Why Dems Hate Putin Thread and Poll

Why do Dems Hate Putin Thread and Poll

  • The sanctity of the Vote (lol) No really.

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Putin abandoned Communism as a failed system only embraced by losers and morons

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • St Hillary was supposed to win. No way Trump could beat her on his own. Putin

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
Putin is a Christian


Communism shuns religion.... unless they control it.
Putin isn't communist and communists didn't shun religion. The Bolsheviks, however, did kill 66 million white Christians in Russia. They destroyed thousands of churches and hunted down the Christian clergy and executed them with their families. Synagogues, however, were left alone, as were the rabbis.

Putin was a member of the communist party and is ex-KGB, cnazi. He also said that that the collapse of the USSR was the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century.

But you who are enthralled by the bizarre, nutter, crazy, altright media don't hear that, do you, cnazi?
What's the real motivation behind the unmitigated hatred for Putin and Russia?

You tell us.

Is it because they think Putin interfered with the sanctity of the voting process?

Nah, Obama suborned felon voter fraud. When you vote, you are a citizen? You still think he attended class at Law School?

What's the real reason?

Multiple votes encouraged, just like every other time Dems vote

He is a convenient excuse so that those that voted for Hillary do not have to admit she lost because of Jill Stein getting some of Sanders votes...
He is a convenient excuse so that those that voted for Hillary do not have to admit she lost because of Jill Stein getting some of Sanders votes...
Bullshit. The Jews hated Putin long before the last election. Back in the 90s, a bunch of Jewish oligarchs were feeding on the carcass of the Soviet Union--the monster Jews created in 1917 responsible for Eleven Holocausts of Christians--and Putin betrayed them, even throwing one in jail. They have hated him since. To make matters worse, when Israel stirred up civil war in Syria and Jews in this country got their trained dog--the America taxpayer--to send weapons to the "rebels", and everything was going according to plan, Assad, the rightful ruler of Syria--the secular leader who protects Christians--was slowly sinking under the violence, and there was lots of beautiful bloodshed and slaughter of innocents, fucking Putin stepped in and put a stop to it all.

That, Bruce, is where the hatred of Putin comes from. Nowhere else.
Putin is a Christian


Communism shuns religion.... unless they control it.
Putin isn't communist and communists didn't shun religion. The Bolsheviks, however, did kill 66 million white Christians in Russia. They destroyed thousands of churches and hunted down the Christian clergy and executed them with their families. Synagogues, however, were left alone, as were the rabbis.

Putin was a member of the communist party and is ex-KGB, cnazi. He also said that that the collapse of the USSR was the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century.

But you who are enthralled by the bizarre, nutter, crazy, altright media don't hear that, do you, cnazi?
Haha, nothing infuriates the tribe like a little light shown on their nasty activity. Yes, Shlomo, Putin was once a member of the murderous party Jews inflicted on the white Christians of Russia costing 66 million of them their lives--the same Jews that murdered the Russian king in cold blood along with his wife and children and all their employees, and afterward, tacked a note on the blood-spattered wall with the words מנא מנא תקל ופרסין from the Book of Daniel, the same party whose secret police, known as the Cheka, was staffed almost entirely by Jews, and which destroyed thousands of churches, hunting down the clergy and executing them with their families (but didn't destroy the synagogues nor harm the rabbinate) and genocided tens of millions of white Christians before it morphed as the NVKD into the KGB of which a young Putin was a member, out of which the Jewish oligarchs selected him to replace the drunken and conscience-stricken Yeltsin, after which he chose to patriotically betray the Jews while they were still sucking the wealth out of the former Soviet Union, and why the Russian people love him, and for which all Jewry has been frothing at the mouth with hatred and fury ever since and why even now the Jewish-controlled press (the press) is trying everything they can to make Russia the enemy and initiate WWIII. Yes, pig turd, Putin was a member of the KGB.
What's the real motivation behind the unmitigated hatred for Putin and Russia?

You tell us.

Is it because they think Putin interfered with the sanctity of the voting process?

Nah, Obama suborned felon voter fraud. When you vote, you are a citizen? You still think he attended class at Law School?

What's the real reason?

Multiple votes encouraged, just like every other time Dems vote

It seems to me like they don't hate him, rather they are using him as a scapegoat.

They hate Trump, since he is determined to cut the privileges from the shills.
What's the real motivation behind the unmitigated hatred for Putin and Russia?

You tell us.

Is it because they think Putin interfered with the sanctity of the voting process?

Nah, Obama suborned felon voter fraud. When you vote, you are a citizen? You still think he attended class at Law School?

What's the real reason?

Multiple votes encouraged, just like every other time Dems vote

It seems to me like they don't hate him, rather they are using him as a scapegoat.

They hate Trump, since he is determined to cut the privileges from the shills.

They hate Trump, but they REALLY hate Putin. The important thing is to know who (((they))) are.

Why Dems Hate Putin Thread and Poll

Why Dems Hate Putin Thread and Poll
Remember when conservatives didn't bend over for the Russians and we weren't their bitches?

Yes, it's true. Conservatives had spines many years ago.

Turdo thinks we are on the playground and if he calls us sissies we'll run over and punch Putin in the mouth. I think we should just throw Turdo down the well.
Who ever started this thread has no clue about liberals or democrats. As for Vlad he is Russian and they are our enemies. As for Christianity, neither he nor rumps is christian in action. Now on to homosexuality. No one needs to push a person to be fond of their own sex. I have a daughter who for 40 odd years tried men and had lots of psychoanalysis until she accepted she was gay.
Were they our enemies before or after Hillary sold them our uranium?
Libs didn't seem to mind Putin when it was Obama's mouth being used as Putin's cock holster.
Most of them could care less about Putin. Most have either no clue who he is and what he represents, other than what they suck up with their morning coffee and the lame stream media "news". They blindly slaver and respond to "Putin" pretty much like Pavlov's dogs did when he rang a bell.
Remember when conservatives didn't bend over for the Russians and we weren't their bitches?

Yes, it's true. Conservatives had spines many years ago.
Show us in the doll where Uncle Vlad made you change your vote
Are we going to ignore what thug this man is, how many people he's had killed?

The Republicans were as anti-Putin as anyone until the Russia/Trump allegations.
It wasn't Russia who knowingly attacked a US ship and then strafed the lifeboats (Israeli fighter jets attack on USS Liberty, 1967)

Russia isn't the cause of the war in Syria (Israel is)

It wasn't Russia that fed bogus intel to CIA traitors used to justify the disastrous war in Iraq (Israel's Mossad was the source of the WMD hoax)

And are you, an American, going to criticize a foreign president for ordering assassinations when it was your Dear Leader Obama who had a morning kill list he checked off. (I'd love to know how the decision is made on who lives and who dies)
Deflections aside, do you think Putin is murdering thug, or not?
Are we going to ignore what thug this man is, how many people he's had killed?

The Republicans were as anti-Putin as anyone until the Russia/Trump allegations.
It wasn't Russia who knowingly attacked a US ship and then strafed the lifeboats (Israeli fighter jets attack on USS Liberty, 1967)

Russia isn't the cause of the war in Syria (Israel is)

It wasn't Russia that fed bogus intel to CIA traitors used to justify the disastrous war in Iraq (Israel's Mossad was the source of the WMD hoax)

And are you, an American, going to criticize a foreign president for ordering assassinations when it was your Dear Leader Obama who had a morning kill list he checked off. (I'd love to know how the decision is made on who lives and who dies)
Deflections aside, do you think Putin is murdering thug, or not?
I don't know.
Never would I have expected people on either end of the American political spectrum spinning and deflecting so hard for Vladimir Putin.
Putin has never shown himself to be my enemy. The Washington Post has. I trust RT more than the NYT. Mossad has caused more American deaths than the KGB.
They hate Putin because their handlers tell them to and they're too stupid to function (politically, financially, emotionally) on their own.

{emphasis added}

Putin: "...my assumption is one has to treat history as it happened and one cannot cross it out of our history. If you are interested in my attitude towards this person [Lenin] and the teaching that he allegedly represented, then I'd say that there was a period of my life when I treated teaching of Marxism-Leninsm with interest, read a lot about it, and read it with interest, was finding this чтиво [garbage text] interesting, often logical..." - Reporter: "Just like all of us, right?" - Putin: "Yes, just like all of us. But in process of, so to say, maybe, growing, maturing it became more and more obvious for me, more obvious truth that it was nothing more than a beautiful and harmful fairy tale. Harmful because the implementation of it or attempt to put it into practice in our country caused a large damage [to our country]."

In depth follow up speech:
Заседание межрегионального форума ОНФ [Video of speech at link]

"[When I worked in the KGB] I wasn’t one of those who became a party member because I had to, but I can’t say either that I was an ideological party member, my attitude towards it was one of caution. Unlike many public servants I wasn’t a public servant with a party point of view. But unlike many of them I didn’t throw away my party card, I didn’t burn it. … It’s still lying around somewhere.

I liked a lot, and still like, communist and socialist ideas. If you look at the Code for the building of communism, which was widely distributed in the Soviet Union, it strongly resembles the Bible. This is not a joke, it’s like an excerpt from the Bible. The ideas are good: equality, brotherhood, happiness, but the practical embodiment of these remarkable ideas were far from those laid out by socialist utopians like [Henri de] Saint Simon and [Robert] Owen. Our country did not resemble the City of the Sun.

Everyone accused the Tsarist regime of repressions. But what did the establishment of Soviet power begin with? Mass repressions. I won’t talk about the scale, but simply of the most appalling example: the destruction and shooting of the Imperial family together with their children. Perhaps there was some idea that it was necessary to eradicate, as it were, any possible heirs. But why kill Doctor Botkin? Why kill the servants, people generally of proletarian origin? For what purpose? In order to cover up the crime.

Remember, we didn’t use to think about this much. Very well, they fought against people who resisted Soviet power with arms in their hands, but why kill the priests? In 1918 alone, they shot 3,000 priests, and in ten years 10,000 of them. In the Don region, they threw hundreds under the ice. When you start to think about it, and you get new information, you evaluate many things differently.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in one of his letters to Molotov, I think, wrote – I can’t quote him exactly – that the more reactionary representatives of the bourgeoisie and the priesthood we shoot, the better. You know, this approach doesn’t tally with some of our former ideas about the essence of power.

And the role of the communist, Bolshevik party in the collapse of the front in the First World War is well known. What was the result? We lost to a country which lost, since several months later Germany surrendered, and we ended up losing to losers, a unique occurrence in history. And for what purpose? For the sake of seizing power. How should we, knowing this today, evaluate this situation which brought enormous, simply colossal, losses to the country.

And then there’s the economy. Why did they move to the New Economic Policy (NEP)? Because the existing requisitioning of farm produce wasn’t working, it couldn’t. It couldn’t supply the large towns with food. So they moved to a market economy, then quickly got rid of it.

You know, what I am saying now are my personal deductions, my own analysis. A planned economy has definite advantages, it allows general state resources to be concentrated to fulfil very important tasks. In this way, health care questions were resolved – an undoubted service of the communist party of that time. So also were questions of education solved – an undoubted service of the communist party of that time. So were decided questions of defence industrialization. I think that without this concentration of general state resources, the Soviet Union could not have prepared for war with Nazi Germany. And there was a great probability of defeat with catastrophic consequences for our statehood, for the Russian people and for the peoples of the Soviet Union. So these are all definite pluses. But in the final analysis, insensitivity to changes, insensitivity to technological revolutions, to new technological structures led to economic collapse.

And finally, the most important thing, which is why I said that we must look in a different way at the ideas which the then leader of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, formulated. What were we talking about? What was I talking about? About how a mine was placed under the building of our statehood. What did I mean? This: I had in mind the discussion between Stalin and Lenin about how to build the new state, the Soviet Union.

If you are a historian, you should know that Stalin formulated the idea of a future Soviet Union based on autonomy. In accordance with this idea, all the subjects of the future state should join the USSR on the basis of autonomy with broad powers. Lenin criticized Stalin’s position and said that it was inopportune and incorrect. Moreover, he promoted the idea of the entry of all the future subjects of this state – and there were then four: Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, and southern Russia, the Caucasian Federation as it was called, you know better than me.

So he, Lenin, said that the state, the Soviet Union, should be formed on the principle, as he said (I may be mistaken, but the idea is clear), of complete equality with the right of secession from the Soviet Union. And this was a slow-acting mine under the building of our statehood. Moreover, the ethnicities of a multinational but in essence unitary state were given boundaries and territories, and these boundaries were drawn completely arbitrarily, and in general without any foundation. Take Ukraine. Why was it given Donbass? To increase the percentage of proletarians in Ukraine, in order to have social support there. It’s such gibberish, you understand? And it’s not the only example, there are many more.

Cultural autonomy is one thing, autonomy with broad state powers is another, and the right to secede is a third. In the final analysis, this combined with ineffective economic and social policies led to the state’s collapse. And this is a slow-acting mine. And what is it if it is not a slow-acting mine? That’s exactly what it is. And bearing in mind the possibilities of today, we must simply attentively analyze everything which happened in the past. But one can’t smear everything which happened in the past with black paint or look at everything which happens today in bright colours. One must attentively and objectively analyze it in order not to repeat the mistakes of the past, and to build our state, economy, and society in such a way that the state only gets stronger"
Never would I have expected people on either end of the American political spectrum spinning and deflecting so hard for Vladimir Putin.
The republican party base is full of white nationalist authoritarians, which Putin is. That is why they love him, and hate the current United States that is too liberal and tolerant for their tastes. Just read this forum, it's the truth. They wish the United States was an authoritarian shithole like Russia.
lol Is that the worst you can come up with? Try harder. Surely, you can garner more votes with deeper insults!

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