Why cruz will likely win a contested convention

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By the way

Who is in charge of changing the rules?

If it is the chosen delegates, then Cruz is going to win!!

It's the delegates. With trump and Cruz having over 70% I can't see them changing it to let others on the ballot. Especially with Cruz working to get his guys on the rules committee
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  • #42
I know anti Cruz people like to pretend that he uses dirty tactics. But the fact is he doesn't. And it seems completely illogical to object to dirty tactics and sign on to trump

Ted Cruz Apologizes To Ben Carson For Telling Supporters ...

Thank you for proving my point

Seems that I disproved your point.

Then you didn't understand it. You have to convince yourself that citing a news report is playing dirty. No candidate worth his weight would ignore a news report saying a rival is getting out and not try to recruit his supporters. Both Cruz and Rubio did it. The difference is Cruz won so trump took advantage of that to excuse his loss
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In my experience, people that complain about the rules are the ones on the losing end of the argument.

And, as pertains to this topic, who would you rather have as President of the United States: Someone that tries to ignore/complain about/belittle the rules because they think they should get what they want, or someone that takes the time to understand and follow the rules? Before you answer, remember part of the oath is to uphold the Constitution. If a person thinks they're above the rules in the primary, it doesn't give me a lot of faith they'll follow the rules once they're in office.

We already know the answer... there is a green eggs and ham ego that knows how to manipulate the law even though it may be legal , but his heart shows that he doesn't care who it hurts even a kind running mate that was honest and sincere.

I don't see anyone else pushing the limits to almost illegal like Ted Cruz does.

But we do see Trump, and his supporters, arguing the rules don't matter or should be tossed out.

For example, this very topic. Trump and his supporters are arguing that a plurality should be enough when the rules clearly state he will need a majority to secure his nomination. Instead of putting in the legwork to secure that majority via negotiation, Trump is trying to argue it's a stupid rule.

Well tough. When he decided to run for the GOP nomination, those were the rules. They haven't changed since the primary started. If he didn't like those rules, he should have geared up for a third party run or created his own party.

This, by the way, is not a minor rules point either. Should Trump become President he constitutionally will have limits on what he can do. If he wants to enact any meaningful legislation he will have to learn how to build coalitions and secure a majority of lawmakers in both branches of Congress. If he can't close the deal in Cleveland, I don't see how he could accomplish anything meaningful once he gets to Washington.

The Republican rules are subject to change, and it now appears that Rule 40 doesn't matter. Why shouldn't Trump be suspicious.

Only if the delegates change the rules. And most of them will be in trump and Cruz camp. So why would they?

You are confused. The 112 members of the Rules Committee can change the rules, not the delegates.

And who is on the committee? Selected delegates
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Trump falls about 50 delegates short

Cruz winds up with about 800 Total

both are to stubborn to give the other their delegates

rules are changed due to the stalemate

Kasich gets the noination

write that down.

Written or not its pure fantasy
We already know the answer... there is a green eggs and ham ego that knows how to manipulate the law even though it may be legal , but his heart shows that he doesn't care who it hurts even a kind running mate that was honest and sincere.

I don't see anyone else pushing the limits to almost illegal like Ted Cruz does.

But we do see Trump, and his supporters, arguing the rules don't matter or should be tossed out.

For example, this very topic. Trump and his supporters are arguing that a plurality should be enough when the rules clearly state he will need a majority to secure his nomination. Instead of putting in the legwork to secure that majority via negotiation, Trump is trying to argue it's a stupid rule.

Well tough. When he decided to run for the GOP nomination, those were the rules. They haven't changed since the primary started. If he didn't like those rules, he should have geared up for a third party run or created his own party.

This, by the way, is not a minor rules point either. Should Trump become President he constitutionally will have limits on what he can do. If he wants to enact any meaningful legislation he will have to learn how to build coalitions and secure a majority of lawmakers in both branches of Congress. If he can't close the deal in Cleveland, I don't see how he could accomplish anything meaningful once he gets to Washington.

The Republican rules are subject to change, and it now appears that Rule 40 doesn't matter. Why shouldn't Trump be suspicious.

Only if the delegates change the rules. And most of them will be in trump and Cruz camp. So why would they?

You are confused. The 112 members of the Rules Committee can change the rules, not the delegates.

And who is on the committee? Selected delegates

Do your research.
And who is on the committee? Selected delegates
It's a small pool as I understand. Two from each State and province represented in in the Primaries process. I thought they were selected by the State GOP parties, which would mean they're likely anti-Trump folks. I'd be very surprised if Cruz hasn't been working to influence who this group turns out to be.
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And who is on the committee? Selected delegates
It's a small pool as I understand. Two from each State and province represented in in the Primaries process. I thought they were selected by the State GOP parties, which would mean they're likely anti-Trump folks. I'd be very surprised if Cruz hasn't been working to influence who this group turns out to be.

He has been. He's very aware that some would try to get rid of both of them if they could. I think that would be unwise
And who is on the committee? Selected delegates
It's a small pool as I understand. Two from each State and province represented in in the Primaries process. I thought they were selected by the State GOP parties, which would mean they're likely anti-Trump folks. I'd be very surprised if Cruz hasn't been working to influence who this group turns out to be.

He has been. He's very aware that some would try to get rid of both of them if they could. I think that would be unwise
On this I agree. One of the most important points in the GOP primaries to realize is that between Trump and Cruz they've held on to 70%+ percent of the votes in primaries and polls. Folks have pretty clearly rejected the establishment candidates in this race. Trying to run someone that isn't Trump or Cruz would be a big mistake for the GOP.

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