Why Cant the USA Balance its Budget?

We can't balance our budget because the American people have no interest in living within our means. We are simply Greece in the early stages. Eventually the shoe will drop; it's just a matter of when, not if.
We can't balance our budget because the American people have no interest in living within our means. We are simply Greece in the early stages. Eventually the shoe will drop; it's just a matter of when, not if.

1) The Greek banking crisis was caused by the real estate bubble magnified by the derivative market. The Greek people did not get a significant fraction of the wasted money that was lost due to BANK speculation.

2) The American people most certainly do want to work and live within our means. But too many do not and that is a problem. The big problem today is that our mandatory spending programs are riven with corruption and waste. Drug addicts buy their drugs with their welfare money, political patronage scams have ghost employees, logistical supply kickbacks and more theft than one can even make a wild guess about.

The various school system scandals in DC and Detroit have demonstrated to the public the kind of corruption that riddles our local, state and federal governments in the form of ghost employees (dead employees kept drawing a paycheck that certain people still draw), kickbacks (buying over-priced goods and the profits split with the salesmen) and cronyism, bribes and extortion.

Detroit Public Schools: Bankrupting Minority Students? Futures | FrontPage Magazine

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