Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

Oldstyle, you are not fooling anyone, your intentional ignorance of the agenda your side has thwarted, that would have gone a long way to help this economy, your intentional ignorance isnt fooling anyone

It makes you a terrorist, intentionally harming the economy

some of us will not forget that you intentionally harmed our economy, sought to kill social security, etc

some of us will never forget that

Stopping more wasteful Obama spending makes one a terrorist?

facts about what guys, that Obama has worked overtime to save the economy while baggers have worked just as hard to destroy it so they could blame him

you do know the entire planet knows that is what is happening, i hope

How long did it take you to get here from this planet of yours?
When will you be going back?
Why conservatives are obsessed with Obama's college grades: 4 theories - The Week

1. Conservatives want to paint Obama as a dumb, affirmative-action fraud...

If the shoe fits...

2. Conservatives are obsessed with "vetting" Obama...

Well, if the lamestream media isn't going to do its job...

3. This is just birtherism warmed over...

Even without the BC, there is evidence that Boiking was born Hawai'i...Thus far, he has spent 7 figures keeping his college records hush-hush...If he's so brilliant, why not brag about it?

4. The Right is desperate to distract from Romney's taxes...

Romney's taxes are nothing more than a diversion from Boiking's shit record over the last 3 1/2 years...Desperation indeed.


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This is from a letter President Obama wrote regarding all the controversy surrounding his selection as an editor of the Harvard Law Review:

Since the merits of the Law Review’s selection policy has been the subject of commentary for the last three issues, I’d like to take the time to clarify exactly how our selection process works.

As our Treasurer, Lisa Hay, explained in your first article on our selection policy (October 12th), all students who wish to become editors of the Law Review participate in a writing competition at the end of their first year. The entire writing competition is conducted on a double-blind basis, to ensure absolute anonymity. Each submission is graded by at least three different Review editors to help decrease the effects that any particular editor’s subjective opinions may have on the final scores.

Full Transcript of Obama Law Review Letter To the Editor….. | The Last Refuge

I hope people take the time to read the entire letter. The selection process is a blind process. Also, I did a little research on Harvard Law School, and it was very interesting. You cannot get in or stay in without excellent grades. All this bull about Obama's grades being bad are ridiculous.


Although a paragraph from this letter was excerpted in David Remnick's biography of Obama, The Bridge, I had not seen the letter in its entirety before this week. Not surprisingly, it confirms everything I know about Barack Obama, the writer and thinker.

Obama was prompted to write by an earlier letter from a Mr. Jim Chen that criticized Harvard Law Review's affirmative action policies. Specifically, Chen had argued that affirmative action stigmatized its presumed beneficiaries.

The response is classic Obama: patronizing, dishonest, syntactically muddled, and grammatically challenged. In the very first sentence Obama leads with his signature failing, one on full display in his earlier published work: his inability to make subject and predicate agree.

"Since the merits of the Law Review's selection policy has been the subject of commentary for the last three issues," wrote Obama, "I'd like to take the time to clarify exactly how our selection process works."

If Obama were as smart as a fifth-grader, he would know, of course, that "merits ... have." Were there such a thing as a literary Darwin Award, Obama could have won it on this on one sentence alone. He had vindicated Chen in his first ten words.

Although the letter is fewer than a thousand words long, Obama repeats the subject-predicate error at least two more times. In one sentence, he seemingly cannot make up his mind as to which verb option is correct so he tries both: "Approximately half of this first batch is chosen ... the other half are selected ... "

Read more: Articles: Early Obama Letter Confirms Inability to Write

That is so ridiculous that you should be embarrassed. And your source??? The American Thinker!!!! :D
Still waiting, Winger...

How is it that you folks want us to give a second term to a person that you can't provide credible reasons for having a first term?

Name some accomplishments by Barry as a lawyer, a college lecturer or as a legislator! Because if you CAN'T? Then why on earth do you want this "sham" to sit in the Oval Office for another four years? Do you think he's going to wake up one morning and MAGICALLY have learned leadership skills?

Are you really that lame?

Accomplishments from 20 years ago?

Let's go with accomplishments as PRESIDENT of the United States

Stopped a depression
Passed the first universal healthcare in 75 years of trying
Passed START nuclear disarmament
Passed credit and financial reform
Saved the auto industry
Saved the financial sector
Ended the war in Iraq
Killed 22 of the top leadership of Al Qaeda
Killed the SOB bin Laden
Repealed DADT

What have Republicans accomplished in the last 4 years?

Oh yea....they protected tax cuts for billionaires
Still waiting, Winger...

How is it that you folks want us to give a second term to a person that you can't provide credible reasons for having a first term?

Name some accomplishments by Barry as a lawyer, a college lecturer or as a legislator! Because if you CAN'T? Then why on earth do you want this "sham" to sit in the Oval Office for another four years? Do you think he's going to wake up one morning and MAGICALLY have learned leadership skills?

Are you really that lame?

Accomplishments from 20 years ago?

Let's go with accomplishments as PRESIDENT of the United States

Stopped a depression
Passed the first universal healthcare in 75 years of trying
Passed START nuclear disarmament
Passed credit and financial reform
Saved the auto industry
Saved the financial sector
Ended the war in Iraq
Killed 22 of the top leadership of Al Qaeda
Killed the SOB bin Laden
Repealed DADT

What have Republicans accomplished in the last 4 years?

Oh yea....they protected tax cuts for billionaires

So you're basically admitting that you can't find ANYTHING that Barry did from the time he left Harvard Law until the time he became President that fits the description "exceptional" and rather than even try you've attempted to shift the topic of discussion to a list of Obama "accomplishments" since BECOMING President? Thank you for bolstering my contention, Winger!
This is from a letter President Obama wrote regarding all the controversy surrounding his selection as an editor of the Harvard Law Review:

Since the merits of the Law Review’s selection policy has been the subject of commentary for the last three issues, I’d like to take the time to clarify exactly how our selection process works.

As our Treasurer, Lisa Hay, explained in your first article on our selection policy (October 12th), all students who wish to become editors of the Law Review participate in a writing competition at the end of their first year. The entire writing competition is conducted on a double-blind basis, to ensure absolute anonymity. Each submission is graded by at least three different Review editors to help decrease the effects that any particular editor’s subjective opinions may have on the final scores.

Full Transcript of Obama Law Review Letter To the Editor….. | The Last Refuge

I hope people take the time to read the entire letter. The selection process is a blind process. Also, I did a little research on Harvard Law School, and it was very interesting. You cannot get in or stay in without excellent grades. All this bull about Obama's grades being bad are ridiculous.


Although a paragraph from this letter was excerpted in David Remnick's biography of Obama, The Bridge, I had not seen the letter in its entirety before this week. Not surprisingly, it confirms everything I know about Barack Obama, the writer and thinker.

Obama was prompted to write by an earlier letter from a Mr. Jim Chen that criticized Harvard Law Review's affirmative action policies. Specifically, Chen had argued that affirmative action stigmatized its presumed beneficiaries.

The response is classic Obama: patronizing, dishonest, syntactically muddled, and grammatically challenged. In the very first sentence Obama leads with his signature failing, one on full display in his earlier published work: his inability to make subject and predicate agree.

"Since the merits of the Law Review's selection policy has been the subject of commentary for the last three issues," wrote Obama, "I'd like to take the time to clarify exactly how our selection process works."

If Obama were as smart as a fifth-grader, he would know, of course, that "merits ... have." Were there such a thing as a literary Darwin Award, Obama could have won it on this on one sentence alone. He had vindicated Chen in his first ten words.

Although the letter is fewer than a thousand words long, Obama repeats the subject-predicate error at least two more times. In one sentence, he seemingly cannot make up his mind as to which verb option is correct so he tries both: "Approximately half of this first batch is chosen ... the other half are selected ... "

Read more: Articles: Early Obama Letter Confirms Inability to Write

That is so ridiculous that you should be embarrassed. And your source??? The American Thinker!!!! :D

What's telling about the Obama letter is that it DOES contain so many mistakes in grammar. Lawyers make their living from the proper use of words. One would think that in a letter responding to someone questioning his qualifications that Barry would have proof read what he was putting into the public record. That he allowed THAT letter to be published over his signature goes a long way towards proving Mr. Chen's point that the new President of the Law Review wasn't qualified to hold that post.
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Which Romney should reply that people should look at thier OWN tax returns after 4 years under Obama. It will make a great soundbite.

Most Americans have lower taxes under Obama yet still pay a higher effective tax rate than Romney

Why does some guy digging a ditch pay more of his income in taxes than Presidential wannabe Romney?

So if the democrats and you thought it was sooooooo important of an issue, then why didn't the democrats, when they held huge majorities in the House and Senate, not change the laws and make those rich folks, like Romney, pay higher effective tax breaks?

They tried. When the Bush tax cuts were about to sunset the Dems pushed to extend them with the exception of income earned over 250k. The GOP threw a shit fit and tied unemployment benefits to the train tracks to stop it from happening.
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Even without the BC, there is evidence that Boiking was born Hawai'i...Thus far, he has spent 7 figures keeping his college records hush-hush...If he's so brilliant, why not brag about it?

Hm Maybe because he has spent millions hiding ALL his records...if ya got nothing to hide lets see them.
Even though this GOP scripted lie has been debunked long ago, it is amazing just how many mindless morons still are stupid enough to parrot it in a public forum!!!
Even without the BC, there is evidence that Boiking was born Hawai'i...Thus far, he has spent 7 figures keeping his college records hush-hush...If he's so brilliant, why not brag about it?

Hm Maybe because he has spent millions hiding ALL his records...if ya got nothing to hide lets see them.
Even though this GOP scripted lie has been debunked long ago, it is amazing just how many mindless morons still are stupid enough to parrot it in a public forum!!!

Liars gotta lie, man!

FactCheck.org : Obama’s ‘Sealed’ Records
Still waiting, Winger...

How is it that you folks want us to give a second term to a person that you can't provide credible reasons for having a first term?

Name some accomplishments by Barry as a lawyer, a college lecturer or as a legislator! Because if you CAN'T? Then why on earth do you want this "sham" to sit in the Oval Office for another four years? Do you think he's going to wake up one morning and MAGICALLY have learned leadership skills?

Are you really that lame?

Accomplishments from 20 years ago?

Let's go with accomplishments as PRESIDENT of the United States

Stopped a depression
Passed the first universal healthcare in 75 years of trying
Passed START nuclear disarmament
Passed credit and financial reform
Saved the auto industry
Saved the financial sector
Ended the war in Iraq
Killed 22 of the top leadership of Al Qaeda
Killed the SOB bin Laden
Repealed DADT

What have Republicans accomplished in the last 4 years?

Oh yea....they protected tax cuts for billionaires

So you're basically admitting that you can't find ANYTHING that Barry did from the time he left Harvard Law until the time he became President that fits the description "exceptional" and rather than even try you've attempted to shift the topic of discussion to a list of Obama "accomplishments" since BECOMING President? Thank you for bolstering my contention, Winger!

Nobody seal records for no reason.

If there is nothing in those transcripts thats detremental to Barry then why are they sealed??

Again. Nobody seals records for the hell of it.
Which Romney should reply that people should look at thier OWN tax returns after 4 years under Obama. It will make a great soundbite.

Most Americans have lower taxes under Obama yet still pay a higher effective tax rate than Romney

Why does some guy digging a ditch pay more of his income in taxes than Presidential wannabe Romney?

So if the democrats and you thought it was sooooooo important of an issue, then why didn't the democrats, when they held huge majorities in the House and Senate, not change the laws and make those rich folks, like Romney, pay higher effective tax breaks?

Because they're all just blowing hot air....
They're ONLY saying they want higher taxes on the rich to make their followers believe they're on their side. They don't want taxes raised on themselves anymore than anyone else does! They're full of bullshit and the poor lefties are believing every word.....

And now this way they can put ALL the blame on the right. It's all those evil conservatives doing this...THEY'RE the ones that won't change the law.

Hey Dems! You're leaders are blowing smoke up your ass and you're loving it! Idiots!
Romney's response - None of your fucking business, pissant.

So you dont care, regardless, right?

If it turns out a bus driver paid more in taxes than Romney, not only will that be OK with you but you will applaud him, right?

I.E you so believed the lie raygunz told about how govt is bad that you admire those who can work the system and not pay their fair share, right?

If Romney went on live tv and shot, one after the other, 50 infants, with a 44 mag, I bet you would still vote for him, right?

President-Elect Romney provided two years of tax returns, precisely what's required by law.

Where do people come up with this shit?
Nobody seal records for no reason.

If there is nothing in those transcripts thats detremental to Barry then why are they sealed??

Again. Nobody seals records for the hell of it.

Personal Records are automatically sealed. You don't have to do anything
Most Americans have lower taxes under Obama yet still pay a higher effective tax rate than Romney

Why does some guy digging a ditch pay more of his income in taxes than Presidential wannabe Romney?

So if the democrats and you thought it was sooooooo important of an issue, then why didn't the democrats, when they held huge majorities in the House and Senate, not change the laws and make those rich folks, like Romney, pay higher effective tax breaks?

Because they're all just blowing hot air....
They're ONLY saying they want higher taxes on the rich to make their followers believe they're on their side. They don't want taxes raised on themselves anymore than anyone else does! They're full of bullshit and the poor lefties are believing every word.....

And now this way they can put ALL the blame on the right. It's all those evil conservatives doing this...THEY'RE the ones that won't change the law.

Hey Dems! You're leaders are blowing smoke up your ass and you're loving it! Idiots!

I will accept higher taxes on myself right now as long as spending is frozen and the increased revenue went to debt reduction

Wouldn't you?
So if the democrats and you thought it was sooooooo important of an issue, then why didn't the democrats, when they held huge majorities in the House and Senate, not change the laws and make those rich folks, like Romney, pay higher effective tax breaks?

Because they're all just blowing hot air....
They're ONLY saying they want higher taxes on the rich to make their followers believe they're on their side. They don't want taxes raised on themselves anymore than anyone else does! They're full of bullshit and the poor lefties are believing every word.....

And now this way they can put ALL the blame on the right. It's all those evil conservatives doing this...THEY'RE the ones that won't change the law.

Hey Dems! You're leaders are blowing smoke up your ass and you're loving it! Idiots!

I will accept higher taxes on myself right now as long as spending is frozen and the increased revenue went to debt reduction

Wouldn't you?

Frozen? Try cutting for 5% a year for 5 years. Then freeze spending.
So if the democrats and you thought it was sooooooo important of an issue, then why didn't the democrats, when they held huge majorities in the House and Senate, not change the laws and make those rich folks, like Romney, pay higher effective tax breaks?

Because they're all just blowing hot air....
They're ONLY saying they want higher taxes on the rich to make their followers believe they're on their side. They don't want taxes raised on themselves anymore than anyone else does! They're full of bullshit and the poor lefties are believing every word.....

And now this way they can put ALL the blame on the right. It's all those evil conservatives doing this...THEY'RE the ones that won't change the law.

Hey Dems! You're leaders are blowing smoke up your ass and you're loving it! Idiots!

I will accept higher taxes on myself right now as long as spending is frozen and the increased revenue went to debt reduction

Wouldn't you?

And you think that's something that Barry is interested in giving you? Come on, Winger...get a grip. Barack Obama wants higher taxes for one reason only...because he wants to spend more on entitlements. You know it...I know it...the Bushmen in the Australian Outback know it!!! What do you think ObamaCare "is"?
What's laughable is that the taxes that Barry is calling for would be a drop in the bucket compared to what he's spending every day. The truth is...his calls for higher taxes on the "wealthy" are nothing more than an election year populist "theme" for him to run against Romney on. If those higher taxes would have actually increased revenue then he would have rushed them through back in 2009. He didn't because he knew that higher taxes in a down economy would mean less revenue because it would bring what little growth we had to screeching halt. So what's changed since then?

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