Why can't we learn from Benghazi?

How do you "learn" actually? How does a common citizen "learn" enough from political events to elect the right people next time? American philosopher and radio personality Will Rogers said it best, "I only know what I read in the newspapers" and it's as relevant today as it was back in the 30's. As long as the mainstream media fails in it's responsibility to monitor government mistakes and negligence and criminal behavior and continues to be a political arm of the democrat party nobody is going to learn anything except political propaganda.
It's over. That the far rwnj regressives can't over it does not matter.
Obviously no one is going to suffer for screwing up but since that is going to be true why can't we just examine what happen so we can learn from it and not be in the position where this is repeated in the future? That would seem like the most constructive course of action we can take from this point forward.

The answer is very simple - Close all foreign Embassy and Consulate facilities,
Obviously no one is going to suffer for screwing up but since that is going to be true why can't we just examine what happen so we can learn from it and not be in the position where this is repeated in the future? That would seem like the most constructive course of action we can take from this point forward.

The answer is very simple - Close all foreign Embassy and Consulate facilities,

The Benghazi outpost was the most dangerous in the word, and the anniversary of 9/11 was approaching. One would think Obama and Hillary would have prepared for the worst, but, hey, was 56 days before an election and they had bigger fish to fry.
The Benghazi outpost was the most dangerous in the word, and the anniversary of 9/11 was approaching. One would think Obama and Hillary would have prepared for the worst, but, hey, was 56 days before an election and they had bigger fish to fry.

Very true. Bigger fish to fry and it was only 1 Ambassador and 3 security personnel who died. I mean it's not like they got a political donor or anyone important killed.
"Why can't we learn from Benghazi?"

It’s as if conservatives are incapable of learning from their mistakes such as ‘Benghazi’ and ‘emails.’

Some of it has to do with conservatives adhering to failed rightwing dogma.

Some of it has to do with blind partisanism.

And some of it has to do with the fact that republicans can’t beat Clinton on the issues, where they’re forced to resort to ridiculous lies such as ‘Benghazi’ and ‘emails’ to have any hope of winning in November.
Fallacy of false equivalency.

This is over except for your yelling. :)
SD, you are correct.

We will never waste millions on millions on spurious investigations for partisan ideological advantage.

Over 13 hours of fighting, and who rescues the Americans at the CIA covert base?

It wasn't 13 hours of fighting. The initial battle was not long and ended after the building was engulfed.
The mortar attack was exactly two rounds long.

Get your facts straight, please.

Why don't you tells the facts.

Watch 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi For Free On ...

You do understand that is a work of fiction and not in any way an accurate portrayal of the facts.
Why not use the multiple reports on the subject to prove me wrong.
Lilah can't use the reports and prove yo wrong, Hutch.

The fact is just simple: she is wrong.
Obviously no one is going to suffer for screwing up but since that is going to be true why can't we just examine what happen so we can learn from it and not be in the position where this is repeated in the future? That would seem like the most constructive course of action we can take from this point forward.
You don't think we're doing that? Did you see 13 hours yet? I'm sure we don't have diplomats visiting countries that are in the middle of a civil war or unsafe.

What I wonder is when will Republicans stop crying about Benghazi? It's not the first or last time something like this will happen to us being that we are the world superpower.

Stop pretending to care when it's obviously political

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