their sensibilities and belief system isnt countered - they could give a damn about a baby born

Well, good. If it's "exactly as the OP suggested", then you will have no problem producing PROOF that that is the case, rather than merely asserting it as incontrovertible fact. I'll be waiting, but I won't be holding my breath, since I doubt you'll be any more able to substantiate your "outraged" squawks than any of your comrades have ever done.

why would i - you are making the perfect case for my points
youve bitched already about how much you dont want an expansion of social programs

well if you are gonna insist that women give birth to babies that they cant take care of then you complain about how much it costs to take care of them -

you guys talk out of your ass so much about how much you care about babies and the unborn but the minute it hits you in the pocketbook you get upset at the cost

you ( meaning RTLers) dont care about taking care of kids - not the real part about raising them - again its always someone elses job or responsibility or it will just "magically" happen.

so full of shit - a woman cant decide to end her pregnancy with an abortion because you dont belive in abortion - well sorry your sensibilities are so offended- get on line with the offended immams that think all women should have to cover their hair.
oh look, another piece of shit who views women as sluts and children as punishment.

BTW, don't project.

How many unwanted babies have you adopted?
Zero...none of them ever do. They just like to look down on people and say tsk tsk. Another thread on this board is full of people talking about what they basically are calling roach infested whores...single women with kids. :cuckoo:


Humongous logical fallacy. You cannot prove necessity for legalized abortion by claiming (falsely, incidentally) that pro-lifers don't like single parents or adopt unwanted children.

It's just too stupid for words. And yet, again, you've managed to put words to it. Well done, rav!
oh please - where are right to lifers pushing to expand child care or expand services for women who cant afford the kids they have already ?? please ...

Yes, the only POSSIBLE way to care for children is to push for more goddamned government spending. If you don't want more welfare, you hate babies!!!

Give me a fucking break.

The definition of "hypocrite" is NOT "someone who holds a different worldview and different priorities than me", so please write that down somewhere and try to remember it in the future.

When YOU can start putting your energies into PROVING that right-to-lifers don't do anything for babies instead of merely making assumptions and flinging insults like a monkey flinging poo, you might have something to say on this subject. But frankly, your knowledge of this topic ends at the tip of your nose.

Once again, anyone whose idea of "responsibility" is to kill a child has NO moral high ground to claim, and certainly not based on his "generosity" in using public monies to create a permanent underclass.

[its exactly as the OP suggested - RTlers are only concerned that their sensibilities and belief system isnt countered - they could give a damn about a baby born

Well, good. If it's "exactly as the OP suggested", then you will have no problem producing PROOF that that is the case, rather than merely asserting it as incontrovertible fact. I'll be waiting, but I won't be holding my breath, since I doubt you'll be any more able to substantiate your "outraged" squawks than any of your comrades have ever done.

why would i - you are making the perfect case for my points
youve bitched already about how much you dont want an expansion of social programs

well if you are gonna insist that women give birth to babies that they cant take care of then you complain about how much it costs to take care of them -

you guys talk out of your ass so much about how much you care about babies and the unborn but the minute it hits you in the pocketbook you get upset at the cost

you ( meaning RTLers) dont care about taking care of kids - not the real part about raising them - again its always someone elses job or responsibility or it will just "magically" happen.

so full of shit - a woman cant decide to end her pregnancy with an abortion because you dont belive in abortion - well sorry your sensibilities are so offended- get on line with the offended immams that think all women should have to cover their hair.

Logical fallacy again.

Nobody has ever proven that legalized abortion DECREASES the number of unwanted babies. Until you can prove that, this argument is useless and ignorant.
How many unwanted babies have you adopted?
Zero...none of them ever do. They just like to look down on people and say tsk tsk. Another thread on this board is full of people talking about what they basically are calling roach infested whores...single women with kids. :cuckoo:


Humongous logical fallacy. You cannot prove necessity for legalized abortion by claiming (falsely, incidentally) that pro-lifers don't like single parents or adopt unwanted children.

It's just too stupid for words. And yet, again, you've managed to put words to it. Well done, rav!

So I take it that number you have adopted is 0? As in none? I thought you were so concerned with these babies well being?
Zero...none of them ever do. They just like to look down on people and say tsk tsk. Another thread on this board is full of people talking about what they basically are calling roach infested whores...single women with kids. :cuckoo:


Humongous logical fallacy. You cannot prove necessity for legalized abortion by claiming (falsely, incidentally) that pro-lifers don't like single parents or adopt unwanted children.

It's just too stupid for words. And yet, again, you've managed to put words to it. Well done, rav!

So I take it that number you have adopted is 0? As in none? I thought you were so concerned with these babies well being?

Logical fallacy. How many babies we adopt personally has no bearing on whether or not abortion decreases the numbers of unwanted children.

Red herring.
false premise
ad hominem
Last edited:
Unplanned Pregnancy Support: Unexpected Pregnancy Counseling

Loving & Caring - serving the pro-life community

Birthright International - 800-550-4900


Pro-life organizations funded by pro-life supporters that provide $$, housing, clothing, counseling (real counseling, not the address of an abortion clinic), and adoption assistance to women who are dealing with unplanned pregnancies.

So please provide a list of like organizations that the compassionate pro-abortionists support that provide support to women in this situation. Besides PP, which we ALL pay for.

Some ways the pro-life crowd funds assistance to women facing unwanted pregnancies:

Pennsylvania Family Institute - Research Library

We spend an insane amount of money privately and through faith organizations as well.

How much do the pro-abortion people spend to help these families?

Might want to take a look at how much of your tax dollars they have funneled to Planned Parenthood for an idea on that. You should know by now that abortion is the best way to help these families. Haven't you figured that out yet?


Some ways the pro-life crowd funds assistance to women facing unwanted pregnancies:

Pennsylvania Family Institute - Research Library

We spend an insane amount of money privately and through faith organizations as well.

How much do the pro-abortion people spend to help these families?

Might want to take a look at how much of your tax dollars they have funneled to Planned Parenthood for an idea on that. You should know by now that abortion is the best way to help these families. Haven't you figured that out yet?


I already said PP is paid for by all of us, which is why I said they needed to find a comparable list of organizations funded by PRIVATE donations, excluding PP.

Murder can often be beneficial to people. It's why people do it. It doesn't mean we should just go ahead and let it happen.
Yes, the only POSSIBLE way to care for children is to push for more goddamned government spending. If you don't want more welfare, you hate babies!!!

Give me a fucking break.

The definition of "hypocrite" is NOT "someone who holds a different worldview and different priorities than me", so please write that down somewhere and try to remember it in the future.

When YOU can start putting your energies into PROVING that right-to-lifers don't do anything for babies instead of merely making assumptions and flinging insults like a monkey flinging poo, you might have something to say on this subject. But frankly, your knowledge of this topic ends at the tip of your nose.

Once again, anyone whose idea of "responsibility" is to kill a child has NO moral high ground to claim, and certainly not based on his "generosity" in using public monies to create a permanent underclass.

Well, good. If it's "exactly as the OP suggested", then you will have no problem producing PROOF that that is the case, rather than merely asserting it as incontrovertible fact. I'll be waiting, but I won't be holding my breath, since I doubt you'll be any more able to substantiate your "outraged" squawks than any of your comrades have ever done.

why would i - you are making the perfect case for my points
youve bitched already about how much you dont want an expansion of social programs

well if you are gonna insist that women give birth to babies that they cant take care of then you complain about how much it costs to take care of them -

you guys talk out of your ass so much about how much you care about babies and the unborn but the minute it hits you in the pocketbook you get upset at the cost

you ( meaning RTLers) dont care about taking care of kids - not the real part about raising them - again its always someone elses job or responsibility or it will just "magically" happen.

so full of shit - a woman cant decide to end her pregnancy with an abortion because you dont belive in abortion - well sorry your sensibilities are so offended- get on line with the offended immams that think all women should have to cover their hair.

Logical fallacy again.

Nobody has ever proven that legalized abortion DECREASES the number of unwanted babies. Until you can prove that, this argument is useless and ignorant.

i wasnt making the argument that abortion decreases the number of unwanted babies

if a baby is unwanted the mother should be able to get an abortion - thats the ONLY argument i am making
The compassionate left, who care so much about pregnant women and unwanted babies, sought to shut down pregnancy care centers in Washington State.

That's nice.

Care Net celebrates the defeat of a Washington state bill that threatened to shut down 56 pregnancy centers in that state. The bill, HB 1366, was prompted by abortion advocacy groups that have launched a nationwide campaign against pregnancy centers that help women choose alternatives to abortion. The bill expired when it was not brought up for a vote in the full State House of Representatives."

"“Washington state pregnancy centers have a strong record of service to the state, providing more than $18.6 million dollars worth of free services every year to women, children, and families. "

Wow. So..the pro-abortionists are actually seeking to STOP assistance to women, so those women are forced to obtain abortions.



Some ways the pro-life crowd funds assistance to women facing unwanted pregnancies:

Pennsylvania Family Institute - Research Library

We spend an insane amount of money privately and through faith organizations as well.

How much do the pro-abortion people spend to help these families?

Might want to take a look at how much of your tax dollars they have funneled to Planned Parenthood for an idea on that. You should know by now that abortion is the best way to help these families. Haven't you figured that out yet?


I already said PP is paid for by all of us, which is why I said they needed to find a comparable list of organizations funded by PRIVATE donations, excluding PP.

Murder can often be beneficial to people. It's why people do it. It doesn't mean we should just go ahead and let it happen.

Actually, I think you posted that part while I was typing my reply. If not, I had not yet seen your further posts.


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