Why Democrats lost


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
This is exactly why Trump won.

1. The Democrats have been alienating white people for far too long, by continuing to support double standards on race issues that disenfranchises white people WHO ARE the Majority of Americans.

2. Americans are tired of trade deals with Mexico and China and other 3rd world countries while more and more and more unrealistic standards are demanded of the American population in increasingly competitive markets with fewer jobs available, and harsher, more excluding and more intimidating hiring practices being thrown in our path.
Americans are tired of it.

3. Americans are tired of being pushed out of their residences, because the democrats continue to support far too upscale of businesses that the people cannot afford to do business with, taking a foothold in less upscale neighborhoods.

4. The Democrats continue to threaten the Advancement of our Military technology by underfunding it.

And the Democrats refuse to budge.
So they can go fuck themselves.
The democrats lost because they continue to bring logic, reason and compassion to a political knife fight and wonder why they are getting stabbed. Not sure there is a real solution to a political landscape made into a WWF style entertainment spectacle by opportunists and con-men. We cannot even talk about policy and issues anymore because none of you gives a damn about any of that boring shit, you would rather have some meaningless reality show drama than a dry policy discussion any day of the week.
The democrats lost because they continue to bring logic, reason and compassion to a political knife fight and wonder why they are getting stabbed. Not sure there is a real solution to a political landscape made into a WWF style entertainment spectacle by opportunists and con-men. We cannot even talk about policy and issues anymore because none of you gives a damn about any of that boring shit, you would rather have some meaningless reality show drama than a dry policy discussion any day of the week.
Thanks for the laugh
This is exactly why Trump won.

1. The Democrats have been alienating white people for far too long, by continuing to support double standards on race issues that disenfranchises white people WHO ARE the Majority of Americans.

2. Americans are tired of trade deals with Mexico and China and other 3rd world countries while more and more and more unrealistic standards are demanded of the American population in increasingly competitive markets with fewer jobs available, and harsher, more excluding and more intimidating hiring practices being thrown in our path.
Americans are tired of it.

3. Americans are tired of being pushed out of their residences, because the democrats continue to support far too upscale of businesses that the people cannot afford to do business with, taking a foothold in less upscale neighborhoods.

4. The Democrats continue to threaten the Advancement of our Military technology by underfunding it.

And the Democrats refuse to budge.
So they can go fuck themselves.
I agree. Now get the leadership of the democrats to understand that. They think they did nothing wrong.
The democrats lost because they continue to bring logic, reason and compassion to a political knife fight and wonder why they are getting stabbed. Not sure there is a real solution to a political landscape made into a WWF style entertainment spectacle by opportunists and con-men. We cannot even talk about policy and issues anymore because none of you gives a damn about any of that boring shit, you would rather have some meaningless reality show drama than a dry policy discussion any day of the week.
Thanks for the laugh
What did he say that was wrong?
The democrats lost because they continue to bring logic, reason and compassion to a political knife fight and wonder why they are getting stabbed. Not sure there is a real solution to a political landscape made into a WWF style entertainment spectacle by opportunists and con-men. We cannot even talk about policy and issues anymore because none of you gives a damn about any of that boring shit, you would rather have some meaningless reality show drama than a dry policy discussion any day of the week.
You want to talk policy? Explain to us why illegals have a right to break the laws and are shielded and the rest of us face punishment? Same question about Clinton.
The democrats lost because they continue to bring logic, reason and compassion to a political knife fight and wonder why they are getting stabbed. Not sure there is a real solution to a political landscape made into a WWF style entertainment spectacle by opportunists and con-men. We cannot even talk about policy and issues anymore because none of you gives a damn about any of that boring shit, you would rather have some meaningless reality show drama than a dry policy discussion any day of the week.
Thanks for the laugh
Laugh it up, people like you made American politics and the American voter into the laughing stock of the world. You post on a political discussion board but when is the last time you talked about issues rather than politicians? That sort of discussion is dead and the "conservatives" killed it.
1. The Democrats have been alienating white people for far too long, by continuing to support double standards on race issues that disenfranchises white people WHO ARE the Majority of Americans.
I think this plays a far bigger role than they would ever admit. The behavior of their wingers has just become too off-putting.

The Trump/Clinton thing isn't the only issue here, either. House, Senate, state houses. It's across the board.

Insult and attack people, act superior to them, keep telling them they're stupid, punish them if they say something you don't like, shout them down, make fun of them, mock their religion, laugh at their lifestyle, and at some point they'll just tell you to fuck off.
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Decades of racist movies such as White men can't jump being created by reputable media companies....

While in order to make a movie called Chimps can't lift enough to win an athletic competition in it...
Or Chimps can't swim, or Chimps think that jumping up and down like a retard is dancing and Chimps think cussing is music..
Or Chimps think that ugly, low quality and overpriced rags is Fashion.
Or Kimbo the Dumbo got Beat....

I would have to risk my life to go to a KKK outpost for them to produce it.
And it wouldn't get advertising.

We're tired of that too.
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The democrats lost because they continue to bring logic, reason and compassion to a political knife fight and wonder why they are getting stabbed. Not sure there is a real solution to a political landscape made into a WWF style entertainment spectacle by opportunists and con-men. We cannot even talk about policy and issues anymore because none of you gives a damn about any of that boring shit, you would rather have some meaningless reality show drama than a dry policy discussion any day of the week.
Thanks for the laugh
Laugh it up, people like you made American politics and the American voter into the laughing stock of the world. You post on a political discussion board but when is the last time you talked about issues rather than politicians? That sort of discussion is dead and the "conservatives" killed it.
Democrats lost because they let Trump own the message of being for the workers, fixing trade and painting Hillary as a nasty ****. Democrats nominated a women that wanted at one time to make the problems worse and focused way to much on social issues...
Democrats need another FDR if they wish to get back power...They have to beat the Hurting/Hover that is Trump and that is how.

Focus on the unions
More workers rights
Fixing the environmental mess that Trump will make
Fixing the mess that Trump will make for the poor.

I don't know if 4 years is enough time to wake people up to elect this fdr but hopefully it doesn't take too long.
Given that Clinton's lead in the vote is going to be over 3 million,

the Democrats lost because we're stuck with an obsolete electoral system leftover from the days of tri cornered hats, powdered wigs, and slaves.
Democrats lost because Hillary sucks. Bernie only lost the primary because lack of name recognition lost him a lot of delegates. If it had been him that made it center stage and went against Trump he would have crushed him.

If you voted for Hillary in the primary you are immeasurably foolish.
Democrats lost because 85% of America sees them as racists and they all support the KKK
This is exactly why Trump won.

1. The Democrats have been alienating white people for far too long, by continuing to support double standards on race issues that disenfranchises white people WHO ARE the Majority of Americans.

2. Americans are tired of trade deals with Mexico and China and other 3rd world countries while more and more and more unrealistic standards are demanded of the American population in increasingly competitive markets with fewer jobs available, and harsher, more excluding and more intimidating hiring practices being thrown in our path.
Americans are tired of it.

3. Americans are tired of being pushed out of their residences, because the democrats continue to support far too upscale of businesses that the people cannot afford to do business with, taking a foothold in less upscale neighborhoods.

4. The Democrats continue to threaten the Advancement of our Military technology by underfunding it.

And the Democrats refuse to budge.
So they can go fuck themselves.
Manufacturing labor is down for reasons that go FAR beyond "trade deals".

Automation is here to stay. Manufacturing OUTPUT is up and has grown continuously, except for the 2008 recession. The catch is that we can make far more stuff with far fewer employees.

Manufacturing corporations are hiring college graduates - not those who have been working in less modern manufacturing environments. When America moved from agriculture to manufacturing we found that corporations needed more than 8th grade. So, we made high school an education requirement and provided it for free. Today, high school is not enough. But, the US is not responding to that need - like Germany, Japan, China, India and other countries are.

Unions are smashed, so guess what? No retirement, low wages, dangerous working conditions, no job security.

Other nations have caught up with us. Germany exports major amounts of heavy equipment. China is the world leader in exporting solar and wind power products. Etc. That's not because of trade deals - that's because they caught up with us.

We are 5% of the world. If we give up on the 95% that is our marketplace, that is NOT going to work for us. Boeing sells 4 planes in Asia for every plane they sell in the US. Microsoft, Apple, and many others sell FAR more product outside American than inside. Deciding to look inward would cut our own throats.

We're moving away from manufacturing toward high tech, innovation, information, etc. If we decide to ignore the need for education (as outlined by Sanders and Clinton, and demonstrated by China, Japan, Germany, and many others) our manufacturing is going to continue to shrink AND we're going to have our lunch eaten by those that DO care about education and thus define the market segments of the future.
Democrats lost because Hillary sucks. Bernie only lost the primary because lack of name recognition lost him a lot of delegates. If it had been him that made it center stage and went against Trump he would have crushed him.

If you voted for Hillary in the primary you are immeasurably foolish.

Wrong! Bernie was for free everything.

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