Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?

Its ok for me to use it because I say it is, I don't need your permission to say anything lil guy ;)

I see you employ the usual double standrad that niggas do...its ok for you to say anything you like, but not for anyone else.

You can kiss my ass dad, my wife even laughs at your shit you racist idiot.

...and not all Blacks are niggas...but you are....and on the down low too.

Thank you. Thank you for exposing yourself as the piece of shit racist and homophobe that you are. It's not ok for you to use the word. Period. That you did, certifies your true colors. And you need to do research, because you obviously are clueless as to the meaning of "on the down low". Even a dummie would be able to figure out that it must mean someone who is hiding something...in this case, "being gay". I've been openly gay for going on 41 years. "On the down low" is someone presenting a "straight front", lying to a girlfriend or wife about their sexuality, and having clandestine sex with men. That wouldn't be me. I'm in the 10th year of my marriage to a man, and we are open to our friends and associates.
Amazon.com: J. L. King: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

Hello? Stupid. Know terminology, before you start slinging labels about. Bitch.

Yes. You can say the word...in this forum, and expect reprimands from me and others. Since you're such a bad bitch, why don't you say it in the middle of the neighborhood mall. Shout it from the rafters, since you're that bad bitch. That would denote courage...the courage you don't have. Because I can assure you, in short order, you'd need an ambulance, because you're only protected by the confines of your monitor, and the anonymity of your present location. I'm jus' sayin'.
And why are you bringing up your wife? You mean she has the time to view my posts, in between "jobs"? If you get my meaning. Does she know you're on "the down low"? Maybe she's on the down low. Remember...you brought your wife into this discussion, not I.
Po lil Poet...you jus a po lil victim all the way around aint'cha?

Not all blacks are niggas Poet, you are in every sense of the word.

Why not jus ignore me boy?

Cause you can't, you know I know exactly what you are..and yes, I'd say it to your face.

Its ok for me to use it because I say it is, I don't need your permission to say anything lil guy ;)

I see you employ the usual double standrad that niggas do...its ok for you to say anything you like, but not for anyone else.

You can kiss my ass dad, my wife even laughs at your shit you racist idiot.

Thank you. Thank you for exposing yourself as the piece of shit racist and homophobe that you are. It's not ok for you to use the word. Period. That you did, certifies your true colors. And you need to do research, because you obviously are clueless as to the meaning of "on the down low". Even a dummie would be able to figure out that it must mean someone who is hiding something...in this case, "being gay". I've been openly gay for going on 41 years. "On the down low" is someone presenting a "straight front", lying to a girlfriend or wife about their sexuality, and having clandestine sex with men. That wouldn't be me. I'm in the 10th year of my marriage to a man, and we are open to our friends and associates.
Amazon.com: J. L. King: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

Hello? Stupid. Know terminology, before you start slinging labels about. Bitch.

Yes. You can say the word...in this forum, and expect reprimands from me and others. Since you're such a bad bitch, why don't you say it in the middle of the neighborhood mall. Shout it from the rafters, since you're that bad bitch. That would denote courage...the courage you don't have. Because I can assure you, in short order, you'd need an ambulance, because you're only protected by the confines of your monitor, and the anonymity of your present location. I'm jus' sayin'.
And why are you bringing up your wife? You mean she has the time to view my posts, in between "jobs"? If you get my meaning. Does she know you're on "the down low"? Maybe she's on the down low. Remember...you brought your wife into this discussion, not I.
(smile) See boy, this is MY game, taking YOUR game and beating you about the head and shoulders with it.

I am very good at it, bye.

This message is hidden because Roo is on your ignore list.

Talk to my dick.
Only 59% of whites voted for romney while 95% of blacks voted for obozo. Plus we have massive affirmative action programs for black men and none for white men. And many whites support that. Plus white taxes pay for all the welfare programs even though blacks use welfare at 5 times the rate of white people. I'm sick of hearing how whites are prejudiced against blacks. They should be but the fools aren't.
The answer to the question is different for different people. If you are white, this being the very first black POTUS, then it cannot be ruled out that your dislike or disdain for him, isn't race-based. Simply prove that it's not. How does one do that? We don't know your innermost thoughts. We don't know that you don't have a racist bone in your body. We don't know what your track record is, concerning blacks and black concerns. Get to proving. I'd be interested in seeing how you propose to convince me that it's his policies that trouble you.

ok .....prove to me you were not against Bush just because he is another White President.....prove to me it was his policies that troubled you....and i notice you are not taking responsibility for what you said to me......but yet you want me to take it for what i said......you knew jack shit about me but yet you had no problem projecting your perceived racism on me....i understand Poet its hard for people like you to say....hey...im sorry.....

We don't know that you don't have a racist bone in your body. We don't know what your track record is, concerning blacks and black concerns. Get to proving.

ask the black posters here.... ask Marc.....i defended him once in a thread were he was being called a racist.....ask High Gravity....ask Driveby....

Really? How 'bout, because I'm a fucking, hardcore, liberal Democrat. And that's all of it, in a nutshell. Nothing more to prove. I voted for Gore (a white man) and Kerry (another white man). Where is the racism?
And fuck you asking me to ask other posters about my perception of you. If you didn't come across as your "typical racist", then I wouldn't assign that label to you. Ask my friends whether or not they perceive me as a racist. Would it change your perception of me? Hell, no. Because you choose to believe what you believe. Likewise, I choose to believe what I believe. How about you disengage me, and if not placing me on ignore, simply ignore my posts? Evidently, initially, you came incorrect. I'm over it, you'll not win me back. Move on. I have.

your a jerk poet....you do know that dont you.....since you think i am a "typical racist" why dont you show me an incidence in these threads were i have acted as one.....and dont give me this shit about moving on......you are doing what you have been doing in every thread i have seen you in.....you make an accusation about someone that you cant prove....and instead of taking responsibility for being wrong....like you say a i am supposed to do....you just try to dismiss it out of hand and "move on".........not this time chump.....

And fuck you asking me to ask other posters about my perception of you

but its ok for you to ask the same thing?......fucking hypocrite.....

Ask my friends whether or not they perceive me as a racist.
Is there even one "conservative" here who believes that black voters are capable of understanding the issues and voted for Obama after studying the positions of the candidates regarding those issues?

If so.....how about saying something.

Why would you call someone a job creator without any evidence that they have actually created any jobs?

When have I ever done that?

The conservative movement has rechristened the wealthy as job creators to justify blocking tax increases........How can you raise taxes on Job Creators? They will punish us by taking away our jobs!

Lets see how many people here ever got a paying job from a poor person...:cuckoo:
When have I ever done that?

The conservative movement has rechristened the wealthy as job creators to justify blocking tax increases........How can you raise taxes on Job Creators? They will punish us by taking away our jobs!

Lets see how many people here ever got a paying job from a poor person...:cuckoo:

Nobody "gives" you a job. You provide labor that they make a profit off of. How many people have made a profit off of a poor person?

If someone comes to town and builds a business that hires 3000 employees, I have no problem with calling them job creators

But if they shut down the business in my town and lay off 3000 people and liquidate the assets, they are not job creators....they are profiteers

And that describes most of today's wealthy
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I still maintain Democrats want to raise revenue by taking wealth from people.
To pay off the debt.Hardly.They want,they need,they crave,they desire more money to spend.
Of course there are.

The difference is this, unless they "think" like the Left does they are all Uncle Toms and some such shit.

The word "understanding" as you use it is ALWAYS defined through partisan eyes.

Is there even one "conservative" here who believes that black voters are capable of understanding the issues and voted for Obama after studying the positions of the candidates regarding those issues?

If so.....how about saying something.

I still maintain Democrats want to raise revenue by taking wealth from people.
To pay off the debt.Hardly.They want,they need,they crave,they desire more money to spend.

Is what republicans did any different? Did the "Fairtax" suddenly get enacted when they had both Houses under the previous Administration?

When you are hired you are "given" a job.

Within the parameters of the "job" you trade time for money, everybody profits...that's what business is about moron.

The conservative movement has rechristened the wealthy as job creators to justify blocking tax increases........How can you raise taxes on Job Creators? They will punish us by taking away our jobs!

Lets see how many people here ever got a paying job from a poor person...:cuckoo:

Nobody "gives" you a job. You provide labor that they make a profit off of. How many people have made a profit off of a poor person?

If someone comes to town and builds a business that hires 3000 employees, I have no problem with calling them job creators

But if they shut down the business in my town and lay off 3000 people and liquidate the assets, they are not job creators....they are profiteers

And that describes most of today's wealthy
Of course there are.

The difference is this, unless they "think" like the Left does they are all Uncle Toms and some such shit.

The word "understanding" as you use it is ALWAYS defined through partisan eyes.

Is there even one "conservative" here who believes that black voters are capable of understanding the issues and voted for Obama after studying the positions of the candidates regarding those issues?

If so.....how about saying something.


Nope, that's your own IGNORANT narrative. Dome may be called those stupid names by SOME people. Don't try to act like it's so wide spread.
"Facts"????? Or "doctored data", designed to demonize and injure the character of blacks and other minorities, to make yourself feel better about the lie??

Right!!! The evil white man makes up stats because you people are too stupid to know any better and too lazy to prove them wrong.
Then...you would have no problem linking the source of those statistics you quote.

How odd that Lonestar never came back with the links even tho I saw him on this thread for at least an hour after I asked.
Your own ignorance is not my problem.

The Left denigrates EVERY person of color that does not think as they do.
That is a fact.

Of course there are.

The difference is this, unless they "think" like the Left does they are all Uncle Toms and some such shit.

The word "understanding" as you use it is ALWAYS defined through partisan eyes.

Is there even one "conservative" here who believes that black voters are capable of understanding the issues and voted for Obama after studying the positions of the candidates regarding those issues?

If so.....how about saying something.


Nope, that's your own IGNORANT narrative. Dome may be called those stupid names by SOME people. Don't try to act like it's so wide spread.

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