Why Connor Lamb Won

And if the Dems re-take congress and propose things like weapon bans he will caucus with his party, and be tossed out on he ass the cycle after that.

They portrayed him as a moderate, but we all know dems take party over people.

LOL- coming from the party that attacks dedicated party members like McCain if they dare step out of the narrow path of GOP Trumpism that is rich.

Your response does nothing to refute my statement, dippy.

My response just shows how hypocritical it is for you to attack the Democrats for acting the same way the Repubs act.

Attempted Tu Quo Que fallacy. Try again.

And my accusation is he will run to the party over the leaning conservative constituency when push comes to shove.

He will say he supports background checks, but vote to ban "scary guns"

And your accusation is based entirely upon your own partisan bias.

Note- that Lamb doesn't claim to be a Conservative- he claims to be a moderate- and has laid out what he is for and what he is not for.

Of course it is possible that he will blow with the wind like Trump.
Like all pols, and people, he won't be entirely consistent, but his family has been in politics for a couple of generations, so I think what you see is pretty much what he is.
LOL- coming from the party that attacks dedicated party members like McCain if they dare step out of the narrow path of GOP Trumpism that is rich.

Your response does nothing to refute my statement, dippy.

My response just shows how hypocritical it is for you to attack the Democrats for acting the same way the Repubs act.

Attempted Tu Quo Que fallacy. Try again.

And my accusation is he will run to the party over the leaning conservative constituency when push comes to shove.

He will say he supports background checks, but vote to ban "scary guns"

And your accusation is based entirely upon your own partisan bias.

Note- that Lamb doesn't claim to be a Conservative- he claims to be a moderate- and has laid out what he is for and what he is not for.

Of course it is possible that he will blow with the wind like Trump.
Like all pols, and people, he won't be entirely consistent, but his family has been in politics for a couple of generations, so I think what you see is pretty much what he is.

Stop being rational and reasonable- that kind of talk has no place here at USMB!

How many points in my OP list does Trump support?
Lamb is for Trump's tariffs he is a member of the NRA he promised to work with Trump he supports Trump's tax cuts and said he liked the Judge Trump appointed to the Supreme court and he is strongly against sanctuary cities and supports deportation of illegal alien criminals...And he supports the wall...

I guess you have to kowtow to ignorant people. While he is a member of the NRA, whether he is 100% extremist is unknown. He probably would not support a ban on assault weapons but whether he would support banning bump stocks or raising the age of owning a rifle is unknown. He supports the middle class tax cuts but he does not support the giveaways to the rich. He said he would support good ideas. Immigration was not a issue so his stance is unknown.
I don't think most of that had anything to do with his win. That's just the reality you want.
I’m just listing the facts. I know they confuse you.
But you’re right there was another major reason. The strong anti Trump sentiment even in coal and steel country.

He was appointed to that race, and did not have to compete against the regular, left wing extremists....

He ran as a pro-life, pro-gun, against an assault weapon ban, for Trump's tariffs, never attacked or insulted Trump, attacked nancy pelosi......he supports coal and fracking.....

He ran as a Trump republican.

He did not. He supported middle class tax cuts but did not support what he called a giveaway to the rich. He supports fixing Obamacare not repealing it and criticized Republicans for skyrocketing premiums. He did not run as a pro-lifer. He ran as being personally against abortion but supporting abortion rights.

You can turn the spin off. This was not good news for Republicans.
You see, while Saccone won most of the district, Lamb won the part that counted, the high population always blue upper middle area in Allegheny County where the democrats always win.

View attachment 182724

Even at that, he only won by a mere 627 votes and that might not hold (though unlikely). Part of what worked against Saccone wasn't that Lamb will fight Trump (what a stupid suggestion, see below), but the recent school shootings and Saccone's being seen as a strong ally to the NRA. Though the NRA bears no blame, the liberal media made it a public perception and people didn't want to be seen as siding against the kids. It's an empty victory because the Supreme Court is forcing Pa to redraw all of its boundaries this fall so to those who think this was a sign of fighting against Trump, it will only be one for less than 8 more months when Lamb will lose his district and will have to start the battle all over again. If the public sees that Lamb wasn't sincere in his promises of being a much more central moderate democrat, his support is going to vanish.

It is hardly a empty victory. It provides more data points and shows that the suburbs are a big problem for the GOP as it was in New Jersey, Virginia and Alabama. Lamb won because he won big in the suburbs and cut into the blue collar vote. Even 1 GOP consultant tweeted that a congressional district that has a suburban component will be problematic for the GOP.
Conor Lamb won because:

1. He'll oppose Trump
Or he will go along if trump compromises which he will if you believe what he wrote in his book.

Trumps the most liberal republican since reagan

I actually thought that might be the case- but frankly it is not true.

Trump has nominated the most conservative judges and cabinet appointees of any President in memory.

Other than tariff's, he pretty much goes right down the conservative agenda.

That is not true. The trouble is that the so-called conservative movement has changed. It appeals to far right extremists. The conservative movement under Reagan was optimistic and about ideas. Reagan strongly supported the EITC as a way to help people who work and are in poverty. Republican ideas are kicking people off of a program and letting them fend for themselves. Reagan never attacked anyone personally and never used profanity. Reagan was a humble man whereas Trump goes to a rally for another candidate and spends 98% of the speech congratulating himself and saying all sorts of crazy things.
LOL! Lamb went around the district praising Trump, claiming to be pro-gun, saying he would not cow-tow to Nancy Pelosi, etc. Even CNN admitted that he campaigned "to the center-right."
Conor Lamb campaigned:
1. For universal health care
2. Against Trump’s tax cut
3. For expanded background checks
4. For stronger unions
5. Against cuts to Social Security
6. For a woman’s right to choose
7. For medical marijuana

And for the 2nd Amendment and Anti Nancy Pelosi.

Lamb comes across more as a moderate Blue Dog Democrat, the type that is not at all common in most blue states these days (especially on both coasts).
It is hardly a empty victory. It provides more data points and shows that the suburbs are a big problem for the GOP . Lamb won because he won big in the suburbs and cut into the blue collar vote.

Suburbs! You haven't a CLUE what you are talking about as usual. Here is a map of the breakdown of Lamb's District:

Screen Shot 2018-03-15 at 3.17.47 AM.png

The area where he won wasn't the suburbs, the blue ring is roughly the city limits and those townships immediately adjoining. The GOP and Saccone won nearly all of the suburbs, no problem at all, it was the high population city and urban areas that the Dems have always controlled that got Lamb elected. In other words, these areas voted just the same for Lamb and Saccone as they had for Trump and Hillary. The blue areas above were all for Hillary and Sanders, and the red areas were all for Trump. Nothing has changed. The key factor here was TWO THINGS, low turnout for Saccone because he wasn't very appealing nor well advertised (Lamb commercials were like 10:1 for Lamb), and because of about 1300 idiot votes cast for an unknown independent libertarian skewed by the anti-gun crowd.
LOL! Lamb went around the district praising Trump, claiming to be pro-gun, saying he would not cow-tow to Nancy Pelosi, etc. Even CNN admitted that he campaigned "to the center-right."
The GOP spent $13 million running ads against Lamb saying he's a tool of Nancy Pelosi. After Saccone/ Trump's humiliating loss they tried to paint him as a trump supporter. Lol
It is hardly a empty victory. It provides more data points and shows that the suburbs are a big problem for the GOP . Lamb won because he won big in the suburbs and cut into the blue collar vote.

Suburbs! You haven't a CLUE what you are talking about as usual. Here is a map of the breakdown of Lamb's District:

View attachment 182852

The area where he won wasn't the suburbs, the blue ring is roughly the city limits and those townships immediately adjoining. The GOP and Saccone won nearly all of the suburbs, no problem at all, it was the high population city and urban areas that the Dems have always controlled that got Lamb elected. In other words, these areas voted just the same for Lamb and Saccone as they had for Trump and Hillary. The blue areas above were all for Hillary and Sanders, and the red areas were all for Trump. Nothing has changed. The key factor here was TWO THINGS, low turnout for Saccone because he wasn't very appealing nor well advertised (Lamb commercials were like 10:1 for Lamb), and because of about 1300 idiot votes cast for an unknown independent libertarian skewed by the anti-gun crowd.
I know that area real well. The medium house price there is like $150,000. It's big time middle class suburbs with a few strip malls to boot
No, Lamb is an intelligent person, no where near an idiot like the treason Trump. Lamb actually served
Lamb is in favor of Trump's wall, tax cuts, terriffs, and he wants an end to sanctuary cities, and he is against new gun laws...he is for enforcing the ones we have...don't believe me look it up...I did and was very surprised...the way he sounded in his speeches would have gotten him my vote....
Conor Lamb campaigned:
1. For universal health care
2. Against Trump’s tax cut
3. For expanded background checks
4. For stronger unions
5. Against cuts to Social Security
6. For a woman’s right to choose
7. For medical marijuana

And for the 2nd Amendment and Anti Nancy Pelosi.

Lamb comes across more as a moderate Blue Dog Democrat, the type that is not at all common in most blue states these days (especially on both coasts).
Most of us liberals are pro 2nd
No, Lamb is an intelligent person, no where near an idiot like the treason Trump. Lamb actually served
Lamb is in favor of Trump's wall, tax cuts, terriffs, and he wants an end to sanctuary cities, and he is against new gun laws...he is for enforcing the ones we have...don't believe me look it up...I did and was very surprised...the way he sounded in his speeches would have gotten him my vote....
Yep. He won by hiding his dim credentials and running as a Republican
LOL! Lamb went around the district praising Trump, claiming to be pro-gun, saying he would not cow-tow to Nancy Pelosi, etc. Even CNN admitted that he campaigned "to the center-right."

Lamb didn't mention Trump one way or the other. He also criticized the tax cuts for the rich. He also supported fixing Obamacare and blamed Republicans for the skyrocketing insurance rates. On some issues he was center right on other issues he was center left.
It is hardly a empty victory. It provides more data points and shows that the suburbs are a big problem for the GOP . Lamb won because he won big in the suburbs and cut into the blue collar vote.

Suburbs! You haven't a CLUE what you are talking about as usual. Here is a map of the breakdown of Lamb's District:

View attachment 182852

The area where he won wasn't the suburbs, the blue ring is roughly the city limits and those townships immediately adjoining. The GOP and Saccone won nearly all of the suburbs, no problem at all, it was the high population city and urban areas that the Dems have always controlled that got Lamb elected. In other words, these areas voted just the same for Lamb and Saccone as they had for Trump and Hillary. The blue areas above were all for Hillary and Sanders, and the red areas were all for Trump. Nothing has changed. The key factor here was TWO THINGS, low turnout for Saccone because he wasn't very appealing nor well advertised (Lamb commercials were like 10:1 for Lamb), and because of about 1300 idiot votes cast for an unknown independent libertarian skewed by the anti-gun crowd.

Scott Wong‏Verified account @scottwongDC Mar 13
Senior GOP aide: "This should be a wake up call for all GOP candidates. Any district that touches the suburbs, regardless of Trump victory margins, are in play." #PA18

Alleghany borders Pittsburgh but does not go into the city. Things did change. Lamb did better than Clinton everywhere. The turnout was fairly decent with 220,000 people voting vs around 289,000 in 2016. It appears that people that wanted to vote for the Democrat were more motivated than people who wanted to vote for Republicans which is consistent with Virginia, NJ and even Alabama. The Republicans poured $10 million into the race. That was far more than Lamb and his supporters. They threw everything in the book at him. Libertarians are not necessarily Republicans. I voted independent in 2016 as well.
No, Lamb is an intelligent person, no where near an idiot like the treason Trump. Lamb actually served
Lamb is in favor of Trump's wall, tax cuts, terriffs, and he wants an end to sanctuary cities, and he is against new gun laws...he is for enforcing the ones we have...don't believe me look it up...I did and was very surprised...the way he sounded in his speeches would have gotten him my vote....

I suggest that you need to look it up. He supported the middle class tax cuts but excoriated tax cuts for the rich. He supported fixing Obamacare and correctly blamed Republicans for skyrocketing insurance rates. Also on gun laws, he also did not comment on ideas like banning bump stocks or raising the age limit to 21 to buy rifles.

Are you on Paul Ryan's payroll? That is the spin. He is now a conservative despite the fact Republicans spent $10 million saying he was a liberal. If you keep spinning, you are going to get dizzy.

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