Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

"The Dems weren't fiscally responsible (by not raising taxes in early 2009 while the economy was in a free fall)" :rofl:

"Just as prudent then as today" :rofl:

You become more of a hack everytime I engage you. Your history revision is laughable.

You've been told why they didn't raise taxes right way and why the situation between the begging of 2009 and December 2010 were light years apart. When Obama took office in 2009 is back then we were losing three quarters of a million jobs a month and GDP was plummetting. In Dec 2010 were were adding jobs and GDP was growing.

To say they "didn't want to raise taxes/let the cuts lapse" is flat out wrong. They wanted to let the cuts lapse on income earned over 250k but Obama and the Dems "caved" because the GOP put struggling Americans on the traintracks to prevent the Bush tax cuts from lapsing on income earned over 250k. Were you in coma or just a drunken stupor when all that was going down?

Open your eyes, retard. The GOP was willing to take food off the table of Americans struggling the most to ensure that top income earners could save 3% on their income beyond 250k.

When it comes to fiscal responsibility the left is running circles around modern day republicans who are beholden to the wealthy elite and an idea that Grover Norquist wet dreamed up when he was 12.

Just because you believe in fairytales, doesn't mean I have to.
If they had done nothing in 2010 the cuts would have expired. Ever since the tax cuts went into effect the liberals have told us it was a tax cut ONLY for the rich. Now, you guys say it is not.

My idea is to cut spending, big time, repeal Obamacare, raise taxes for 5 years on everyone, and then reduce them once we get the budget under control cut out the loopholes, shut down the offshore accounts.

I also am for no corporate welfare, no subsidies, no funding silly research projects and so on.

It is time for government to tighten up and neither party will do it.

Reagan was the last President to cut loopholes in the tax code, since then, they have increased. It's time to cut out loopholes.

I know the Dems won't tackle any of those issues, so spare me how any one is more fiscally conservative than the other.

I like Romney just because he will spark the economy.

Nothing that I said was a fairy tale, you just can't deal with it.

And I dare you to find any post of mine where I said that the tax cuts were "only" for the wealthy. An uniformed American, I am not.

Reagan was no fiscal conservative either. He tripled the debt and kicked off the massive distribution of wealth to the wealthy elite.

And I don't care what your plan is but it sounds radical, the kind of thing that would put the economy in another tailspin.

Getting back to a deficit neutral budget has to be a slow landing. Herking and jerking the wheel like you suggest would wrap the country around a telephone pole.

I can deal with what you said because it is a fairy tale.
If you were an informed American you would have realized why the debt went up under Reagan, but don't let history get in your way.

Glad you don't care what my plan is, most people with no clue would disagree with me.
Just because you believe in fairytales, doesn't mean I have to.
If they had done nothing in 2010 the cuts would have expired. Ever since the tax cuts went into effect the liberals have told us it was a tax cut ONLY for the rich. Now, you guys say it is not.

My idea is to cut spending, big time, repeal Obamacare, raise taxes for 5 years on everyone, and then reduce them once we get the budget under control cut out the loopholes, shut down the offshore accounts.

I also am for no corporate welfare, no subsidies, no funding silly research projects and so on.

It is time for government to tighten up and neither party will do it.

Reagan was the last President to cut loopholes in the tax code, since then, they have increased. It's time to cut out loopholes.

I know the Dems won't tackle any of those issues, so spare me how any one is more fiscally conservative than the other.

I like Romney just because he will spark the economy.

Nothing that I said was a fairy tale, you just can't deal with it.

And I dare you to find any post of mine where I said that the tax cuts were "only" for the wealthy. An uniformed American, I am not.

Reagan was no fiscal conservative either. He tripled the debt and kicked off the massive distribution of wealth to the wealthy elite.

And I don't care what your plan is but it sounds radical, the kind of thing that would put the economy in another tailspin.

Getting back to a deficit neutral budget has to be a slow landing. Herking and jerking the wheel like you suggest would wrap the country around a telephone pole.

I can deal with what you said because it is a fairy tale.
If you were an informed American you would have realized why the debt went up under Reagan, but don't let history get in your way.

Glad you don't care what my plan is, most people with no clue would disagree with me.

Your plan = let's immediately yank a shitload of money out of the economy = recipe for disaster
Ya REALLY think calling the prospective future employers AKA the American citizens "pissants" is a good idea?

Doesn't look good on the job app moron.


Except he wouldn't be talking to the people. He'd be talking to some partisan leftist "journalist."

I'm pretty sure any reasonably curious and interested American following this election would like more transparancy from Mittens. Assuming Americans do not care ...meaning we are stupid and lack the sophistication to ask such questions could likely prove fatal to Willards chances.

You'd think a reasonably curious and interested American following this election would like more transparency from Obama, especially since he campaigned on transparency, of course the left is used to looking the other way when Obama lies.
To be serious...who the hell cares about college grades thirty years after the fact?

Lots of you libs did when it was time to mock W (until you found out that Lurch's grades were even worse, that is).

In any event, I don't care that much about his grades thirty years later.

I AM somewhat interested in the topic of how he paid for school. Foreign aid. Did he (like his book publicist later did) claim that he was born in Kenya?

And I don't care if he made the claim in and of itself. It might not be true, so it's not like he would become inelgible to be President. But it would be a pretty important factor in vetting him if we were to now find out that he lied on applications for aid.

True, the statute of limitations for a criminal prosecution has likely passed. But I'd still like to know if he was gaming the system with dishonesty even in his college days.
Except he wouldn't be talking to the people. He'd be talking to some partisan leftist "journalist."

I'm pretty sure any reasonably curious and interested American following this election would like more transparancy from Mittens. Assuming Americans do not care ...meaning we are stupid and lack the sophistication to ask such questions could likely prove fatal to Willards chances.

You'd think a reasonably curious and interested American following this election would like more transparency from Obama, especially since he campaigned on transparency, of course the left is used to looking the other way when Obama lies.

Get back to me when the right has cleaned up their act on this or any issue, until then I will opt for the vastly superior of the two evils.
Nothing that I said was a fairy tale, you just can't deal with it.

And I dare you to find any post of mine where I said that the tax cuts were "only" for the wealthy. An uniformed American, I am not.

Reagan was no fiscal conservative either. He tripled the debt and kicked off the massive distribution of wealth to the wealthy elite.

And I don't care what your plan is but it sounds radical, the kind of thing that would put the economy in another tailspin.

Getting back to a deficit neutral budget has to be a slow landing. Herking and jerking the wheel like you suggest would wrap the country around a telephone pole.

I can deal with what you said because it is a fairy tale.
If you were an informed American you would have realized why the debt went up under Reagan, but don't let history get in your way.

Glad you don't care what my plan is, most people with no clue would disagree with me.

Your plan = let's immediately yank a shitload of money out of the economy = recipe for disaster

Obama's stimulus plan, didn't work.
I'm pretty sure any reasonably curious and interested American following this election would like more transparancy from Mittens. Assuming Americans do not care ...meaning we are stupid and lack the sophistication to ask such questions could likely prove fatal to Willards chances.

You'd think a reasonably curious and interested American following this election would like more transparency from Obama, especially since he campaigned on transparency, of course the left is used to looking the other way when Obama lies.

Get back to me when the right has cleaned up their act on this or any issue, until then I will opt for the vastly superior of the two evils.

Like I said, look the other way.
Nothing that I said was a fairy tale, you just can't deal with it.

And I dare you to find any post of mine where I said that the tax cuts were "only" for the wealthy. An uniformed American, I am not.

Reagan was no fiscal conservative either. He tripled the debt and kicked off the massive distribution of wealth to the wealthy elite.

And I don't care what your plan is but it sounds radical, the kind of thing that would put the economy in another tailspin.

Getting back to a deficit neutral budget has to be a slow landing. Herking and jerking the wheel like you suggest would wrap the country around a telephone pole.

I can deal with what you said because it is a fairy tale.
If you were an informed American you would have realized why the debt went up under Reagan, but don't let history get in your way.

Glad you don't care what my plan is, most people with no clue would disagree with me.

Your plan = let's immediately yank a shitload of money out of the economy = recipe for disaster

Yanking a shit load of money from the government is not yanking a shit load of money out of the economy.
The Government is not the economy,businesses are and government is now punishing the businesses.
Getting government spending under control helps the economy.
Speaking of Lurch -- I once had a very long running thread going about him at some other site.

That boy was a source of ENDLESS amusement.
I can deal with what you said because it is a fairy tale.
If you were an informed American you would have realized why the debt went up under Reagan, but don't let history get in your way.

Glad you don't care what my plan is, most people with no clue would disagree with me.

Your plan = let's immediately yank a shitload of money out of the economy = recipe for disaster

Obama's stimulus plan, didn't work.

And you say you don't believe in fairy tales....


I can deal with what you said because it is a fairy tale.
If you were an informed American you would have realized why the debt went up under Reagan, but don't let history get in your way.

Glad you don't care what my plan is, most people with no clue would disagree with me.

Your plan = let's immediately yank a shitload of money out of the economy = recipe for disaster

Yanking a shit load of money from the government is not yanking a shit load of money out of the economy.
The Government is not the economy,businesses are and government is now punishing the businesses.
Getting government spending under control helps the economy.

Here in the real world government spending is part of the economy and "cutting spending big time" and raising taxes "on everyone" is in fact, immediately "yanking a shitload of money out of the economy".
Nothing that I said was a fairy tale, you just can't deal with it.

And I dare you to find any post of mine where I said that the tax cuts were "only" for the wealthy. An uniformed American, I am not.

Reagan was no fiscal conservative either. He tripled the debt and kicked off the massive distribution of wealth to the wealthy elite.

And I don't care what your plan is but it sounds radical, the kind of thing that would put the economy in another tailspin.

Getting back to a deficit neutral budget has to be a slow landing. Herking and jerking the wheel like you suggest would wrap the country around a telephone pole.

Reagan also raised taxes 11 times during a recession

Raised them all the way from 70% to 28%.

After Reagan's first year in office, the annual deficit was 2.6% of gross domestic product. But it hit a high of 6% in 1983, stayed in the 5% range for the next three years, and fell to 3.1% by 1988. (By comparison, this year it's projected to be 9% but is expected to drop considerably thereafter.)

So, despite his public opposition to higher taxes, Reagan ended up signing off on several measures intended to raise more revenue.

"Reagan was certainly a tax cutter legislatively, emotionally and ideologically. But for a variety of political reasons, it was hard for him to ignore the cost of his tax cuts," said tax historian Joseph Thorndike.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime," Thorndike said.

Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010
Conservatives are not obsessed with Obama grades.
We want to know what the hell he was learning, what he was being taught.
One thing for sure, was not economics.

No, you just hate him cuz he is Black...

give it a rest, if America is allowed to vote on election day, Obama in a landslide

You really need to stop reading into things that are not there nor even implied.
Being against political ideology is not being a hateful racist.
Conservatives are not obsessed with Obama grades.
We want to know what the hell he was learning, what he was being taught.
One thing for sure, was not economics.

No, you just hate him cuz he is Black...

give it a rest, if America is allowed to vote on election day, Obama in a landslide

You really need to stop reading into things that are not there nor even implied.
Being against political ideology is not being a hateful racist.

you have no idea what ideology you are against or for

almost everything Obama has said, done or tried to do was supported by the right at one time or another...especially ACA

since the right never does their own research, ever, and relies completely on hannity and co, they are always wrong

every subject, every issue, every time

Reagan also raised taxes 11 times during a recession

Raised them all the way from 70% to 28%.

After Reagan's first year in office, the annual deficit was 2.6% of gross domestic product. But it hit a high of 6% in 1983, stayed in the 5% range for the next three years, and fell to 3.1% by 1988. (By comparison, this year it's projected to be 9% but is expected to drop considerably thereafter.)

So, despite his public opposition to higher taxes, Reagan ended up signing off on several measures intended to raise more revenue.

"Reagan was certainly a tax cutter legislatively, emotionally and ideologically. But for a variety of political reasons, it was hard for him to ignore the cost of his tax cuts," said tax historian Joseph Thorndike.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime," Thorndike said.

Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010

As a result of the 1981 and 1986 bills, the top income tax rate was slashed from 70% to 28%.

Sounds familiar.
Here's the real answeer to why Conservatives are "obsessed" as the OP calls them, over Obama's grades:

Because they are hidden from the public. It's the same reason that the left is obsessed with Romney's tax returns.

Bush hid his college transcripts, but they were leaked. Do you think all presidents release their transcripts? No, Only cause Oblama did it is it any issue.

Wrong. I'm only concerned about it because the Dems are obsessing about Romney's tax returns. Tit for tat, that's the only reason i bring it up.

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