why common people don't believe the MSM or the Democrats! Obama's $8m home!

Obama made out pretty well for a guy who never held a real job in his life. Of course being POTUS was a real job but one has to wonder where he got the money for an eight million dollar home???
Probably robbing 7-11's in his spare time, right Claudette?
Obama made out pretty well for a guy who never held a real job in his life. Of course being POTUS was a real job but one has to wonder where he got the money for an eight million dollar home???

Since 2005, the Obamas have made a combined 20 million dollars. 15.5 million of that are royalties from Barack’s three best-sellers. The rest is income from their jobs, and actually comes out to a bit less than you might expect two Harvard law graduates to make at this point in their careers. Barack’s book royalties provide them with more than enough income to afford a nice house, or even more than one.

Additionally, the Obamas recently signed a $60 million joint deal for their forthcoming memoirs, so they aren’t worried about making mortgage payments.


Thanks. I had no idea being an ex President was so lucrative.

Hell Truman was a pauper when he left the white house.
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.

I doubt Trump will take anything and he's working now for no salary.

He's a billionaire he doesn't need our tax dollars.
Oh, don't worry. He'll take it alright. Just like Trump University and his casinos and his private resorts.
He'll take it.
And while we're all criticizing OBAMA for having a nice house in the Kalorama district of D.C. so his daughter can finish high school there.....
does ANYONE remember what kind of indecently wealth flaunting homes Trump owns?
Makes the Obama home look like a trailer.

No. I doubt he will take any tax dollars. He doesn't need it. He's got plenty of money.
Obama made out pretty well for a guy who never held a real job in his life. Of course being POTUS was a real job but one has to wonder where he got the money for an eight million dollar home???
Probably robbing 7-11's in his spare time, right Claudette?

Nope. I had no idea being an ex president could be so lucrative.

Hell Truman was a pauper when he left the white house.

Check out Healthmysts post right above yours.
President Obama is a capitalist, what a shock that a former president of the USA should be a capitalist.
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.

Not the point. You don't get to criticize others for the having the same lifestyle you do. It is the epitome of hypocrisy.
If Bill Gates, Charles Koch and Elon Musk had been born in some rural area in Africa they would not be billionaires. They might not even be able to read. People don't give enough appreciation to how much they owe the first world for the opportunities they had. I think extremely wealthy people can't really say they did it themselves. They owe something to the society that allows them to flourish so much.
Shades of love child sperm donor John Edwards who campaigned on the evil of Two Americas, folks of wealth vs. those without, virtually while relocating to his new multimillion dollar estate in NC.
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.
That really isn't the point. He is chastising people for doing what he is doing.
Do you really think his speech meant that people who work hard shouldn't have a nice home in a good neighborhood? That is not the take away I got from it.
He chided people for excess and talked about how bad vast wealth difference is but also confirmed the $20 mil he made. If he is that concerned about the wealth difference, he should give his away at the same time he talks poorly of those that enjoy the spoils of wealth as he does.
President Obama is a capitalist, what a shock that a former president of the USA should be a capitalist.

I agree! But he is also a hypocrite. People like him aTTACK capitalism all the while they make millions.
Look at Al Gore. His net worth.How Al Gore amassed a $200-million fortune after presidential defeat
How Al Gore amassed a $200-million fortune after presidential defeat

Doing that by attacking capitalism!

Still, as a supporter of capitalism, I believe he has the right to earn money in any legal manner. He may be hypocritical, it does look that way.
Comparing Obama to Trump is like comparing St Gabriel to Beezlebub.

The Alt Right have ODS.
Yeah, but the fucked up part is that's kinda small compared to the sorts of people he is talking about. I'm no Obama lover, but this argument is weak and overused. He was the fucking president for 8 years. Of course he's successful. Attack his words, not his home.

Of coarse, this is the same OP who actually started a thread on which hand O'bama uses on the toilet. :wtf:

True story too. BDS is way worse than IBS.
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.

I doubt Trump will take anything and he's working now for no salary.

He's a billionaire he doesn't need our tax dollars.
Oh, don't worry. He'll take it alright. Just like Trump University and his casinos and his private resorts.
He'll take it.
And while we're all criticizing OBAMA for having a nice house in the Kalorama district of D.C. so his daughter can finish high school there.....
does ANYONE remember what kind of indecently wealth flaunting homes Trump owns?
Makes the Obama home look like a trailer.

No. I doubt he will take any tax dollars. He doesn't need it. He's got plenty of money.
Speaking engagements aren't paid by tax payers. What are you talking about?
Most rich people DESERVE their wealth. They earned it.
Or is it just elite socialists that deserve it?

It takes more than one person to make a billion dollars. It's a question of what's moral in the distribution of that earned money. Why should somebody be able to make billions off the sweat and suffering of people that can barely afford to live? Yes, they choose to work for that person, but only out of desperation. That's not an amount of money they are comfortable or content with. You say they earned it, but I say the people that pull the levers and turn the gears earned it too, or at least some more of it than they get. Society should care more about the lowest among us. That's why places like Scandinavia are much happier than we are.
Well, we certainly wont agree on that.
Business owners take all the chances.
Laborers do not. Laborers earn what they agree to be paid.
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.

I doubt Trump will take anything and he's working now for no salary.

He's a billionaire he doesn't need our tax dollars.
And while we're all criticizing OBAMA for having a nice house in the Kalorama district of D.C. so his daughter can finish high school there.....
does ANYONE remember what kind of indecently wealth flaunting homes Trump owns?
Makes the Obama home look like a trailer.

DAMN RIGHT. And Trump earned every single last cent paying for it himself working in the private sector. Obama's house, his car, his planes, his money, his presidency, his senatorialship, his education, half of that was gifted to him, and the other half came off the taxpayer. The closest thing he's ever done to REAL WORK is taking his private jet (that someone else provides) to Kenya, so he can give a speech, say nothing, get a lot of claps, and get paid his speaker's fee.

Want to know what Trump will be doing after out of office? Back on the job working or total retirement, living off the proceeds from a lifetime of busting his butt.
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.

I doubt Trump will take anything and he's working now for no salary.

He's a billionaire he doesn't need our tax dollars.
Oh, don't worry. He'll take it alright. Just like Trump University and his casinos and his private resorts.
He'll take it.
And while we're all criticizing OBAMA for having a nice house in the Kalorama district of D.C. so his daughter can finish high school there.....
does ANYONE remember what kind of indecently wealth flaunting homes Trump owns?
Makes the Obama home look like a trailer.

No. I doubt he will take any tax dollars. He doesn't need it. He's got plenty of money.
Speaking engagements aren't paid by tax payers. What are you talking about?

Oh for a speaking engagement I'm sure he would take money. I was talking about the retirement an ex President gets. Trump sure wouldn't take that.
Most rich people DESERVE their wealth. They earned it.
Or is it just elite socialists that deserve it?
The one who actually earned it, but not the ones who inherited it, like trump and the Waltons.
Most rich people DESERVE their wealth. They earned it.
Or is it just elite socialists that deserve it?
Yes, trump nor the waltons dont earn their money. They just sit there, do nothing and take no risk.
That makes perfect sense.

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