Why Dems Hate Putin Thread and Poll

Why do Dems Hate Putin Thread and Poll

  • The sanctity of the Vote (lol) No really.

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Putin abandoned Communism as a failed system only embraced by losers and morons

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • St Hillary was supposed to win. No way Trump could beat her on his own. Putin

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
What's the real motivation behind the unmitigated hatred for Putin and Russia?

You tell us.

Is it because they think Putin interfered with the sanctity of the voting process?

Nah, Obama suborned felon voter fraud. When you vote, you are a citizen? You still think he attended class at Law School?

What's the real reason?

Multiple votes encouraged, just like every other time Dems vote

The right wing is still, "trying to make a buck" off the Cold War of last millennium?
Not all Republicans love Putin as demonstrated on their move to implement\even stricter sanctions on Russia and taking power from Putin worshiping Trump
to end/ease the sanctions.
The only alleged Republicans that love Putin, are the Trumpsters. They have bought into authoritarian rule, which limits much of what our forefathers established, including the much of the Constitution.
A patriotic group? Not really. Easily manipulated? Certainly.
Ma[URL='http://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/why-dems-hate-putin-thread-and-poll.614212/reply?quote=17863657']Reply[/URL] member: 34298 said:
Are we going to ignore what thug this man is, how many people he's had killed? The Republicans were as anti-Putin as anyone until the Russia/Trump allegations.
How many people did Obama kill in his 8 years in how many countries? How many bombs did he drop on people?
Trying to change the subject doesn't change what Putin is, nor does it change this bizarre support for him.
Never would I have expected people on either end of the American political spectrum spinning and deflecting so hard for Vladimir Putin.
The republican party base is full of white nationalist authoritarians, which Putin is. That is why they love him, and hate the current United States that is too liberal and tolerant for their tastes. Just read this forum, it's the truth. They wish the United States was an authoritarian shithole like Russia.
I'm white. Is that bad?

I agree with the principles of America First, which makes me a nationalist, I suppose. So what?

I believe George Soros should be arrested and charged with crimes against the peace. Does that make me an authoritarian? So be it.

Is the United States too "liberal and tolerant" for my taste? If by "liberal and tolerant" you mean allowing BLM to burn down our cities, yes, I hate that. If by "liberal and tolerant" you mean allowing Jews to dictate our immigration policy and choose our presidents, oh, boy, do I ever hate that.

As for Russia being a shithole, it appears to me that Russia is undergoing a resurgence despite the best efforts of the Jews in this country to keep that Christian country down. And, funny, lots of Americans feel we're on the opposite track-that we're the ones becoming the authoritarian shithole.

I'm sure it's all coincidence, but as the Soviet Union was on it's death bed, the people who had, in 1917, pushed Russia into the pit of hell costing the lives of 66 million white Christians, started complaining of "growing anti-Semitism" (what we humans call "demands for justice") in the Soviet Union. So a Jewish Senator named Frank Lautenberg got a bill through Congress that exempted Soviet Jews (and Pentecostal Christians hahaha) from our immigration limits and the whole pack streamed this way (but the Muslim ban is unconstitutional) or, if they chose, they could go to Israel. And guess what? (and this is classic Jew) Christians paid for it! US taxpayers paid the people who had destroyed Russia to come here and, what!?? now WE are the ones sinking beneath the waves while Russia is unfurling its sails.
What's the real motivation behind the unmitigated hatred for Putin and Russia?

You tell us.

Is it because they think Putin interfered with the sanctity of the voting process?

Nah, Obama suborned felon voter fraud. When you vote, you are a citizen? You still think he attended class at Law School?

What's the real reason?

Multiple votes encouraged, just like every other time Dems vote

Poll fail....Closed on orders of Dark Fury, a paying member..
The America I grew up in was about freedom, justice, and greatness; for businesses, for individuals, for the world. The left's America is about oppression, anarchy, and socialism (invariably ultimately communism.) From the smallest "rights", to build a garden in your own front yard, to the largest most important rights in this nation, the right to defend yourself, family, and property from threat, thieves, and harm.

The America I grew up in generally sought world peace as best they were able. The left's America seeks war with all those who disagree with their ideas - from other nations like Russia, down to their fellow countrymen. They not only push for war, but they allow, and perhaps even imported and paid, foreign terrorist groups to attack their countrymen.

The America I grew up in had its rough spots, nothing's perfect, but it was the best nation on the planet in every single way. The left hates it, always has, always will, and they want to change everything - abandon the Republic and turn us into Europe or some other socialist/communist shit hole. And it's not even that they truly believe it is "the better way" to run a nation, it is their entitled greed that pushes them to these proven failures. Their selfish need to be "special" drives them to want to tax cat farts, to put men in women's bathrooms, and even to turn to violence and lies in order to get their way.

This nation deserves to fall frankly, how could we parents of the nation allow our children to grow up so worthless, selfish, and stupid? I can only dream that President Trump gave these little punks some "authoritarianism" - like a good swat on the behind when you forget your place and mouth off to your parents (not that you left punks would have any clue about that kind of respect - of course not, you would cry abuse and have the government take you away from your family because the "grass is always greener"...) I hope he cuts all funding to welfare and forces you lazy smucks to do some real work and learn some respect for money you earn with your own hands - FYI "You want fries with that" is the kind of job we expect /children/ to be able to handle, an easy job - you fucks can't even handle that without whining.

Sadly I know better, I know President Trump and he's not going to bitch slap you spoiled brats with some well deserved "tough love" like I would.

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