Why cant you just follow the science? Biden will fix this.

Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.
Nothing is free, Jackass. Just because it's free to you only means that someone else gets stuck paying for it. Unless you expect colleges to build buildings for free, get free utilities and all their staff and professors all work for nothing. When are you going to volunteer?

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE????
What science so you refer to, Schmuck? The science that all the Dem Blue states have followed leading to rising Covid cases? Or the science that 122 other countries are following leading to exploding cases as well?
and cancel all student debt.

It took me until I was a little over 30 to pay off my student loan. Do I get my money back, who pays for it and why should those people pay for a debt I voluntarily took?

So should we not cure cancer since it would be unfair to those who already had it??? See your logic flaw??

College educates your workforce and creates the enlightened minds who will be leading Americas companies in the future, well, shall I say SHOULD be leading them.

Cancel student debt. Period, full stop.

Because getting cancer, which is for the most part beyond people's control, and choosing to go to college are equal...

You're a fucking moron.
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The fact that we don't do this is one of the reasons why America lags behind other first world nations.

We don’t lag behind anybody. I know lefties don’t like it and they love them some Europe where most people live in an urban shoebox with no dishwashers and if they are lucky enough to have a washing machine it is in the kitchen. Sorry, but that is not the life I want for my family.

I went to college in the US, graduated with no student debt(it was cheaper then) got a job and worked my way up. My wife did the same but had some student debt from medical school which we paid off rather quickly by doubling the payments. She was smart enough to recognize that if she was going to go into debt, she needed a major that would afford her a job that would allow her to pay off that debt. A masters in underwater basketweaving wouldn’t cut it.

If college was “free” then we should no longer have ridiculously useless majors, no affirmative action of any kind and rigorous entrance requirements. Basically, the equivalent of getting a full academic scholarship but NOT race/gender based.
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

This is following the "Science"???
A) You don't lower your mask to cough.
B) YOU don't cough in to your hand... but if you do you do in your elbow!
That's the "Science" But the idiot that said "'We choose truth over facts'
Is that the gaffe machine we want to push the button?...
General: "President Biden... please press the button"
Biden: "You want me to button my shirt"?
General: "NO! We have less than 10 minutes... please press the button"!
Biden: "Why do you want me to press my shirt...my collar is up!"

Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

The same science that says a man can become a woman with some hormones and a little surgery?

It's all persuasion. You have nothing to offer.

And libs want you to pay for that too...
Well healthcare is a right....

Healthcare is not a right.

That is another lefty lie they threw out there to you gullible and uninformed horses' patoots.
and cancel all student debt.

It took me until I was a little over 30 to pay off my student loan. Do I get my money back, who pays for it and why should those people pay for a debt I voluntarily took?

So should we not cure cancer since it would be unfair to those who already had it??? See your logic flaw??

College educates your workforce and creates the enlightened minds who will be leading Americas companies in the future, well, shall I say SHOULD be leading them.

Cancel student debt. Period, full stop.
That's crazy logic. People didn't choose to get cancer. It's a random curse. The people who went to college did so as an investment on their future. Pay your effin debts. By your logic anyone who ever invested their money in anything should get it back plus all their profits. Whaddaya, some kinda freeloader? Grow up and get responsible. Stop playing the victim.
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

The same science that says a man can become a woman with some hormones and a little surgery?

It's all persuasion. You have nothing to offer.

And libs want you to pay for that too...
Well healthcare is a right....

Healthcare is not a right.

That is another lefty lie they threw out there to you gullible and uninformed horses' patoots.

AND it was a gigantic LIE started by Obama as the following document proves!
A) There never were 46 million Americans without health insurance... LIE!
B) There never were "over half of all Americans with Pre-existing Conditions that didn't have coverage!
YET both of these gigantic LIES were used in the words of the architect of Obamacare Jonathan Gruber to because of "The Stupidity Of The American Voter' Led Us To Hide Obamacare's True Costs From The Public "
Read closely for those of you with a longer attention span of 30 sec. sound bite... and you'll see how Obama et.al. GROSSLY LIED!
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....
You haven't learned that there is no such thing as free yet?

Why the fuck should I pay for anyone else's college education?
See your logic flaw??

You're hilarious.

I want a new car but I don't want to pay for it. I take out a car loan and demand that someone else pays for it. Having a new car gives me an enlightened mind.

See your logic flaw?

BTW, in what field did you earn your degree in and how are you employed?

Peach went to A & M and started a tree farm to grow trees that produce free shit.....20 years ago. No crops so far. That's science.
Please tell me that moron did not attend my beloved university. PLEASE!!!
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

Dang, 47 fricken years in politics and NOW Joe wants to actually fix something.
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

The same science that says a man can become a woman with some hormones and a little surgery?

It's all persuasion. You have nothing to offer.

And libs want you to pay for that too...
Well healthcare is a right....

Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

Cancel all student debt? I would say no, but there should be no more than 1.5% interest on that money.
Free community college or trade school? Absolutely. Follow the science? DuH!
See your logic flaw??

You're hilarious.

I want a new car but I don't want to pay for it. I take out a car loan and demand that someone else pays for it. Having a new car gives me an enlightened mind.

See your logic flaw?

BTW, in what field did you earn your degree in and how are you employed?

Peach went to A & M and started a tree farm to grow trees that produce free shit.....20 years ago. No crops so far. That's science.
Please tell me that moron did not attend my beloved university. PLEASE!!!
You went to Oklahoma A & M? Pardon me.
Because Trump supporters are in a personality cult and cult members can never process any information that disagrees with the cult leader.

Let understand science.
Because Trump supporters are in a personality cult and cult members can never process any information that disagrees with the cult leader.

Let understand science.
Unbelievable! YOU admonishing people when you can't even write a complete sentence!
"Let understand science"
Truth is your ignorance is showing!
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....
I agree, even though I didn't attend college, i cant wait for the government to send me my $150,000 check!
and cancel all student debt.

It took me until I was a little over 30 to pay off my student loan. Do I get my money back, who pays for it and why should those people pay for a debt I voluntarily took?

So should we not cure cancer since it would be unfair to those who already had it??? See your logic flaw??

College educates your workforce and creates the enlightened minds who will be leading Americas companies in the future, well, shall I say SHOULD be leading them.

Cancel student debt. Period, full stop.
No, going into debt to go to college is a choice. Nobody forced you into taking loans. There are ways to go to college debt free. You get grants and you work.

There are millions of people who were not fortunate enough to be in a situation to go to college. Some had to go to work right out of high school, some went into the military. Why should they be put on the hook so you can get an education which will likely get you a job making more than them.

Again, going into college is an investment in your future...YOU invest in your future.
facts are better than dreams

Trump has dreams of a corona-ending miracle, Biden has facts
Once again... you are totally out of touch because YOU listen to the biased MSM!
Tonight's news..."oh woe... COVID cases are up!!" Oh woe!!!
FACTS you dumb people and the MSM doesn't share with you.
Do a little research as I've done!
LOOK at the attached spreadsheet that I update from this website which obviously you've never visited.
THE MSM hollers about the "Pandemic" Pandemic!!! Woe is us!
REALITY! Coronavirus Update (Live): 46,803,991 Cases and 1,205,045 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
1) How many deaths increase from 10/31/20 to 11/1/20..in the USA!!! 29!!!
2) How many NEW cases: 2,233! Where are the thousands and thousands???
3) HOW many DID NOT require hospitalization??? 99.82%
4) How many cases survived???? 97.49%
AND yet you dummies don't hear this from the BIASED MSM who donated 90% to Biden's election!!!
Don't you understand how manipulated the MSM is doing to you!

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