Why cant you just follow the science? Biden will fix this.

Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

You didn't answer my question to your posts:

It took me until I was a little over 30 to pay off my student loan. Do I get my money back, who pays for it and why should those people pay for a debt I voluntarily took?

In what field did you earn your degree in and how are you employed?

She can't answer, she has trunalimunumaprzure and IT'S COLD!
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

The same science that says a man can become a woman with some hormones and a little surgery?

It's all persuasion. You have nothing to offer.
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

You'd have more credibility if you told us your academic and professional achievements. Until you do, you just come off as a high school drop out.

So, once again:

You didn't answer my question to your posts:

It took me until I was a little over 30 to pay off my student loan. Do I get my money back, who pays for it and why should those people pay for a debt I voluntarily took?

In what field did you earn your degree in and how are you employed?
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....
You obviously do not realize that uneducated, unskilled conservatives possess an inherent knowledge that gives them incredible wisdom. Therefore, their expertise in all subjects and fields is superior to individuals who spent years in universities earning Masters and Doctorate degrees.

Their skepticism of experts' theories and empirical data is based in this superior, inherent knowledge, that must not be questioned by anyone.

Read their many OPs and replies to other, much less knowledgeable individuals than than themselves, and realize your are in the presence of greatness.

Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

So how does my daughter's student debt get cancelled since she had a 5 year service obligation to the US Army? Do I get my student loans back that I paid off in the 1980's?

Why can't you libtards ever THINK?
The same science that says a man can become a woman with some hormones and a little surgery?
I feel pretty, oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and bright
And I pity any girl who isn't me tonight

uneducated, unskilled conservatives

In what way am I uneducated and unskilled? You know me so well.

Do tell of my education level and financial situation. Hint: I retired at 54 a self made man and worked my way through college and paid off my own student loan.
and cancel all student debt.

It took me until I was a little over 30 to pay off my student loan. Do I get my money back, who pays for it and why should those people pay for a debt I voluntarily took?

So should we not cure cancer since it would be unfair to those who already had it??? See your logic flaw??

College educates your workforce and creates the enlightened minds who will be leading Americas companies in the future, well, shall I say SHOULD be leading them.

Cancel student debt. Period, full stop.
[/QUOTif you were stupid enough to run up massive tuition debt that you now can’t pay off, it’s on you. Don’t expect the smart people who didn’t do that to bail you out. One of my doctors used to talk like you. I pointed out that her coworker was not only debt free, but was paid by the navy during her college and med school. She said that approach never occurred to her. There are always alternatives if you look for them.
uneducated, unskilled conservatives

In what way am I uneducated and unskilled? You know me so well.

Do tell of my education level and financial situation. Hint: I retired at 54 a self made man and worked my way through college and paid off my own student loan.
Oh, that's right, stereotyping is only for black people, not the all-knowing conservatives, goose-stepping behind their cheeto-in-chief.

Democrats pick and choose the "science" they like.

The smarter scientists have realized that going for herd immunity is the best way out of this.
You obviously do not realize that uneducated, unskilled conservatives possess an inherent knowledge that gives them incredible wisdom. Therefore, their expertise in all subjects and fields is superior to individuals who spent years in universities earning Masters and Doctorate degrees.

Their skepticism of experts' theories and empirical data is based in this superior, inherent knowledge, that must not be questioned by anyone.

Read their many OPs and replies to other, much less knowledgeable individuals than than themselves, and realize your are in the presence of greatness.


Bertran, Bertram, Bertram -- or can I call you asswipe?

So, please tell me, asswipe, as to this much imagined theory of yours that there is some sort of correlation between political persuasion and level of education.........
Oh, that's right, stereotyping is only for black people, not the all-knowing conservatives, goose-stepping behind their cheeto-in-chief.

That's incoherent. And how did race get into this? Goose Stepping?

So how did I retire at 54 after putting myself through college and still be "uneducated and unskilled" according to you?

Your accusation against me. Back it up. Not a race issue and the Nazis were defeated in 1945. News flash: This is 2020.
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....
Who is going to pay for the free college?

Here's a Plan. Give College Administrator's $7,figure, salaries to THE STUDENTS, plus their LUXURY RETIREMENT funds, and pay for it that way, bust them down to $15 an hour and remove Tenure, then take away their tax subsidies, and force them to sell stocks and bonds to pay for FREE COLLEGE.

The Science says Corona is a Hoax being used as a Trojan Horse to bring 666 Global Government.
See your logic flaw??

You're hilarious.

I want a new car but I don't want to pay for it. I take out a car loan and demand that someone else pays for it. Having a new car gives me an enlightened mind.

See your logic flaw?

BTW, in what field did you earn your degree in and how are you employed?

Apples vs oranges

You buying a car benefits only you.

Me (or any student) getting a degree helps ALL of society. More educated generation for workforce and to take leadership roles in companies. Its how societies, you know, progress
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....
Who is going to pay for the free college?

Here's a Plan. Give College Administrator's $7,figure, salaries to THE STUDENTS, plus their LUXURY RETIREMENT funds, and pay for it that way, bust them down to $15 an hour and remove Tenure, then take away their tax subsidies, and force them to sell stocks and bonds to pay for FREE COLLEGE.

The Science says Corona is a Hoax being used as a Trojan Horse to bring 666 Global Government.

Ummm....its FREE. No one pays for it. Govt funds buildings and professors. Citizens get to use it for free.
Me (or any student)

If you are a student, I can understand you naivete. If and when you graduate with your degree in socialism, you'll slam head first into a wall called reality. If you're a trust fund baby, smooth sailing. If not....


P.S. Good trolling BTW. :113:
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....

You didn't answer my question to your posts:

It took me until I was a little over 30 to pay off my student loan. Do I get my money back, who pays for it and why should those people pay for a debt I voluntarily took?

In what field did you earn your degree in and how are you employed?

Again.....should we not cure cancer just bc people who had it before didn’t get the cure? We shouldnt avoid fixing a problem for modern students just bc students in the past suffered from it.

So no. You dont get reimbursed. Just like a cancer patient who suffered through years of chemo doesnt get a refund once a quick cure is one day found.
Me (or any student)

If you are a student, I can understand you naivete. If and when you graduate with your degree in socialism, you'll slam head first into a wall called reality. If you're a trust fund baby, smooth sailing. If not....


Its not naive. Whole point of college is we get educated in this stuff. College is mostly free in Europe, like Germany and France. Then again they arent ruled by “MAGA” so they are smarter
Haven’t posted in a while. Hopefully Kamala will push Biden to make college free as it should be and cancel all student debt.

That said why cant you right wingers follow the SCIENCE???? Good God man. This stuff has been studied and tested. And you refuse to follow it WHY? Like, do you just want everyone to be sick and jobless?

Hey republicans....its called SCIENCE. Let us introduce you.....
Who is going to pay for the free college?

Here's a Plan. Give College Administrator's $7,figure, salaries to THE STUDENTS, plus their LUXURY RETIREMENT funds, and pay for it that way, bust them down to $15 an hour and remove Tenure, then take away their tax subsidies, and force them to sell stocks and bonds to pay for FREE COLLEGE.

The Science says Corona is a Hoax being used as a Trojan Horse to bring 666 Global Government.

Ummm....its FREE. No one pays for it. Govt funds buildings and professors. Citizens get to use it for free.

I don't know what kind of fantasy land you live in, but here in reality, we know there is no such thing as free shit. It has to be paid for one way or another.

So you think the gubbmint gets to pay for it. Ok. Where does the gubbmint get the money they spend? From us... the tax payers. Nothing is free.

We here in the land of reality also know that if the gubbmint gets involved, they will fuck it up and they'll spend a bazillion more bucks doing it.

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