Why capitalism requires good government therefore taxes

The founding fathers hated corporations.

you've been told 10 times that the corporations then were a tiny handful of coercive abusive govt monopolies, not today's saintly corporations that survive only by being our total slaves.

So, you hate liberals. But you have no idea what a liberal is. .[/QUOTE]
sure, a liberal is a communist like those who spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb, they are those like Sanders who honeymooned in the USSR, they are those who treasonously read the Constitution to mean anything they want it to mean, and they are the sly devils like Hilary who grow govt slowly toward communism without ever admitting they are communists.
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Because true Libertarianism always implodes,.

1) how would you know since we've never had it??????????

2) what we do know is that the closer to libertariansim a country is the better off it is. China just moved in that direction and instantly eliminated 40% of the planets poverty. To deny the obvious requires a Nazi level of pure ignorance.

So, you hate liberals. But you have no idea what a liberal is. .
sure, a liberal is a communist like those who spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb, they are those like Sanders who honeymooned in the USSR, they are those who treasonously read the Constitution to mean anything they want it to mean, and they are the sly devils like Hilary who grow govt slowly toward communism without ever admitting they are communists.
Thank you. I wanted you to prove you are totally stupid, and you obliged. Very nice of you.
Now, though this will be too difficult for you to understand, here is the actual definition of Liberal, and a liberal:
  1. 1.
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
  2. 2.
    (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms: wide-ranging, broad-based, general
    "a liberal education"noun
  3. Noun. a person of liberal views
So, best of luck understanding this definition. And again, thanks for proving you are ignorant.
Because true Libertarianism always implodes,.

1) how would you know since we've never had it??????????

2) what we do know is that the closer to libertariansim a country is the better off it is. China just moved in that direction and instantly eliminated 40% of the planets poverty. To deny the obvious requires a Nazi level of pure ignorance.

Because I can, and because I have, read the definitions of what a Libertarian nation would be if it existed. But you must be able to read, so that would leave you out. And I know that some very wealthy people are paying millions to try to MAKE libertarian islands, because there are no libertarian countries for them to move to. Because, you see, once a nation starts to turn libertarian, the population always rebels. Damn ingrates hate to be ruined.
Is that what your ignorance is, me boy, Nazi ignorance????? Sorry for your mental illness. Must be tough.

For Libertarian Utopia, Float Away on ‘Startup’ Nation
For Libertarian Utopia, Float Away on ‘Startup’ Nation
The founding fathers hated corporations.
So Ed, a congenital idiot, states:
"you've been told 10 times that the corporations then were a tiny handful of coercive abusive govt monopolies, not today's saintly corporations that survive only by being our total slaves."

Sorry, me poor congenital idiot. No one said anything about corporations being a tiny handful of coercive abusive govt monopolies......... The reason you have no proof of that is that your quote is a lie.

Here is a link and quote:

Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States
When American colonists declared independence from England in 1776, they also freed themselves from control by English corporations that extracted their wealth and dominated trade. After fighting a revolution to end this exploitation, our country’s founders retained a healthy fear of corporate power and wisely limited corporations exclusively to a business role. Corporations were forbidden from attempting to influence elections, public policy, and other realms of civic society.
Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States

I know, I know. It is not fair. This did not come from your favorite site, conservativetalkingpoints.com. I am sure it is a huge disadvantage being a congenital idiot, eh, ed?

When American colonists declared independence from England in 1776, they also freed themselves from control by English corporations that extracted their wealth and dominated trade.

if so why so afraid to give us the best example of such a corporation so we can compare it to todays corporations. What do you learn from your fear?
The OP has it backasswards (hardly a surprise there).

Good Government requires people who share, understand and reinforce common values which preserve the culture and ideology upon which the law and government are based. People who are ignorant of the history and values upon which a government system was designed end up destroying the ability to have Good Government.

The values upon which the United States system of government was based are also those which inform Free Markets.

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