why common people don't believe the MSM or the Democrats! Obama's $8m home!

I think he might have been making a point about how you spend that money and what you do to try and benefit the people who have nothing. He isn't wrong, you know. I don't see his home as being "excessive."
Really? Nine bedrooms for 4 people isn't excessive? How big is yours? How much is yours worth? His house is exactly what he was chiding people for. He doesn't live what he preaches. He always has been, is to this day and always will be a hypocrite.

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.
Keep deflecting. I could care less what Trumps living room looks like. Interesting that when you run out of banter you have to go to the but...Trump defense. No where in the article was there a mention of Trump.

If you could care, then that means you DO care but if you couldn't care, than that means that you DON'T care.

Actually it's the other way 'round. The poster says he "could care less", meaning he does care and could turn it down if conditions permitted. That's what it means whether he knows it or not.

Of course we live in a world where now "would" means "wouldn't", so all bets are off on what could and couldn't mean.
I don’t care where anyone lives. I do care when the are hypocritical liars.
Obama continued on income inequality, saying, “History shows that societies which tolerate vast differences in wealth feed resentments and reduce solidarity and actually grow more slowly. And when economic power is concentrated in the hands of the few, history also shows that political power is sure to follow and that dynamic eats away at democracy.”

After the speech calling for rich people to get smaller houses, Obama traveled back to America and to his $8.1 million eight-bedroom, nine-and-a-half bathroom mansion in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the world.
Obama Attacks Wealthy For Big Houses Before Returning To His $8 Million MansionView attachment 206089
Obama advocated increased taxes on the wealthy....including himself
Trump cuts taxes on his rich buddies and pays for it by cutting benefits to the poor and working class

At a recent speech in South Africa, former President Barack Obama criticized wealth inequality, saying those who have more money should share their earnings with the less fortunate.

And then went home to his 8 million dollar home, that's what the thread is about.
Nothing wrong with an 8 million dollar Home. He earned it

He is not saying you can’t have an expensive home, but that if you do, you are capable of contributing more to society

He is willing to
So when is he going to start contributing? He can't even loan his half brother who lives in a tin shack $100.
Thank you for an entirely irrelevant post.
You cry about Obama's lavish home but literally Trump's home is made of gold. You are an idiot.

You stupid bastard

The point goes right over your head. The POINT is that he calls OTHERS out for having the very same lifestyle he lives. How can you guys be this dense?

No, the point goes right over your head. I too maybe burn more lightbulbs than I should. That doesn't mean I can't be for going green.

No one is calling anyone out for the lifestyle they have. No one is telling rich people to feel guilty about what they have. That's just Republicans stoking the class warfare embers.

LOL, no...that's what Obambi is doing.

Don't feel guilty. Just don't cry when we raise your taxes. Some people have to be forced to pay taxes. In fact all of us are. If allowed you would pay zero in taxes just like the masters you serve. Do you think Trump pays taxes? Well we never saw his taxes so I'm going to guess the answer is FUCK NO he doesn't pay his fair share not even close.
You should stay in the shallow end of the pool. Your little rant I’m sure meant something to you but not anyone with common sense.
I think he might have been making a point about how you spend that money and what you do to try and benefit the people who have nothing. He isn't wrong, you know. I don't see his home as being "excessive."
Really? Nine bedrooms for 4 people isn't excessive? How big is yours? How much is yours worth? His house is exactly what he was chiding people for. He doesn't live what he preaches. He always has been, is to this day and always will be a hypocrite.

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.
Keep deflecting. I could care less what Trumps living room looks like. Interesting that when you run out of banter you have to go to the but...Trump defense. No where in the article was there a mention of Trump.

If you could care, then that means you DO care but if you couldn't care, than that means that you DON'T care.

Actually it's the other way 'round. The poster says he "could care less", meaning he does care and could turn it down if conditions permitted. That's what it means whether he knows it or not.

Of course we live in a world where now "would" means "wouldn't", so all bets are off on what could and couldn't mean.
this from the person that brought us “ rocket surgery” in a previous post.
He chided people for excess and talked about how bad vast wealth difference is but also confirmed the $20 mil he made. If he is that concerned about the wealth difference, he should give his away at the same time he talks poorly of those that enjoy the spoils of wealth as he does.
I think he might have been making a point about how you spend that money and what you do to try and benefit the people who have nothing. He isn't wrong, you know. I don't see his home as being "excessive."
Really? Nine bedrooms for 4 people isn't excessive? How big is yours? How much is yours worth? His house is exactly what he was chiding people for. He doesn't live what he preaches. He always has been, is to this day and always will be a hypocrite.

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.
Keep deflecting. I could care less what Trumps living room looks like. Interesting that when you run out of banter you have to go to the but...Trump defense. No where in the article was there a mention of Trump.

If you could care, then that means you DO care but if you couldn't care, than that means that you DON'T care.
He chided people for excess and talked about how bad vast wealth difference is but also confirmed the $20 mil he made. If he is that concerned about the wealth difference, he should give his away at the same time he talks poorly of those that enjoy the spoils of wealth as he does.
I think he might have been making a point about how you spend that money and what you do to try and benefit the people who have nothing. He isn't wrong, you know. I don't see his home as being "excessive."
Really? Nine bedrooms for 4 people isn't excessive? How big is yours? How much is yours worth? His house is exactly what he was chiding people for. He doesn't live what he preaches. He always has been, is to this day and always will be a hypocrite.

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.

I wonder what George's house looks like above the basement where they keep him

He chided people for excess and talked about how bad vast wealth difference is but also confirmed the $20 mil he made. If he is that concerned about the wealth difference, he should give his away at the same time he talks poorly of those that enjoy the spoils of wealth as he does.
I think he might have been making a point about how you spend that money and what you do to try and benefit the people who have nothing. He isn't wrong, you know. I don't see his home as being "excessive."
Really? Nine bedrooms for 4 people isn't excessive? How big is yours? How much is yours worth? His house is exactly what he was chiding people for. He doesn't live what he preaches. He always has been, is to this day and always will be a hypocrite.

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.
Keep deflecting. I could care less what Trumps living room looks like. Interesting that when you run out of banter you have to go to the but...Trump defense. No where in the article was there a mention of Trump.
Then I couldn’t care less. Sorry to use a word incorrectly
Really? Nine bedrooms for 4 people isn't excessive? How big is yours? How much is yours worth? His house is exactly what he was chiding people for. He doesn't live what he preaches. He always has been, is to this day and always will be a hypocrite.

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.

I wonder what George's house looks like above the basement where they keep him
Thank you for an entirely irrelevant post.
You cry about Obama's lavish home but literally Trump's home is made of gold. You are an idiot.

You stupid bastard

The point goes right over your head. The POINT is that he calls OTHERS out for having the very same lifestyle he lives. How can you guys be this dense?
They have had years of practice.
Really? Nine bedrooms for 4 people isn't excessive? How big is yours? How much is yours worth? His house is exactly what he was chiding people for. He doesn't live what he preaches. He always has been, is to this day and always will be a hypocrite.

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.
Keep deflecting. I could care less what Trumps living room looks like. Interesting that when you run out of banter you have to go to the but...Trump defense. No where in the article was there a mention of Trump.

If you could care, then that means you DO care but if you couldn't care, than that means that you DON'T care.

Actually it's the other way 'round. The poster says he "could care less", meaning he does care and could turn it down if conditions permitted. That's what it means whether he knows it or not.

Of course we live in a world where now "would" means "wouldn't", so all bets are off on what could and couldn't mean.
this from the person that brought us “ rocket surgery” in a previous post.

Yeah you're welcome.
Feel free to recycle it. I did.
The picture in the OP is missing the wall he had built around his home..

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.

I wonder what George's house looks like above the basement where they keep him
Thank you for an entirely irrelevant post.
You cry about Obama's lavish home but literally Trump's home is made of gold. You are an idiot.

You stupid bastard

The point goes right over your head. The POINT is that he calls OTHERS out for having the very same lifestyle he lives. How can you guys be this dense?
They have had years of practice.

President Trump is the gravest threat to American democracy. The damage that the Russians have done to our democracy by meddling in our election is nothing compared to the damage our own president is doing to our democracy by attacking the Justice Department and by denigrating our press. I think he is doing enormous damage to our national security beyond anything the Russians could do to us. Trump spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin for two hours alone – with no other American officials in the room – and then, at a joint press conference, questioned the findings of the U.S. intelligence community that Russians had meddled in the U.S. election.

It’s a legitimate question. Has the president been compromised by the Russians? That’s one explanation for what seems obvious. Why would the president undermine NATO? Why would the president undermine Europe? Why would the president deny the obvious — that the Russians intervened in our election? It’s quite possible that the Russians have compromising material on him, that the Russians were laundering money through his businesses — and he knows that, and they know that… He certainly acts like a person who is compromised. Imagine Obama meeting with Putin alone for 2 hours. Hell, the Republicans didn’t even trust former President Bill Clinton talking to Loretta Lynch on an airplane but are ok with Trump meeting in secret/privacy with Vlad?

And any efforts to get any answers to these questions have been repeatedly obstructed by his Republican colleagues on the House Intelligence Committee, most recently this week when GOP staff instructed a witness not to show up for questioning about communications between the Trump campaign and a suspected Russian cutout. The witness, John Mashburn, a former top Trump campaign aide, was slated to be questioned by the committee this week and then backed out at the last minute. And he’s not the only witness Republicans have told not to show up. The Republicans have affirmatively worked to discourage them from sharing information with the committee. … Their goal is to protect the president at all costs.
Obama could re-distribute all his wealth to the poor voluntarily and lead by example, why doesn't he? Is Obama a hypocrite of the first order? A typical do as I say not as I do liberal?

You ridiculous Trumpbot....your messiah (Trump) is worth (supposedly) $10 billion. That is over 1,000 times more than Obama has. If he LOVES America SO much...why does he not give it all away to the poor?

Last edited:
I wonder what George's house looks like above the basement where they keep him
Thank you for an entirely irrelevant post.
You cry about Obama's lavish home but literally Trump's home is made of gold. You are an idiot.

You stupid bastard

The point goes right over your head. The POINT is that he calls OTHERS out for having the very same lifestyle he lives. How can you guys be this dense?
They have had years of practice.

President Trump is the gravest threat to American democracy. The damage that the Russians have done to our democracy by meddling in our election is nothing compared to the damage our own president is doing to our democracy by attacking the Justice Department and by denigrating our press. I think he is doing enormous damage to our national security beyond anything the Russians could do to us. Trump spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin for two hours alone – with no other American officials in the room – and then, at a joint press conference, questioned the findings of the U.S. intelligence community that Russians had meddled in the U.S. election.

It’s a legitimate question. Has the president been compromised by the Russians? That’s one explanation for what seems obvious. Why would the president undermine NATO? Why would the president undermine Europe? Why would the president deny the obvious — that the Russians intervened in our election? It’s quite possible that the Russians have compromising material on him, that the Russians were laundering money through his businesses — and he knows that, and they know that… He certainly acts like a person who is compromised. Imagine Obama meeting with Putin alone for 2 hours. Hell, the Republicans didn’t even trust former President Bill Clinton talking to Loretta Lynch on an airplane but are ok with Trump meeting in secret/privacy with Vlad?

And any efforts to get any answers to these questions have been repeatedly obstructed by his Republican colleagues on the House Intelligence Committee, most recently this week when GOP staff instructed a witness not to show up for questioning about communications between the Trump campaign and a suspected Russian cutout. The witness, John Mashburn, a former top Trump campaign aide, was slated to be questioned by the committee this week and then backed out at the last minute. And he’s not the only witness Republicans have told not to show up. The Republicans have affirmatively worked to discourage them from sharing information with the committee. … Their goal is to protect the president at all costs.
I’m sure that is an answer to something or appropriate in some thread somewhere, but not here. This is about Obama and his silly speech. Stay on subject Jr.
Obama could re-distribute all his wealth to the poor voluntarily and lead by example, why doesn't he? Is Obama a hypocrite of the first order? A typical do as I say not as I do liberal?

You fucking Trumpbot idiot....your messiah (Trump) is worth (supposedly) $10 billion. That is over 1,000 times more than Obama has. If he LOVES America SO much...why does he not give it all away to the poor.


Here's a great example. A guy like Obama understands why the death tax is right. When Trump dies, why should his kids get 8 billion dollars? The government should get 4 and his kids should get 4.

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Read this if you don't think that's fair. If you want to do away with the death tax so that people like Paris Hilton's grandkids become our countries future leaders, then keep voting Republican.

And keep blaming Democrats for the gap between the rich and poor growing, all while you ignore things like Trump's tax bill that WIDENED the gap. Or doing away with the death tax. Then believe Republicans when they say it's Democrats fault.
Obama continued on income inequality, saying, “History shows that societies which tolerate vast differences in wealth feed resentments and reduce solidarity and actually grow more slowly. And when economic power is concentrated in the hands of the few, history also shows that political power is sure to follow and that dynamic eats away at democracy.”

After the speech calling for rich people to get smaller houses, Obama traveled back to America and to his $8.1 million eight-bedroom, nine-and-a-half bathroom mansion in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the world.
Obama Attacks Wealthy For Big Houses Before Returning To His $8 Million MansionView attachment 206089

Beautiful house.

I wonder if everything on the inside is covered in gold
Here's a great example. A guy like Obama understands why the death tax is right. When Trump dies, why should his kids get 8 billion dollars? ...

Because he fucking earned it and he should be able to leave it to anyone that he wants. He is wealthy today because of his grandma's business, no reason that should not pass to his kids and their kids and their kids.

Why the fuck does the Govt deserve half of it just because he died?

That is just stupid
Obama continued on income inequality, saying, “History shows that societies which tolerate vast differences in wealth feed resentments and reduce solidarity and actually grow more slowly. And when economic power is concentrated in the hands of the few, history also shows that political power is sure to follow and that dynamic eats away at democracy.”

After the speech calling for rich people to get smaller houses, Obama traveled back to America and to his $8.1 million eight-bedroom, nine-and-a-half bathroom mansion in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the world.
Obama Attacks Wealthy For Big Houses Before Returning To His $8 Million MansionView attachment 206089

There are a lot more expensive neighborhoods in the world asshole.
Obama could re-distribute all his wealth to the poor voluntarily and lead by example, why doesn't he? Is Obama a hypocrite of the first order? A typical do as I say not as I do liberal?

You fucking Trumpbot idiot....your messiah (Trump) is worth (supposedly) $10 billion. That is over 1,000 times more than Obama has. If he LOVES America SO much...why does he not give it all away to the poor?

Because no one is obligated to give their money to the poor. Obama on the other hand preaches to give it away and keeps it. Do you see the difference?
Obama continued on income inequality, saying, “History shows that societies which tolerate vast differences in wealth feed resentments and reduce solidarity and actually grow more slowly. And when economic power is concentrated in the hands of the few, history also shows that political power is sure to follow and that dynamic eats away at democracy.”

After the speech calling for rich people to get smaller houses, Obama traveled back to America and to his $8.1 million eight-bedroom, nine-and-a-half bathroom mansion in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the world.
Obama Attacks Wealthy For Big Houses Before Returning To His $8 Million MansionView attachment 206089

There are a lot more expensive neighborhoods in the world asshole.
Obama continued on income inequality, saying, “History shows that societies which tolerate vast differences in wealth feed resentments and reduce solidarity and actually grow more slowly. And when economic power is concentrated in the hands of the few, history also shows that political power is sure to follow and that dynamic eats away at democracy.”

After the speech calling for rich people to get smaller houses, Obama traveled back to America and to his $8.1 million eight-bedroom, nine-and-a-half bathroom mansion in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the world.
Obama Attacks Wealthy For Big Houses Before Returning To His $8 Million MansionView attachment 206089

There are a lot more expensive neighborhoods in the world asshole.
not the point moron. How can you people be this obtuse?
Obama continued on income inequality, saying, “History shows that societies which tolerate vast differences in wealth feed resentments and reduce solidarity and actually grow more slowly. And when economic power is concentrated in the hands of the few, history also shows that political power is sure to follow and that dynamic eats away at democracy.”

After the speech calling for rich people to get smaller houses, Obama traveled back to America and to his $8.1 million eight-bedroom, nine-and-a-half bathroom mansion in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the world.
Obama Attacks Wealthy For Big Houses Before Returning To His $8 Million MansionView attachment 206089
Obama advocated increased taxes on the wealthy....including himself
Trump cuts taxes on his rich buddies and pays for it by cutting benefits to the poor and working class

At a recent speech in South Africa, former President Barack Obama criticized wealth inequality, saying those who have more money should share their earnings with the less fortunate.

And then went home to his 8 million dollar home, that's what the thread is about.
What should he do? Don't say that they should give their fortunes away. That's stupid. What he is advocating is that he and everyone else as rich as he is pay more. What's wrong with that? That will help. That will work. But you want to focus on one single guy.

Boy this is exactly the Al Gore card. You guys did this to Al Gore. He couldn't be for Global warming because he has 5 homes and burns a lot of electricity.

Are you stupid or praying on stupid?
You really make no point at all. As usual yout takevon what he said is incorrect. He ( Obama ) is a monumental hypocrite.
Obama could re-distribute all his wealth to the poor voluntarily and lead by example, why doesn't he? Is Obama a hypocrite of the first order? A typical do as I say not as I do liberal?

You fucking Trumpbot idiot....your messiah (Trump) is worth (supposedly) $10 billion. That is over 1,000 times more than Obama has. If he LOVES America SO much...why does he not give it all away to the poor?

Trump never claim the rich should give away their money. Obama the hypocrite did. Why do you assholes believe Republicans are obligated to live up to your phoney ideals?

No, this is more what he was talking about. Looks more like the Trump's living room, to be honest.

I wonder what George's house looks like above the basement where they keep him
Thank you for an entirely irrelevant post.
You cry about Obama's lavish home but literally Trump's home is made of gold. You are an idiot.

You stupid bastard

The point goes right over your head. The POINT is that he calls OTHERS out for having the very same lifestyle he lives. How can you guys be this dense?

No, the point goes right over your head. I too maybe burn more lightbulbs than I should. That doesn't mean I can't be for going green.

No one is calling anyone out for the lifestyle they have. No one is telling rich people to feel guilty about what they have. That's just Republicans stoking the class warfare embers.
It would s Obama stoking the fire. My God open your ears and mind!

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