Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?

And they certainly are not staffed with individuals who would fudge data for a desired outcome, right?

Nope they aren't. Can you prove otherwise?

No you can't.

You can only toss out bullshit claims without any supporting evidence.

Evidence? Evidence? I don't need no stinking evidence that some white people lie, and seek to paint black people as the source of all trouble in the world. One need only look to this very forum to figure that one out.

Thanks for proving me right.
Yes I see. Every white man is a racist. Got it!:cuckoo:

Why are you and your reasoning so fucked up? That is not what I said, nor what I believe.
Not every white man is racist, "stuck on stupid", self-centered, intolerant, homophobic, a serial killer, or cute. Some white men are normal, well-adjusted, decent, compassionate, intelligent individuals. You just wouldn't happen to fit that description. Stop being a drama queen, Queen.

Every stat that shows blacks in a bad light you claim some white racist fudged the data.

Absolutely. Why wouldn't they? If they didn't, whites are ultimately responsible, directly and indirectly, for the social construct which allows blacks to be in poverty, deprived of educational and employment opportunities, and forced to make ends meet either by "hook or crook", or having to resort to community and church. Rather than to face violent backlash, whites allowed blacks to have limited power in governing, and so, we see major cities with large, inner city minority populations , with black mayors, councilmen, and the like, but hardly any state-wide or national representation, where real power lies.
Nope they aren't. Can you prove otherwise?

No you can't.

You can only toss out bullshit claims without any supporting evidence.

Evidence? Evidence? I don't need no stinking evidence that some white people lie, and seek to paint black people as the source of all trouble in the world. One need only look to this very forum to figure that one out.

Thanks for proving me right.

You're not right. You've never been right. That is all in your head.
Why are you and your reasoning so fucked up? That is not what I said, nor what I believe.
Not every white man is racist, "stuck on stupid", self-centered, intolerant, homophobic, a serial killer, or cute. Some white men are normal, well-adjusted, decent, compassionate, intelligent individuals. You just wouldn't happen to fit that description. Stop being a drama queen, Queen.

Every stat that shows blacks in a bad light you claim some white racist fudged the data.

Absolutely. Why wouldn't they? If they didn't, whites are ultimately responsible, directly and indirectly, for the social construct which allows blacks to be in poverty, deprived of educational and employment opportunities, and forced to make ends meet either by "hook or crook", or having to resort to community and church. Rather than to face violent backlash, whites allowed blacks to have limited power in governing, and so, we see major cities with large, inner city minority populations , with black mayors, councilmen, and the like, but hardly any state-wide or national representation, where real power lies.

Some Republicans claim that black people, overwhelming, voted for Obama was because:

1. Racism. They voted for him because Obama's black (or half black). So despite decades of voting Democrat, this time they voted for Obama based on race. Herman Cain was black and they didn't support him, so does that really follow logic?

2. Free stuff. I hear some Republicans claim Obama promised a bunch of "free stuff" such as cell phones, but

Crazy For "Obama Phones" - But Are They For Real? - Forbes

FactCheck.org : The Obama Phone?

PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

So the Obamaphone meme isn't what it bas been claimed to be.

Then there's the free contraceptive meme, however there wasn't a promise for free contraceptives but insurance covered contraceptives. So still no free stuff.

Free healthcare? You mean Obamacare? When was that free? There was no promise for free healthcare and Google found nothing on it.

Free food? I don't remember seeing any campaign ads promising free food. So I googled it and found nothing about promises of free food.

Free housing? Same thing. There was no promise of free housing and nothing I could find beyond Republicans saying he promised free housing on Google.

Free abortions turned up the same. Also, a campaign promise like that would've been national headline news and even Fox never reported that.

So then what really kept most black people from voting Republican?

Racial Comments By Republican Candidates - YouTube

Republicans Say The Most Racist Things - YouTube

Racist comments by 2012 Republican presidential candidates


TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism - YouTube

And election laws that black people perceived was targeted to suppress their vote:

Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

Voting Rights Watch | The Nation

And attitudes like these held by some conservatives:





With that kind of representation what do Republicans think this is? Even if the message the GOP has for black people wasn't offensive, or at least, insensitive, the way the GOP represents itself to black voters can only be labeled as repellent. Especially when, after the election, Republicans claim that black people voted based on race and because black people are dependent on government and because they are so shallow and unprincipled as to sell their votes for "free stuff".

Great topic. I am one of "those black people" who voted for Obama. And since I post here on a fairly regular basis, I read the drivel that some of the brain dead idiots post here about the "freebies"

The Republican party first needs to take a step back and recognize that they did not win the election because "blacks voted for Obama".

They lost the election because Obama captured the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the female vote and the vote of young first time voters.

The "black vote" was NOT the pivotal vote that won the election for Obama.

I voted for Obama because the message that the Republicans delivered to the masses was convoluted, and in many ways insensitive to women and minorities in general.

What I see is that the very same idiots who are still fuming about "blacks voting for Obama" are missing the big picture. Hispanics are the fastest growing contingent in America as we speak, and women outnumber men because on average they live longer than men which means they will vote in more elections.

Blacks represent approximately 12% of the population, and within that 12% an even smaller percentage are registered voters, which makes one ask the question, "why does anyone even care who the Black population votes for"?

That is my question, because truth be told, although I voted for Obama, he was the better choice between one which was awful and he who was a slight cut above.

There are far more pressing issues that plague black communities throughout the country that cannot be solved by any politician.
Last edited:
Some Republicans claim that black people, overwhelming, voted for Obama was because:

1. Racism. They voted for him because Obama's black (or half black). So despite decades of voting Democrat, this time they voted for Obama based on race. Herman Cain was black and they didn't support him, so does that really follow logic?

2. Free stuff. I hear some Republicans claim Obama promised a bunch of "free stuff" such as cell phones, but

Crazy For "Obama Phones" - But Are They For Real? - Forbes

FactCheck.org : The Obama Phone?

PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

So the Obamaphone meme isn't what it bas been claimed to be.

Then there's the free contraceptive meme, however there wasn't a promise for free contraceptives but insurance covered contraceptives. So still no free stuff.

Free healthcare? You mean Obamacare? When was that free? There was no promise for free healthcare and Google found nothing on it.

Free food? I don't remember seeing any campaign ads promising free food. So I googled it and found nothing about promises of free food.

Free housing? Same thing. There was no promise of free housing and nothing I could find beyond Republicans saying he promised free housing on Google.

Free abortions turned up the same. Also, a campaign promise like that would've been national headline news and even Fox never reported that.

So then what really kept most black people from voting Republican?

Racial Comments By Republican Candidates - YouTube

Republicans Say The Most Racist Things - YouTube

Racist comments by 2012 Republican presidential candidates


TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism - YouTube

And election laws that black people perceived was targeted to suppress their vote:

Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

Voting Rights Watch | The Nation

And attitudes like these held by some conservatives:





With that kind of representation what do Republicans think this is? Even if the message the GOP has for black people wasn't offensive, or at least, insensitive, the way the GOP represents itself to black voters can only be labeled as repellent. Especially when, after the election, Republicans claim that black people voted based on race and because black people are dependent on government and because they are so shallow and unprincipled as to sell their votes for "free stuff".

seems you have no problem with racists such as Obama, Sharpton and Jesse in addition to the hate whitey threads on the board.

what a hypocrite
Last edited:
Some Republicans claim that black people, overwhelming, voted for Obama was because:

1. Racism. They voted for him because Obama's black (or half black). So despite decades of voting Democrat, this time they voted for Obama based on race. Herman Cain was black and they didn't support him, so does that really follow logic?

2. Free stuff. I hear some Republicans claim Obama promised a bunch of "free stuff" such as cell phones, but

Crazy For "Obama Phones" - But Are They For Real? - Forbes

FactCheck.org : The Obama Phone?

PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

So the Obamaphone meme isn't what it bas been claimed to be.

Then there's the free contraceptive meme, however there wasn't a promise for free contraceptives but insurance covered contraceptives. So still no free stuff.

Free healthcare? You mean Obamacare? When was that free? There was no promise for free healthcare and Google found nothing on it.

Free food? I don't remember seeing any campaign ads promising free food. So I googled it and found nothing about promises of free food.

Free housing? Same thing. There was no promise of free housing and nothing I could find beyond Republicans saying he promised free housing on Google.

Free abortions turned up the same. Also, a campaign promise like that would've been national headline news and even Fox never reported that.

So then what really kept most black people from voting Republican?

Racial Comments By Republican Candidates - YouTube

Republicans Say The Most Racist Things - YouTube

Racist comments by 2012 Republican presidential candidates


TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism - YouTube

And election laws that black people perceived was targeted to suppress their vote:

Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

Voting Rights Watch | The Nation

And attitudes like these held by some conservatives:





With that kind of representation what do Republicans think this is? Even if the message the GOP has for black people wasn't offensive, or at least, insensitive, the way the GOP represents itself to black voters can only be labeled as repellent. Especially when, after the election, Republicans claim that black people voted based on race and because black people are dependent on government and because they are so shallow and unprincipled as to sell their votes for "free stuff".

Great topic. I am one of "those black people" who voted for Obama. And since I post here on a fairly regular basis, I read the drivel that some of the brain dead idiots post here about the "freebies"

The Republican party first needs to take a step back and recognize that they did not win the election because "blacks voted for Obama".

They lost the election because Obama captured the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the female vote and the vote of young first time voters.

The "black vote" was NOT the pivotal vote that won the election for Obama.

I voted for Obama because the message that the Republicans delivered to the masses was convoluted, and in many ways insensitive to women and minorities in general.

What I see is that the very same idiots who are still fuming about "blacks voting for Obama" are missing the big picture. Hispanics are the fastest growing contingent in America as we speak, and women outnumber men because on average they live longer than men which means they will vote in more elections.

Blacks represent approximately 12% of the population, and within that 12% an even smaller percentage are registered voters, which makes one ask the question, "why does anyone even care who the Black population votes for"?

That is my question, because truth be told, although I voted for Obama, he was the better choice between one which was awful and he who was a slight cut above.

There are far more pressing issues that plague black communities throughout the country that cannot be solved by any politician.

Bravo. I concur.
Right. As if that makes any sense. It has nothing to do with the intelligence (or the lack thereof) of black people. It has to do with an agenda which seeks to demonize black people, and thus, justify the mistreatment of them...otherwise known as "racism". See?

Yes I see. Every white man is a racist. Got it!:cuckoo:

Why are you and your reasoning so fucked up? That is not what I said, nor what I believe.
Not every white man is racist, "stuck on stupid", self-centered, intolerant, homophobic, a serial killer, or cute. Some white men are normal, well-adjusted, decent, compassionate, intelligent individuals. You just wouldn't happen to fit that description. Stop being a drama queen, Queen.
sure you believe that you fucking Hypercritical asshole.....
Some Republicans claim that black people, overwhelming, voted for Obama was because:

1. Racism. They voted for him because Obama's black (or half black). So despite decades of voting Democrat, this time they voted for Obama based on race. Herman Cain was black and they didn't support him, so does that really follow logic?

2. Free stuff. I hear some Republicans claim Obama promised a bunch of "free stuff" such as cell phones, but

Crazy For "Obama Phones" - But Are They For Real? - Forbes

FactCheck.org : The Obama Phone?

PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

So the Obamaphone meme isn't what it bas been claimed to be.

Then there's the free contraceptive meme, however there wasn't a promise for free contraceptives but insurance covered contraceptives. So still no free stuff.

Free healthcare? You mean Obamacare? When was that free? There was no promise for free healthcare and Google found nothing on it.

Free food? I don't remember seeing any campaign ads promising free food. So I googled it and found nothing about promises of free food.

Free housing? Same thing. There was no promise of free housing and nothing I could find beyond Republicans saying he promised free housing on Google.

Free abortions turned up the same. Also, a campaign promise like that would've been national headline news and even Fox never reported that.

So then what really kept most black people from voting Republican?

Racial Comments By Republican Candidates - YouTube

Republicans Say The Most Racist Things - YouTube

Racist comments by 2012 Republican presidential candidates


TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism - YouTube

And election laws that black people perceived was targeted to suppress their vote:

Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

Voting Rights Watch | The Nation

And attitudes like these held by some conservatives:





With that kind of representation what do Republicans think this is? Even if the message the GOP has for black people wasn't offensive, or at least, insensitive, the way the GOP represents itself to black voters can only be labeled as repellent. Especially when, after the election, Republicans claim that black people voted based on race and because black people are dependent on government and because they are so shallow and unprincipled as to sell their votes for "free stuff".

seems you have no problem with racists such as Obama, Sharpton and Jesse in addition to the hate whitey threads on the board.

what a hypocrite

The politicians you listed are not racist. The rightwing smear campaign against them has not worked....MSM views those sentiments as "rightwing talking points", and summarily dismisses them. "Hate whitey", or "hate racist conservatism shared by some whites"?
Some Republicans claim that black people, overwhelming, voted for Obama was because:

1. Racism. They voted for him because Obama's black (or half black). So despite decades of voting Democrat, this time they voted for Obama based on race. Herman Cain was black and they didn't support him, so does that really follow logic?

2. Free stuff. I hear some Republicans claim Obama promised a bunch of "free stuff" such as cell phones, but

Crazy For "Obama Phones" - But Are They For Real? - Forbes

FactCheck.org : The Obama Phone?

PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

So the Obamaphone meme isn't what it bas been claimed to be.

Then there's the free contraceptive meme, however there wasn't a promise for free contraceptives but insurance covered contraceptives. So still no free stuff.

Free healthcare? You mean Obamacare? When was that free? There was no promise for free healthcare and Google found nothing on it.

Free food? I don't remember seeing any campaign ads promising free food. So I googled it and found nothing about promises of free food.

Free housing? Same thing. There was no promise of free housing and nothing I could find beyond Republicans saying he promised free housing on Google.

Free abortions turned up the same. Also, a campaign promise like that would've been national headline news and even Fox never reported that.

So then what really kept most black people from voting Republican?

Racial Comments By Republican Candidates - YouTube

Republicans Say The Most Racist Things - YouTube

Racist comments by 2012 Republican presidential candidates


TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism - YouTube

And election laws that black people perceived was targeted to suppress their vote:

Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

Voting Rights Watch | The Nation

And attitudes like these held by some conservatives:





With that kind of representation what do Republicans think this is? Even if the message the GOP has for black people wasn't offensive, or at least, insensitive, the way the GOP represents itself to black voters can only be labeled as repellent. Especially when, after the election, Republicans claim that black people voted based on race and because black people are dependent on government and because they are so shallow and unprincipled as to sell their votes for "free stuff".

seems you have no problem with racists such as Obama, Sharpton and Jesse in addition to the hate whitey threads on the board.

what a hypocrite

How is Obama a racist? (I won't argue about Sharpton and Jackson, btw)
Really? And what are you?

I'm a person that calls people out for the hypocrites they are.

Oh, that's not all you are, or do. And if you please, cite the hypocrisy. I'll wait.

post 267 made by a Hypocrite called Poet......

And fuck you asking me to ask other posters about my perception of you

but its ok for you to ask the same thing?......fucking hypocrite.....

Ask my friends whether or not they perceive me as a racist.
Some Republicans claim that black people, overwhelming, voted for Obama was because:

1. Racism. They voted for him because Obama's black (or half black). So despite decades of voting Democrat, this time they voted for Obama based on race. Herman Cain was black and they didn't support him, so does that really follow logic?

2. Free stuff. I hear some Republicans claim Obama promised a bunch of "free stuff" such as cell phones, but

Crazy For "Obama Phones" - But Are They For Real? - Forbes

FactCheck.org : The Obama Phone?

PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

So the Obamaphone meme isn't what it bas been claimed to be.

Then there's the free contraceptive meme, however there wasn't a promise for free contraceptives but insurance covered contraceptives. So still no free stuff.

Free healthcare? You mean Obamacare? When was that free? There was no promise for free healthcare and Google found nothing on it.

Free food? I don't remember seeing any campaign ads promising free food. So I googled it and found nothing about promises of free food.

Free housing? Same thing. There was no promise of free housing and nothing I could find beyond Republicans saying he promised free housing on Google.

Free abortions turned up the same. Also, a campaign promise like that would've been national headline news and even Fox never reported that.

So then what really kept most black people from voting Republican?

Racial Comments By Republican Candidates - YouTube

Republicans Say The Most Racist Things - YouTube

Racist comments by 2012 Republican presidential candidates


TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism - YouTube

And election laws that black people perceived was targeted to suppress their vote:

Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

Voting Rights Watch | The Nation

And attitudes like these held by some conservatives:





With that kind of representation what do Republicans think this is? Even if the message the GOP has for black people wasn't offensive, or at least, insensitive, the way the GOP represents itself to black voters can only be labeled as repellent. Especially when, after the election, Republicans claim that black people voted based on race and because black people are dependent on government and because they are so shallow and unprincipled as to sell their votes for "free stuff".

seems you have no problem with racists such as Obama, Sharpton and Jesse in addition to the hate whitey threads on the board.

what a hypocrite

How is Obama a racist? (I won't argue about Sharpton and Jackson, btw)

Excuse me? Why won't you argue about Sharpton and Jackson? Both of them have shown a commitment to humanitarianism, and are not color conscious....and have been maligned by the right as race-baiters and profiteers. Sharpton, made a credible bid for the presidency in 2004, and subsequently has a popular show, PoliticsNation, on MSNBC, which wins its' time slot. They don't give shows to bona fide racists. I'm jus' sayin'.
Yes I see. Every white man is a racist. Got it!:cuckoo:

Why are you and your reasoning so fucked up? That is not what I said, nor what I believe.
Not every white man is racist, "stuck on stupid", self-centered, intolerant, homophobic, a serial killer, or cute. Some white men are normal, well-adjusted, decent, compassionate, intelligent individuals. You just wouldn't happen to fit that description. Stop being a drama queen, Queen.
sure you believe that you fucking Hypercritical asshole.....

Absolutely, by way of all of my hundreds, if not thousands of white friends and associates.
They aren't you.
I'm a person that calls people out for the hypocrites they are.

Oh, that's not all you are, or do. And if you please, cite the hypocrisy. I'll wait.

post 267 made by a Hypocrite called Poet......

And fuck you asking me to ask other posters about my perception of you

but its ok for you to ask the same thing?......fucking hypocrite.....

Ask my friends whether or not they perceive me as a racist.

Post #267:
Really? How 'bout, because I'm a fucking, hardcore, liberal Democrat. And that's all of it, in a nutshell. Nothing more to prove. I voted for Gore (a white man) and Kerry (another white man). Where is the racism?
And fuck you asking me to ask other posters about my perception of you. If you didn't come across as your "typical racist", then I wouldn't assign that label to you. Ask my friends whether or not they perceive me as a racist. Would it change your perception of me? Hell, no. Because you choose to believe what you believe. Likewise, I choose to believe what I believe. How about you disengage me, and if not placing me on ignore, simply ignore my posts? Evidently, initially, you came incorrect. I'm over it, you'll not win me back. Move on. I have.
What part of " I have moved on", didn't you get? Call me whatever. I don't fucking care.
Why are you and your reasoning so fucked up? That is not what I said, nor what I believe.
Not every white man is racist, "stuck on stupid", self-centered, intolerant, homophobic, a serial killer, or cute. Some white men are normal, well-adjusted, decent, compassionate, intelligent individuals. You just wouldn't happen to fit that description. Stop being a drama queen, Queen.

Every stat that shows blacks in a bad light you claim some white racist fudged the data.

Absolutely. Why wouldn't they? If they didn't, whites are ultimately responsible, directly and indirectly, for the social construct which allows blacks to be in poverty, deprived of educational and employment opportunities, and forced to make ends meet either by "hook or crook", or having to resort to community and church. Rather than to face violent backlash, whites allowed blacks to have limited power in governing, and so, we see major cities with large, inner city minority populations , with black mayors, councilmen, and the like, but hardly any state-wide or national representation, where real power lies.

And you're not a racist.

How are the cities with black mayors doing?

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