Why cant you just follow the science? Biden will fix this.

Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....
Who is going to pay for the free college?

Here's a Plan. Give College Administrator's $7,figure, salaries to THE STUDENTS, plus their LUXURY RETIREMENT funds, and pay for it that way, bust them down to $15 an hour and remove Tenure, then take away their tax subsidies, and force them to sell stocks and bonds to pay for FREE COLLEGE.

The Science says Corona is a Hoax being used as a Trojan Horse to bring 666 Global Government.

Ummm....its FREE. No one pays for it. Govt funds buildings and professors. Citizens get to use it for free.

I don't know what kind of fantasy land you live in, but here in reality, we know there is no such thing as free shit. It has to be paid for one way or another.

So you think the gubbmint gets to pay for it. Ok. Where does the gubbmint get the money they spend? From us... the tax payers. Nothing is free.

We here in the land of reality also know that if the gubbmint gets involved, they will fuck it up and they'll spend a bazillion more bucks doing it.

The govt prints its own money it doesnt need yours

Germany and France do it. And it works. So can America
and cancel all student debt.

It took me until I was a little over 30 to pay off my student loan. Do I get my money back, who pays for it and why should those people pay for a debt I voluntarily took?

I was lucky, I didn't finish school with a ton of debt. My parents paid for my education.

My ex wasn't as lucky. He first had to go to court at 18 to legally emancipate himself from his parents so he could get pell grants for school. A few years later reagan cut the grants off so he turned to student loans. By the time he was finished with his masters he had 4 student loans.

We got those loans paid off by the time we were 36.

I insisted that our child never have to go through what my ex and I went through for his education. When our child was born I bought into the prepaid college program in our state. Our child had 4 years of school already paid before she graduated from high school.

I have absolutely no problem with free college and forgiving existing loans.

The child we educate today will be the doctor who saves your life tomorrow.

The child we educate today will be the scientist who finds the cure for cancer or alzheimers or Parkinson's etc.

The child we educate today will be the engineer who designs new technology for the future.

I can go on but I think I made my point.

The fact that we don't do this is one of the reasons why America lags behind other first world nations.
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Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....
Who is going to pay for the free college?

Here's a Plan. Give College Administrator's $7,figure, salaries to THE STUDENTS, plus their LUXURY RETIREMENT funds, and pay for it that way, bust them down to $15 an hour and remove Tenure, then take away their tax subsidies, and force them to sell stocks and bonds to pay for FREE COLLEGE.

The Science says Corona is a Hoax being used as a Trojan Horse to bring 666 Global Government.

Ummm....its FREE. No one pays for it. Govt funds buildings and professors. Citizens get to use it for free.

I don't know what kind of fantasy land you live in, but here in reality, we know there is no such thing as free shit. It has to be paid for one way or another.

So you think the gubbmint gets to pay for it. Ok. Where does the gubbmint get the money they spend? From us... the tax payers. Nothing is free.

We here in the land of reality also know that if the gubbmint gets involved, they will fuck it up and they'll spend a bazillion more bucks doing it.

The govt prints its own money it doesnt need yours

Germany and France do it. And it works. So can America



One time when my kids were very young, I told them I couldn't afford some damn thing or tother and the youngest ran and brought my checkbook to me. You don't need money, momma! Just write a check!

But her excuse was, she was 6 years old.

What is your excuse?

I hope you have an excuse cuz you don't have a clue.
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

The same science that says a man can become a woman with some hormones and a little surgery?

It's all persuasion. You have nothing to offer.

And libs want you to pay for that too...
and cancel all student debt.

It took me until I was a little over 30 to pay off my student loan. Do I get my money back, who pays for it and why should those people pay for a debt I voluntarily took?

I was lucky, I didn't finish school with a ton of debt. My parents paid for my education.

My ex wasn't as lucky. He first had to go to court at 18 to legally emancipate himself from his parents so he could get pell grants for school. A few years later reagan cut the grants off so he turned to student loans. By the time he was finished with his masters he had 4 student loans.

We got those loans paid off by the time we were 36.

I insisted that our child never have to go through what my ex and I went through for his education. When our child was born I bought into the prepaid college program in our state. Our child had 4 years of school already paid before she graduated from high school.

I have absolutely no problem with free college and forgiving existing loans.

The child we educate today will be the doctor who saves your life tomorrow.

The child we educate today will be the scientist who finds the cure for cancer or alzheimers or Parkinson's etc.

The child we educate today will be the engineer who designs new technology for the future.

I can go on but I think I made my point.

The fact that we don't do this is one of the reasons why America lags behind other first world nations.

Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

The same science that says a man can become a woman with some hormones and a little surgery?

It's all persuasion. You have nothing to offer.

And libs want you to pay for that too...
Well healthcare is a right....
Just curious who is going to pay for all that free college? Just because someone else is footing the bill doesn’t mean it’s free.
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

There are Community Colleges people can go to where they really pay next to nothing and can still get a good education. Or selecting a 4 year college somewhere that is more affordable is an option. There are a lot of choices but some people elect to go to more expensive ones.
Canceling all student debt is simply a bid by politicians to get elected. More free stuff.

As for science, everyone believes in science, its just that all the experts do not agree and people listen to the SCIENCE they choose too. When science attaches itself to politics, then it becomes corrupted and its hard to trust the numbers put out by the so called experts
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....
Who is going to pay for the free college?

Here's a Plan. Give College Administrator's $7,figure, salaries to THE STUDENTS, plus their LUXURY RETIREMENT funds, and pay for it that way, bust them down to $15 an hour and remove Tenure, then take away their tax subsidies, and force them to sell stocks and bonds to pay for FREE COLLEGE.

The Science says Corona is a Hoax being used as a Trojan Horse to bring 666 Global Government.

Ummm....its FREE. No one pays for it. Govt funds buildings and professors. Citizens get to use it for free.
I want you to pay for my Free College out of your piggy bank. It's Free, right?
I hope you did not go to college, because you are a moron.
Scientists still can't figure out if Pedophile Homosexuals are Born that Way and are Genetically Defective, or if they become that way and are Mentally Defective.

And Homosexuals reject the science of XX and XY Chromosomes nor can they figure out which bathroom to use, nor do they realize that molesting little boys and girls is morally disgusting.
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

You took out the note. You pay it.
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

You can't "cancel" all student debt. That's is the strangest thing that people say. Cancel student debt? Really? So if I borrow $150 thousand from you, and you are stupid enough to loan it to me.... and the government just says "well it's canceled now"..... really?

No, what will have to happen, is that they will have to dramatically raise taxes, to pay for your student loans. That means *YOU* will have to pay higher and higher taxes for the rest of your life, to pay for everyone's student loans.

Why do you think Denmark has poor people, paying 40% income taxes, and 25% sales taxes? The poorest people in Denmark have to pay massive taxes, to get things like free college.

Do you want to lose half your income (actually more than half), for the rest of your entire life, to have free college? Do you?

And will you be happy to pay half your entire income, for people who go to college, and then work at McDonalds? Because that is already happening NOW. Do you want to pay for people wasting money?

Dumb claim. Very dumb idea.
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....
Who is going to pay for the free college?

Here's a Plan. Give College Administrator's $7,figure, salaries to THE STUDENTS, plus their LUXURY RETIREMENT funds, and pay for it that way, bust them down to $15 an hour and remove Tenure, then take away their tax subsidies, and force them to sell stocks and bonds to pay for FREE COLLEGE.

The Science says Corona is a Hoax being used as a Trojan Horse to bring 666 Global Government.

Ummm....its FREE. No one pays for it. Govt funds buildings and professors. Citizens get to use it for free.


OH .. . . right. . . right.

I forgot about the Government grove of money trees. It has an infinite supple of funds, of COURSE!

We all did. . . .because, SCIENCE!
and cancel all student debt.

It took me until I was a little over 30 to pay off my student loan. Do I get my money back, who pays for it and why should those people pay for a debt I voluntarily took?

I was lucky, I didn't finish school with a ton of debt. My parents paid for my education.

My ex wasn't as lucky. He first had to go to court at 18 to legally emancipate himself from his parents so he could get pell grants for school. A few years later reagan cut the grants off so he turned to student loans. By the time he was finished with his masters he had 4 student loans.

We got those loans paid off by the time we were 36.

I insisted that our child never have to go through what my ex and I went through for his education. When our child was born I bought into the prepaid college program in our state. Our child had 4 years of school already paid before she graduated from high school.

I have absolutely no problem with free college and forgiving existing loans.

The child we educate today will be the doctor who saves your life tomorrow.

The child we educate today will be the scientist who finds the cure for cancer or alzheimers or Parkinson's etc.

The child we educate today will be the engineer who designs new technology for the future.

I can go on but I think I made my point.

The fact that we don't do this is one of the reasons why America lags behind other first world nations.


Thank you but I'm not a sir. I'm a woman.
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

The same science that says a man can become a woman with some hormones and a little surgery?

It's all persuasion. You have nothing to offer.

And libs want you to pay for that too...
Well healthcare is a right....
Healthcare is a commodity, self-defense is a right. . . . . :heehee:

and cancel all student debt.

It took me until I was a little over 30 to pay off my student loan. Do I get my money back, who pays for it and why should those people pay for a debt I voluntarily took?

I was lucky, I didn't finish school with a ton of debt. My parents paid for my education.

My ex wasn't as lucky. He first had to go to court at 18 to legally emancipate himself from his parents so he could get pell grants for school. A few years later reagan cut the grants off so he turned to student loans. By the time he was finished with his masters he had 4 student loans.

We got those loans paid off by the time we were 36.

I insisted that our child never have to go through what my ex and I went through for his education. When our child was born I bought into the prepaid college program in our state. Our child had 4 years of school already paid before she graduated from high school.

I have absolutely no problem with free college and forgiving existing loans.

The child we educate today will be the doctor who saves your life tomorrow.

The child we educate today will be the scientist who finds the cure for cancer or alzheimers or Parkinson's etc.

The child we educate today will be the engineer who designs new technology for the future.

I can go on but I think I made my point.

The fact that we don't do this is one of the reasons why America lags behind other first world nations.


Thank you but I'm not a sir. I'm a woman.
Well. . . ScienceRocks is a sir and woman. . . .

Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

Such a bad troll, feel free to post as rarely as usual.

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