Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

Raised them all the way from 70% to 28%.

After Reagan's first year in office, the annual deficit was 2.6% of gross domestic product. But it hit a high of 6% in 1983, stayed in the 5% range for the next three years, and fell to 3.1% by 1988. (By comparison, this year it's projected to be 9% but is expected to drop considerably thereafter.)

So, despite his public opposition to higher taxes, Reagan ended up signing off on several measures intended to raise more revenue.

"Reagan was certainly a tax cutter legislatively, emotionally and ideologically. But for a variety of political reasons, it was hard for him to ignore the cost of his tax cuts," said tax historian Joseph Thorndike.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime," Thorndike said.

Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010

As a result of the 1981 and 1986 bills, the top income tax rate was slashed from 70% to 28%.

Sounds familiar.

The money exposed to that 28% tax rate was much greater than the money exposed to the 70% tax rate, thanks in large part to TEFRA, the largest tax hike as a percent of GDP since WW2.
No, you just hate him cuz he is Black...

give it a rest, if America is allowed to vote on election day, Obama in a landslide

You really need to stop reading into things that are not there nor even implied.
Being against political ideology is not being a hateful racist.

you have no idea what ideology you are against or for

almost everything Obama has said, done or tried to do was supported by the right at one time or another...especially ACA

since the right never does their own research, ever, and relies completely on hannity and co, they are always wrong

every subject, every issue, every time


Talk about blind hatred.
I always do research and I post links to the research. I post the links to the actual bills or State web sites or government data.
I never watch Hannity.

As a result of the 1981 and 1986 bills, the top income tax rate was slashed from 70% to 28%.

Sounds familiar.

The money exposed to that 28% tax rate was much greater than the money exposed to the 70% tax rate, thanks in large part to TEFRA, the largest tax hike as a percent of GDP since WW2.

If only the Democrats had cut spending like they promised.
You really need to stop reading into things that are not there nor even implied.
Being against political ideology is not being a hateful racist.

you have no idea what ideology you are against or for

almost everything Obama has said, done or tried to do was supported by the right at one time or another...especially ACA

since the right never does their own research, ever, and relies completely on hannity and co, they are always wrong

every subject, every issue, every time


Talk about blind hatred.
I always do research and I post links to the research. I post the links to the actual bills or State web sites or government data.
I never watch Hannity.

OK ...Let's talk about it. I believe it is wrong to hate the blind that are without sight due to nothing they have personally done to cause thier blindness. I believe those that are willfully blind deserve hatred because they are most of the problem with communication, compromise and effective leadership and management of our nation.
Blindness = not seeing

My President has made me and the rest of the country blind to who he is by withholding his records.

We had to find this out from a Democrat lawyer who was interested as to why records of a person running for President were so hard to come by, and he found some of them, only to be stonewalled by the Press, by the Obama administration and even the Supreme Court.

Here is what is not known about Obama on account of the no access policy Obama has, after promising total transparency in his administration:

  • a legitimate birth certificate – not one found to be fraudulent by the only law enforcement investigation to examine it;
  • student records from Obama’s earliest days through his years at Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law School;
  • travel and passport records;
  • Selective Service records;
  • Social Security records;
  • immigration records;
  • marriage records for his alleged parents;
  • adoption records;
  • his complete medical-records file;
  • his writings as Harvard Law Review editor
Joseph Farah, "Who's really hiding his records?"

The American people don't know who their President is. He doesn't want us to know who he is. He tells us that in his withholding of who he is through cutting off information about himself that would tell who that he is. Other people don't close their family documents off from other people when they run for office.

When this president says he is going to "spread the wealth" and his Congress expropriates every welching nickel it can from those who work for a living for the nepotistic end of furnishing guaranteed no-losses to their relatives and friends, we want to know what Obama and his supporters learned in school, and we want to know who he learned it from to bring him to this anti-Americans philosophy, and he is being assisted by arrogant and ill-meaning collaborators in the Press.

We are tired of being blinded by Obama's obfuscations and omissions.
Wow, each time I start to feel even slightly guilty for recommending you all be sent to Gitmo for terrorist activities, you pull me back in...with pure hate
Wow, each time I start to feel even slightly guilty for recommending you all be sent to Gitmo for terrorist activities, you pull me back in...with pure hate

You poor girl.

Both Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey would puke, repeatedly and uncontrollably, if they saw a vile and filthy racist lying hypocrite was using their likeness and lyrics...

This isnt my opinion, either.

It is a fact...

You are on the wrong side of history, on every topic.
Wow, each time I start to feel even slightly guilty for recommending you all be sent to Gitmo for terrorist activities, you pull me back in...with pure hate

You poor girl.

Both Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey would puke, repeatedly and uncontrollably, if they saw a vile and filthy racist lying hypocrite was using their likeness and lyrics...

This isnt my opinion, either.

It is a fact...

You are on the wrong side of history, on every topic.

You need a tissue?
Wow, each time I start to feel even slightly guilty for recommending you all be sent to Gitmo for terrorist activities, you pull me back in...with pure hate
You are so confused.

Wanting to know the truth is not the equivalent of pure hate.

I just want to know who President Obama is without the bullshit of his airhead biography where named people are actually evolved from "composites" and in his practice as CIC, where trillions of dollars can be printed by borrowing from people who collaborate with nuclear-ambitious nations who don't claim they want to "wipe the US and Israel" off the face of the map, and they don't claim it 30 or 40 times a year in Arabic to their anti-Western nation collaborator nations. Ask them why they said it, and each time, they will say they didn't say it, they said something Westerners could never understand.

Well, hello. We sure as hell did understand 9/11.
What's telling about the Obama letter is that it DOES contain so many mistakes in grammar. Lawyers make their living from the proper use of words. One would think that in a letter responding to someone questioning his qualifications that Barry would have proof read what he was putting into the public record. That he allowed THAT letter to be published over his signature goes a long way towards proving Mr. Chen's point that the new President of the Law Review wasn't qualified to hold that post.

Really?? Such as??

You didn't notice the grammar mistakes even though they were pointed out in the article?

No one is surprised.

I saw one typo. So what am I missing, genius?? Tell me.
Why conservatives are obsessed with Obama's college grades: 4 theories - The Week

1. Conservatives want to paint Obama as a dumb, affirmative-action fraud
In his $20,000 offer for Obama's transcripts, Bayne lays out his rationale: "We're not convinced that Barack is as smart as you media elitists keep insisting he is." The charge that the president got bad grades 30 years ago doesn't hold water, however: Biographer David Maraniss says Obama got a 3.7 GPA at Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law, something you can't do with bad grades.

2. Conservatives are obsessed with "vetting" Obama
The play to shame Obama into releasing his college grades "is nothing more than a pathetically desperate effort to find something, anything that they can use against him in the upcoming election," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. It's part of the Right's effort to "vet" Obama, four years after the media made him "one of the most vetted presidential candidates in recent memory."

3. This is just birtherism warmed over
When you "get to the bottom of the conspiracy," says Sarah Jones at Politicus USA, it's clear that Wayne is a birther, and his "foreign exchange student" theory is part of the claim that Obama isn't really American. Indeed, this "irrelevant nonsense about college transcripts... has been a central part of birtherism from the beginning,"

4. The Right is desperate to distract from Romney's taxes
The reason conservatives are "freaking out in unison" about Obama's college grades "couldn't be more obvious," says Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs: They're trying anything they can to "divert attention away from Mitt Romney's refusal to release financial information

It's up to Obama to stop this obsession by releasing his college records. Why everything around him has to be so secret? Is he a secret agent? I thought he was the president of the United States. Oh, my bad.
Imagine hating your country so much you care more about an honest mans grades than a dishonest mans tax returns

i cant type the word wow big enough
Imagine hating your country so much you care more about an honest mans grades than a dishonest mans tax returns

i cant type the word wow big enough
Honest men don't smile at you with his arm around your shoulder while he is secreting all the money in your pocket to all his political pals.

You, sir, are into a heap of denial that is way over your pointy head.
Imagine hating your country so much you care more about an honest mans grades than a dishonest mans tax returns

i cant type the word wow big enough

Boy, that honest man is going to be upset when he hears you're trying to compare him to Obama.
And we've asked the dishonest man, but Harry Reid never released any of his tax returns.

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