Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

1. If the Republican Party wants to paint the President as an affirmative action half-wit. They are welcome to it. It appeals to their right wing base and shows independent voters where they are coming from

I don't think Obama is a half wit at all, Rightwinger. I think he is a dedicated Communist who has:

  1. Promised a communist country valuable mineral and fishing waters/territory of the sovereign state of Alaska (who did not vote for Obama in the last election so he did not officially request permission to relinquish their state's bounties)
  2. Stopped all American drilling prospects in the Gulf of Mexico while three Communist Countries moved right in with claims through Communist Cuba to drill just south of the Florida coast.
  3. Picked a Jobs Czar, Immelt, CEO of GE, who had just given a billion dollars in jobs to a Communist country the same time he became watchdog over keeping American jobs in America. What a sick puke thing to do to American workers.
2. Conservatives fully vetted Obama in 2008. It is not my fault that they chose to concentrate on birth certificates, Rev Wright, Bill Ayers and a wife who hates America

You got what you wanted.

3. Obama hasn't spent any money keeping records hush-hush. He, like previous presidents doesn't see where they are relevant. Much like his birth certificate nonsense

Obama claimed Obamacare would not increase taxes. We didn't know until the Supreme Court ok'd the Obamacare ruling as a valid law based on a tax increase of 8.5% increase on every American worker. Obama wasn't being upfront. And his collaborator in Congress told her congressmen not to read the 2500 + page "bill" that also concealed a horrific scheme to unionize every health care job in America and publicize people's health records as part of the right-to-know act.

We're still finding out horrific things about that Bill that congressmen were advised by your leadership not to read, just vote it through.

Congress will lose its purpose of representation if you tell them not to think nor obey their conscience and the wishes of their constituents.

I don't know about you, but that makes me feel really bad about where the nation is headed domineered by people like Nancy "don't read it" Pelosi.

4. Romeys taxes, wealth, investments are all relevant to his serving as President

Now which Bill of Rights or Constitutional requirement is that, Rightwinger?

The right of the people to vote

I don't think Obama is a half wit at all, Rightwinger. I think he is a dedicated Communist

Another reason why the Republican rightwing will cost them the election

So the people cant vote if Romney has money? Never stopped us before.

As Romney well knows...If he refuses to release his returns and it gives the appearance he is hiding something, it can affect the vote

How does Romney push tax cuts for the rich if he is only paying 5%???
yep....so now explain why Barry Soetero/Barack Hussein Obama had TWO NAMES in his life.....and when exactly they were changed.....?

He has had one name in his life. The burden of proof is on you

No it isn't.....just like Romney he is running for President.....and we have the right to know....especially since there are so many unanswered questions.....

show his records.....or what is he HIDING......?

It is your accusation. Prove that Obama ever changed his name

Clinton changed his name. Maybe you have them confused
He has had one name in his life. The burden of proof is on you

No it isn't.....just like Romney he is running for President.....and we have the right to know....especially since there are so many unanswered questions.....

show his records.....or what is he HIDING......?

It is your accusation. Prove that Obama ever changed his name

Clinton changed his name. Maybe you have them confused

What is Obama hiding????​

He may have committed fraud by applying for college aid as a foreign exchange student. Or on the other hand It may show he had dual citizenship, and show he still has dual citizenship
So now we have a rape AND Treason

Keeps getting gooder and gooder with the right

yep....so now explain why Barry Soetero/Barack Hussein Obama had TWO NAMES in his life.....and when exactly they were changed.....?

He has had one name in his life. The burden of proof is on you
Published in 2007 by AP:


Jack Stokes, AP Media Relations Manager, 2007
He has had one name in his life. The burden of proof is on you

No it isn't.....just like Romney he is running for President.....and we have the right to know....especially since there are so many unanswered questions.....

show his records.....or what is he HIDING......?

It is your accusation. Prove that Obama ever changed his name

Clinton changed his name. Maybe you have them confused

It is YOUR accusation about Romney and his taxes......so the burden of proof is on YOU....
As Romney well knows...If he refuses to release his returns and it gives the appearance he is hiding something, it can affect the vote

How does Romney push tax cuts for the rich if he is only paying 5%???

No more than Obama refusing to release his records will.

He isnt pushing for tax cuts for the rich. He is pushing for tax cuts for EVERYONE.

I know thats difficult to wrap your mind around because it hurts your class warfare schtick, but your propaganda attempts are nonsense.
yep....so now explain why Barry Soetero/Barack Hussein Obama had TWO NAMES in his life.....and when exactly they were changed.....?

He has had one name in his life. The burden of proof is on you
Published in 2007 by AP:


But a school registration form in a third world country does not meet the standards of an official name change

Show where Obama ever changed his name?

He may have committed fraud by applying for college aid as a foreign exchange student. Or on the other hand It may show he had dual citizenship, and show he still has dual citizenship

maybe this was his REAL story....:eusa_whistle:

Donald Trump is correct, Barry Soetoro, AKA Obama is hiding something in his past that is very bad and it may not be just his citizenship, it may well be a criminal past. (Trump would not say this if he did not know something and he has the money to get the dirt.)

As an IRS tax examiner I have seen what it appears Barry Soetoro has done, mostly by illegal aliens attempting to acquire a new identity in the U.S. and/or criminals looking to acquire a new ID.

Barry, AKA Obama, was lawfully adopted by a foreign national, Lolo Soetoro, and Barry's name was legally changed to "Barry Soetoro" (Barry’s own admission). Barry Soetoro was also made an official legal Indonesian citizen (again Barry’s own admission). The adoption would be noted in Barry's vital statistics record in Hawaii on his original birth certificate OR Lolo Soetoro may have always been Barry's legal birth father.

The public does not know for sure at this point who Barry's father really was and Barry himself may not know.

Barry was raised as a Muslim in Indonesia and attended a Catholic funded school that permitted all faiths to attend. Barry's mother dropped him as a dependent for some reason, maybe when Barry was adopted by Lolo Soetoro.

His mother's passport records dropped Barry as a dependent indicating Barry was no longer a legal dependent of his mother. (The passport records of his mother have been produced showing Barry was no longer a dependent when Barry was permanently residing in Indonesia.) Barry went to Hawaii to live with his alleged grandparents after Lolo Soetoro and Barry's mother divorced.

A "certificate of live birth" (NOT the original “long form”) can have names changed on it including a child's birth name, and birth parent’s names. Even a modified date of birth can be on a "certificate of live birth". This occurs frequently for adopted children where the birth parent does not want the child to know who they are.

The public has no idea who Barry’s real birth father is or who Barry’s real birth mother is. (Barry could have been adopted by his mother.) The original birth certificate is the only legal vital statistics record of a person’s birth parents, birth location, birth date, etc… I can get a “certificate of live birth” for a dead person; I cannot get a birth certificate of a dead person without “Deceased” on it (I’ve tried).

There is no evidence Barry Soetoro ever lawfully changed his name to “Barrack Hussein Obama”. There is no proof Barry Soetoro was born with the name "Barrack Hussein Obama". I’m willing to bet the name “Barrack Hussein Obama” is not present on the real birth certificate as Barry’s birth name or as Barry’s birth father.

I have pictures of me with my mother and Jimmy Buffet… That doesn’t make him my father even if I start using the name Jimmy Buffet.

The public knows Barry Soetoro finished high school in Hawaii as Barry Soetoro and attended Occidental as Barry Soetoro where he did drugs and flunked out of school. After dropping out of Occidental, Barry showed up in New York, homeless and on drugs. (Barry’s own admission.) Barry then hooked up with a Pakistani man to live with and traveled back to Indonesia on his new boyfriend’s dime to renew his Indonesian passport and traveled to Pakistan with him.

Ask any law enforcement officer in a large city or detective and they will tell you homeless young men on drugs in large cities usually end up as male prostitutes. Barry ended up as a world traveler with a degree… (Not likely.)

Barry Soetoro returned to New York from Pakistan and began using the fictitious name “Obama” for some reason (again Barry Soetoro’s own admission). One could only suspect that a person addicted to drugs returning from Pakistan to New York (the main route for Afghan heroin into the U.S.), had a reason to start using a new name.

There are literally over 1 million open warrants on file in New York… Maybe Barry is one of them?

After spending some time in New York allegedly working under the name “Obama”, It appears Barry used the fictitious name "Barrack Hussein Obama" for the first time to file his federal taxes in Connecticut at a Post Office Box for the purpose of evading paying taxes in New York and/or to establish a new identity. (This is a felony with no statute of limitation.)

cont. Who is Barry Soetoro?
As Romney well knows...If he refuses to release his returns and it gives the appearance he is hiding something, it can affect the vote

How does Romney push tax cuts for the rich if he is only paying 5%???

No more than Obama refusing to release his records will.

He isnt pushing for tax cuts for the rich. He is pushing for tax cuts for EVERYONE.

I know thats difficult to wrap your mind around because it hurts your class warfare schtick, but your propaganda attempts are nonsense.

I think history has already proved you wrong on Republican birther nonsense. The public was either bored or tired of the bullshit

Voters love the story of the Rich guy who does not pay taxes. They will jump all over this
Nice try, the GOP didn't have the votes to stop it, 60 votes in the Senate, heavy majority in the House. So, the Dems didn't do it then, now they want to? BS! They are playing you like a fiddle at a country hoe down.

They had the votes to stop every other piece of legislation and they did. They refused to extend unemployment benefits and ratify START. Obama caved

Dems did not have 60 votes in the Senate in December 2010. In fact, they only had a 60 vote majority for a few months total

You only need a majority vote to hike taxes.
Ever so true, and such an expedient thing to ignore when the public is not aware of that fact of reality.
He has had one name in his life. The burden of proof is on you
Published in 2007 by AP:


But a school registration form in a third world country does not meet the standards of an official name change

Show where Obama ever changed his name?
That's all I have, Rightwinger. His family used the name "Barry Soetoro" on Obama. It really doesn't take a court decree for regular citizens to figure that one out, and you were provided with the best I have.
Ask yourself why he wouldn't want college records revealed? Is he embarrassed because he didn't get good grades? That's very plausible since he's admitted in writing he smoked a lot of dope and not at all averse to snorting coke up his nose. I didn't know any druggies that got good grades in college among my circle of friends and acquaintances. So since everyone already knows he was under the influence quite a bit, what would be the big deal about his GPA's? I also know folks though who didn't apply themselves in school out of laziness, too much partying, or whatever who nonetheless went on to have successful careers. Plenty of people have done that for generations. They just for whatever reason get motivated later in life than some of us.

He could just laugh his grades off now, say something like when I was young and stupid I was young and stupid. And while I'm not real proud of it now, I did however finally decide to knuckle down and make something of myself and, you know, I've achieved a certain level of success since then. Something like that could even be a good laugh line since he is the President of the United States.

Hell, that's what I'd do if I were in his shoes IF there wasn't something I was trying to hide.
Biographer David Maraniss says Obama got a 3.7 GPA at Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Biographer David Maraniss says Obama got a 3.7 GPA at Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

An unnamed but very reliable source informed me that Obama had a 1.7 GPA at Columbia. He knows this is true because he rifled through Obama's dresser drawers while Obama was raping an infant and saw the actual grades.

Later, this same unnamed by extremely reliable source confirmed that Obama had a 2.1 GPA at Harvard. He saw Obama's GPA on a piece of paper in Obama's apartment. Obama was having gay sex for money at the time.
Biographer David Maraniss says Obama got a 3.7 GPA at Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

An unnamed but very reliable source informed me that Obama had a 1.7 GPA at Columbia. He knows this is true because he rifled through Obama's dresser drawers while Obama was raping an infant and saw the actual grades.

Later, this same unnamed by extremely reliable source confirmed that Obama had a 2.1 GPA at Harvard. He saw Obama's GPA on a piece of paper in Obama's apartment. Obama was having gay sex for money at the time.

I dunno 'bout that. I hear it was gay sex for drugs.

Better get double unsourced confirmation!
Biographer David Maraniss says Obama got a 3.7 GPA at Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

An unnamed but very reliable source informed me that Obama had a 1.7 GPA at Columbia. He knows this is true because he rifled through Obama's dresser drawers while Obama was raping an infant and saw the actual grades.

Later, this same unnamed by extremely reliable source confirmed that Obama had a 2.1 GPA at Harvard. He saw Obama's GPA on a piece of paper in Obama's apartment. Obama was having gay sex for money at the time.

I dunno 'bout that. I hear it was gay sex for drugs.

Better get double unsourced confirmation!

My very reliable source (who wished to remain anonymous) just confirmed with me that the gay sex Obama was engaging in was for money. However he says that the money was used to pay for Heroin. .....Obama is a heroin addicted, gay male prostitute, that raped an infant.
An unnamed but very reliable source informed me that Obama had a 1.7 GPA at Columbia. He knows this is true because he rifled through Obama's dresser drawers while Obama was raping an infant and saw the actual grades.

Later, this same unnamed by extremely reliable source confirmed that Obama had a 2.1 GPA at Harvard. He saw Obama's GPA on a piece of paper in Obama's apartment. Obama was having gay sex for money at the time.

I dunno 'bout that. I hear it was gay sex for drugs.

Better get double unsourced confirmation!

My very reliable source (who wished to remain anonymous) just confirmed with me that the gay sex Obama was engaging in was for money. However he says that the money was used to pay for Heroin. .....Obama is a heroin addicted, gay male prostitute, that raped an infant.

Well, ok. The money bought the drugs -- which makes the two stories quite consistent.

Therefore, Pres. Obama needs to come clean.

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