why did all those Syrians flee to Europe ….

Many come to Europe because Europe allied with Uncle Sam is terrorizing Syria for the past 12 years or so, maybe they figure we owe them for all the damage we have inflicted on their Countries who can blame them?
Many come to Europe because Europe allied with Uncle Sam is terrorizing Syria for the past 12 years or so, maybe they figure we owe them for all the damage we have inflicted on their Countries who can blame them?
oh----of course BAATHISM and the ASSADs are an EUROPEAN PHENOMENON
Everything I posted is a fact, true beyond dispute fuck face.
nothing you posted is based in any truth at all. I appreciate the UPDATE in islamo nazi propaganda. I am familiar with it for about the past 65 years. Some of the stuff that I read in the 1950s dated back to the 1930s---thus I have read almost 100 years worth of the BS you parrot. It has undergone very little change in style of content
nothing you posted is based in any truth at all. I appreciate the UPDATE in islamo nazi propaganda. I am familiar with it for about the past 65 years. Some of the stuff that I read in the 1950s dated back to the 1930s---thus I have read almost 100 years worth of the BS you parrot. It has undergone very little change in style of content
nothing you posted is based in any truth at all. I appreciate the UPDATE in islamo nazi propaganda. I am familiar with it for about the past 65 years. Some of the stuff that I read in the 1950s dated back to the 1930s---thus I have read almost 100 years worth of the BS you parrot. It has undergone very little change in style of content
What "tribe" do you belong to, let me guess. lol
you seem to WANT to blame the USA for the disaster which is BAATHIST DICTATOR destroyed Syria
What planet are you on? the US have been supporting head hacking terrorists in Syria since 2012 if the Russians had not gone in the black flag of ISIS would now be flying in Damascus with severed heads all over the streets,instead of secular Syria, it's pure evil what they have inflicted on Syria and they are still stealing Syrian oil.
What "tribe" do you belong to, let me guess. lol
what does "tribe" have to with anything? I grew up in a very WHITE CHRISTIAN town and all the islamo nazi propaganda I read was distributed in that town and directed to that population. Did you "guess"?
What planet are you on? the US have been supporting head hacking terrorists in Syria since 2012 if the Russians had not gone in the black flag of ISIS would now be flying in Damascus with severed heads all over the streets,instead of secular Syria, it's pure evil what they have inflicted on Syria and they are still stealing Syrian oil.
since 2012? Who has been hacking heads in Syria since 2012? The brutal dictator HAFEZ AL ASSAD came into power in 1971. SECULAR SYRIA? not by a long shot. Have you ever met a syrian? Baathism is not exactly "secular"
and then complain that food and morals are different from home ….

why did they not flee to some country with similar food and morals?
They're luxury seekers because if they fled their country due to war etc.. then just go to the nearest safe country. Objective then achieved. Then it means when it's safe to go back, they've got less distance to cover. It seems to be the fighting fit young men that seek luxury, but they're the ideal candidate to do the fighting.

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