Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

Mitt Romney has released all legally required information.

Why are libtards obsessed with Ann Romney's horse and Mitt Romney's tax returns?

Legally...Mitt Romney is perfectly allowed to withold releasing his tax returns
Legally....voters can take that into consideration in November

Keep this up, it's a winner for you...bwahahahaahahha

The fact that Romney refuses to release his taxes while Obama has released 11 years worth of returns is a winner.

Romney is slipping in the polls
Hm Maybe because he has spent millions hiding ALL his records...if ya got nothing to hide lets see them.
but can you prove that Obama has spent millions to hide his college records? It's the law of the land, he doesn't have to spend a penny to keep his transcripts closed to the public? so are you just parroting what some right wing rag has said about spending millions to hide his transcripts

or are you talking about romney spending millions to hide his tax returns from the public? :razz:

Why doesn't he just relase them, I mean, he's a genius so they must support that, right?
Legally...Mitt Romney is perfectly allowed to withold releasing his tax returns
Legally....voters can take that into consideration in November

Keep this up, it's a winner for you...bwahahahaahahha

The fact that Romney refuses to release his taxes while Obama has released 11 years worth of returns is a winner.

Romney is slipping in the polls

Pssssst... nobody, save the leftist moonbat brigade, gives a flying fuck. Most of us care about the $5,000,000,000,000 new debt, 40+ months of record unemployment, record numbers of Americans of welfare and public assistance, housing markets in the shitter, no growth, credit downgrades, worthless US $, etc.

But yeah, have fun fixating on Ann Romney's horse and Mitt's tax returns.

2. Liberals are obsessed with "vetting" Romney
The play to shame Romney into releasing his tax returns "is nothing more than a pathetically desperate effort to find something, anything that they can use against him in the upcoming election," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. It's part of the Left's effort to "vet" Romney

Changed "Obama" to "Romney", "College Transcripts" to "Tax Returns" and "Conservatives/Right" to "Liberals/Left." Funny how accurate it is.
Keep this up, it's a winner for you...bwahahahaahahha

The fact that Romney refuses to release his taxes while Obama has released 11 years worth of returns is a winner.

Romney is slipping in the polls

Pssssst... nobody, save the leftist moonbat brigade, gives a flying fuck. Most of us care about the $5,000,000,000,000 new debt, 40+ months of record unemployment, record numbers of Americans of welfare and public assistance, housing markets in the shitter, no growth, credit downgrades, worthless US $, etc.

But yeah, have fun fixating on Ann Romney's horse and Mitt's tax returns.

Well, there is often a bonus for libbie whiners... although this one didn't affect Miss Music much as 'guaranteed'...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF1lwZ24RYI"]GUARANTEED TO MAKE YOUR DOG HOWL - YouTube[/ame]
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Democrats keep the grades issue going. Conservatives aren't as concerned with grades as they are with treason and face it, presidebt obama has at the very least facilitated treason by leaking our national security secrets if he hasn't committed treason himself.

Grades are a deflection away from the real issue.
What's laughable is that the taxes that Barry is calling for would be a drop in the bucket compared to what he's spending every day. The truth is...his calls for higher taxes on the "wealthy" are nothing more than an election year populist "theme" for him to run against Romney on. If those higher taxes would have actually increased revenue then he would have rushed them through back in 2009. He didn't because he knew that higher taxes in a down economy would mean less revenue because it would bring what little growth we had to screeching halt. So what's changed since then?

Obama wimped out in 2009. He caved into to GOP brinksmanship and sold out for an extension in unemployment benefits and the START treaty

If it makes you feel any better, I think Obama will fold on this too

You really do amuse! GOP "brinksmanship" in 2009? Winger, the GOP was sitting on it's hands out in the hall in 2009 while Barry, Harry and Nancy did their "thing" with the super majorities they were given in the 2008 elections. The progressives problem wasn't with the Republicans...it was with the moderates in their own party who wouldn't go along with things like Cap & Trade legislation.
Why conservatives are obsessed with Obama's college grades: 4 theories - The Week

1. Conservatives want to paint Obama as a dumb, affirmative-action fraud
In his $20,000 offer for Obama's transcripts, Bayne lays out his rationale: "We're not convinced that Barack is as smart as you media elitists keep insisting he is." The charge that the president got bad grades 30 years ago doesn't hold water, however: Biographer David Maraniss says Obama got a 3.7 GPA at Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law, something you can't do with bad grades.

2. Conservatives are obsessed with "vetting" Obama
The play to shame Obama into releasing his college grades "is nothing more than a pathetically desperate effort to find something, anything that they can use against him in the upcoming election," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. It's part of the Right's effort to "vet" Obama, four years after the media made him "one of the most vetted presidential candidates in recent memory."

3. This is just birtherism warmed over
When you "get to the bottom of the conspiracy," says Sarah Jones at Politicus USA, it's clear that Wayne is a birther, and his "foreign exchange student" theory is part of the claim that Obama isn't really American. Indeed, this "irrelevant nonsense about college transcripts... has been a central part of birtherism from the beginning,"

4. The Right is desperate to distract from Romney's taxes
The reason conservatives are "freaking out in unison" about Obama's college grades "couldn't be more obvious," says Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs: They're trying anything they can to "divert attention away from Mitt Romney's refusal to release financial information

But I thought the Wizard of Uhhhhs was supposed to be the smartest president ever so why not release his grades?
Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

It's all they have. They certainly can't run on their policies. If people knew what they were, they would never vote Republican. Even Republicans at the USMB don't know what they are.

considering how much Obama and Holder have pushed affirmative action for their chosen people those policies must have worked for him in the past

I'm curious. Who are the "chosen people" and what policies were "pushed"?
Has anyone considered how bad our economy would be right now if Barry HAD gotten his wish for Cap & Trade legislation and stricter EPA regulations? As awful as the economy is, it would be much worse if President Obama's agenda not been held up by the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts.
Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

It's all they have. They certainly can't run on their policies. If people knew what they were, they would never vote Republican. Even Republicans at the USMB don't know what they are.


How about Republicans run on what they have accomplished in the last four years?

I think that's a great idea. After all, they got 98% of everything they wanted.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_pBzvktCQA]Thom Hartmann: Boehner got 98% - Americans got another Recession - YouTube[/ame]
Democrats keep the grades issue going. Conservatives aren't as concerned with grades as they are with treason and face it, presidebt obama has at the very least facilitated treason by leaking our national security secrets if he hasn't committed treason himself.

Grades are a deflection away from the real issue.


That is a serious charge. Why do you think House Republicans have done nothing about it? They impeached over a blowjob, why wouldn't they impeach over treason?
Has anyone considered how bad our economy would be right now if Barry HAD gotten his wish for Cap & Trade legislation and stricter EPA regulations? As awful as the economy is, it would be much worse if President Obama's agenda not been held up by the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts.

How do you like gas prices now? They are caused by obama's energy policies that have already closed over 50 refineries. How about electricity? 140 power plants have already been closed with more slated to be closed. The EPA has regulated them out of existence.

obama has much more damage to do.
Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

It's all they have. They certainly can't run on their policies. If people knew what they were, they would never vote Republican. Even Republicans at the USMB don't know what they are.


How about Republicans run on what they have accomplished in the last four years?

I think that's a great idea. After all, they got 98% of everything they wanted.
<youtube at link>
Unfortunately, you can obfuscate all you want, but the 2% nobody wanted was a $5,000,000,000,000 deficit. We can't pay that off nor afford another years to gain another spread like that one, it's just not worth it, Deanie.

We need Romney to turn it around. Obama has his eye on the Constitution, once he does away with our financial system. We really can't afford much more Obama.
What's laughable is that the taxes that Barry is calling for would be a drop in the bucket compared to what he's spending every day. The truth is...his calls for higher taxes on the "wealthy" are nothing more than an election year populist "theme" for him to run against Romney on. If those higher taxes would have actually increased revenue then he would have rushed them through back in 2009. He didn't because he knew that higher taxes in a down economy would mean less revenue because it would bring what little growth we had to screeching halt. So what's changed since then?

Obama wimped out in 2009. He caved into to GOP brinksmanship and sold out for an extension in unemployment benefits and the START treaty

If it makes you feel any better, I think Obama will fold on this too

You really do amuse! GOP "brinksmanship" in 2009? Winger, the GOP was sitting on it's hands out in the hall in 2009 while Barry, Harry and Nancy did their "thing" with the super majorities they were given in the 2008 elections. The progressives problem wasn't with the Republicans...it was with the moderates in their own party who wouldn't go along with things like Cap & Trade legislation.

Supermajority lasted a few short months. GOP dragged it feet on what it could and filibustered everything else. Their tantrums have led to the government almost shutting down, threats to default on our debt and our ultimate credit downgrade
Obama wimped out in 2009. He caved into to GOP brinksmanship and sold out for an extension in unemployment benefits and the START treaty

If it makes you feel any better, I think Obama will fold on this too

You really do amuse! GOP "brinksmanship" in 2009? Winger, the GOP was sitting on it's hands out in the hall in 2009 while Barry, Harry and Nancy did their "thing" with the super majorities they were given in the 2008 elections. The progressives problem wasn't with the Republicans...it was with the moderates in their own party who wouldn't go along with things like Cap & Trade legislation.

Supermajority lasted a few short months. GOP dragged it feet on what it could and filibustered everything else. Their tantrums have led to the government almost shutting down, threats to default on our debt and our ultimate credit downgrade
You dern tootin' we filibustered. Everything Obama puts forward is another trillion dollars. We're trillioned out.
Why are you obsessed with Romney taxes, asslips?

Glad you asked

Because we need to know whom he is beholden to
Where does his money come from? Where does he invest? What are his writeoffs? What is his effective tax rate? If he passes further tax cuts for the wealthy, whats in it for him?

All are directly related to him being president.

Let me get this straight? You need to know all about Romney in 2012, yet in 2008 you idiots blindly elected Obama, and even the Media was asking who he was after he was elected. Will the hypocrisy ever end?
Obama wimped out in 2009. He caved into to GOP brinksmanship and sold out for an extension in unemployment benefits and the START treaty

If it makes you feel any better, I think Obama will fold on this too

You really do amuse! GOP "brinksmanship" in 2009? Winger, the GOP was sitting on it's hands out in the hall in 2009 while Barry, Harry and Nancy did their "thing" with the super majorities they were given in the 2008 elections. The progressives problem wasn't with the Republicans...it was with the moderates in their own party who wouldn't go along with things like Cap & Trade legislation.

Supermajority lasted a few short months. GOP dragged it feet on what it could and filibustered everything else. Their tantrums have led to the government almost shutting down, threats to default on our debt and our ultimate credit downgrade

So during those "few short months" the Democrats could have passed whatever they wanted...correct?
Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

It's all they have. They certainly can't run on their policies. If people knew what they were, they would never vote Republican. Even Republicans at the USMB don't know what they are.

considering how much Obama and Holder have pushed affirmative action for their chosen people those policies must have worked for him in the past

I'm curious. Who are the "chosen people" and what policies were "pushed"?

I would accuse you of playing dumb, but I know for a fact it's not an act.

Have a grown-up explain it to you.
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What's laughable is that the taxes that Barry is calling for would be a drop in the bucket compared to what he's spending every day. The truth is...his calls for higher taxes on the "wealthy" are nothing more than an election year populist "theme" for him to run against Romney on. If those higher taxes would have actually increased revenue then he would have rushed them through back in 2009. He didn't because he knew that higher taxes in a down economy would mean less revenue because it would bring what little growth we had to screeching halt. So what's changed since then?

Obama wimped out in 2009. He caved into to GOP brinksmanship and sold out for an extension in unemployment benefits and the START treaty

If it makes you feel any better, I think Obama will fold on this too

You really do amuse! GOP "brinksmanship" in 2009? Winger, the GOP was sitting on it's hands out in the hall in 2009 while Barry, Harry and Nancy did their "thing" with the super majorities they were given in the 2008 elections. The progressives problem wasn't with the Republicans...it was with the moderates in their own party who wouldn't go along with things like Cap & Trade legislation.

Yup and those same moderates had to be bribed and threatened to pass that clusterfuck Obamacare.

The Reps got told to sit in the back of the bus and STFU. After all Barry Won.

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