why common people don't believe the MSM or the Democrats! Obama's $8m home!

DAMN RIGHT. And Trump earned every single last cent paying for it himself working in the private sector.


Translation: Rump "earned every single last cent" by standing still while his father handed him umpteen million dollars that he scammed off the FHA.

Poster please. Rump has never had a real job in his life. His only "work in the private sector" has been flings with porn stars and models who "remind him of his daughter".

DAMN RIGHT. And Trump earned every single last cent paying for it himself working in the private sector.


Translation: Rump "earned every single last cent" by standing still while his father handed him umpteen million dollars that he scammed off the FHA.

Poster please. Rump has never had a real job in his life. His only "work in the private sector" has been flings with porn stars and models who "remind him of his daughter".

I would say this one is a troll, but unfortunately, there are people this stupid and this damn devoted to that criminal and worship at the alter of trump.

Blow me, bitch. Before you claim who's stupid, try watching the hour long independent documentary on Trump's life made several years ago, asshole. Nothing you say can change the fact that Trump CREATED billions of his own wealth for himself and thousands of others working under him. What did your little Obummer ever create? His entire life has been a sponge off the public dole from idiots like you, and unfortunately, meant the death to hundreds of thousands of people killed from the ISIS his ineptness allowed to happen not to mention his impotent red line in the sand for Syrians.
DAMN RIGHT. And Trump earned every single last cent paying for it himself working in the private sector.


Translation: Rump "earned every single last cent" by standing still while his father handed him umpteen million dollars that he scammed off the FHA.

Poster please. Rump has never had a real job in his life. His only "work in the private sector" has been flings with porn stars and models who "remind him of his daughter".

DAMN RIGHT. And Trump earned every single last cent paying for it himself working in the private sector.


Translation: Rump "earned every single last cent" by standing still while his father handed him umpteen million dollars that he scammed off the FHA.

Poster please. Rump has never had a real job in his life. His only "work in the private sector" has been flings with porn stars and models who "remind him of his daughter".

I would say this one is a troll, but unfortunately, there are people this stupid and this damn devoted to that criminal and worship at the alter of trump.

Blow me, bitch. Before you claim who's stupid, try watching the hour long independent documentary on Trump's life made several years ago, asshole. Nothing you say can change the fact that Trump CREATED billions of his own wealth for himself and thousands of others working under him. What did your little Obummer ever create? His entire life has been a sponge off the public dole from idiots like you, and unfortunately, meant the death to hundreds of thousands of people killed from the ISIS his ineptness allowed to happen not to mention his impotent red line in the sand for Syrians.

Given his own crumbling fake history about Rump the poser first explods "blow me bitch" and then melts into a sputtering puddle of "b-but... but O'bama". Can't wait to derail his own point.

It would fall apart just with the tens of millions of filthy welfare queens we already have here.

There aren't as many unemployed welfare queens as you think. A lot of welfare recipients have a job. If the companies that employed them would pay them more they wouldn't be such a burden on our taxes. It'd also be better for our economy as a whole. When poor people get money they spend it; it goes back into the economy.

Universal health care would go a long way towards bankrupting our economy and destroying health care in this country. An economy is not more prosperous when you take money from the people that earn it and give it to those that didn't earn it.

Universal healthcare would actually be cheaper because people would more often go to the doctor to get preventative care rather than waiting until it's an emergency. Also with insurance companies out of the picture healthcare prices would plummet. You wouldn't be paying 70 dollars for a Tylenol at the hospital.

Ask California about single payer.health insurance. The cost is more than their annual state budget. Imagine that horseshit on a national basis.

California’s Single-Payer Health Care Plan Would Cost More Than the State’s Whole Budget

California’s Single-Payer Health Care Plan Would Cost More Than the State’s Whole Budget
Like in Colorado, New York, and Vermont, California is learning that a single-payer plan would be prohibitively expensive

It is the wrong thing to do to have the fucking government manage health care. They are terrible at everything they do and health care would be a nightmare. They can't even run an efficient VA health service. Bad idea. We should have all got a taste of that with the disastrous Obamacare that increased premiums, deductibles and co payment for every paying customer just to get subsidizes for the welfare assholes.

It is not my responsibility to pay the heath care bills for somebody else. It is their responsibility.

The reason why we have so many working poor in this country is the enormous cost of government. The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government is almost 40% of the GDP and that is the reason why Americans don't have more money in their pockets. It is a tremendous drag on the economy, not only taking money out of the pockets of Americans but also curtailing productive economic growth. The direct and indirect cost of government is usually the largest single budget item for any Americans family regardless of income. Even if that family isn't paying into the trillion dollars a year income tax.

The Obamas are assholes demanding more redistribution of wealth when they live like wealthy people.

They need to let 20 Illegal families move into their mansion if they want to practice what they preach, don't you think so?

Pretty much the entirety of western Europe operates on universal healthcare and they are quite satisfied with it. Every system has its bumps, but overall it does very well. According to the World Health Organization their healthcare is better than ours overall. It's only better in the United States if you're a multi-millionaire, which most of us aren't. I simply don't believe that it's impossible to implement something similar here, despite what reason.com says.
You should be more open about those rankings. The U.S. ranks 1st in quality of health care, but the organization only says quality is worth 10% when calculating. I say it should be a higher percentage. What good is free healthcare if it isn't quality?
I'm not a common person and neither are most of my peer-group. We're a bunch of freaks and weirdos and none of us believe the MSM either.
Obama continued on income inequality, saying, “History shows that societies which tolerate vast differences in wealth feed resentments and reduce solidarity and actually grow more slowly. And when economic power is concentrated in the hands of the few, history also shows that political power is sure to follow and that dynamic eats away at democracy.”

After the speech calling for rich people to get smaller houses, Obama traveled back to America and to his $8.1 million eight-bedroom, nine-and-a-half bathroom mansion in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the world.
Obama Attacks Wealthy For Big Houses Before Returning To His $8 Million MansionView attachment 206089

Now, now, Leftists have NO problem with turning the 1% into the 0.000001%.

That is what socialism is all about.

Just so long as the 0.000001% are socialists running the government, that is.

Otherwise, they are just greedy capitalists.
I applaud Obama and family for having a multimillion dollar home. No one told him he shouldn’t have one nor has anyone told him that at a certain point, he’s made too much money. No politician put in policies to limit his economic opportunity. What baffles me is why any President or politician would push or call for such policies.

If it’s good enough for him and his family, then it is good enough for any and every other American.

I have no issue with it. I take what Obama, DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Al Gore and other American greats say seriously. They have advised me to drive a small car, live in a small house, send my kids to public schools and not use my air conditioning. I do it all gladly. Does it bother me that they don't personally do those things? Of course not. They are American heroes deserving of those things. I like to think my conservation allows them to use and have a little bit more and live in comfort for their service.

Seriously, that is the vision of The Left. Lock themselves into a true 1 percent of power and wealth while the masses adorne them knowing they can never have those riches but are happy and gracious that the Liberal Elites “eliminated greed”.
DAMN RIGHT. And Trump earned every single last cent paying for it himself working in the private sector.


Translation: Rump "earned every single last cent" by standing still while his father handed him umpteen million dollars that he scammed off the FHA.

Poster please. Rump has never had a real job in his life. His only "work in the private sector" has been flings with porn stars and models who "remind him of his daughter".

DAMN RIGHT. And Trump earned every single last cent paying for it himself working in the private sector.


Translation: Rump "earned every single last cent" by standing still while his father handed him umpteen million dollars that he scammed off the FHA.

Poster please. Rump has never had a real job in his life. His only "work in the private sector" has been flings with porn stars and models who "remind him of his daughter".

I would say this one is a troll, but unfortunately, there are people this stupid and this damn devoted to that criminal and worship at the alter of trump.

Blow me, bitch. Before you claim who's stupid, try watching the hour long independent documentary on Trump's life made several years ago, asshole. Nothing you say can change the fact that Trump CREATED billions of his own wealth for himself and thousands of others working under him. What did your little Obummer ever create? His entire life has been a sponge off the public dole from idiots like you, and unfortunately, meant the death to hundreds of thousands of people killed from the ISIS his ineptness allowed to happen not to mention his impotent red line in the sand for Syrians.

Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.
That really isn't the point. He is chastising people for doing what he is doing.
Do you really think his speech meant that people who work hard shouldn't have a nice home in a good neighborhood? That is not the take away I got from it.

Tthe take away is that Obama thinks he is entitled to live in a $8 million mansion but you and I should have our moeny taken away and given to somebody else. That is the real take away.

Liberals are usually selfish assholes when it comes to their own money but they want to redistribute your money.

Just think, 20 or more Illegal families could live in his home. Maybe 20 Muslim refugee families that he was hell bent on bringing into the US and putting on taxpayer welfare.
Tthe take away is that Obama thinks he is entitled to live in a $8 million mansion but you and I should have our moeny taken away and given to somebody else. That is the real take away.
But that's not what he said.
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.
That really isn't the point. He is chastising people for doing what he is doing.
Do you really think his speech meant that people who work hard shouldn't have a nice home in a good neighborhood? That is not the take away I got from it.

Tthe take away is that Obama thinks he is entitled to live in a $8 million mansion but you and I should have our moeny taken away and given to somebody else. That is the real take away.

Liberals are usually selfish assholes when it comes to their own money but they want to redistribute your money.

Just think, 20 or more Illegal families could live in his home. Maybe 20 Muslim refugee families that he was hell bent on bringing into the US and putting on taxpayer welfare.
Tthe take away is that Obama thinks he is entitled to live in a $8 million mansion but you and I should have our moeny taken away and given to somebody else. That is the real take away.
But that's not what he said.
Pretty much it is. Its what he has been saying for years.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.
That really isn't the point. He is chastising people for doing what he is doing.
Do you really think his speech meant that people who work hard shouldn't have a nice home in a good neighborhood? That is not the take away I got from it.
He chided people for excess and talked about how bad vast wealth difference is but also confirmed the $20 mil he made. If he is that concerned about the wealth difference, he should give his away at the same time he talks poorly of those that enjoy the spoils of wealth as he does.
I think he might have been making a point about how you spend that money and what you do to try and benefit the people who have nothing. He isn't wrong, you know. I don't see his home as being "excessive."
Really? Nine bedrooms for 4 people isn't excessive? How big is yours? How much is yours worth? His house is exactly what he was chiding people for. He doesn't live what he preaches. He always has been, is to this day and always will be a hypocrite.

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.
Obama continued on income inequality, saying, “History shows that societies which tolerate vast differences in wealth feed resentments and reduce solidarity and actually grow more slowly. And when economic power is concentrated in the hands of the few, history also shows that political power is sure to follow and that dynamic eats away at democracy.”

After the speech calling for rich people to get smaller houses, Obama traveled back to America and to his $8.1 million eight-bedroom, nine-and-a-half bathroom mansion in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the world.
Obama Attacks Wealthy For Big Houses Before Returning To His $8 Million MansionView attachment 206089

OMG, here we go again. Democrats can't be successful or rich. Ya ya ya. And Al Gore can't be for going green because he burns a lot of lightbulbs.

I guess I shouldn't expect Republicans to stop being such cocksuckers since their tactics work. The American people are so fucking stupid. At least the republican ones. Not the rich ones. I'm talking about the ones here on USMB. The broke asses. Or the ones who get pension and social security but bitch about those programs.
That really isn't the point. He is chastising people for doing what he is doing.
Do you really think his speech meant that people who work hard shouldn't have a nice home in a good neighborhood? That is not the take away I got from it.
He chided people for excess and talked about how bad vast wealth difference is but also confirmed the $20 mil he made. If he is that concerned about the wealth difference, he should give his away at the same time he talks poorly of those that enjoy the spoils of wealth as he does.
I think he might have been making a point about how you spend that money and what you do to try and benefit the people who have nothing. He isn't wrong, you know. I don't see his home as being "excessive."
Really? Nine bedrooms for 4 people isn't excessive? How big is yours? How much is yours worth? His house is exactly what he was chiding people for. He doesn't live what he preaches. He always has been, is to this day and always will be a hypocrite.

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.

I wonder what George's house looks like above the basement where they keep him
That really isn't the point. He is chastising people for doing what he is doing.
Do you really think his speech meant that people who work hard shouldn't have a nice home in a good neighborhood? That is not the take away I got from it.
He chided people for excess and talked about how bad vast wealth difference is but also confirmed the $20 mil he made. If he is that concerned about the wealth difference, he should give his away at the same time he talks poorly of those that enjoy the spoils of wealth as he does.
I think he might have been making a point about how you spend that money and what you do to try and benefit the people who have nothing. He isn't wrong, you know. I don't see his home as being "excessive."
Really? Nine bedrooms for 4 people isn't excessive? How big is yours? How much is yours worth? His house is exactly what he was chiding people for. He doesn't live what he preaches. He always has been, is to this day and always will be a hypocrite.

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.
Keep deflecting. I could care less what Trumps living room looks like. Interesting that when you run out of banter you have to go to the but...Trump defense. No where in the article was there a mention of Trump.
Do you really think his speech meant that people who work hard shouldn't have a nice home in a good neighborhood? That is not the take away I got from it.
He chided people for excess and talked about how bad vast wealth difference is but also confirmed the $20 mil he made. If he is that concerned about the wealth difference, he should give his away at the same time he talks poorly of those that enjoy the spoils of wealth as he does.
I think he might have been making a point about how you spend that money and what you do to try and benefit the people who have nothing. He isn't wrong, you know. I don't see his home as being "excessive."
Really? Nine bedrooms for 4 people isn't excessive? How big is yours? How much is yours worth? His house is exactly what he was chiding people for. He doesn't live what he preaches. He always has been, is to this day and always will be a hypocrite.

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.

I wonder what George's house looks like above the basement where they keep him
Thank you for an entirely irrelevant post.
And the result of all these trends has been an explosion in economic inequality. It’s meant that a few dozen individuals control the same amount of wealth as the poorest half of humanity. That’s not an exaggeration, that’s a statistic. Think about that. In many middle-income and developing countries, new wealth has just tracked the old bad deal that people got because it reinforced or even compounded existing patterns of inequality, the only difference is it created even greater opportunities for corruption on an epic scale. And for once solidly middle-class families in advanced economies like the United States, these trends have meant greater economic insecurity, especially for those who don’t have specialized skills, people who were in manufacturing, people working in factories, people working on farms.

In every country just about, the disproportionate economic clout of those at the top has provided these individuals with wildly disproportionate influence on their countries’ political life and on its media; on what policies are pursued and whose interests end up being ignored. Now, it should be noted that this new international elite, the professional class that supports them, differs in important respects from the ruling aristocracies of old. It includes many who are self-made. It includes champions of meritocracy. And although still mostly white and male, as a group they reflect a diversity of nationalities and ethnicities that would have not existed a hundred years ago. A decent percentage consider themselves liberal in their politics, modern and cosmopolitan in their outlook. Unburdened by parochialism, or nationalism, or overt racial prejudice or strong religious sentiment, they are equally comfortable in New York or London or Shanghai or Nairobi or Buenos Aires, or Johannesburg. Many are sincere and effective in their philanthropy. Some of them count Nelson Mandela among their heroes. Some even supported Barack Obama for the presidency of the United States, and by virtue of my status as a former head of state, some of them consider me as an honorary member of the club. And I get invited to these fancy things, you know? They’ll fly me out...

But what’s nevertheless true is that in their business dealings, many titans of industry and finance are increasingly detached from any single locale or nation-state, and they live lives more and more insulated from the struggles of ordinary people in their countries of origin. And their decisions – their decisions to shut down a manufacturing plant, or to try to minimize their tax bill by shifting profits to a tax haven with the help of high-priced accountants or lawyers, or their decision to take advantage of lower-cost immigrant labor, or their decision to pay a bribe – are often done without malice; it’s just a rational response, they consider, to the demands of their balance sheets and their shareholders and competitive pressures.

But too often, these decisions are also made without reference to notions of human solidarity – or a ground-level understanding of the consequences that will be felt by particular people in particular communities by the decisions that are made. And from their board rooms or retreats, global decision-makers don’t get a chance to see sometimes the pain in the faces of laid-off workers. Their kids don’t suffer when cuts in public education and health care result as a consequence of a reduced tax base because of tax avoidance. They can’t hear the resentment of an older tradesman when he complains that a newcomer doesn’t speak his language on a job site where he once worked. They’re less subject to the discomfort and the displacement that some of their countrymen may feel as globalization scrambles not only existing economic arrangements, but traditional social and religious mores.

Which is why, at the end of the 20th century, while some Western commentators were declaring the end of history and the inevitable triumph of liberal democracy and the virtues of the global supply chain, so many missed signs of a brewing backlash – a backlash that arrived in so many forms. It announced itself most violently with 9/11 and the emergence of transnational terrorist networks, fueled by an ideology that perverted one of the world’s great religions and asserted a struggle not just between Islam and the West but between Islam and modernity, and an ill-advised U.S. invasion of Iraq didn’t help, accelerating a sectarian conflict. Russia, already humiliated by its reduced influence since the collapse of the Soviet Union, feeling threatened by democratic movements along its borders, suddenly started reasserting authoritarian control and in some cases meddling with its neighbors. China, emboldened by its economic success, started bristling against criticism of its human rights record; it framed the promotion of universal values as nothing more than foreign meddling, imperialism under a new name. Within the United States, within the European Union, challenges to globalization first came from the left but then came more forcefully from the right, as you started seeing populist movements – which, by the way, are often cynically funded by right-wing billionaires intent on reducing government constraints on their business interests – these movements tapped the unease that was felt by many people who lived outside of the urban cores; fears that economic security was slipping away, that their social status and privileges were eroding, that their cultural identities were being threatened by outsiders, somebody that didn’t look like them or sound like them or pray as they did....

'We Now Stand at a Crossroads.' Here's What Barack Obama Said During His First Big Speech Since He Left Office
Do you really think his speech meant that people who work hard shouldn't have a nice home in a good neighborhood? That is not the take away I got from it.
He chided people for excess and talked about how bad vast wealth difference is but also confirmed the $20 mil he made. If he is that concerned about the wealth difference, he should give his away at the same time he talks poorly of those that enjoy the spoils of wealth as he does.
I think he might have been making a point about how you spend that money and what you do to try and benefit the people who have nothing. He isn't wrong, you know. I don't see his home as being "excessive."
Really? Nine bedrooms for 4 people isn't excessive? How big is yours? How much is yours worth? His house is exactly what he was chiding people for. He doesn't live what he preaches. He always has been, is to this day and always will be a hypocrite.

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.

I wonder what George's house looks like above the basement where they keep him

I never knew he painted until he started showing them. He's pretty good too. I never agreed with his politics or his presidency, but there was always something likable about him.
^^^^ You guys asked for it. ^^^^^
As usual, Obama was thoughtful and precise in what he was saying. Not that we couldn't own a home with nine bedrooms if we had two kids and a lot of company.
Doubt if any of you will read it, but it's here and the link has the rest.

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