Why Conservatism is inherently evil

Conservatives block every measure that would improve the life of the many. And they still use the word "freedom" as a bogus fig leaf. Conservatives worship money not God.
It's not 1935 anymore, dimwit. Why are you using the words of a nineteenth century born party leader to mischaracterize conservatism?

I guess because it's an easy way to "win" a debate. You simply pick a time half a century back, or more, and pretend
that's what conservatism is! Then you argue against that false picture you've presented.

Dishonest AF! Stupid AF! A losing argument to be sure.
Conservatism is inherently evil because its dogma is predicated on fear of change, diversity, and inclusion
Been on a college campus in the last twenty years?
No. Of course not. You've noted exactly the academic and intellectual vacuum colleges are locked in and call it

Conservatism is inherently evil because it is fundamentally authoritarian, seeking to compel conformity and punish dissent.
Like they do in Berkeley or Harvard?

Conservatism is inherently evil because it advocates denying freedom and individual liberty to those perceived to be different or a threat.
Jesus....you live in a time warp bubble! Rarely have I seen a more hilariously unintended ironic commentary on our leftist dominated society today. Dumb AF!
Easy Daily Observation:
1 When the Liberals make everyone equal for social justice they just destroy the middle
2 Liberals create ghettos
3 Socialist have murdered millions
4 Amoral cultures self-destruct
None of you can refute Mr Atlees statement You just indulge in puerile personal abuse.
Why don t you go ahead and tell me where he is wrong ?
Conservatives block every measure that would improve the life of the many. And they still use the word "freedom" as a bogus fig leaf. Conservatives worship money not God.

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You're fulla prunes, Tommy. Christ used money often in his parables. His man paid men the same wages for doing an hour's worth of work a day's wages so their families wouldn't starve. The 8-hour guys were mad. Christ pointed out that he could do what he wanted because it was his money to choose. And he was right. If you work hard and earn money, it's yours to use as you see fit. Christ, of course, would like us to use our money to benefit those who have mouths to feed but have no other resources.

The use of money to support terrorists is never good, and the withholding of money for humanitarian purposes stinks like an overused outhouse in summer. The Democrats get the skunk pelt dishonor they earned by being total jerks and blaming President Trump for their own mischief in the most blatant use of projection the word suggests. :rolleyes:
There is one little thing that you left out, if you don't mind I'll add to it.
Christ also pointed out that the first to be hired agreed to what they were paid. Just like the last also agree to what they were paid.
Easy Daily Observation:
1 When the Liberals make everyone equal for social justice they just destroy the middle
2 Liberals create ghettos
3 Socialist have murdered millions
4 Amoral cultures self-destruct
“An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects”

― Martin Luther
Conservatives block every measure that would improve the life of the many. And they still use the word "freedom" as a bogus fig leaf. Conservatives worship money not God.

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You stupid

None of you can refute Mr Atlees statement You just indulge in puerile personal abuse.
Why don t you go ahead and tell me where he is wrong ?
That's easy. The rape of 11 year-olds takes away their freedom .

You are all about trying to facilitate the rape of even MORE 11 year olds and have always responded with glee any time the objection to such is criminalized.

Rape takes away one freedom and incarceratring people who object takes away another.
You’re a idiot and the in my meme is too. I’m Conservative and I worship God not money. Well there goes his theory. Pretty wide stoke of the brush wouldn’t you say.

Meanwhile most liberal left is all about freedom to sin. I mean y’all are sick.
bigrebnc1775 said:
Did you hear the lastest? Bernie Sanders is not paying his people a "living" wage lol
And He's Going To Have To Cut Their Hours....
End Result Of Prog Policies

Microcosm Of A Prog Economy
Conservatives worship money not God. Every single step forward for the working man has been opposed by conservatives who sleep with their wallets under their pillows.
Nye Bevan had it nailed. He was part of the Atlee government that fucked off Churchill and his toff mates after the war. It probably applies to trump as well.

Conservatives worship money not God. Every single step forward for the working man has been opposed by conservatives who sleep with their wallets under their pillows.
Nye Bevan had it nailed. He was part of the Atlee government that fucked off Churchill and his toff mates after the war. It probably applies to trump as well.

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Every single step forward for the working man has been opposed by conservatives who sleep with their wallets under their pillows.

How else are we gonna keep you labor twats from stealing our wallets?

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