Why Dems Are Edging Away From the Obama Record

The silly PC bitch is slimming the board again with her silly cut and paste. President Obama and President Roosevelt, both of them, will be remembered as great Presidents. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown will be remembered as exactly that.

"... bitch...."

I notice that when you Leftists have been skewered by the truth I post, you default to vulgarity.

Is that what you learned growing up?

I didn't.
The silly PC bitch is slimming the board again with her silly cut and paste. President Obama and President Roosevelt, both of them, will be remembered as great Presidents. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown will be remembered as exactly that.

"...remembered as great Presidents..."

Well....let's check:
Is there anything in here that you'd like to try to deny???

a. "His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/o...est&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0

b. "Democrats suffered a greater loss of power during Obama’s tenure than under any other two-term president since World War II." Obama returns to political fray for a Democratic Party cause

2. Now....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.

And....coming soon.....a deliverable Iranian nuclear missile.

So.....as you can't deny the truth I post, you actually serve to verify same.
Now, you're dismissed.
While memorializing Hiroshima, Prime Minister Abe said this:

"For us to truly pursue a world without nuclear weapons, we need participation from both nuclear-weapons and non-nuclear weapons states," Abe said in his speech at the annual ceremony.

"Our country is committed to leading the international community by encouraging both sides" to make progress towards abolishing nuclear arms, Abe added without directly referring to the UN treaty."
Japan marks 72 years since Hiroshima atomic bomb

Non-proliferation had been the policy of a forward-thinking America....

...until this dolt came along:


...and awarded nuclear weapons to the most egregious state sponsor of terrorism
....based on rational assessments.

Ration meaning logic, experience, facts ....and intelligence.

1. First, and most obvious:

a. "His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/o...est&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0

b. "Democrats suffered a greater loss of power during Obama’s tenure than under any other two-term president since World War II." Obama returns to political fray for a Democratic Party cause

2. Now....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.

And....coming soon.....a deliverable Iranian nuclear missile.

If and when it happens....guess who gets the 'credit'....hence....the title of this thread.

3. Now....I did restrict our analysis to considerations based on rational assessments....meaning to the exclusion of the methods represented here:

4. In order for this to be a teachable moment, I need provide alternatives to what Democrats have done.....

....and, I will....in a moment.
another winner supergirl... please keep them coming. i feel a real conservative surge coming on. i'm willing to fight to the death to save this country, even against my own country's liberal scourge, an their filthy media agents.

Did you see this?
"Millions of Americans will revolt if the globalists remove President Trump from office or render him powerless, radio host Michael Savage warned.

Americans could even “resort to mob violence” because they’ll have nothing to lose once they “are finally aware of the fact that they’ve been tricked by their society, and that no matter how hard they work as middle-class people” they have nothing to gain, the Savage Nation host said Friday.
Millions of Americans will revolt if the globalists remove President Trump from office or render him powerless, radio host Michael Savage warned.

Americans could even “resort to mob violence” because they’ll have nothing to lose once they “are finally aware of the fact that they’ve been tricked by their society, and that no matter how hard they work as middle-class people” they have nothing to gain, the Savage Nation host said Friday."
Savage: Civil War If Trump Taken Down

Looks like you could have written it.....
....based on rational assessments.

Ration meaning logic, experience, facts ....and intelligence.

1. First, and most obvious:

a. "His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/o...est&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0

b. "Democrats suffered a greater loss of power during Obama’s tenure than under any other two-term president since World War II." Obama returns to political fray for a Democratic Party cause

2. Now....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.

And....coming soon.....a deliverable Iranian nuclear missile.

If and when it happens....guess who gets the 'credit'....hence....the title of this thread.

3. Now....I did restrict our analysis to considerations based on rational assessments....meaning to the exclusion of the methods represented here:

4. In order for this to be a teachable moment, I need provide alternatives to what Democrats have done.....

....and, I will....in a moment.
another winner supergirl... please keep them coming. i feel a real conservative surge coming on. i'm willing to fight to the death to save this country, even against my own country's liberal scourge, an their filthy media agents.

Did you see this?
"Millions of Americans will revolt if the globalists remove President Trump from office or render him powerless, radio host Michael Savage warned.

Americans could even “resort to mob violence” because they’ll have nothing to lose once they “are finally aware of the fact that they’ve been tricked by their society, and that no matter how hard they work as middle-class people” they have nothing to gain, the Savage Nation host said Friday.
Millions of Americans will revolt if the globalists remove President Trump from office or render him powerless, radio host Michael Savage warned.

Americans could even “resort to mob violence” because they’ll have nothing to lose once they “are finally aware of the fact that they’ve been tricked by their society, and that no matter how hard they work as middle-class people” they have nothing to gain, the Savage Nation host said Friday."
Savage: Civil War If Trump Taken Down

Looks like you could have written it.....

thank you.

right on the money. libs will push to escalate to violence in the streets until it happens.

urban areas could become war zones, apocalyptic. newly formed gangs will operate under jungle law, gather weapons and supplies as they egress.

i have a moat.
'Why Dems Are Edging Away From the Obama Record'

I don't understand this at all. Who WOULDN'T want to be associated with:

- The least transparent, most criminal administration in US history who set a new record for Criminal Non-Compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act

- A President who aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and dragged the US into 2 Constitutional wars to help terrorists take over their own countries

- A President who illegally spied on the American people, illegally spied on the media and reporters, illegally spied on the US Senate and USSC, and who illegally used the IRS as a political weapon against Americans who called his 'political enemies'

- Openly mocked Americans over their concern for their safety and our national security - after he helped facilitate the largest attack on our Ally France since WWII after bragging how he had ISIS 'contained'...only to have the terrorist to whom he gave a visa to and allowed into the country to kill 7 Americans in Ca in a terrorist attack

- Sent out his US AG to threaten Americans with judicial punishment if they exercised their right of Freedom of Speech after that attack by talking negatively about Islamic Extremists and terrorists

- Facilitated the murder and maiming of Americans by terrorists in Boston, Benghazi, California, Tennessee, and Arizona...
-- The 1st President to allow a US Ambassador to be murdered by terrorists in 30 years

- Armed Mexican Drug cartels

- Added nearly $7 trillion to the national debt in only 4 years and gifted the US with it's 1st Credit Rating downgrade in US history because he refused to make necessary spending cuts

- Protected terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, violent illegals, human traffickers, and law-breaking criminal-protecting Sanctuary cities....

- Illegally shared classified, illegally leaked classified, illegally unmasked Americans, and perpetrated Felony Espionage for political benefit...

- The 1st US AG ever to be Censured in US history by a bipartisan Congress for his Felony Perjury about Obama's Fast and Furious)

... and more?!

1,000 national elections lost
5 Special Elections lost
2 historic, record-setting political losses

WHO would NOT want a piece of that?
'Why Dems Are Edging Away From the Obama Record'

I don't understand this at all. Who WOULDN'T want to be associated with:

- The least transparent, most criminal administration in US history who set a new record for Criminal Non-Compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act

- A President who aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and dragged the US into 2 Constitutional wars to help terrorists take over their own countries

- A President who illegally spied on the American people, illegally spied on the media and reporters, illegally spied on the US Senate and USSC, and who illegally used the IRS as a political weapon against Americans who called his 'political enemies'

- Openly mocked Americans over their concern for their safety and our national security - after he helped facilitate the largest attack on our Ally France since WWII after bragging how he had ISIS 'contained'...only to have the terrorist to whom he gave a visa to and allowed into the country to kill 7 Americans in Ca in a terrorist attack

- Sent out his US AG to threaten Americans with judicial punishment if they exercised their right of Freedom of Speech after that attack by talking negatively about Islamic Extremists and terrorists

- Facilitated the murder and maiming of Americans by terrorists in Boston, Benghazi, California, Tennessee, and Arizona...
-- The 1st President to allow a US Ambassador to be murdered by terrorists in 30 years

- Armed Mexican Drug cartels

- Added nearly $7 trillion to the national debt in only 4 years and gifted the US with it's 1st Credit Rating downgrade in US history because he refused to make necessary spending cuts

- Protected terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, violent illegals, human traffickers, and law-breaking criminal-protecting Sanctuary cities....

- Illegally shared classified, illegally leaked classified, illegally unmasked Americans, and perpetrated Felony Espionage for political benefit...

- The 1st US AG ever to be Censured in US history by a bipartisan Congress for his Felony Perjury about Obama's Fast and Furious)

... and more?!

1,000 national elections lost
5 Special Elections lost
2 historic, record-setting political losses

WHO would NOT want a piece of that?
and hillary is jane from tarzan swinging on the vine to connect obama to her "husband".

foia will be a household word/event digging into this.

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If the information you want is not publicly available, you can submit a FOIA request to the agency's FOIA Office. The request simply must be in writing and reasonably describe the records you seek. Most federal agencies now accept FOIA requests electronically, including by web form, e-mail or fax.
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If the information you want is not publicly available, you can submit a FOIA request to the agency's FOIAOffice. The request simply must be in writing and reasonably describe the records you seek. Most federal agencies now accept FOIA requests electronically, including by web form, e-mail or fax.
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How to File a FOIA Request: A Guide | Public Citizen
Some agencies allow you to submit a FOIA request online or by fax. All agencies accept FOIA requestsby mail. When sending a request by mail, you should write "Freedom of Information Request" (or Appeal) on the envelope and on the letter, and you should retain a copy for your files.
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How to File a FOIA Request | CIA FOIA (foia.cia.gov)
How to File a FOIA Request. Welcome to the new CIA Electronic Reading Room. Be sure to bookmark this site, and note that our former URL will be ...
How To File A FOIA Request | Federal Communications Commission
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To make a FOIA request pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 0.461, you have several options: You may submit your request electronically through FOIAonline. Choose ...
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How to File a FOIA Request
How to File a FOIA Request. Many agree that the anatomy of the FOIA is actually more art than science. While Congress passed the Freedom of Information Act ...
Sample FOIA Request Letters | Freedom of Information Act Request ...
View sample FOIA request letters that must be submitted in order to make a FOIA request to your state.
How to Make a FOIA Request - FDA
Mar 6, 2017 - Instructions for submitting a FOIA request to the Food and Drug Administration.
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Under the federal Freedom of Information Act and public records laws in all 50 ... In most cases, submitting a request is as easy as sending an email to the right ...

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