Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

I dunno 'bout that. I hear it was gay sex for drugs.

Better get double unsourced confirmation!

My very reliable source (who wished to remain anonymous) just confirmed with me that the gay sex Obama was engaging in was for money. However he says that the money was used to pay for Heroin. .....Obama is a heroin addicted, gay male prostitute, that raped an infant.

Well, ok. The money bought the drugs -- which makes the two stories quite consistent.

Therefore, Pres. Obama needs to come clean.

You are right. What is Obama hiding? Was the baby he was raping his gay love child? Did he boot the heroin, snort it, or smoke it? How many blow jobs did he perform each day? Who was his pimp? Was it Joe Biden? Bill Ayers? Jeremiah Wright?? Tony Rezco?? What is he hiding?
Biographer David Maraniss says Obama got a 3.7 GPA at Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

An unnamed but very reliable source informed me that Obama had a 1.7 GPA at Columbia. He knows this is true because he rifled through Obama's dresser drawers while Obama was raping an infant and saw the actual grades.

Later, this same unnamed by extremely reliable source confirmed that Obama had a 2.1 GPA at Harvard. He saw Obama's GPA on a piece of paper in Obama's apartment. Obama was having gay sex for money at the time.

I dunno 'bout that. I hear it was gay sex for drugs.

Better get double unsourced confirmation!

which i heard was gay sex and drugs for a trip to 'Pok ee ston'.....

which was during a time U.S. citizens could not travel there easily....which is probaby why he used his Indonesian passport under the name of Barry Soetoro....
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but can you prove that Obama has spent millions to hide his college records? It's the law of the land, he doesn't have to spend a penny to keep his transcripts closed to the public? so are you just parroting what some right wing rag has said about spending millions to hide his transcripts

or are you talking about romney spending millions to hide his tax returns from the public? :razz:

Why doesn't he just relase them, I mean, he's a genius so they must support that, right?
But soggy, what in his transcripts will make one iota of a difference with Obama running this country? I can understand how tax returns and what the candidate thinks should be done regarding our tax structure and how this tax structure would affect us all, but what grades a person got when in college from 30 years ago? I just don't get it?

But soggy, what in his transcripts will make one iota of a difference with Obama running this country?

He won't be able to use the excuse that his leadership sucks because of mean Republicans.
We'll be able to see that he sucks because he's not very bright.

That is so ridiculous that you should be embarrassed. And your source??? The American Thinker!!!! :D

What's telling about the Obama letter is that it DOES contain so many mistakes in grammar. Lawyers make their living from the proper use of words. One would think that in a letter responding to someone questioning his qualifications that Barry would have proof read what he was putting into the public record. That he allowed THAT letter to be published over his signature goes a long way towards proving Mr. Chen's point that the new President of the Law Review wasn't qualified to hold that post.

Really?? Such as??
Lets make a list of all the past presidents and/or prez candidates (there are hundreds) who were asked for their birth certs and college transcripts

I will start

He won't be able to use the excuse that his leadership sucks because of mean Republicans.
We'll be able to see that he sucks because he's not very bright.

when the only thing that will come out of your mouth is vile racist hatred, you really ought to keep your mouth shut
He won't be able to use the excuse that his leadership sucks because of mean Republicans.
We'll be able to see that he sucks because he's not very bright.

when the only thing that will come out of your mouth is vile racist hatred, you really ought to keep your mouth shut

ConztipHATEDlibDerrp's post constitutes proof that Toddsterpatriot hit the nail on the head.

Well done, Toddsterpatriot!

The human family is tiring of you scumbags, you do know that?

I know you love to hate everyone who isnt like you, but that means you hate most of earths population, if you arent careful, they will become insulted soon

If Belushi were alive he would puke in your face
The human family is tiring of you scumbags, you do know that?

I know you love to hate everyone who isnt like you, but that means you hate most of earths population, if you arent careful, they will become insulted soon

If Belushi were alive he would puke in your face

ConztipHATED, you whining sack of pussy, what you know about what the human family "thinks" wouldn't fill a dimple in a thimble, you mindless hack fuckwit quiff.


BTW: speaking of mindless libs, if Belushi were alive, he might take more drugs and die all over again, you idiot.
The human family is tiring of you scumbags, you do know that?

I know you love to hate everyone who isnt like you, but that means you hate most of earths population, if you arent careful, they will become insulted soon

If Belushi were alive he would puke in your face

ConztipHATED, you whining sack of pussy, what you know about what the human family "thinks" wouldn't fill a dimple in a thimble, you mindless hack fuckwit quiff.


BTW: speaking of mindless libs, if Belushi were alive, he might take more drugs and die all over again, you idiot.

The sad thing about you is each time you post, you prove that you are a vile, filthy, piece of human trash, and thus prove my point.

You dont have to be, you do have a choice.
The human family is tiring of you scumbags, you do know that?

I know you love to hate everyone who isnt like you, but that means you hate most of earths population, if you arent careful, they will become insulted soon

If Belushi were alive he would puke in your face

ConztipHATED, you whining sack of pussy, what you know about what the human family "thinks" wouldn't fill a dimple in a thimble, you mindless hack fuckwit quiff.


BTW: speaking of mindless libs, if Belushi were alive, he might take more drugs and die all over again, you idiot.

The sad thing about you is each time you post, you prove that you are a vile, filthy, piece of human trash, and thus prove my point.

You dont have to be, you do have a choice.

The funny thing is you did just prove (conclusively) all I have said about you -- again.


You might as well quit while you're massively behind. You aren't equipped for this kind of thing.

You might consider taking up coloring books.
He won't be able to use the excuse that his leadership sucks because of mean Republicans.
We'll be able to see that he sucks because he's not very bright.

when the only thing that will come out of your mouth is vile racist hatred, you really ought to keep your mouth shut

What at all is racial about that post you fucking idiot?

Always with the race card... which translated means "I got nutt'n".
ConztipHATED, you whining sack of pussy, what you know about what the human family "thinks" wouldn't fill a dimple in a thimble, you mindless hack fuckwit quiff.


BTW: speaking of mindless libs, if Belushi were alive, he might take more drugs and die all over again, you idiot.

The sad thing about you is each time you post, you prove that you are a vile, filthy, piece of human trash, and thus prove my point.

You dont have to be, you do have a choice.

The funny thing is you did just prove (conclusively) all I have said about you -- again.


You might as well quit while you're massively behind. You aren't equipped for this kind of thing.

You might consider taking up coloring books.

Coloring books? More like the stacking rings....

No matter how hard he tries, and flails, and swings and misses, and no matter how often, the result is always the same:

ConztipHATEdlibDerrp simply has nothing to offer.


Not a thing.

It actually is a waste of time to even bother poking that clump of shit.

He's got no game.
In financial matters, releasing tax returns come up all the time. College grades never do. Romney is professing that he's a successful businessman that can get America back to full employment. If he's so successful, why won't he release the returns? Does his success story have some secrets?
Obama never ran on his college grades although some people infered that he was a genius. He didn't. The economy is in better shape since the disaster he was handed. Better stick with the slow steady success of Obama than the vulture capitalist that is embarrassed about what his tax returns may uncover.

No matter how hard he tries, and flails, and swings and misses, and no matter how often, the result is always the same:

ConztipHATEdlibDerrp simply has nothing to offer.


Not a thing.

It actually is a waste of time to even bother poking that clump of shit.

He's got no game.

Ya know, most people know when to stay down, when I have literally beaten you to a pulp as I do in every single discussion, you might learn the lesson :lol:
They tried. When the Bush tax cuts were about to sunset the Dems pushed to extend them with the exception of income earned over 250k. The GOP threw a shit fit and tied unemployment benefits to the train tracks to stop it from happening.

Nice try, the GOP didn't have the votes to stop it, 60 votes in the Senate, heavy majority in the House. So, the Dems didn't do it then, now they want to? BS! They are playing you like a fiddle at a country hoe down.

They had the votes to stop every other piece of legislation and they did. They refused to extend unemployment benefits and ratify START. Obama caved

Dems did not have 60 votes in the Senate in December 2010. In fact, they only had a 60 vote majority for a few months total

In 2009 when he entered office, he decided NOT to touch the tax cuts, because he felt it would further stall the economy. The tax cuts were set to expire in 2010, no action was needed by Congress and the Republicans would have needed a filibuster proof Senate to get it passed, congress then decide as a whole to extend them and the Dems thinking most Americans wouldn't remember, went along.

So, if you want to blame anyone, blame the ones in charge, the ones than extended further out until 2013, the Democrats.

No matter how hard he tries, and flails, and swings and misses, and no matter how often, the result is always the same:

ConztipHATEdlibDerrp simply has nothing to offer.


Not a thing.

It actually is a waste of time to even bother poking that clump of shit.

He's got no game.

You can't beat stupid, the guy has been put down and buried so many times and yet he can't answer a single question or defend any position, so he falls back to crying racist, he is one of the dumbest people to come on to this board.

I laugh at his post they are so poorly phrased and based on nothing.

I think you should be negged for responding to him. :)
Why conservatives are obsessed with Obama's college grades: 4 theories - The Week

1. Conservatives want to paint Obama as a dumb, affirmative-action fraud
In his $20,000 offer for Obama's transcripts, Bayne lays out his rationale: "We're not convinced that Barack is as smart as you media elitists keep insisting he is." The charge that the president got bad grades 30 years ago doesn't hold water, however: Biographer David Maraniss says Obama got a 3.7 GPA at Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law, something you can't do with bad grades.

2. Conservatives are obsessed with "vetting" Obama
The play to shame Obama into releasing his college grades "is nothing more than a pathetically desperate effort to find something, anything that they can use against him in the upcoming election," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. It's part of the Right's effort to "vet" Obama, four years after the media made him "one of the most vetted presidential candidates in recent memory."

3. This is just birtherism warmed over
When you "get to the bottom of the conspiracy," says Sarah Jones at Politicus USA, it's clear that Wayne is a birther, and his "foreign exchange student" theory is part of the claim that Obama isn't really American. Indeed, this "irrelevant nonsense about college transcripts... has been a central part of birtherism from the beginning,"

4. The Right is desperate to distract from Romney's taxes
The reason conservatives are "freaking out in unison" about Obama's college grades "couldn't be more obvious," says Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs: They're trying anything they can to "divert attention away from Mitt Romney's refusal to release financial information

Harvard gets 20-30 applicants per seat, the B school takes into account "business experience"* and of course alumni preference, and his grandfather's millions to the B school got Bush II in. Obama was selected on merit, as it appears Romney was also. There is more than the GRE & LSAT, and grades involved, LONG essays are included in the applications.

*Poppy manufactured....uh...EXPLAINED the Bush boy's great mind for business no doubt.

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